The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2657: Sneak attack

When Li Zedao fought with Chi Long, Tian Meng had an attitude of watching the excitement, and she even helped Chi Long cheer, and quickly beat up the **** shameless guy.

It's best to squash his **** face, goug out his **** squinted eyes, and pull out his **** sharp teeth one by one.

But now, Li Zedao is at a disadvantage, and he can't hold it anymore, Tian Meng's mood has become quite bad, and he has a feeling that a pet that he has worked so hard has been bullied.


Tianmeng turned into a golden cold light, which was like the arrow from the string, and with an extremely overbearing power and extremely terrifying speed, it fiercely shot into the rich demon energy, instantly Missing.

"You...damn it!"

In an instant, Chi Long's irritable and angry roar came out from the dense devilish energy.


Deafening and crackling sounds crazily rippling through the nameless hole, and the entire space is even trembling.

But I saw that the dense demon energy resembled the black balloon that had inflated to the limit, it burst directly, and then disappeared invisible.

At the next moment, Chilong's huge body flew out directly, and then madly crashed into the mountain wall of the nameless cave, and the whole nameless cave trembled even more.

At the same time, the blue cold light gradually faded, and Li Zedao's slightly trembling figure appeared there.

However, his original bright eyes became dim, and his face was unspeakably tired, but his body was still straight, firmly holding the long sword in his hand.


The slender blade suddenly turned into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

Li Zedao only had a pitiful sword hilt left in his hand.

After all, this ninth-rank long sword could not withstand the attack of the sharp horns and crazy horns on the top of Chilong's head, and it shattered directly without the aura of heaven in Li Zedao's body.

As for Tianmeng, she was still lying on her side in a sultry posture on the golden clouds, looking with interest at the extremely angry Chiron, as if she were looking at an angry puppy.

Chi Long looked at Tian Meng's eyes as if he was looking at a dead person. He roared angrily: "Didn't you say that you didn't make a move? Are you and him, are not enemies? Are you trying to attack him?"

Originally, it had the upper hand, who would want to be attacked by this woman tragically, even if it had extremely powerful resistance to strikes, it had suffered some damage.

Tian Meng glanced at her mouth with disdain: "Do you believe what a woman says? You really are an idiot!"

Chi Long's face was even more ugly, almost going crazy.

It really can't understand why women can't believe what they say.

"Chi Long, do you still want to fight? If you still want to fight, I don't mind meeting you. I really want to see if my hand can leave a trace on your idiot's head, or even draw your attention. The proud horn breaks."

Tian Meng looked obsessedly admiring her own hand, but what she said was cold and gloomy, as if from Jiuyou Hell.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Chilong's extremely suppressed roar rippled violently in this nameless hole.

"Plus me?"

Li Zedao casually threw the hilt in his hand, clenching his fists.

In an instant, an incomparably powerful golden aura immediately enveloped his fists.

"This is... Dragon Fist!" Chi Long's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a trace of fear.

"Dragon Fist!" Li Zedao stared at Chi Long, "The power is not inferior to the old Panlong Dragon Fist. Would you like to try it?"

This dragon fist, Li Zedao has learned from Princess Long.

As descendants of Panlong, dragon fist is a set of spiritual skills they must learn. As a reward, those strong who surrender to the dragon palace are also qualified to practice dragon fist. They regard this reward as a great honor.

It's just that Dragon Fist is a high-grade existence beyond the heavenly ranks, so it is extremely difficult to cultivate.

Even if there is a small achievement, without a strong breath as a support, it will not be able to exert its true power at all.

Li Zedao already possesses the level of a powerful spiritual world, and he does have extremely terrifying talent in cultivation. Therefore, he said that his dragon fist is still more powerful than the old Panlong, which is really not just casual talk. .

Chi Long's complexion was ugly, and his heart was violent.

In the past, it didn't matter if it was stopped by Panlong and Nuwa, but now it was stopped by a man and a woman who didn't know where it came from. How did it make it less popular?

What makes it even more popular is that this woman is as shameless as Nu Wa and likes to play sneak attacks.

In the old days, the most important reason why they could kill Yan Luo at the least cost was that Nuwa played a sneak attack.

"Little Daozi, are you okay?" Tian Meng glanced at Li Zedao, playing with it.

Li Zedao really didn't like this question asked by this woman, okay, don't you have any points in your mind?

He straightened his chest and responded domineeringly: "Man, it's impossible to say no!"

Tianmeng chuckled, so charming, the hot watery eyes made Li Zedao breathe again.

This woman is really true. If you want to seduce people, you have to look at the occasion. People will be embarrassed to seduce people with Chilong's face like this.

Tian Meng looked at Chi Long, the charm on his face turned into playfulness and disdain: "Our little Taoist is still extremely powerful, how about you? Are you really good?"

Li Zedao felt that what the woman said was so blatant, that now his face was red, and he was too ashamed.

Chi Long thought of course not, I am not a fool!

Facing the **** Nuwa descendant, it was just barely suppressing, and in the end, he could be defeated naturally, but it was impossible to kill him.

Adding this woman whose strength is obviously still higher than that of Nuwa's descendants, it really only has to be beaten.

Plus now it's still a bit injured.

So it roared angrily: "I can't do it right now! But in the end, you don't hurt those who kill me, otherwise, don't blame me for going crazy."

After speaking, it turned around and walked out of this nameless hole with murderous aura, disappearing.

Li Zedao heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at Tianmeng with a grateful expression on his face. If this woman hadn't taken the shot, he wouldn't have died, but he couldn't stop Chilong in all likelihood.

Once Chilong was allowed to enter the realm of God through the broken conveyor belt, the eight spirit gods and the seven main gate masters would undoubtedly die...Although, they would die if they died.

The key is that the defensive soul array arranged by Tianmeng will be destroyed by Chilong, when the group of demons will once again step into the gods, and the blood and blood will once again come to the gods, which Li Zedao would never want to see.

"Thank you Sister Tianmeng." Li Zedao was deeply confused.

He knew that this woman must not bear to see that this little white face that made her obsessed with her was smashed by Chi Long. Sure enough, when she was almost unable to hold it, this woman shot in time and severely injured Chi Long.

Tianmeng gave Li Zedao a faintly blank look, and said quietly: "The little Daozi has hurt me thousands of times, and I still treat the little Daozi as my first love."


Li Zedao was embarrassed, and of course he was disgusted by Tian Meng's words.

Who is your first love? Can't you insult people like this? The relationship between the two of us is at best a gun-friend relationship, which is nothing more than satisfying the most primitive desires of mankind.

You still have to kill when it is time to kill each other. Don't make the relationship between them so troublesome.

"Of course, my sister doesn't blame you, just as you don't blame your sister for destroying the colorful wall." Tian Meng's big eyes flickered. Although she was "sad", she really didn't think Li Zedao's approach was wrong.

This is a pretty reasonable woman.

"Thank you sister for your understanding." Li Zedao said again.

"However, I have already done what my sister should do. Don't forget that you promised to help your sister to do something."

"Sister Tianmeng, please don't worry. After dealing with those demons, I will naturally immediately start to do what my sister needs me to do." Li Zedao nodded heavily.

Tianmeng sneered: "I don't know why, my sister is really not at all assured of your character."

Li Zedao continued to be embarrassed.

Tianmeng giggled and said, "Go, otherwise the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and Seven Great Lords will be bullied to death by those demons."

Li Zedao said again, his figure disappeared in this nameless hole instantly.


The old ghost looked at the black mist that was madly invading, his eyes were full of irritability, and the figure that evaded in time was embarrassed.

This black mist came from the demon eye on the forehead of the ancestor of the demon clan, which looked like a black hole.

In the past, the old ghost was embarrassed by the black mist, and today he suffered more.

The reason why demons are difficult to deal with is not because of how powerful their cultivation is, but because of their combat methods that people are not used to at all.

For example, the plague demon, it likes to show all kinds of strange bugs to attack you...Of course, Lord Gu likes to show all kinds of bugs, so the old ghost doesn't like Lord Gu.

No, there are a large number of insects biting crazily in that mid-air, the dense clusters really make the scalp numb.

For example, the water monster likes to spit out saliva at people. Its saliva is an extremely viscous, fishy, ​​black liquid that is highly toxic. Once infected with a weaker cultivation base, it will immediately open its skin and die.

And this demon, the black mist released from the eyes of the demon is really a headache. Once entangled by the black mist, it will be extremely difficult to get out of it.

In addition, the demon's ability to fight and fight is extremely terrifying. At the same level of cultivation, if you punch them, they will feel pain, but if you change them to punch you, then you are afraid that you will be hurt.

Just after the old ghost escaped the attack of the black fog in a panic, another terrifying black fog struck.

"Your sister, it's endless, right?"

The old ghost couldn't help but cursed after the little turtle, and then continued to dodge in embarrassment.

At this moment, the old ghost's eyes flickered, and a familiar figure appeared in front of it.

"Shameless traitor Xiaodaozi?" The old ghost almost couldn't help but exclaimed.

Li Zedao looked at the incomparably familiar black mist, raised the fist wrapped in golden light, and slammed it out with a fierce punch.

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