Chi Long had the urge to kill this woman, so he dare to call it an idiot?

Does it believe it? It expresses considerable suspicion, when did you believe it?

The dream was white, Li Zedao looked even more disdainfully: "Only an idiot can tell such a clumsy lie."

Li Zedao's teeth were itchy with hatred, thinking that if Chilong was not in front of him now, he would definitely fight that rather annoying woman to the death.

"Did Panlong and Nuwa really die together?" Chilong looked at Li Ze and said, the demonic energy that enveloped him was even more intense.

Seriously, it wasn't too unexpected that this happened, because Panlong couldn't really surrender to Nuwa at all.

Without waiting for Li Ze to say anything, Tianmeng chuckled and said, "Idiots are idiots. This still uses suspicion? In the past, Panlong and Nuwa practiced to fight back, and Panlong chose to attack Nuwa and died together."

Heavenly Dream directly deprived Li Zedao of the right to speak, shameless people are not qualified to speak.

Of course, Li Zedao had a guilty conscience, so he didn't want to refute this woman. After all, he had reached some agreements with this woman before.

She helped him set up the soul formation, helped her keep all the demons in the demon realm, and prevented them from entering the divine realm to slaughter the weak.

But Li Zedao had greater ambitions. He wanted to let Chilong lead the group of demons obediently retreat without the blood. From then on, this nameless cave will become its restricted area.

He even wanted to sell this woman.

"Besides, you don't want to think about it. If Nuwa and Panlong were still alive, they would have appeared in front of you and settled with you, especially Panlong!"

"In addition, the colorful wall was actually not taken away by Nuwa, but I overturned it."

"I have a grudge against that shameless man, and I can't completely suppress it. I just want to say that you can tear down the colorful wall and let you go and clean him."

Tian Meng looked at Li Zedao's eyes, how depressed and depressed.

Chi Long was even more depressed. He wanted to stop there if it wasn't the **** Nuwa descendant. Now it must have killed the woman all at once, so that she didn't call herself an idiot in the left sentence and an idiot in the right sentence. The crowd is big.

She wants to take her own hand to clean up that kid? Please, do you really think I am an idiot?

Chi Long also began to believe the words of this woman who didn't know where it came from, just because Panlong and Nu Wa hadn't even appeared until now, which was a bit strange.

Especially Panlong, he hated himself for being boned. If it wasn't for Nuwa's unwillingness in the past, he would kill the Demon Realm and bloodbath it.

"He scolded you as an idiot, how could you stand it?" Li Zedao looked at Chi Long, expressing his admiration, "If I was scolded as an idiot, I would have slashed it."


So Chilong not only wanted to kill the woman, but also wanted to kill the shameless person who dared to lie in front of him.

"Heh, Xiao Daozi, you are an idiot, an idiot more idiot than Chilong." Tian Meng chuckled, extremely playful.

"..." Li Zedao felt like a stone hit his own foot.

"Let's do it together?" Chi Long looked at Tian Meng.

Seeing that this woman said that the descendant of the baby girl was even more idiot than herself, Chi Long decided to look at her more favorably.

After solving this **** Nuwa descendant, I'm here to deal with this woman.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I only like watching the fun, and I also like to play some sneak attacks... Oh, yes, the Valley of the Demon gathers many people from the gods, the strongest is not the quasi-spiritual universe!"

"The more the **** people die, the more excited I will be." Tian Meng gave a nervous smile.

Chi Long knew the meaning of Tianmeng in seconds, so it once again firmly believed that he was not an idiot.

It looked at Li Zedao, the devilish energy on its body was more intense.


Chi Long suddenly yelled to the sky, then bowed his head slightly, showing a bullfighting posture.

In an instant, a violent demon energy with a strong smell of blood rushed towards Li Zedao madly.

At the same time, following Chilong's order, the demons let out a deafening roar, rushed towards the already broken conveyor belt, and instantly disappeared into the nameless cave filled with rich demonic energy.

While breathing, Chilong had already rushed to Li Zedao, the sharp horns on top of its head, with a force of cracking mountains and rocks, rushed towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao smelled a strong breath of danger, and that terrible sense of oppression made his breathing almost stagnate.

He condensed his eyes, shook his long sword firmly, and went out with a smooth sword, facing the pair of terrifying sharp horns.

The sound of thunder exploded, and a terrifying lightning slashed at Chilong's head fiercely.

While breathing, two terrifying breaths slammed together.

At the moment of the collision, the breath of the entire space directly solidified into a ball, falling into a strange dead silence.

Immediately, "Boom!" A deafening muffled sound exploded in the nameless hole, and it seemed that the entire nameless hole was shaking.

Looking at the midair, the entire space was split into two distinct halves.

One half is a strong demon energy with a strong **** smell, and the other half is a blue cold glow with dazzling light, which is a mass of thunder with terrifying energy.

The black and blue clashed wildly, making a deafening muffled noise, and the entire invisible space was violently turbulent, and cracks appeared.

Looking at the two fiercely colliding auras ahead, the eyes of Tian Meng who fled far away are still bright and charming.

Her red lips lightly opened, and she muttered to herself: "Great Master Chilong, my sister is very optimistic about you, you have to come on, blow up Xiaodaozi's shameless face."

The charm on his face turned bit by bit into a grudge.

Damn little Daozi, my sister spent a lot of effort and energy to help you set up a powerful soul formation at the exit of Demon Valley and the exit of the nameless cave to prevent the eight spirit gods and the seven ambassadors from escaping, and even to prevent the devil from rushing out Valley of the Devil.

It's good for you to try to team up with Chi Long to kill your sister! My sister is so beautiful, you are so cruel? What a beast!

Not to mention, my heart is broken.


The hearts of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Masters are angry, broken, messy, and helpless.

They were messed up in the weird silence, and they trembled in the weird silence, full of powerlessness.

They thought that **** traitor was so shameless that they even played this one. He actually trapped them in this nameless cave, forcing them to participate in this battle against the devil.

They swear that if the damned traitor dared to appear in front of them at this time, they would die with him at all costs!

They stared carefully at the black screen with their eyes, and silently prayed in their hearts that the devil would never come over.

Praying, praying, an extremely ugly face suddenly appeared in front of them.

The pupils of the seven main gate masters and the eight great spirit gods suddenly widened.

This face is so familiar, it is the plague who has fought with them in the past and caused them so much headache!

Another face appeared, and there were a pair of eyes that looked like black holes on the forehead. The ancestor of the heavenly demons had arrived!

Close to the night demon appeared, the water demon also arrived...

The twelve evil demons around Chi Long are all here!

What immediately appeared was the rubbish.

Of course, these **** should not be underestimated, just because there are many demons here with powerful astral bodies that make Nuwa and Panlong a headache.

In this place where there is no sunlight, the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and Seven Great Masters, even if their cultivation bases are far above them, can't cause them too much damage.

Anyway, they will be entangled like dog-skin plasters that can't be shaken off, making people very headache.

After a few couldn't breathe, hundreds of demons appeared densely in front of the black light screen!

The suffocating rich demon energy instantly enveloped the entire nameless cave, madly stimulating the nerves of the eight spiritual gods and the seven masters.

The breathing of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Lords has long since stopped, their brains are in a blank state, and their hearts are attacked by absolute indignation!

The scene they didn't want to face last happened after all! The last person they didn't want to face appeared after all.

And all this was forcibly imposed on them by that damned traitor! He really deserves to die!

The twelve demons are all the decisive masters of killing, and they didn't even want to recount the old friends with these old friends in the past. Without a word, they directly led the group of demons to kill.

"Little Daozi, my sister!"

The little tortoise roared, and then a golden shell of tortoise resembled a cannonball out of the chamber, and slammed into the water monster rushing forward.


Demon, in the nameless cave.

The entire space is cut into two halves, usually full of **** devilish energy, and the other half is the tens of thousands of thunder shining with blue cold light.

The two powerful breaths are always in a state of absolute confrontation, and no one can do anything for a while.

The Tianmeng who was far away was still watching with gusto at first, and after a long time, I yawned a little boredly, thinking that such a confrontation was really not exciting at all. What I wanted was corpses all over the field, blood flowing into rivers.

What I want is the sound of fighting, screaming, and crying!

But I thought about the **** picture in my mind, and I thought that the picture didn't look good at all.

At this moment, the original rivalry began to undergo a slight change, and the strong devilish energy began to invade the blue cold light.

As time went by, the Ten Thousand Thunderbolts had already been covered with a faint devilish air, which looked extremely strange.

Tian Meng's eyes narrowed slightly. She knew that Xiao Daozi was still at a disadvantage in this confrontation.

This is also easy to understand. How can I say that Chilong is also the life bred by Pangu. It is Panlong and Nuwa to repel him, and he is a super strong with extremely terrifying resistance.

Xiao Daozi had been able to face off with Chi Long for so long, it was enough to make Chi Long's heart trembled.

With the passage of time, the devilish energy enveloped in the blue cold light became more intense, and gradually it was about to swallow all the blue light.

Tian Meng stood up, gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly: "Damn Chilong, dare to bully my toy? You broke my toy. Where can I find such a playable toy?"

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