Li Zedao's shameless sneak attack was really a big surprise. She really thought Xiao Daozi and Chilong were going to kill themselves. For this reason, she was very angry and felt that Xiao Daozi was too unremarkable. Conscience.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Daozi suddenly slashed the idiot's head with a sword.

But Xiao Daozi was also an idiot, or after all, he was still too small to look down upon Chi Long. He didn't realize that when Chi Long's tail swept at him viciously, he had secretly spewed out several dragon breaths.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and said, "Sister Tianmeng, I have only one purpose for killing Chilong."

Tian Meng did not respond, as if he had not heard Li Zedao's words.

So there was a little awkward smell in the air.

After a few breaths of silence, Li Zedao looked at Tian Meng and couldn't help but grumbled: "Sister Tian Meng, can you still chat happily? Shouldn't you ask me why I killed Chilong at this time? "

"Oh, what's the purpose?" Tianmeng gave Li Zedao a face.

"For the future of the four domains." Li Zedao took a deep breath, and his voice became rippling.


Tian Meng thought that his temper was getting better and better. If this were in the past, Xiao Daozi would have been dead.

"Even if Pangu ordered Chilong to be my mount, I still can't control Chilong, and I also know that Chilong is absolutely unwilling to try to save the four domains with me. It just wants to return to the sky, so as to get a trace. vitality."

"So that day, it will definitely stabb me with a knife from the back. Instead of that, now it's better to kill the danger in the cradle."

"Furthermore, I want to take my sister to a place. I try to make you fall in love with that place. I try to poison you with all kinds of fresh things, make you unable to extricate yourself, make you nostalgic, and desire to protect you."

"At that time, my sister can only choose to fight against the sky with me, but she is worried that Chi Long will take the opportunity to do something, so she has to kill it."

Li Zedao didn't mind that this woman knew her purpose.

"..." Tian Meng was speechless for a long time, Xiao Daozi was indeed an idiot.

Glancing at the big hole not far away, smelling the disgusting smell of burning in the air, Li Ze said that he had a lingering fear.

He was already quite worthy of Chi Long, holding a soul sword, and playing a sneak attack rather shamelessly. He thought he could easily injure Chi Long.

Who wants to be careless after all, Chi Long can even help himself prepare so many dragon breaths in such a desperate situation, it is really terrifying.

Fortunately, this woman who had almost been conquered by her own charm arrived in time and destroyed the dragon's breath, otherwise she would have no bones left.

Tianmeng sneered: "Xiao Daozi, are you dreaming?"

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly: "You have to try, right?"

"Sister understands, why did those **** hands let go of sister." Tian Meng sneered again and again.

"Pangu." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed.

Apart from Pangu, who can command that hands be moved? Even Li Zedao has only temporarily become the master of that hand, and he may disconnect from that hand at any time.

As the sole ruler of the four domains, Pangu can hear the sounds of all things even if there is only a ray of soul left, so he knows what Li Zedao wants to do.

So he released Tianmeng, he just wanted to see if Tianmeng would save Li Zedao.

If it can be saved, it proves that this woman from the heaven has fancy Li Zedao. In the end, she might really be conquered by Li Zedao, and work with him to save the four domains, even against the sky.

The strong man in the heavens was attracted by the creatures conceived by his Pangu against the sky, which was a shame for the sky.

If God feels ashamed, Pangu will be happy... It's that simple.

Tianmeng understands Pangu's mind, and Li Zedao also understands.

So one sneered and the other laughed embarrassingly.

"Xiao Daozi, is Pan Gu an idiot? How can you take it for granted if you are not an idiot?" Tian Meng sneered.

Li Zedao smiled slightly: "He just saw another feasible way in me. Whenever he finds that my way is not working, he will destroy everything here."

Tian Meng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Even a horrible figure like Pangu sees a trace of possibility in Xiao Daozi, which proves that the way Xiao Daozi came up to instigate himself is quite clever, maybe someone accidentally understands his Dao.

"Xiao Daozi, where do you want to take your sister?" Tian Meng asked.

Li Zedao smiled mysteriously: "Guess."


Tian Meng didn't guess, she clenched the sword and stood up and turned back.


The ugly soul sword in his hand pointed directly at Li Zedao's chest, and those extremely charming eyes had been replaced by the cold and biting murderous look, looking at Li Zedao as if looking at a corpse.

"Xiao Daozi, although I am very reluctant, it is a big trouble to keep you, so let's kill it."

A wisp of Pangu's soul is enough to destroy all the creatures in the four domains, and it can restore the four domains to the chaotic state of the past, but it can't help her!

Now as long as Xiao Daozi is killed, Pangu will not report any hope, and he will choose to take the initiative to destroy the four domains.

Then the **** imprisonment was gone, and she could go back.

pretty good!

Li Zedao looked at Tian Meng's piercing eyes and smiled: "Sister Tian Meng has no confidence in himself?"

Tianmeng sneered, **** little Daozi irritated himself so much? Really stupid.

"Sister Tianmeng, you are worried that you will eventually be instigated by me. You are worried that you really fall in love with the place I took you to, so you have a desire to protect... At least you don't want to see that place is destroyed like this?"

"So you had to choose to kill me, right?"

"Why are you so insecure about yourself?"

Li Zedao smiled brightly, and his voice was full of confidence: "Of course, it's right for you to have no confidence in yourself, because that place will indeed make you linger."

Tian Meng had the urge to squash this pretty meanly smiling face and said coldly: "Xiao Daozi, sister will miss you, go to hell."

Tian Meng's eyes boiled with killing intent, and he slammed the soul sword in his hand.

At this moment, her delicate body paused slightly, and the soul sword slipped from her hand.

Her brows wrung up, and when she looked down, her face suddenly became quite ugly.

Those **** hands actually clasped her feet firmly again and restricted her cultivation.

Tian Meng is depressed, how can I forget these **** hands?

Dao Li Ze stretched out his hand to pick up the soul sword and put it in the Sumi Ring, stood up and smiled and looked at the face in front of him that was quite ugly but the facial features were undoubtedly pretty good.

"Damn it, let me go!" Tian Meng gritted his teeth and cursed, wishing to rush to tear a piece of meat from him.

After staying in the four domains for so long, the four lives that Pangu gave birth to were played around by her. When did she deflate?

However, in front of Xiao Daozi, she was repeatedly deflated, which really annoyed her.

"I'm not an idiot like Chilong, don't let it go." Li Zedao smiled.


Li Zedao's face became affectionate, his eyes became gentle and hot, his hand stretched out and raised Tianmeng's chin teasingly.

Tian Meng's face was even more ugly, and he said grimly: "Xiao Daozi, do you want to die?"

She felt that these eyes were really annoying, and she wanted to dig them out.

"I don't want to die, but I want to kiss you, the cruel kind!" Li Ze said.


Li Ze said that he must do what he said, his lips vengefully blocked Tian Meng's small mouth.

Tianmeng's eyes widened, and his body was covered with terrible murderous intent.

Although she and Xiao Daozi have long been you, only me, and I know your depth, and all kinds of crazy scenes have happened, but the problem is that she has always been active and Xiao Daozi is passive.

She is the queen high above, and Xiao Daozi is just a dog she raised! She came and flew as soon as she called, she could do whatever she wanted to him, and did not allow any resistance.

But now it's the other way around, Xiao Daozi is active, she is the one being violated! How could this make her proud?

There is no lasting love in the past, only anger.

Had it not been for the cultivation base to be severely restricted by the **** hand, Tian Meng would have wanted to bite Li Zedao's lips severely.

After tasting the sweet and delicious little mouth, Li Zedao let go of her little mouth with unfinished talent.

Tian Meng's tight face was as dark as the darkness around him, and those eyes that looked like stars in the sky revealed extremely terrifying murderous aura.

She said word by word: "Little Daozi, I promise you will die miserably!"

Li Zedao smashed it, smashed his mouth, and explained a little aggrieved: "Sister Tianmeng, it's mainly because your lips are too attractive. I couldn't hold back this to violate it. It's not my fault."

"..." Tian Meng found that if he continued to threaten him, it would be a serious blasphemy of his charm.

Li Zedao's complexion became serious, and he took a deep breath and said, "Sister Tianmeng, I want to take you to the world and the place where I used to live. I think you will love that place."

Speaking of the mortal domain, Li Zedao was at a loss again, and all kinds of worries and speculations poured in, stimulating his nerves crazy.

Could Nintendo and them all no longer exist?

Tianmeng froze slightly, and then her eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot.

"Little Daozi, are you an idiot?"

"You actually want to say that your sister will eventually fall in love with the mortal domain, and you are reluctant to destroy everything there, and even want to protect it?"

Tianmeng’s voice was full of mockery: "Don’t forget, I used to stay in Fanyu for a while."

"The mortal domain now is completely different from the mortal domain in my sister's impression."

Li Zedao's eyes showed a hot recollection: "The spiritual energy of the mortal realm is so thin that it can be ignored, and the people of the mortal realm don't practice. They are so thin that any person in the spiritual mountain realm can become the first strong person in the mortal realm. "

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