Tian Meng smiled and said, "But none of this belongs to them, it only belongs to Yan Luo!"

Li Zedao looked at the face with a weird smile, and his little heart trembled violently.

"Sister, you let them know?" Li Ze took a cold breath again and again, his scalp was extremely numb.

Are you even adding fuel and vinegar and distorting the truth?

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao with a smile, "What do you think?"

She felt that Xiao Daozi asked another rather idiotic question. Apart from my sister, who could simultaneously incite Nuwa, Panlong, and Chilong to join forces to attack his own brother Yan Luo?

Of course, if they are not greedy, their conspiracy will never succeed.

So it's not that the enemy is too strong, but that the inside is too rotten.

Li Zedao was silent and asked, "My sister is from heaven?"

Pangu’s imprisonment is extremely powerful and cannot be disintegrated from the outside, but what if it is allowed to rot from the inside? Rotting and rotting, it perishes on its own.

Now, Nuwa, Panlong, and Yan Luo have all perished on their own? It seems that only the Chilong of the Demon Region is left, but can this woman easily let go of Chilong?

What makes Li Zedao wonder is how this woman escaped Pangu's eyes and entered the area he opened up before he turned into that powerful imprisonment?

You know, Pangu will not allow this to happen.

Li Zedao felt powerless, because since this woman could hide from Pangu's eyes, it meant that her strength was a bit more terrifying than she had imagined, and her strength was probably higher than that of Nuwa.

As for her looking for the Skybreaking Axe, is it actually trying to break the **** confinement?

Li Zedao was frightened and sweating profusely.

If she is really asked to split the blood moon into pieces with an axe, they will all die by then?

It turned out that what he was fighting against was not the Demon Realm at all, let alone the God Realm, not the disgusting Eight Ambassadors, nor the shameless Eight Spirit Gods, but the mighty heaven!

Tian Meng didn't agree with Li Zedao's statement. She smiled and said: "You are in the heaven now, so I have always been in the heaven, not from the heaven."

Li Zedao could only helplessly express that what Tian Meng sister said was very true.

Tianmeng smiled charmingly, her gaze fell again on the conveyor belt that had been broken in front of her, but was set with a powerful seal.

She stretched out her hand and patted the seal at will.

In an instant, a powerful breath burst out, violently blasting on the seal in front.

There is no such thing as falling apart.

Li Zedao just faintly heard the sound of something breaking, and then he clearly saw that the colorful gloom weakened little by little, and finally disappeared invisible.

At the same time, the light screen completely lost its brilliance and turned into a cold and dark cave mouth, like the mouth of a beast, which made people shudder.

Li Zedao was trembling very carefully, the seal set by Nuwa and the broken conveyor belt were easily photographed by this woman into fragments and disappeared into nothingness.

Tian Meng turned her head and smiled charmingly at Li Zedao: "Little Daozi, the soul pill you refined for your sister before is indeed a Lingyu pill. It is that Lingyu pill, that precious soul pill has successfully restored sister to the past The strength of the elder sister, otherwise, now my sister really cannot break the seal set by Nuwa so easily."

"In the past, my sister paid a great price in order to smash the conveyor belt leading to the mortal and demon realms, and the cultivation base was lost."

"If it weren't for the older sister's house that night, the older sister would really have no way of avoiding the terrible sword net that you made up, little brother."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to know that he had risked his life and swallowed that Lingyu Pill in one bite.

He could only work hard to squeeze a humble smile on his face, and said: "Congratulations to my little sister, Sister Congratulations, the strength is better than before."

Tianmeng chuckled, playing with the taste: "Xiao Daozi, you are really cheap, so cheap that my sister is scared."

Li Ze said with a smile: "My sister laughed."

"No, I'm serious, Xiaodaozi, you really are really cheap, my sister is really really scared."


"Pangu's heart is cold, even if the sky threatens him with his relatives, his brows will not be frowned, and he even killed many of his own people with his own hands. His cold blood makes people feel scared."

"Xiao Daozi, you are just the opposite. For those few women, you compromise, you are humble, you pretend to be pitiful, you don’t need any dignity, you are shameless and scary... You actually want to slap your sister to death now. Right?"


If possible, Li Zedao wanted to fight this woman for three hundred rounds.

It’s not easy to live without lack of arms and legs in this kind of place, but you are sarcasm and pierce me over there. Are you still a human being?

Not to mention that I made you so cool before, why? Pick up your pants and leave when you are finished? Beasts! Don’t find me when there is a need later, your sister!

I wanted to kill someone and bury the body, but he looked nervous and worried, and wanted to speak up.

Tian Meng didn't give Li Zedao such an opportunity. She giggled and said, "Xiao Daozi, you don't need to explain anything. Explaining is to cover up."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this woman was quite literate, and even knew this.

Tian Meng's big watery eyes blinked, as if he was about to drown Li Zedao: "Little Daozi, you can just think about things like shooting sister to death. Don't really do it, otherwise... hey... …Even if my sister is reluctant to shoot you to death for the time being, she must be willing to shoot those little **** around you to death."

"...Sister joked, the little one dare not." Li Zedao humbled like dust, only feeling that his back was extremely cold.

It seems that he has not condensed the murderous aura to perfection, so he must change.

Tianmeng chuckled and said, "Xiao Daozi, you are starting to shame again."


"Okay, let's go to the ghost domain, don't worry, as long as you continue to use your unreasonable luck to help your sister find the Heavenly Axe, sister will not treat you badly.

"Thank you Sister Tianmeng, the little one must work hard... that kind of unreasonable luck, help Sister find the Heavenly Shaping Axe." Li Zedao respectfully said.

Tianmeng's big eyes blinked: "Do you really wish I could get the Skybreaking Axe? Don't you worry that your sister will split the **** imprisonment with an axe?"

Li Zedao raised his head with a flattering smile: "The little one is willing to go through fire and water for her sister."

In the depths of my eyes, murderous aura surged, thinking not to force me to die with you.

Tianmeng smiled even more, her red lips lightly opened: "Xiao Daozi, you are really sick."

Then he turned and walked into the absolutely dark and cold cave.

Li Zedao's eyes were surging with cold light, followed closely behind.


This was Li Zedao's first reaction when he stepped into the area of ​​the ghost domain. Even if he was already an astral body in the true sense, he was now a ghost in plain terms, but he was shocked by the cold.

It seems that if it is not for the body of the soul, if it is not for the real power of the spiritual world, once stepping into this area, it is really possible to be directly destroyed by this indescribable coldness.

At this time, Li Zedao was in a cave in the ghost domain, and this cave was naturally called the Wuming Cave.

The cave was extremely dark and extremely cold, even if Li Zedao's cultivation base was there, it was almost impossible to see the face of Tianmeng that was close at hand.

The body of the soul cannot see the light. The light only refers to the sunlight. The sunlight will make the soul as if being grilled on a fire. In severe cases, the soul may even disappear.

But other light, such as fire light, such as the light emitted by fluorite, does not have any effect on the soul.

Tianmeng itself likes light, especially golden light.

However, she saw that she had taken out a golden ball, and the golden light released by the golden ball instantly dispelled the darkness of the nameless hole.

I want to know that this luminous golden ball should be some kind of Horcrux refined by this woman.

Tian Meng threw this golden ball to Li Zedao and took out another one.

With the light released by the golden ball, Li Zedao quickly swept the surrounding circle and found that this nameless hole was not much different from those previously seen.

After stepping out of the cave, Li Zedao found himself on a lonely mountain peak, surrounded by endless darkness.

Li Zedao couldn't see the mountains, the river, the flowers, trees, or feel any life.

Even, there is no wind, no clouds, no stars and moon.

There was only darkness, endless darkness, even if Li Zedao was courageous enough, even if there was a woman with terrible strength next to him, but Li Zedao's little heart trembled uncontrollably, and his scalp became extremely numb.

Nima's, what is this place?

"Ghost domain, in fact, chaotic area." Tianmeng's voice sounded in his ears.

Li Ze dumbfounded, this is the so-called chaos?

"Pangu divided a large area of ​​chaos into four, and transformed the Demon Realm, God Realm, and Mortal Realm. This ghost realm is in its most primitive state, except for the mountain we are currently in and the cave behind us It is also the place where Yama used to live."

Tianmeng briefly introduced: "Yan Luo itself is a terrible breath left by Pangu. If life disappears in the other three realms, the soul will be attracted by Yan Luo and appear on this mountain."

Li Zedao suddenly realized that it was so.

No wonder, except for this mountain at the foot, nothing was seen.

What is even more strange is that the surrounding area is obviously an extremely empty space, but the authenticity is not clear, as if in a mist.

"As for the souls here, since Yan Luo was attacked and killed, they were cleaned up by Panlong, Nuwa and Chilong. However, the talents of Chilong and Panlong in refining souls were too bad after all, so they did this too. Only Nuwa benefited, and she succeeded in becoming an extremely terrifying soulsmith."

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