The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2625: Dragon Palace

"Ghost Domain." Tian Meng said immediately, her charming and moving eyes were fascinating.

Li Ze dumbfounded, and asked silently: "My sister meant that the Heaven-Breaking Axe is in the ghost domain?"

After killing him, he never expected to say that this woman would even name such a place.

Tian Meng shook his head slightly: "I'm not sure, but sister, I have searched all over the mortal, god, and demon realm, but I couldn't find the sky-breaking axe, so the sky-breaking axe must be in the ghost realm.

"Perhaps, who knows except Pangu?" Tian Meng had no bottom at all.

Li Zedao nodded hard.

Before, he was still wondering whether Panlong went to the ghost realm for help when Chilong made a big attack in the past, but he didn't expect to go to the ghost now.

Suddenly I understood why this terrifying woman had to smash the conveyor belt to start a war, perhaps to divert the attention of Chilong, Panlong and Nu Wa, and go to the Mortal and Demon Realms to find the traces of the Heaven-shading Axe.

But at that time, why didn't you also smash the conveyor belt leading to the ghost domain by the way?

"It's just a small cultivation base, I'm afraid there is no way to go to the ghost domain through the conveyor belt, right?" Li Zedao smiled awkwardly.

If the conveyor belt leading to the ghost domain was not broken, then with Li Zedao's current cultivation base, there would be no way to pass the conveyor belt.

If it is broken, then Nuwa should have been repaired, and a colorful fence has been built, so that there will be no way to pass.

The reason why Li Zedao was able to travel from the Mortal Realm to the God Realm was naturally that Nu Wa had made some arrangements, otherwise he would never be able to reach the God Realm even with the aura of heaven.

But wanting to return to the mortal domain again through the colorful wall, it is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Li Zedao has always had a headache, how can he return to Mortal Realm.

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao with watery eyes, and smiled: "With my sister here, are you afraid that you can't go to the ghost domain?"

Li Zedao's little heart shook, this woman turned out to be a strong person in Lingyu Realm? No wonder it has such a terrifying speed! Quickly suppress the last bit of killing intent in my heart.

An awkward smile: "It's too small to worry about it."

"Of course, before going to the ghost domain, my sister must take you to a place first." Tian Meng showed a smile that seemed so mysterious.

Li Zedao's curiosity was immediately hooked: "Where?"

"you guess."

"..." This time, Li Zedao was lazy to even curse.

But in my heart I am still very grateful to this woman of unknown origin and terrifying means.

Because she awakened the severely damaged Shui Feiling.

You know, once the soul is damaged, it is extremely difficult to recover, or even hopeless.

Otherwise, Pharmacist Qingniu would not need to find a place where no one was left to wait for death, and retain the last trace of decency as a strong spiritual fairyland cultivation master and a fourth-grade soul master.

However, the woman easily repaired the damaged soul of Concubine Shui Ling. These methods were truly amazing, and it made Li Zedao once again determined to hug this woman's thighs and never let go easily.

When this golden cloud appeared above the Dragon Palace, Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

"Sister Tianmeng, what are we doing here?"

Li Zedao was frightened, this extremely terrifying woman didn't want to kill one of the eight spiritual gods, right?

To be honest, Li Zedao didn't want to see this happen. After all, the death of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods would definitely destroy the delicate balance between them and the Eight Ambassadors.

Once the balance is broken, it will only be the weak who just want to live humble.

Of course, when the eight ambassadors were also killed at the same time as the eight spiritual gods, Li Zedao had no opinion.

Tianmeng smiled charmingly: "Guess."

If it weren't for this thigh to be really attractive, powerful and worthy of being hugged, Li Zedao would have liked to turn around and leave.

After Xiao Banzhuxiang Kung Fu, Tian Meng led Li Zedao into the Dragon Palace with his familiarity, as if he had entered the land of no one.

Based on the cultivation base of the two of them and the degree of control over the soul formation, coupled with Tian Meng's familiarity with the Dragon Palace, even the Dragon Master could not detect that two of them had swaggered into the Dragon Palace like this.

Soon, Tian Meng took Li Zedao to a luxurious golden palace.

Li Zedao clearly felt that this palace was enveloped by a powerful soul formation. With his current attainments in the soul formation, he was afraid that it would take some thought and some noise before he could break the formation and enter.

Tian Meng raised her Qianqiansu hand and waved it gently.

Li Zedao was shocked to see that the soul formation that enveloped this palace was easily torn apart by Heaven's Dream, which made Li Zedao realize that this woman's attainments in the soul formation were more terrifying than he thought.

"Xiao Daozi, this is the palace where my sister I lived for a short time in the past, and it is also the place where my sister and Vulcan are happy and happy." Tian Meng pursed his lips and chuckled.

In this way, she undertook her "rape-love" with Vulcan as a rather interesting thing.

Li Zedao was frightened with a cold sweat on his forehead.

This terrifying woman suddenly mentioned the God of Vulcan, which really made Li Zedao feel at a loss.

In Li Zedao's view, this woman naturally only regarded Vulcan as a very useful tool for venting desire. She destroyed her tool by herself, and she didn't seem to be able to find a useful tool for a while. If she was depressed for a long time, who knew What will she do?

You know, depressed women are quite terrible.

Tian Meng looked at Li Zedao, her eyes were colorful, and her tongue gently licked her attractive red lips.

"Heh, Xiao Daozi, if you have an astral body, then sister can experience your coquettishness, heh, you have more ways to play with women than Vulcan."

Li Zedao's legs were a little weak, and his throat was very thirsty. He thought that if he was really an astral body, it seemed to be really good.

It's not right, it's not good at all.

"Let's go."

Tianmeng's eyes are like silk, with a sweet smile, and Li Zedao with weak legs enters the palace easily.

Behind him, the gap that was easily torn apart by Tianmeng disappeared into the invisible again.

The huge palace was empty, quiet, and gloomy.

Tian Meng took Li Zedao through the palace and finally came to a big room.

Li Zedao glanced at this huge room, knowing it clearly.

This should be an alchemy room.

But I saw that there were rows of medicinal shelves around me. Naturally, all kinds of medicinal materials were placed on the shelves.

Li Zedao wrinkled his nose, and he smelled the familiar smell remaining in the air, which was the smell released when the charcoal was burned.

It seems that not long ago, someone had refined pills in this alchemy room.

"Sister Tianmeng, is this a small alchemy?" Seeing Tianmeng looking at himself with a smile, Li Zedao said slightly.

Li Zedao has been speculating about the reasons why this woman fell in love with her. On the one hand, she is naturally too handsome and attractive. On the other hand, her luck is really against the sky. She needs to help her find the axe.

Now it seems that she still needs to help her refine some kind of pill.

That kind of pill must be extremely difficult to refine. Existence beyond the 9th rank, maybe it is still a soul pill, otherwise she wouldn't need herself at all.

Tian Meng pointed to the hut on the left and smiled: "Xiao Daozi, there are things you are interested in in that house."

Li Zedao looked at Tian Meng in surprise, and walked to the cabin.

After seeing the things in the hut, Li Zedao's eyes suddenly became round.

But I saw that this place is full of spirit stones!

In the eyes of those who came to Shenlong City looking for a chance to soar to the sky, the precious spiritual stones, the spiritual stones that were knocked out by the miners with all their energy and attention, were just piled there randomly, and looked like A pile of gravel does not make much difference.

Li Zedao thought that if he could move all these spirit stones out, then he would be the richest person in Shenlong City.

Tian Meng's playful voice came from behind.

"There are rumors that using this kind of spirit stone as a raw material, you can refine Lingyu Dan!"

"Ling Yu Dan?" Li Ze Dao's heart was slightly shocked.

Just listen to the name, you know that this kind of pill is quite amazing.

Tianmeng continued: "Lingyu Pill, as the name suggests, is the pill that allows you to break through into the Lingyu Realm in one fell swoop. That's why the Dragon Master needs so many spirit stones."

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden. That's why the Dragon Master would tell Princess Long that the spirit stone has nothing to do with the dragon veins, but he is unwilling to explain the real purpose of the spirit stone.

But this so-called rumor was not spread by this terrifying woman too? And only Dragon Master knows this rumor, otherwise the eight masters would have thought of trying to seize the spirit stone or even destroy the entire mine.

Tian Meng was rather disappointed and said: "After all, the monkey and the dog do not have any talents in the pill, so the spirit stone and the pill are also available, but they still can't refine the spirit pill."

As soon as the conversation turned, she looked at Li Zedao confidently and smiled: "Xiao Daozi, sister knows that with your terrifying talent in the pill path, you can definitely refine the Lingyu Pill, and you are here to bring Lingyu Refining the pill."

Li Ze dumbfounded, and then hurriedly respectfully said: "It's all based on Tianmeng's sister's orders, the younger one must do their best."

"Won't let my sister down" Li Zedao dare not say this kind of nonsense.

A piece of animal skin that looked simple and vicissitudes of life floated in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao reached out his hand to catch the animal skin and glanced quickly.

However, the three large characters "Lingyu Dan" were written on the top of the animal skin, and the bottom was densely packed.

Obviously, this is the recipe for refining the so-called Lingyu Pill.

Of course, Li Zedao knows that even if the name of this pill is indeed called Lingyu Pill, its effect is not to make you break through into the Lingyu Realm in one fell swoop.

In short, it can be guessed that this pill is extremely important to this woman. You can also know that this woman’s attainments in the soul formation are extremely terrifying, but her attainments in the process of refining alchemy are a little short of meaning, at least she does it. Can't make this kind of medicine.

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