The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2687: Dragon Slash

Chi Long was so angry that the muscles on his face trembled so much that he felt that his heart was stabbed with several knives, and he was so painful that he could hardly breathe.

This **** idiot is not good at anything, and what's worse is that he obviously is an idiot, but he likes to treat others as idiots. It's not too much.

"Little dragon, dragon meat is delicious, right?" Li Ze grinned, showing his pale teeth.

"You are a descendant of the dragon." Chi Long responded coldly.

Now it was Li Zedao's turn to be embarrassed, and he slapped him straight away: "My son is talking to himself. Did you answer? Your sister!"

"You are a mount! Your sister's!"

Li Zedao slapped Chi Long's head fiercely again.


Chi Long was so angry that he almost lost his soul, and he almost had to fight this **** idiot for three hundred rounds without holding back.

"Xiao Longzi, as you said, that woman is a great threat after all." Li Zedao smiled bitterly, as if he had no choice but to kill.

He clenched the soul sword in his hand tightly, and was enveloped by an extremely terrifying murderous aura to show his determination.

Chi Long wanted to recommend himself, saying that I would kill the woman.

It wants to vent all the humiliation, anger and fear that it has suffered over the past few days on that **** idiot woman! It wanted the idiot woman to feel so painful that it was fear.

At this moment, Chi Long vaguely heard the sound of extremely suppressed thunder.

Chi Long froze, and subconsciously lifted its huge dragon head to look up.

Then, the whole dragon was dumbfounded.

But I don't know when there was a thunderball bigger than its dragon head!

The thunderball spins frantically but desperately absorbs and compresses the terrifying breath. God knows what kind of terrifying destructive power will it cause once it bursts?

"this is?"

Even if Chilong was a strong man in the Lingyu Realm, his scalp was numb when he was stimulated by such a thunderball, and he had an urge to leave the thunderball immediately.

"The thunderball I made should be enough to kill the woman with a powerful astral body?" Li Zedao looked at the thunderball, his eyes flashed with amazement.

Chilong swallowed his saliva and said objectively: "Although this thunderball is strong, it is not enough to kill that **** idiot woman."

Worried that a slap would come again, Chi Long hurriedly added: "Of course, it was enough to seriously damage that woman's soul."

"Actually, you don't have to do it yourself, just leave it to me to deal with that woman."

Chi Long Mao then recommended himself: "After all, my dragon's breath has a strong breath of sunshine. Even if that woman is a powerful astral body, she can die in great pain. Of course, it will take some time."

Finally had the opportunity to vent his anger, Chi Long didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "Xiaolongzi, since you have said all this, the woman is left to you to deal with, so you can kill her now."

Chi Long was overjoyed, and said grimly: "I will surely let her go away in extreme pain!"

Before Chi Long's words fell, Li Zedao's eyes were full of deep ice, and he suddenly squeezed the soul sword in his hand.

Even trying to torture my Tianmeng sister? go to hell!

In an instant, the crazily spinning thunderball above his head poured down frantically. At the same time, Li Zedao turned into a terrifying thunder, and the tightly held soul sword in his hand slashed at the dragon head under the feet Killed the past.

Chi Long's pupils shrank violently, even if it was a strong person in the Lingyu Realm, his mind was blank at this time.

Killing it did not expect to say that this **** Nuwa descendant really wanted to kill it!

That terrifying thunderball was actually prepared for it!

I am your mount!

But Chilong is Chilong after all! It is one of the four major lives bred by Pangu! It is a terrifying powerhouse that Nu Wa and Panlong can't stop him!

When the soul sword wrapped in the terrifying thunder in Li Zedao's hand was about to look on its dragon head, Chilong's eyes were pitch black, like an endless black hole.

Between the electric light and flint, its dragon tail resembled a black gust of wind, roaring madly and rolling away at Li Zedao.

The devilish energy surrounding it seems to have been summoned by Chilong, directly turning into a monstrous black wave, followed by that black tail, and madly rolled towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart felt bad.

He knew that Chilong couldn't dodge his own sword that smelled like a sneak attack at all. This sword was enough to severely damage Chilong.

But in this way, he will also be swept by the tail that swept through madness, and he will also suffer serious damage.

The soul sword in his hand can double his attack, but his defensive ability is not enough to block the terrifying blow of Chilong.

Li Zedao felt that Chilong was severely injured at the cost of serious injuries, so he made a decisive decision. The soul sword and soul sword in his hand changed direction and faced the tail that swept across.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..."

The two horrible auras collided crazily in an instant, as if the space had been shattered, making a harsh muffled noise.

Immediately, Chilong's extremely hard tail collided with the soul sword in Li Zedao's hand.

At the moment of the collision, the entire Demon Realm trembled, and the demon energy enveloped in this area seemed to have been severely chopped with a sword, making a stern sound like a ghost.


After all, Chilong’s dragon tail couldn’t stop the soul sword made from sky stone in Li Zedao’s hand. The tumbling magic energy was directly split, and the extremely hard black scales were split apart, and a large amount of black liquid Squirted out.

Chi Long's proud dragon tail was almost cut off by the soul sword in Li Zedao's hand!

Li Zedao's eyes showed dignity, he clearly felt the kind of **** on his wrist, and couldn't help but admire Chi Long's terrifying defensive power.

He was holding a soul sword, but there was no way to cut off its tail completely, and his hand was even shaken.


Because of pain and anger, Chilong made a deafening roar, and at the same time it turned into a terrifying demonic energy, and dodged the thunderball that was pouring down.

"Damn idiot, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Chilong's voice was extremely vicious, and his eyes were enveloped in dense bloodshot, revealing an extremely terrifying murderous intent.

Li Zedao stayed above the stars, turning a deaf ear.

He suddenly squeezed the soul sword in his hand, the thunderball that was about to hit the ground hard as if it had spiritual consciousness all of a sudden, it stopped there abruptly, and then changed its direction, making a muffled crackling sound, and directed at Chi fiercely. The dragon swept away.

Chilong's scalp became more numb.

It wanted to escape, but it was horrified to find that there were horrible sword nets in all directions!

The sword nets quickly closed into a huge sword net with lightning speed, and it crazily wrapped it with the thunder ball!

Thunderball crazily crushed, Jian Wang crazily contracted and crushed!

Chilong can't avoid it!

Chilong's hair was so numb that he didn't feel it. It found that it had become a bird in a cage. The scary thing was that the cage was made of sharp blades.

Even more terrifying is that the cage is shrinking.

Even more terrifying is that there is still a thunderball in the cage about to burst!

"Damn idiot, do you really think that you can kill Lao Tzu? In the past, when Pan Gu and Nuwa joined forces, Lao Tzu was forced to carry it down!"

Chi Long let out a stern roar, and the entire Demon Realm trembles, and the demon energy that envelopes this world becomes even stronger.

Continuously creating thunderballs and sword nets, Li Zedao consumed a lot of breath.

Naturally, he would not naively think that this sword net and this thunderball could kill Chilong, but as Chilong said before, that thunderball was enough to damage Tianmeng Soul.

Adding that sword net now, Chi Long's defensive ability is strong, and I am afraid that he will lose half of his life.

At that time, although his aura was consumed severely, he still had enough aura to continue to kill the seriously injured Chilong.

"go to hell!"

Li Zedao's heart was roaring, showing a terrifying murderous aura.


At the moment when the sword net completely contracted, the thunderball exploded frantically, the exploded thunder was overflowing, and the blue light completely enveloped the entire trembling Demon Realm.

From a distance, the entire Demon Territory was shrouded by the terrifying thunder, as if someone was surviving here.

"Damn idiot, I will kill you! I will..."

Chi Long's stern roar also resounded amid the violent roar.

After a few breaths, a black dragon that was still attacked by the blue thunder slammed heavily on the ground, directly smashing out a huge hole.

The proud dragon armor on Chilong's body was almost peeled off, just like the fish with its scales.

There were countless large and small scars all over his body, and black blood with a strong smell of fish was constantly emerging.

Chi Long was panting heavily. It wanted to raise its head and look at the **** idiot with vicious eyes.

But its noble dragon head became heavy and abnormal, and it couldn't lift it up at all, even its eyes could not be opened.

The damage it received was too heavy to die, but it also made it extremely weak and temporarily lost its ability to move.

"Idiot! Idiot..." It made a weak voice.

Although the voice was weak, it was full of hatred and viciousness.

There is even a hint of pleasure, which is the pleasure after revenge.

Li Zedao didn't notice the slight sensation in Chi Long's voice, his breath was consumed too much, and he was breathing heavily.

His breath was consumed too much, and he couldn't even hold the soul sword in his hand.

But the remaining breath is enough to kill this idiot dragon that has been seriously injured.

At this moment, Li Zedao's scalp was suddenly numb. It felt like a pair of vicious eyes above his head were staring at you.

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