The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2634: Looking for the Skybreaker

Tianmeng admired again and again, and the admiration in her voice was beyond words: "The colorful wall that Nuwa built, even if it is me now, can't force it to break! It's really too powerful."

"After all, among the four people made by Pangu, Nuwa is the most inconspicuous and the least valued by Pangu, but who ever thought that she would be the strongest in the end, better than Panlong, who is valued most by Pangu. And Yan Luo is still strong."

Tian Meng's beautiful eyes swept Li Zedao's eyes and smiled: "I didn't expect her descendants to be shameless to such a high level."


If it wasn't really impossible, Li Zedao would have wanted to fight this woman whose mouth seemed to be getting vicious for three hundred rounds.

In order to prevent this woman from disgusting herself with her words, Li Zedao quickly asked rather dogmatically: "Sister Tianmeng, where should we go?"

Tianmeng smiled and said, "Xiao Daozi, if my sister knows where to go, what use do you want?"

Li Zedao said viciously in his heart that you need me to resolve your endless loneliness and loneliness that resembles a flood, you are a disgusting old witch!

Naturally, Li Zedao didn't dare to say such things. He was afraid that he would be beaten to death, and he also appeared to be particularly cheap.

He thought for a while, drew out the long sword and drew a "meter" on the ground, and then took out a gold coin.

Li Zedao threw the gold coin at the word of rice at will, confirming a direction.

Since this woman says he needs his unreasonable luck, let it be luck!

"Sister, shall we go in this direction?" Li Zedao said with some uncertainty after picking up the gold coin.

Tian Meng watched this scene with interest and smiled: "Then go here, sister believes in your luck."

As early as Pangu finally incarnate into that powerful imprisonment, Tian Meng has been looking for the whereabouts of the Heaven-Breaking Axe.

Until now, she still couldn't find its trace, so she could only choose to believe in Xiao Daozi's luck, just as she had placed her hope of refining Lingyu Pill on him.

This shamelessly ridiculous-lewd guy can still surprise people.

"Thank you sister for your trust."

Li Zedao naturally didn't dare to say such absolute words as "I won't let my sister down", and Li Zedao would not do things like slaps.

Li Zedao couldn't help but touched his face, which was a little swollen.

In fact, Li Zedao has never believed in the so-called luck. To this day, he relies on his strength and his own charm, so he doesn't think that he can find the trace of the Heavenly Axe by walking in this direction.

Of course, for him, it would be better not to find it.

"Let's go, Xiaodaozi."

Tian Meng couldn't wait to float down the mountain, because she didn't want to miss any clues, so she was not fast.

Li Zedao followed closely behind with a heavy heart.

The ghost domain is chaotic, and even the space is incomplete, let alone time.

There is no sun rising or setting here, I don't know what year or month, Li Zedao can only silently remember the time in his heart.

One day, two days... ten days... one month... one year!

"Sister Tianmeng, we seem to have been here for a year, right?"

Li Zedao looked at the face that looked extremely sacred under the golden light.

Over the past year, they have been walking in the same direction at the beginning, and then they are surprised to find that they have returned to the original point.

At this moment, they were on the only mountain, in front of the mouth of the nameless cave.

It is faintly visible that there is still the big "rice" character that Li Zedao was holding a long sword a year ago.

From this, Li Zedao proved one thing. It was round like the earth he was on, with gravity, they had already circled this sphere.

In the past year, I have seen nothing but endless darkness or endless darkness, there is chaos, no ghosts.

Li Zedao could not see the mountains, the water, the clouds, the flowers and trees, the birds and the fragrance of the flowers, he could not hear any sounds, he could not feel any life... the only two A living person can't be regarded as a living person in the true sense. After all, they are all astral bodies, and they are just ghosts.

Fortunately, there is an extremely coquettish woman on the side that teases him from time to time and takes him to play a fun game to relieve his loneliness, otherwise Li Zedao's mood is about to collapse, even if he does not collapse, he will be depressed. .

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao and smiled: "Why, miss your little bitches?"

During this period of time, Tian Meng always referred to Princess Long and the others as little bitches, which made Li Zedao depressed, but helpless, can't you do something with this woman, right?

The more you go up, the harder it is to climb.

Another year has passed, Li Zedao's strength has increased, but the distance can beat this woman, afraid that it is still a thousand miles away?

Li Zedao blamed himself: "The little one is not very lucky, I am afraid that he is going in the wrong direction, please punish Sister Tianmeng."

Tian Meng's beautiful eyes turned white, Li Zedao glanced, and smiled: "I want to punish... Lie down, let my sister punish you well."


After some "tragic" "punishment", Li Zedao only felt that his bones were crisp, and he didn't want to get up when lying on the cold ground.

Struggling to stand up and wonder: "Small keep throwing gold coins?"

"Throw it." Tian Meng waved his hand indifferently.

She didn't expect Li Zedao to find the trace of the Skyshaking Axe in such a short period of time. In her opinion, it was just the beginning.

Not to mention it's been a year, or even staying here for decades, hundreds, or even thousands of years, that is also possible... Anyway, she is idle, she has time and energy.

Li Zedao took out the gold coin again and took a deep breath while still casually facing the "meter" character on the ground that represented the eight directions.

When the gold coins stopped rolling, Li Ze dumbfounded, Tian Meng glanced at it, and the smile on his face suddenly became hot.

The gold coin actually fell on the line pointing to the entrance of the nameless cave.

"Sister Tianmeng, I'll do it again when I'm young." Li Zedao was going to pick up the gold coin and toss it again.

Tianmeng stopped Li Zedao's movements, and Meisou looked at the incomparably dark and unnamed cave and said, "Maybe, the Heaven-Breaking Axe was actually hidden in a corner of that cave by Pangu."

Think about it carefully, this cave is probably the most overlooked place.

The so-called most dangerous place is also the safest place, the most conspicuous place is also the most invisible place, this is the truth.

It seemed that after a year of silence, Xiao Daozi began to play his shameless luck again.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled, Nima's, isn't it really in that cave?

His thoughts are similar to Heavenly Dreams, and the most overlooked place is often the most important place.

Naturally, Li Zedao didn't want this woman to get the Heaven-Breaking Axe, so he hurriedly put forward his own thoughts: "Sister Tian Meng, in the eyes of the young, the Heaven-Breaking Axe shouldn't be in that cave."

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao with a smile but a smile: "Really?"

Such a playful smile made Li Zedao's scalp numb.

He pondered his words and said: "The little one heard that when Chilong led the group of demons into the realm of God, he was also looking for the whereabouts of the Heavenly Axe. It proved that when the three of them worked together to kill Yan Luo earlier, they did not Get the Skybreaker."

"It also indirectly shows that the Heaven-Breaking Axe should not be in that cave, otherwise Nuwa, Panlong and Chilong shouldn't have found anything."

Li Zedao felt that what he said was too **** reasonable and too convincing.

Tian Meng Yingying smiled and said: "Xiao Daozi, luck is very important. The reason why they didn't find anything, maybe it was because they were too lucky to find anything different in the cave."

"Xiaodaozi, you are different. Your luck is so good that there is no reason at all, so we might find something."

"Furthermore, the cave is not big, and walking around will not delay us too much time... Xiaodaozi, what do you think?"

Li Zedao's heart was slightly astringent, and he could only say: "My sister said it was quite true."

Tian Meng pursed his lips, his figure floated into the incomparably dark hole, Li Zedao could only continue to pray that he could not find the Heavenly Shaping Axe, while following Tian Meng's ass.

After entering the cave, Tianmeng took out dozens of luminous golden **** and placed them in each corner of the cave.

In an instant, all the darkness of the huge cave was dissipated by the golden light, like daylight.

Tianmeng Meimou glanced around and said: "In the past, Nuwa, Chilong, and Panlong must have searched this cave carefully, but found nothing."

"The reason why I didn't get anything was for two reasons. One is that the Skybreaking Axe is not in this cave, and the other is that the place where the Skybreaking Axe hides is too secret."

Li Zedao twitched the muscles at the corners of his mouth, and felt that this woman was too reasonable, so it was no different from a nonsense.

"Xiao Daozi, sister believes that the second possibility is even greater...No, it can only be the second possibility, so I will leave it to you to do the next thing, and if you do it well, sister will be rewarded. "

Tianmeng cast a wink at Li Zedao, extremely charming.

"We've been staying in this cave until you find Xiaodaozi. In short, don't worry about Xiaodaozi. Take your time. It doesn't matter how long it takes. My sister has time now."

"..." Li Zedao couldn't help cursing his mother in his heart, he didn't have time to stay here, Shui Feiling and the others were still waiting for him to return.

Li Zedao was dying and struggling: "Sister Tianmeng, after thinking about it carefully, I still feel that the possibility of Tianmeng Axe being in this cave is very slim."

"It's trivial means it's possible, doesn't it? Xiaodaozi, come on, my sister believes in you." Tianmeng chuckled.

Li Zedao wanted to slap himself a big ear of photons, so he could just say that it was impossible not to be?

A golden cloud floated in front of her, Tian Meng lay on the soft cloud in a quite sultry posture, closing his eyes and rested.

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