The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2688: Thunderball

Li Zedao looked up subconsciously, his pupils suddenly widened, his scalp became so numb, he was breathing in cold breath, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Although there is no pair of vicious eyes above the head, there is dragon's breath!

Dozens of dragon breaths!

Chi Long didn't know when he quietly prepared dozens of dragon breaths above Li Zedao's head.

Li Zedao has indeed succeeded in making Chi Long nowhere to hide, but why doesn't Chi Long make Li Zedao nowhere to go?

In order to create the thunderball and sword net that could severely injure Chilong, it took too much of Li Zedao's breath, and now he simply has no ability to avoid this dragon's breath.

In a blink of an eye, those fireballs wrapped in terrifying flames began to continuously release the energy of terrifying sunlight, and that kind of energy was undoubtedly a nightmare for the soul.

Li Zedao existed in the form of soul at this time. Apart from the ray of soul and the dream of Pangu, what he feared most was the sunlight.

Therefore, he immediately tasted the lively pain of being burnt on the fire that he had endured in the previous fantasy.

Li Zedao's face suddenly became very ugly, and his body trembled more violently.

The breath had been consumed too much, and with the addition of the terrifying attack from the sun, Li Zedao couldn't bear it all at once, and the soul sword slipped from his hand.

At the moment when the soul sword in his hand slipped, the dozens of dragon breaths poured down frantically, and the devil energy enveloped around it boiled violently, as if to cheer for the dozens of dragon breaths. Similar.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth tightly, closed his eyes in pain, and felt extremely bitter in his heart.

He knew that he had no ability to avoid this dragon's breath. He even felt that as the dragon's breath approached, his soul was melting, and he was about to disperse.

Sure enough, Pangu didn't care at all about the survival of the four domains that he opened up with his own hand, or the life and death of all the creatures in the four domains.

This is an extremely powerful but extremely cold-blooded person. For him, these creatures are even lazy to even look at them.

He can completely destroy it at any time.

Otherwise, now he is about to be killed by Chilong, why is he still indifferent? He should help kill the uncertain factor of Chi Long as soon as possible.

Panting heavily, Chi Long grinned, a rather vicious smile.

"Go to hell, you **** idiot!" Chi Long Yang Tian let out a free and dripping roar, like a deadly ghost.

In the vicious voice of Chilong, in Li Zedao's despair and pain, a golden light appeared like a ghost, instantly dispelling the endless darkness and coldness around him.

A Qianqiansu hand accurately caught the soul sword that slipped from Li Zedao's hand.

In an instant, a blood-red light shining brightly, a terrifying sword net appeared out of thin air above Li Zedao's head, completely illuminating the Demon Realm of the Eternal Night.

Li Zedao dumbfounded!

Chi Long is even more stupid! Although his mouth was still wide open, his throat seemed to be pinched tightly by an invisible hand, and no sound could be heard.

They clearly saw that the sword net had accurately captured the dragon's breath that poured out, and then they were strangling frantically.

After a few breaths, those dozens of dragon breaths disappeared invisibly, and the blood-red light released by that sword net quickly dimmed.

At the same time, Li Zedao's weak body fell into that extremely soft embrace.

Li Zedao's eyes widened and looked silly at those charming and revealing eyes, and at this woman who was holding herself in her arms, she couldn't believe it was true!

This unbelievable emotion was stronger than dozens of dragon breaths suddenly appeared above his head.

After all, this woman was tightly controlled by the hands of Pangu's soul over the Chilong City, how could it appear in this place?

She should not have the slightest ability to get rid of the control of those hands.

Not far away, Chilong’s eyeballs were round, and there was still a trace of revenge-like pleasure in his astonished eyes, which made its expression look quite idiot at this time, making its heart collapse. State, even nose and tears are coming out.

"I'm in some kind of illusion again?" Li Zedao's throat squirmed hard, thirsty.

"Damn it."

Tian Meng cursed with a smile, and then as if throwing garbage, he threw him aside with disgust.

Holding the soul sword, he walked up to Chi Long in a swaying manner, looked condescendingly at the face of the dragon that had become quite weird, smiling inexplicably.

"you you……"

Chi Long's entire dragon became at a loss and collapsed. His nose and tears kept coming out, and he couldn't believe it was true?

This **** idiot was tightly grasped by those hands that had evolved from a wisp of Pangu's soul. How could she escape?

Just forget it, how could she come here?

It doesn't matter if she comes here, how can she do it? Doesn't she know this is a war between men? Is this a battle between the descendants of Pangu?

Why did you, a woman who didn't know where you came from, got involved and made this sacred and fair matchup so unfair?

Too bully!

Tian Meng had an extremely charming smile, but his voice was like a ghost: "Dear Chi Long, it seems that you are such an idiot. I allow you to say a few last words."

Having finally had such an excellent opportunity, Tian Meng naturally couldn't let go of this terrifying enemy.

Otherwise, if you really let it join hands with Xiaodaozi, it would really be a headache.

Of course, the possibility is extremely small, after all, this damned dragon has all the thoughts of swallowing the tricks alive.

But even with the smallest possibility, Tianmeng must kill it in the cradle.

Chilong's throat squirmed desperately, and finally suffocated two words with difficulty: "Spare..."


A terrifying thunderball smashed down fiercely, directly hitting Chilong's dragon head.

As a result, the pit on the ground became bigger, and Chilong's huge body was blown up straight, and then he fell to the ground again.

The faucet simply emitted black smoke, and there was a strong burnt smell in the air.

"Rao... forgive..." Chilong's breath became weaker, and a strong pleading appeared in those smoking dragon eyes, "I can be... your dog..."

Tianmeng sneered: "You are too ugly to be my dog."

Tianmeng glared at Li Zedao like a silk. If you want to be my dog, how can you have to be such a shameless thing?

Chi Long felt that his chest had been stabbed with a sharp knife several times, and wanted to have a good theory with this **** idiot.

Is there any necessary relationship between being ugly and being your dog? Besides, am I ugly? You idiot who doesn't even have the most basic taste!

Li Zedao also got a knife in the chest, already so familiar, can this woman respect him?

Please, I am not your dog, your sister!

Another thunderball smashed down!


Then it was another thunderball!

Li Zedao, who was struggling to stand up, witnessed the thunderballs that contained a frightening atmosphere like they were smashed one after another on Chilong’s head like no money. His scalp was so numb that he didn’t feel it, and even felt compassionate. I think Chi Long is really pitiful.

I don’t know how many sins I have done in my previous life. It is too cruel to be killed by Thunder in this life!

"nice shot!"

Seeing a thunderball blast down, Li Zedao's heart full of unbearable joy became happy.

When the eighteenth thunderball slammed on Chilong frantically, Chilong's huge body was left with a pile of horribly crushed black charcoal-like things, and the huge Demon Realm was scorched with disgusting disgust. The smell enveloped.

The extremely powerful Chilong was just like that, one after another, thunderballs were hacked to death!

Its extremely powerful body turned into a pile of black charcoal, and its more powerful soul flew away and ceased to exist.

Li Zedao sat down on the ground, panting lightly.

Tian Meng turned around and looked at Li Zedao, also urging, and the whole person became weak.

The eighteen thunderballs that helped Li Zedao stop the pouring dragon's breath and smashed Chilong to death also consumed a lot of her breath.

But her eyes were still bright, releasing a faint golden light, like the lighthouse in the vast ocean, giving people an incomparable sense of security.

She dragged the extremely ugly soul sword to Li Zedao, her voice was a bit colder than the deep darkness.

"Xiao Daozi, do you think my sister should be making a few thunders to kill you, a fellow with no conscience?"

Thinking of Xiao Daozi riding the idiot black dragon before appearing in front of him, he didn't rush to save himself but how to deal with him because of a headache. Tian Meng's heart was full of resentment and wanted to kill.

Li Zedao raised his head and smiled bitterly: "I think you can rest first."

"Damn it!"

Tian Meng gave Li Zedao a sullen look, extremely charming, and then sat down in front of Li Zedao, leaning back against Li Zedao's back.

"My sister actually wants to see how you, a **** unconscionable fellow, was sprayed out by those dragon breaths, but after all, I still can't bear to let you die in Chi Long's hands."

There is a trace of unquestionable overbearing in Tianmeng's charming voice: "Because you are a dog I raised, and your life is mine."

Li Zedao was speechless, he was obviously concerned, why did he have to say so badly? Don't think I don't know that you are talking about men and not dogs.

"Sooner or later, my sister will definitely kill you!" Tian Meng's tone became gloomy.

"How did you get rid of those hands?" Li Zedao ignored the threat of Tianmeng, his eyes narrowed slightly.

There was a hint of clarity in Tianmeng's eyes, and he asked, "Why do you want to kill Chilong? Hasn't it become your mount?"

When Li Zedao first created that terrifying thunderball, and then slashed towards the dragon's head with a sword without warning, Tian Meng had already witnessed all this in secret.

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