The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2691: eat human

"I really can't do it! Isn't it OK if I can't do it? Your sister! Woo... you are not a human being, you are not as good as a beast..."

Tianmeng let out an angry roar, and the sadness came from the heart, and it was so wronged. The big teardrops fell off, and finally weeping very aggrieved.

Li Zedao stared at the smiling face of pear blossoms with rain, and said with difficulty: "I thought you wouldn't cry."

"Little Daozi, I hate you...I hate you...Woo..."

Li Zedao was very satisfied with Tianmeng's reaction at this time, thinking that this woman also had normal human emotions, and she would also feel wronged and cry.

This is what a woman should be, so he has more confidence in his plan.

Li Zedao didn't have any intention of comforting this woman. He sat down cross-legged, resting his cheek with one hand, and looked with interest at this woman who seemed to be greatly wronged and was crying, as if he was enjoying a rather interesting performance.

I have to say that this woman has a very attractive and seductive skin. When she is grieved and crying, she feels that it is not that I feel sorry for me, but that she will think of the bed uncontrollably.

Think of it, what it's like to press such a crying woman under her body.

"Fairy!" Li Zedao couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Fortunately, she has super resistance, otherwise she would be completely reduced to her tool.

After a stick of incense, Tian Meng seemed to suddenly realize that the powerful and proud one should not have the emotion of crying, and the crying stopped abruptly.

The grievances in her big eyes that still had broken strands and pearls slipped were quickly replaced by the vicious gloom, and there was no human emotion in her eyes when she looked at Li Zedao, as if she was looking at a cold corpse.

Faced with such terrifying eyes, Li Zedao, even if he was a powerful person in Lingyu Realm, his scalp numb uncontrollably.

He knew that he was not sure about his scale after all, and he completely annoyed this woman.

"Xiao Daozi, you are good, really good!"

Tian Meng's voice without any human emotions made Li Zedao's scalp numb even worse. He has reason to believe that once this woman is released, she will immediately kill herself.

Even at the same time die.

"I'm really good, of course, if Tianmeng sister you let me have a body again, that would be even better."

Tianmeng's face is cold and frosty, and it is different from the previous grievances and tears.

She felt that Xiao Daozi was the beast among the beasts, she was so pitiful, she was crying bitterly, but he was watching the fun.

"I can go to the mortal realm with you, or let you have a body again, but I have one condition."

"If you don't agree, you can continue to be a disgusting fly now, you can invade me and humiliate me at will, and even make my soul fly away... if you have that strength!"

Even if her feet are bound by this **** hand and her cultivation base is suppressed, even if she is facing a small Taoist cultivation in the Lingyu Realm, even if she is thrown in the sun, Tian Meng does not consider a small Taoist. Have the ability to let your soul fly away.

Li Zedao didn't want to listen to these words. This woman didn't seem to realize that she was already a prisoner, and the initiative was not in her hands at all.

Indeed, he didn't have the ability to let her die.

But she seems to have forgotten that there are many methods that are more terrifying than the loss of soul.

Li Zedao stood up, looked at this woman who was obviously charming, but indistinguishable from Li Gui, and said, "Let's listen."

The kind-hearted man is still willing to listen to the voice of the captive. Whether he agrees or not depends on the conditions.

Tianmeng's gloomy eyes stared at Li Zedao's eyes, and said word by word: "I remember you told me before, you are a person first, and then you are the descendants of Nuwa!"

"You also said that the difference between humans and beasts is that humans have rules and are willing to obey the rules, and beasts have no rules."

Li Zedao thought for a while, did I say it?

Well, I'm afraid it was pretending to be an educator after entangled with this woman?

Li Zedao was a little guilty. He felt that what a man said in that situation shouldn't be counted? After all, they are all nonsense to trick girls into bed.

"You said that the reason why people are people is because they don't eat people."

"But, you tortured me, you watched me cry with interest over there, making me feel that you are not human."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Li Zedao was a little annoyed. He wanted this woman to correct his position. Did you know that you are now a prisoner?

Did you know that the relationship between you and me is essentially an enemy, the kind of endless death?

In the end, either you die or I die, or you follow me against the sky, or I betray the four domains and go to the heavens with you... This is impossible!

So you can only live and die, you can only be conquered by my charm and willing to betray the sky!

Li Zedao felt that he was too selfish, but at this time, he could only be selfish.

He remembered a lot of dog-blood scenes in movies, in which the villain heroine changed her mind to re-behave for the hero, and helped the hero destroy her own clan.

Then the audience applauded over there, indicating that the heroine really understands the righteousness...

Li Zedao now wants to be the kind of male lead applauded by the audience, but he feels disgusting and selfish.

Li Zedao stared at those gloomy eyes, thinking that you have tortured me less?

Just because you are a woman can you be so wronged for granted? So rightly accuse me of your torture?

Please, my so-called torture is already the most gentle method for you, okay?

I did not uproot my stuff like you did. It was quite inconvenient when I wanted it to be convenient. You also dug out my eyes and threw me in the sun.

You are also quite vicious to let the demon continue to kill the people of God's Domain in front of me, and let me soak in the blood of the people of God's Domain.

Even, you still killed Princess Long and the others...Although this scene only happened in the fantasy world, Li Zedao knew better than anyone that Tian Meng was given an opportunity like this, and she would really be cruel.

Li Zedao said coldly: "Seriously, your righteousness makes me feel very upset, makes me think you are an idiot, and makes my guilt towards you diminish."

Tianmeng's face is even more ugly: "What did you say?"

"The relationship between you and me is actually an enemy in nature, not a lover who is desperately in love. You fall into my hands. It is natural for me to torture you. I want to get the most benefit from you as a matter of course, isn't it? "

"For me to fall into your hands, you must have tortured me more than I have tortured you thousands of times, right?"

"At that time, I will stare at you with vicious eyes, indicating that you tortured me and made me think that you are not a beautiful woman. Do you think I am an idiot?"

"..." Tian Meng was speechless.

As Xiao Daozi said, at a certain moment, she forgot the most essential relationship between her and him.

They are enemies after all, and they all want to get the most benefit from each other. Xiaodaozi is just doing what the enemy should do.

And, as he said, his methods are already very gentle...

Damn, how could I justify this **** idiot?

"Don't think you are a beauty, an extremely powerful beauty, I should be completely obsessed with you, completely lost myself, and become your dog!"

Li Zedao said coldly: "I have only two kinds of obedience. First, you are stronger than me. In order to survive and gain benefits, I have to temporarily bow my head, even if it is to become your dog... This is called stubbornness!"

"Do you understand what it means to be a bit brave?"

Tianmeng's face was stunned, thinking what is it?

"It's terrible to have no culture." Li Zedao said contemptuously.


"Secondly, I am willing to obey. For example, at home, my status is the lowest. I really enjoy my women pointing fingers at me and getting angry at me. I really enjoy helping them cook and help them beat their legs and shoulders. That kind of feeling!"

Tian Meng was silent, and the hideous murderous intent in his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Of course, you can still put forward your terms."

Li Zedao said: "If I can accept it, I will accept it, if I can't accept it, then I'm sorry."

"At that time, I will continue to be a fly, and even if I am in a hurry, I will find a large group of flies, let them take turns in front of you to praise your strength, praise you for this thrilling beauty, and express right Your unforgettable love."

Li Zedao spoke gloomily, like a ghost: "Never underestimate my determination to protect the four domains!"

"In order to protect the four domains, I can even make you better than dead!"

Tian Meng looked at Li Zedao's indifferent eyes in a daze, and sighed softly: "Little Daozi, Sister thought that even if you weren't completely attracted by your sister, it's almost the same."

Li Zedao raised his head slightly, his arrogant halo added himself, and he spoke with disdain: "Before I was completely attracted by you, you were completely fascinated by me!"

"Sister Tianmeng, don't think too much of your charm, let alone underestimate my charm."


Tian Meng felt that she was wrong. Before, she felt that she had seen the shameless lower limit of Xiaodaozi, but now she knew that the lower limit she saw was not the lower limit at all.

The shamelessness of Xiaodaozi has no lower limit! Who dares to say that Xiaodaozi's shamelessness has a lower limit, she will kill someone!

"State your terms." Li Zedao said.

Tian Meng regained the past soft and charming, and said with a smile: "I hate your mouth, I want to torture your **** mouth! So eating **** or cannibalism, you choose."

"After eating, I will start to refine a body for you, so that after you return to the mortal domain, you can be intimate with the unknown number of little **** waiting for you in the mortal domain."

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "You know I can't eat human flesh."

He finally understood, why this woman had to say those things just now, why I am a descendant of Nuwa first, this is to slap him in the face.

Didn’t you mean that you are a human being? Can people eat people?

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