The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2653: Conveyor belt

Li Zedao's eyes were peaceful and unusual, and he glanced at everyone below.

Everyone shook their bodies out of control, and once again marveled in their hearts at the horror of the strong spiritual world cultivation level. Only such a peaceful look made their bodies tremble and their hearts were full of fear.

If they release the coercion that belongs to the spiritual world realm cultivation master, then they are afraid that they will all be unstable.

Li Zedao spoke lightly, concisely and concisely: "As you enter the nameless cave on the halfway of the Demon Mountain behind me, you will find that the light leading to the Demon Realm conveyor belt is gradually dimming little by little, which means , At the other end of the conveyor belt, Chilong and a group of powerful demons are madly crashing the conveyor belt!"

"One day, maybe the time will be shorter, then the teleportation will be broken again, and Chilong will lead the group of demons through the conveyor belt frantically and out of the valley of demons like the one long, long ago!"

"At that time, the devil will slaughter your family and friends, **** your cultivation resources, and occupy the place where you live."

"Even, they might still sleep with your daughter, your beloved partner!"

"Do you want to see this happen?"

There was no excitement in Li Zedao's voice, no pretending to be sensational, but calmly recounting something about to happen.

But the emotions of these people underneath were completely infected, and their roars shook the sky!

"No hope! No hope! No hope!"

Whether it is a descendant of Nuwa or a strong man in the realm of God, the pupils are showing terrible cold light, and the whole body is enveloped by terrible blood and anger.

For the powerhouses of the God Realm, the Nuwa clan is naturally their mortal enemy, and they have unshakable enemies, but they maintain a delicate balance with each other, and everything about them is completely independent of the Nuwa clan. influences.

Except for the Eight Spiritual Gods, they have a very high status in the Gods Realm. If they want, they can occupy the city as the king at any time, form a powerful force and become an absolutely powerful existence.

But now, the demons are about to invade, their peaceful life is about to be broken, their relatives and friends are facing the danger of being slaughtered, the cultivation resources that should belong to them are about to be tragically seized, and even their wives and daughters are likely to be humiliated. This makes them totally unbearable.

As for the Nuwa clan, the arrival of the demon will also break their peace, and even make them even the little piece of living space left, so they are also angry.

Standing behind Li Zedao, the eight spirit gods and the seven main masters felt such terrifying heat and murderous aura erupting from below, and they were all quite unhappy, and they couldn't wait to slap these stupid slapsticks fiercely.

Your sister’s nonsense is obviously not nutritious, you are so excited.

What makes them want to kill more is that these guys weren't so excited when they spoke before.

Li Zedao waved his hand, the roar that had made the entire Demon Realm agitated suddenly suddenly, and the entire Demon Realm was instantly shrouded in terrible silence.

"Since you don't want it, then rest on the spot, recharge your energy, and be sure to keep the demon in this demon realm with all your strength and prevent them from stepping out of the demon valley!" Li Zedao waved his hand.


Everyone swiftly responded, their faces flushed and blood spurted fiercely.

Then he sat down cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes and looked up, striving to achieve the most perfect state of energy to face the demons.

Li Zedao turned back and looked at the seven main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods. The latter hurriedly lowered their arrogant heads, condensing all the gloom in his eyes, how respectful and respectful they were.

The deterrence brought by Li Zedao's humiliating and brutal beating of the ignorant sect before has penetrated into their bones, letting them know that what this damned traitor likes most is to humiliate people to the dead.

They don't want to give this guy any excuse to beat them up in front of so many people and step on their heads.

"You come with me."

After Li Zedao said this, he first floated towards the nameless cave on the half-mountain of the towering magic mountain.

The seven main gate masters and the eight great spirit gods looked at each other from the corner of their eyes, wondering what this damned traitor wanted to do, but hurriedly followed.

After a while, a group of people entered the nameless cave.

At this moment, the colorful beam of light that should have appeared there has disappeared without a trace.

But seeing that there is a barrier that releases colorful rays of light ahead, but that light is already quite weak, and it may be extinguished at any time.

Even with the passage of time, the light that was so weak turned out to be a bit sad.

The barrier is naturally the conveyor belt.

The light continued to dim, which meant that at the end of the conveyor belt, someone was frantically attacking the conveyor belt that was meticulously repaired by Nuwa, and it was not far from the time when the conveyor belt was completely broken.

In fact, the powerhouse of the Lingyu Realm could easily pass through this conveyor belt. In other words, without the colorful walls, Chilong should have been able to easily reach the God's Domain through the conveyor belt.

But the point is that this conveyor belt was once repaired by Nuwa with colorful stones, so even if it is Chilong, it will not come over without completely destroying it.

This is why Li Zedao didn't immediately rush to the Demon Realm to stop Chilong after learning that the colorful wall had been broken.

Although the colorful fence was gone, the conveyor belt was enough to stop Chilong for a while.

The gradually dimming colorful light made the eyes of the seven main gate masters and the Badaling gods widened, their small hearts trembled wildly, and their scalp was extremely numb, and there was an urge to escape here as soon as possible.

The **** below that was screamed after being stimulated by a few words, no one has ever fought with the devil. I don't know the horror of the devil, and think that the devil is quite easy to deal with.

But they have fought with the devil, so they know how difficult and terrifying the devil is to deal with.

In the old days, although they successfully drove the devil out of the realm of God, they did not feel that they had won, and their fear of the devil still existed.

Especially, now there are no Panlong and Nuwa behind them to support them, which undoubtedly makes their fear more intense.

Although there is no Panlong or Nuwa, there is still a traitor.

But the point is that this traitor seems to want to see them die quickly, and the Seven Great Lords and the Eight Great Spiritual Gods dare not pin their lives on this shameless traitor.

Li Zedao moved his gaze away from the light screen and looked behind him, besides himself and Heavenly Dream, the fifteen most powerful experts on the vast land of God's Domain.

The seven main gate masters and the eight great spirit gods hurriedly reduced the panic that was revealed in their pupils, and then revealed a strong murderous aura, a posture that they wanted to fight the devil for three hundred rounds.

Li Zedao's mouth curled up in an inexplicable way, playing with a taste: "I know, you all want to escape from here, escape from the Demon Realm, escape to a place that is absolutely safe in your opinion, and then shrink up."

"As for the devil's bloodbath of God's domain or something, it has nothing to do with you."

The muscles on the faces of the Seven Great Masters and the Eight Great Spirit Gods were all solidified into a ball, and their hearts were extremely guilty.

How can this shameless person know what they are thinking?

Of course, this kind of thing can't be admitted anyway, Long Master's face showed a trace of aggrieved panic, his mouth opened, and he was about to say something, Li Zedao waved his hand and did not give him a chance to speak.

"There is no need to explain, the explanation is to cover up."

"..." Master Long quickly closed his mouth.

The ignorant sect master who planned to "support" Dragon Master also hurriedly closed the mouth that was about to open.

Li Zedao had an expression of a beating that I understand and understand: "You have been at ease for too long. You are naturally afraid of death, and you don't have any noble morality and sense of responsibility. Naturally, there will be reactions to wanting to escape here, I understand. "

The Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Masters felt that they had been humiliated to death, and if they could, they would all want to fight this shameless man for three hundred rounds.

Afraid of death... Well, they admit that they shoot to death, but can't they? Is it wrong to be afraid of death? Who said that the strong in the quasi-spiritual universe would not be afraid of death?

Besides, are you not afraid of death? If you are not afraid of death, how could you be as humble as a dog before, licking twice when you see it? Just want to keep you a humble dog?

Your sister! Don't be too Li Zedao to be a human being. Just like to stand at the highest point of morality and play double standards! Your sister!

Is there a problem without a noble character? Which idiot ruled that they must possess noble morals? Besides, you are too embarrassed to talk about us? Do you have a noble character? You are a shameless person who has betrayed your own blood, what right do you have to say that others have no noble character?

As for the sense of responsibility, please, what is the life and death of those garbage to us? Just because we are the messengers around Nuwa, the spirit gods around Panlong, do we have to take care of the life and death of the garbage?

Why? Just rely on our charm?

Do you know how terrifying Chilong is? When it hits over, we will all die! The fate of those garbage is fate, but our fate is not fate? Your sister!

At this moment, the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Masters once again strengthened their inner thoughts.

When Chilong leads the group of demons to kill, and after this shameless person is entangled by Chilong, they will find the right time to escape from the valley of demons!

Even the Seven Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Great Masters decided that they would hug each other to keep warm, and live cautiously but extremely humblely in this dangerous God Realm.

Love each other and never separate again!

Li Zedao said: "I really understand, because I am afraid of death, I don't have any sense of responsibility, and I don't have any noble morality. I have been thinking about the life and death of those people in God's Domain. What matters to me..."

The seven masters and the eight spiritual gods thought to themselves, this damned traitor was quite self-aware, knowing that he was just a rubbish.

"But I still came to this place, ready to face the Chilong."

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the dim colorful light screen again, and he whispered softly: "Just because I'm here, I can feel better in my heart. It's that simple."

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