A very charming figure appeared on Li Ze's face.

After playing the game on the mountain of Buzhou last night, Li Zedao immediately got up and headed to Shenlong City. The woman Tianmeng followed and became a shadow of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao didn't know why this woman wanted to follow her, but she couldn't stop it when she wanted to follow her, so she could only acquiesce in her existence.

Tian Meng looked at Li Zedao, who was furious and depraved, with a hint of sarcasm in those big eyes: "Little Daozi, it seems that you want to rely on the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Lords to block those demons who are not afraid of death or even unable to die. Leave them all in the Demon Realm, I'm afraid it will be whimsical."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, it was indeed whimsical.

With the death-fearing behavior of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Masters, and the kind of hatred or even hatred towards themselves, I am afraid that they will not work hard.

They are afraid they will find the right time to escape from the valley of the devil, allowing the devil to rush out of the valley of the devil to wash the gods.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't worry about them fleeing, he already had a plan in his heart to firmly tie the seven main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods to this battle against Chilong.

"Sister, don't you want to see the fierce conflict between the demon and the eight spirit gods?"

Li Zedao looked at the woman and smiled what he thought was the most handsome: "So, can you do me a favor?"

Li Zedao wanted this woman to help arrange several powerful defensive soul formations at the exit of the Valley of the Demon. In this way, unless Chi Long personally took action, other demons should not be able to break the defensive soul formation.

In this way, the seven main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods don't even want to escape from the valley of the devil.

In this case, if they want to survive, they can only do their best to kill the demons who are swarming up.

Tianmeng chuckled, her eyes very playful: "Little Daozi, you laugh so cheap."

Li Zedao quickly reduced the expression on his face, decisively feeling that there was a problem with this woman's taste.

His smile is very sincere and handsome. Where is it?

Tian Meng did not show mercy and directly exposed Li Zedao's mind.

"Xiao Daozi, my sister prefers to see that the entire God's realm is shrouded in blood and blood. My sister likes to hear the miserable cry of those weak ants, and likes to see the miserable scenes of wives scattered, not just a group of strong people. Trapped in the Demon Realm, you kill me and I kill you, who are extremely boring over there, are meaningless."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he almost couldn't hold back a fight with this obviously abnormal woman for three hundred rounds.

Smiled slightly: "Even if I owe you a favor?"

Of course, Li Zedao could also set up the defensive soul formation himself, but he firmly believed that the power of the defensive soul formation he set up would definitely not be able to catch up with this woman.

At that time, there would be no need for Chi Long to act personally, and the soul formation he had arranged might soon be torn into pieces.

Therefore, in order to prevent the destruction of God's Domain and to protect the peace of God's Domain, he had to ask this woman to help anyway, even if he paid his own morals and his body, Li Zedao's brows would not be frowned.

If you don't believe in Tianmeng, you can try it!

If Li Zedao frowned more, he would be an eunuch!

Li Zedao couldn't help but praise himself silently in his heart. There are really not many young people who are as great as himself and have such a high level of consciousness.

No, it is extinct.

Tian Meng gave Li Zedao a disdainful look, and his voice was very resentful: "Xiao Daozi, do you think you owe your sister less favor?"

"Don't forget, in the old days, if it wasn't for your sister to help you, you would have disappeared. After you encountered danger several times, it was your sister who secretly helped you out."

"Even, if you have the current cultivation level, it was the sister who helped you! You absorbed the breath of the **** of fire, it can be said that it was arranged by the sister, the pill of the Lingyu Dan you swallowed and that must be used The spirit stone was provided by my sister."

Tianmeng became more and more angry as he spoke, drooling over Li Zedao's face, as if Li Zedao had done something horrible.

"But what horrible thing are you doing? It doesn't matter if the soul sword you refined is not given to sister, and you even drew the sword to kill sister?"

"Damn little Daozi, my sister's heart is broken by you."

Li Zedao looked quite guilty and embarrassed, but he was quite angry.

Yes, I do want to kill you, but you seem to be the one who did it first, right?

Don't you just want that soul sword? Don't you just hope that I will continue to use my unreasonable luck to help you find the axe?

"What do you want my little brother to do before my elder sister will help me?" Li Zedao was extremely humble, his eyes looked like a pitiful puppy staring at his master.

Tian Meng couldn't stand the look in Li Zedao's eyes, and wanted to dig it out.

Reluctantly said: "Although you are awkward, but for the sake of your sister's ecstasy, then first show her the soul sword to her. If she is happy, maybe she will help you this time. ."

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly: "That soul sword is gone."

Tian Meng was taken aback: "Nothing? Where did it go?"

"I took the soul sword to repair the crack in the conveyor belt." Li Zedao said truthfully.

Tianmeng's pupils widened slightly: "Isn't Tianshi already integrated into that sword, can it still be used?"

"No matter what the sky stone is integrated into, the sky stone still exists, and it just needs to be refined." Li Zedao felt that this woman was an idiot and didn't understand such a superficial truth.

Li Zedao wanted to explain to her the so-called law of conservation of mass.

Tianmeng's big eyes widened, and after a while, she smiled and said: "Little Daozi, sister can promise you, but you have to promise sister one thing."

Li Zedao showed vigilance in his eyes, and said cautiously: "I can't help my sister break the imprisonment, and even one day when the axe appears, I will definitely grab it, and it is impossible to give it to you."

Tianmeng sneered: "I think that after Pangu opened up the four domains, the Heaven-Breaking Axe has been destroyed in all likelihood. Otherwise, why didn’t he leave the Heaven-Breaking Axe directly to Yan Luo and let him use the Heaven-Breaking Axe as a prototype. Make a Horcrux stronger than that?"

"My sister's analysis is too reasonable." Li Zedao hurriedly gave him a flattery.

Tian Meng ignored Li Zedao's flattery, and said: In short, this matter has nothing to do with Sky Axe. If Sky Axe really shows up, you just want to act. "

Tian Meng is quite disdainful, want to grab? You have to grab it too!

"As for the imprisonment, even if you want to hack my sister, you won't agree. This is such a sacred thing, my sister just wants to do it myself."

This is what she dreams of doing. Naturally, it is impossible for others to replace it. Even if the powerhouses outside the confinement accidentally break the confinement, Tianmeng will feel quite unhappy.

"What is that?" Li Zedao asked.

"Wait for you to survive Chilong's hands first, my sister will naturally let you do it." Tian Meng sneered.


Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "I promise you."

Tianmeng smiled charmingly, like an old fox who succeeded in a conspiracy. She lightly stroked Li Zedao’s face with her fingers, and said, “That’s OK. My sister will go to the Demon Realm and do Some are ready to go."

Li Zedao nodded quickly: "Go, go."

Tian Meng stunned Li Zedao with a glance: "If you have no conscience, do you hope that your sister will get out?"

"Damn little Daozi, you didn't make your sister comfortable, she won't leave."


Three days later, the land of eternal night, the realm of magic.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the Demon Realm was lit with unquenchable ghost fires, adding a bit of terror and gloomy atmosphere.

The strong men above the spiritual fairyland cultivation level convened by the eight spiritual gods and the strong men above the spiritual fairyland cultivation level convened by the seven masters gathered here.

After all, the strength of the strong people below the spiritual fairyland cultivation base is still too weak, and even they may not be able to withstand the invasion of the demon energy enveloped in this demon realm, so letting them come to this place is not much different from sending them to death.

Therefore, only those who are qualified to participate in this demon blockade battle are those who are above the spiritual fairyland cultivation level.

Among them, there are 109 strong spiritual fairyland cultivation masters convened by the eight great spirit gods, and 42 strong spiritual fairyland cultivation masters convened by the seven masters.

These one hundred and ninety-nine people all came from the **** realm formed by the eight great spirit gods. The eight great spirit gods did not gather all the powerhouses of the spirit fairyland in the nine tribes, otherwise it would naturally far exceed this number.

The Dragon Master once indicated to Li Zedao that he needed to inform the entire God Realm and summon all the experts in spiritual fairyland cultivation. Li Zedao thought about it and said that there was no need.

Therefore, among these people, Baili Kuanglang, Huang Quan, and the Gongyu Mozi of the Gongyu family cannot be seen, the powerhouses who have shocked the entire God's Domain.

The real Changsheng from Buzhou Academy is located in it.

And the seven main gate masters came out, summoning all the spiritual fairyland cultivation masters in the eight gates.

It can also be seen from this that the background of Nuwa’s descendants is simply incomparable with the background of the God Realm formed by the Eight Great Spiritual Gods. If the Eight Great Spiritual Gods are not really afraid of death, they are not united at all, and even After a big fight, the eight masters had long been annihilated.

At this time, a blue cloud floated above the Demon Realm, and a lonely but powerful figure stood there quietly.

The eight spiritual gods and the seven main gate masters are like the most pious guards, quietly following them.

Apart from respectfulness, their looks are humble, and they are different from the past, so superior.

The hearts of these strong spiritual fairyland cultivation masters underneath are shocking, their eyes are hot, their blood is boiling, and their emotions are high!

Many of them don't know who the person standing on the cloud is, they only know that that person has entered the legendary spiritual world cultivation base!

After Panlong, he is another strong man in Lingyu realm, and he is the newest guardian **** of God's realm!

With one stroke, he completely subdued the Nuwa clan, allowing the masters of the Eight Gates, who usually hide in the dark to see them, to willingly lead a group of powerful spiritual fairyland cultivation masters in the Eight Gates to appear here, and work with them to resist the upcoming invasion. Devil.

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