The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2635: A small stone

Li Zedao had no choice but to scold his mother in his heart.

He knew better than anyone that although this woman was lying there as if she was asleep, her every move was actually within her surveillance range, so she could only honestly pretend to be quite serious. Dangling in every corner of this cave.

The area of ​​the cave is not small, I am afraid it is as big as a few football fields. But compared with the huge ghost domain, it was extremely small and pitiful, but it was just a drop in the ocean.

It took Li Zedao a year to circle the ghost domain before, but now he only spent a few incense sticks to go around the cave once, twice, and several times.

Fortunately, let alone an axe, even a small stone was not found, and Li Zedao did not find anything special.

This undoubtedly made him secretly relieved, and once again determined in his heart that the Skybreaking Axe should not have been hidden in this cave.

In Li Zedao's view, if the Sky Breaking Axe was really in this cave, he would have been taken away by Panlong, Chilong, or Nuwa.

Besides, this was originally the place where Yan Luo lived. When it was besieged by Nuwa and the others, wouldn't it be possible to take out the Heavenly Breaking Axe to fight with them?

From this once again, the sky-breaking axe is not in this nameless hole at all!

So Li Zedao's only worry disappeared invisible, and the whole person relaxed completely, and then he looked more "seriously"

This time, Li Zedao's search speed was even slower, and he was in a posture that he would not let go of any clues in any corner.

Even in the end, the whole person was lying on the ground, like a tortoise. He crawled forward, indicating that he was carrying out a carpet search.

Tian Meng's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she glanced at the "turtle" that was creeping not far away, smiled charmingly, and after cursing a shameless dog with a voice that only she could hear, she continued to close her eyes and rest. .

She naturally knew that Xiao Daozi was deliberately acting for her, but she didn't care at all, she was just watching a fool doing some extremely funny actions.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Li Zedao, who was slowly wriggling his body forward, was quite bored. The thing was suddenly knocked down, as if a small stone was bulging under his body.

Li Ze dumbfounded, and slightly got up to take a look, only to see that a stone the size of an egg was inlaid there. It was said to be inlaid, but there was no trace of inlaid. It seemed to be formed naturally, and the surroundings were integrated. Unremarkable.

If it hadn't been for Li Zedao's idleness to move forward on his stomach, or if the place was too sensitive, he would not have noticed the raised stone the size of an egg.

Of course, the unevenness of the ground and the unevenness of the place are really normal, but the key is that Li Zedao has been crawling on this ground for a long time. He found that the ground of the cave seems to be quite flat, as if it has been carefully crafted, but here it is. It's a small piece...

So, there is a problem with this place?

Some terrible conjecture appeared in Li Zedao's mind.

Li Zedao is now the body of the soul, he can no longer feel his heartbeat or his blood circulation.

If there is a heartbeat, he can guarantee that his current heartbeat is about to jump to one hundred and eighty, and his blood may break through his blood vessels.

His brain is roaring violently now, and immediately when nothing has happened, he will continue to wriggle forward.

At this moment, the extremely cold fragrance fragrant.

A pair of delicately carved jade feet appeared in Li Zedao's eyes. Once under the power of someone's lewdness, Li Zedao held this foot in a rather humiliating way and took several bites.

His eyes moved up from the jade feet with difficulty, and then he saw Tian Meng's face with a pretty charming and playful smile.

Li Zedao immediately squeezed a humble smile on his face like dust: "Sister Tianmeng, don't worry, if you find anything, the little one will report it to you immediately."

"Really? Just saw your expression dull, just like a fool, what? Did you find something?" The smile on Tian Meng's face became more and more hot, and Li Zedao felt that he was going to be melted.

Li Zedao quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, it's just being knocked down by a small raised stone."

Tian Meng looked distressed: "The **** stone, it turned you down, my sister is really distressed, so my sister will break the stone and help you get a sigh of anger."

Just as Li Zedao was about to say something, Tian Meng stretched out his hand and grabbed the clothes on Li Zedao's back, lifted him up, and then threw him away as if tossing garbage.

Li Zedao didn't use the courage to struggle at all. He sat down on the ground, and although he didn't suffer any substantial harm, he was also embarrassed.

Li Zedao got up and looked at Tianmeng, only to see this woman squatting there long ago, her hand gently touching the little bump on the ground.

Her big eyes were wide and wide, releasing an extremely greedy gloom.

Li Ze Dao's heart slammed violently, and that bad feeling became more intense.

It seems that my worries are about to come true!

For a while, Li Zedao even wished to send himself a big ear photon, and throwing the gold coin on the previous line again would not be enough, and then they could set off on the same route and circle the ghost domain again.

Tian Meng raised her head to look at Li Zedao, her smile was extremely hot, and her voice was full of unspeakable admiration.

"Xiao Daozi, should my sister say that you are lucky or should you say that you are bad?"

"You obviously didn't want to find the whereabouts of the Heavenly Axe, but you were afraid of angering your sister, so you deliberately lay there like a dog to search on the carpet, but you didn't really look for it at all. Who would think it was? I was given this stuff..."


Li Zedao thought that instead of being humiliated in this way, he would draw a sword and fight this woman for hundreds of rounds.

Thinking of Princess Long and others, and thinking of Nintendo and others waiting for themselves in the villa in Phoenix City, Li Zedao felt that being humiliated like this seemed nothing compared to his own life, right?

As a result, he forcibly squeezed out a humble smile like dust on his face.

"The little one doesn't understand what you mean, sister."

"Oh, brother, do you know what this is?"

Tianmeng gently touched the little half of the "egg" inlaid with that lover-like hand, and that extremely charming face was full of terrifying greed.

It's like a vulture facing this carrion, the hungry wolf meets the fat lamb, Tian Meng faces the undressed Li Zedao...

In short, her smile made Li Zedao feel terrified, and her body was in a stiff state.

Li Zedao worked hard to squeeze out a smile on his face: "Sister Tianmeng, what is it?"

Tianmeng's red lips lightly opened: "Sky Stone!"

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Sky stone? What is sky stone?"

"You just need to know that the material used by Pangu's Refined Heaven Breaking Axe that splits the entire chaotic space must use this Heaven Stone in addition to his own soul." Tian Meng said concisely.

Li Zedao's pupils were of equal size and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

So, such a small piece of unremarkable sky stone is embedded there, does it mean that the whereabouts of the sky-breaking axe is under the stone?

No wonder, this woman will show such a terrible expression.

Li Zedao can only comfort himself silently. Although there are traces of sky stones in this cave, this does not mean that the sky-breaking axe is in this nameless cave.

Didn't this woman say it? Pangu handed over the task of refining a Horcrux that was more powerful than the Heaven-Breaking Axe to Yama, and the refining of the Heaven-Breaking Axe requires the use of sky stones, so naturally the Refining of a Horcrux that is stronger than the Heaven-Breaking Axe also needs to be used. Heavenly stones, so it is normal for them to appear here.

Tianmeng's voice is hotter, and the greed in his eyes is more intense.

"Just when I tried to pull out this sky stone, I clearly felt that this sky stone was enveloped by an extremely powerful dark array."

"Dark array?" Li Zedao's eyes widened again, and the extreme anxiety in his heart was even worse.

In fact, there are two types of soul arrays, one is bright array and the other is dark array.

Ordinary soulsmiths in the Ming formation can feel the oppression they release. For example, the large formation that covers the entire Shenlong City is actually the Ming formation.

Once you get close, you can feel its terrible feeling of oppression.

But the dark array is difficult to detect. Generally, only when you try to enter, the dark array covering the place will be activated and give the intruder the most deadly blow.

Therefore, compared to the bright array, the dark array is more terrifying and hard to defend.

The difficulty of its layout is far beyond that of Ming Array.

This woman was able to perceive the hidden dark formation, enough to show that her attainments in the soul formation had reached a rather terrifying level.

"So, you only need to break the dark array hidden in the sky stone, this space is bound to undergo earth-shaking changes, and perhaps you can get the whereabouts of the sky-shaking axe."

Tian Meng gently stroked the stone, as if stroking the face of his beloved man, those big eyes were so hot and obsessed.

As early as when Pangu became imprisoned, Tian Meng began to look for the whereabouts of the Heavenly Shaking Axe.

Until now, I have only got such a clue. Although the sky stone appears here, the sky stone is still shrouded by the dark array, but it does not mean that the sky-breaking axe is in this cave, but it is enough for the mood of the heavenly dream to be earth-shaking. Variety.

Li Zedao's scalp was extremely numb, he knew better than anyone else that he couldn't let this woman get the **** sky-piercing axe anyway, otherwise, once that confinement was broken, God knew what kind of horror would happen?

At that time, for Zhou Yan, who are far away in Phoenix City, they are afraid that it is not just seeing aliens, right?

At that time, the entire world will probably be destroyed instantly.

Imagining some terrifying scene, Li Zedao's little heart twitched violently, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

He couldn't be beaten, and it seemed that he couldn't deceive, and his charm, which was a deadly poison for a woman, seemed to be unable to poison this woman.

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