The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2686: Excellent mount

Li Zedao looked at the waning moon for a long, long time, until it was almost dawn, he was still at a loss, not knowing what to do, so he could only sigh heavily and let Chilong temporarily retreat into the valley of the devil.

Chilong naturally didn't want to retreat. Although it also had a powerful astral body, it also had a body. Unlike this **** Nuwa descendant, which was a pure astral body at all, there was no way to live in the sun.

So when it retreated, it deliberately slowed down, trying to make this **** idiot bear the pain of being put in a fire by the sun.

Li Zedao was naturally aware of Chilong’s idiotic little trick. He sneered, then slapped it and cursed: “How can a dragon be as fast as a turtle? Your sister’s, in the Eight Great Spirits. My little turtle is much faster than you."


Once again humiliated to death, Chilong was so angry that his teeth were itchy while silently swearing in his heart that he would find a suitable opportunity to kill that **** little turtle, and beat all the other spirits to death, but Also speeds up.

After returning to the Valley of Demon, Li Zedao sighed again and again, not knowing what to do.

When the biggest bargaining chip in his hand, that is, his appearance and charm, could not impress that woman, Li Zedao really didn't know what to do.

The night came again, Li Zedao continued to stand on Chilong's head and swim above the starry sky.

He stared at the blood-red waning moon and continued to frown.

"Xiaolongzi, if the moon is imprisoned, what about those stars?" Li Ze pointed to the stars and asked.

Chi Long was used to all sorts of broken questions raised by **** idiots who had little insight, and the urn replied in an annoying voice, "I don't know."

Li Zedao slapped him over: "I don't know or think this young man is too idiotic to answer?"

Chi Long resisted the urge to kill, and shouted in a low voice, "I really don't know!"

Pangu didn't say it, and it never went out, how does it know what the shiny things are?

When Li Zedao just wanted to continue to slap him, he suddenly felt like a meteor dragging a long tail quickly passing by, and a flash of light flashed by.

"If, let her like the four domains?" Li Zedao's pupils burst out with terrible light.

It made her like the four domains and made her have a strong feeling for the four domains. Even if she still doesn't have much desire for protection, doesn't she want to destroy it?

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging extremely fiercely, maybe this is really feasible.

Although God's Domain was the area where Tianmeng stayed for the longest time, she didn't like it at all, and she didn't have the slightest nostalgia.

Demon Realm didn't like it even more, which can be seen from her disgusting eyes when she stepped into Demon Realm before.

Not to mention the ghost domain, except for the nameless cave, the rest is chaotic, and there is nothing worthy of you to like.

But what about the domain?

That woman definitely didn't expect to say that the change of the world is so great, right? Surely you never thought that Mortal Realm is so different from God Realm and Demon Realm, right?

I must have never thought that the people of the mortal domain have become so weak and their cultivation ability has all degraded, but their creativity has reached an extremely terrifying point.

She must have never raced in a car, never took an airplane, never went shopping to buy all kinds of nice clothes and shoes, never eaten all kinds of exquisite and delicious food, never used any high-end electronic products, such as mobile phones and computers.

She has never seen those red-faced **** toys, and she will be very interested when she sees them. She can't help but want to try them one by one.

This kind of crazy thought constantly stimulated Li Zedao's nerves, causing his eyes to grow wider and wider, and his mind roared violently.

He felt more and more that he could tear down the colorful walls in the Wuming Cave of Buzhou Mountain, and then travel with the heavenly dream to travel to the World Travel, using all kinds of new things to tempt her, "poison" her, let She lingered, lost herself, and even reluctant to leave in the end.

Even if you can't bear to leave, how can you still think about destroying it?

At the same time, he is equivalent to returning to the world, he can see Nintendo and the others!

Li Zedao's eyes brightened, burning a raging fire, like a hungry beast.

His body trembled violently, and his whole person became extremely agitated, and he could even say nothing to do.

That kind of thought is like that monstrous flood, and it can't be stopped once it appears.

Although he hasn't returned yet, Li Zedao is already in the kind of extremely complex emotions that is more cowardly than his nostalgia.

That kind of extremely complex emotions madly spread in Li Zedao's chest, madly torturing his soul and stimulating his nerves.

He was worried that when he went back, the world that he saw had undergone earth-shaking changes again. He was already an ancient person a hundred or even a thousand years ago, and Nintendo and others have long ceased to exist.

Phoenix City didn't exist anymore, he couldn't feel the salty and wet sea breeze that could calm him down all at once.

Even Fanyu has long been because of the devastating nuclear weapons war, because of the increasingly serious environmental pollution, climate change, or because of the rapid development of intelligent robots...Always Fanyu is no longer the one he is familiar with. That mortal domain has been destroyed and turned into the infinite hell.

All kinds of terrible guesses were madly staged in Li Zedao's mind, destroying his soul and stimulating his nerves.

Seeing that Li Zedao's whole person had become weird, Chi Long was really puzzled.

I thought this guy wouldn't be still excited because of getting the Sky Shaking Axe before, right?

"I really haven't seen the world, isn't it just getting the Sky Shaking Axe? What's so exciting about this? If you don't believe me, you will give the Sky Shaking Axe to Lao Tzu, do you think I will be so excited? Lao Tzu will definitely be quite indifferent. Put it away, then..."

"Your sister! I must kill you with an axe!"

There was a burst of sorrow and sorrow in Chilong's heart, and then that sorrow was replaced by terrible jealousy, and he wished to kill this **** Nuwa descendant immediately and take the **** heavenly axe in his hand.

I don't know how long it took, as if a large basin of ice water was pouring on Li Zedao's head, making his brain, which was invaded by strong emotions, cold and gradually waking up.

Li Zedao took a few deep breaths, and the whole person calmed down little by little.

Then calmly began to analyze various pros and cons.

Li Zedao didn't know what was going on in Fanyu now, and he didn't know what a series of reactions his actions would eventually cause, but he felt that this method was worth trying.

Of course, this move will also bring great risks.

First of all, the colorful wall that has been repaired with great difficulty must be torn down. Although he can build it again with his current ability, it is afraid that its defensive ability is not 30% of the previous one.

Although there is no colorful wall, it can be replaced by a powerful soul formation to prevent gods and even demons from entering the mortal realm through the conveyor belt, but the powerful soul formation is not a colorful wall after all.

What if a strong man with extremely terrifying attainments in the soul formation breaks the soul formation?

Not to mention, that kind of colorful soul formation simply couldn't stop the dragon under its ass.

Even if Li Zedao didn't look at Chi Long's eyes, he could clearly feel the strong murderous aura from those eyes.

Li Zedao knew better than anyone that this damned dragon was forced to become a dog under Pangu's deterrence.

But it may show its sharp claws at any time and give itself a fatal blow!

Going to the mortal realm with the heavenly dream, he wants to leave Chilong behind, what if it does something in the gods' realm? Pangu would only be indifferent to what it did.

Even Li Zedao probably knew that even if Chilong was doing it on himself now, Pangu would never see anything.

Pan Gu didn't ask Li Zedao to protect the four domains. He gave Li Zedao such a chance with a rather indifferent attitude.

If Chilong really killed Li Zedao...if he killed him, he would kill him. Pangu would not have any reaction.

Maybe even quite disappointed at Chi Long's reaction at this time. It said that to Chi Long, fearing that it was to test Chi Long.

Pangu even has the courage to fight against the sky, but the life it has created by his own hands does not even have the courage to fight against a ray of soul in him. Can this not be disappointed?

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an extremely terrible light in the depths of his eyes.

It seems that the safest way is to kill this evil dragon that wants to spray a few dragon breaths at itself from time to time.

"Xiaolongzi, return to the realm of demon." Li Zedao commanded and glanced up at the crimson moon above, with murderous aura in his eyes.

Chi Long wondered why this **** idiot suddenly had such a strong murderous aura, but he quickly returned to the Demon Realm.

It is really tired of the noble head being drawn.

After returning to the Demon Realm, Li Zedao stood on the dragon's head, his murderous aura even stronger.

Chi Long continued to wonder, but he didn't have a hint of vigilance. From its point of view, this guy's murderous aura was definitely not aimed at him.

"Xiao Longzi, I have decided to kill that woman!" Li Zedao took a deep breath, his eyes showing unprecedented coldness.

At the same time, he even took out the soul sword he had refined and held it firmly in his hand.

Chi Long was stunned. It turned out that this **** idiot who killed him was the **** idiot woman?

He was quite suspicious at the moment: "You, sure?"

It originally wanted to ask if you were willing. After all, you are embarrassed dog men and women, but you are afraid of being drawn head by this **** Nuwa descendant.

Li Zedao slapped Chi Long's head heavily.

Chi Long's eyes were red, not only angry, but also full of grievances. It felt like it was going to die.

"Little Dragon, you should think about how to become an excellent mount. An excellent mount will not doubt its owner. It will absolutely trust its owner, even if its owner says that dragon meat is very delicious. I will firmly believe that dragon meat is indeed delicious!"

Li Ze teaches, at this moment the professor's halo is added.

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