"Sister Tianmeng, so your real purpose is to make me eat shit, right?" Li Ze said with an expression that I have seen through your vicious conspiracy.

Li Zedao felt that this woman was too much, everyone was so familiar, even you took my body away quite shamelessly, why did you make such an excessive request?

I'm going to really eat shit. You must not have enough reason not to let me kiss your little mouth in the future? It's so despicable.

Tian Meng's expression is extremely playful, and the mood that originally suppressed anger has been replaced by comfort.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

She knew that the most hypocritical little Daozi would choose to eat shit.

People who are extremely hypocritical will not easily slap their own face in front of others, for fear that their face will be completely swollen from behind.

"Are you not afraid that I will kiss you forcibly after eating shit?" Li Zedao looked at the extremely **** red lips, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and wanted to violate it fiercely.

This woman can always easily awaken the most primitive animal nature of a man.

Even if Li Zedao possesses extremely powerful self-control ability, he couldn't help howling a wolf when facing this woman.


Tianmeng’s expression remained unchanged, and he giggled and said: "Xiao Daozi, if you really do something like that, I promise you can only continue to exist in the form of astral body! You have to believe, in these four domains, except for sister , Even if it’s the wisp of Pangu’s soul, there’s no way for you to have a physical body again!"

"Little Daozi, don't doubt what your sister said."

"What if you can't help but beg me to kiss you?" Li Ze asked.

"You think too much." Tian Meng sneered, once again witnessing the shamelessness of this **** idiot.

Li Zedao hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes, and said: "Sister Tianmeng, I can eat shit, but I have to choose human **** or animal shit, otherwise …Even if the body is gone from now on, I will kiss you!"

Tianmeng sneered: "If you want to eat your own shit, it's okay, but you have to eat it in front of your sister, and eat the fresh one."

Li Zedao forced his nausea and said, "It's definitely not good to eat raw, right? Can I add some water and boil it?"

"up to you."

Tianmeng's face finally changed, the corners of her mouth twitched violently, and her scalp became numb.

From Tian Meng's point of view, Xiao Daozi said this to disgust her, and she was indeed disgusted.

As for eating human **** or animal shit, it doesn't matter at all, as long as it is shit.

"If that's the case, then it's settled." Li Zedao took a deep breath, with determination in his eyes.

At this moment, his face was resolute, his great aura added to him, and he was able to give everything he had for the glorious and majestic posture for the bright future of Pangu Region.

Tian Meng hurriedly closed her eyes, she really didn't want to see that hypocritical face, it would make her sick and nauseous.

A few days later, the Bu Zhou Mountains, the mouth of the unknown cave.

Tian Meng's feet were still tightly bound by the hands that had evolved from Pangu's soul strands. Not to mention that the movement was restricted, even the cultivation base was restrained.

She raised her head to look at the starry sky, watching the hazy blood-red waning moon that seemed to be covered by a thin layer of veil, and the corner of her mouth was slightly icy.

It seems that there has not been a full moon for a long time, and the waning **** moon has also become dull, as if it was covered with a thin gauze, which means that the imprisonment has been cracked.

No wonder Xiao Daozi is in a hurry, perfectly playing his shamelessness without any lower limit, and even eating shit.

It's just a small way, are you too whimsical?

How can you foolishly think that if your sister stays in the mortal domain for a while, she will completely like that place? Will you have a desire for protection?

If you say you are an idiot, you must protest, right?

Li Zedao was not in the Wuming Cave at this time, he went deep into the Fuzhou Mountains.

In his words, he is looking for beasts with more fragrant shit.

He said that he wanted to find a beast whose **** was not that smelly, bring it back, and then cook the **** that the beast had just pulled in front of Tianmeng, and then eat it!

"Damn it, it's disgusting!"

Reminiscent of a disgusting scene, Tian Meng's eyebrows frowned slightly, and her scalp began to numb again, and she quickly suppressed the terrifying scene.

But remembering that the shameless little Daozi would eat **** in front of her, her mood improved for no reason.

When the waning moon was about to disappear, and the morning sun was about to fall on the entrance of the ignorant cave, I felt something, Tian Meng looked up.

Li Zedao's ghostly figure appeared in front of her.

Tian Meng thought that the **** idiot had finally returned, otherwise she was afraid that she would scold her mother.

She exists in the form of a powerful soul without a body. This **** sunlight is her greatest enemy.

Although it wasn't enough to kill her, it could cause her to suffer so much that she could even wait for her to die.

However, he saw that Li Zedao was still carrying a cloth bag in his hand. There was something in the bag running around, and he made a panicked neigh. Obviously he successfully captured a beast that he thought was not so unpleasant. .

Tianmeng's eyes are extremely playful, although it is disgusting, but the mood is very joyful.

I can finally see Xiaodaozi eating shit, so good!

"Sister Tianmeng, the sun is about to rise, let's hurry into the cave, I will eat **** to show you." Li Zedao looked at Tianmeng and said. Then I was disgusted by what I said.

The muscles on Tian Meng's face twitched uncontrollably, and it was disgusting.

Under the control of the hands that clasped her feet tightly, Tian Meng's figure floated into the unknown hole uncontrollably.

Li Zedao took out an obviously frightened beast from the bag in front of Tianmeng.

The beast is not big, looks a bit like a civet, and has black and white fur. The black eyes show panic, and they constantly make timid neighs, which are obviously shocked.

"Hehe, raccoon."

Tian Meng recognized this pitiful little beast at a glance, and his face was full of playfulness.

She felt that this raccoon was really lucky, because it was about to **** to be eaten by a strong spiritual world.

But, Xiao Daozi, is this the **** of a raccoon? Or did he have tasted all the beast feces in advance and finally felt that the raccoon's feces could still be imported?

Tian Meng is too nauseous. If her feet were not bound by that **** hand, she would have been far away from Li Zedao, or she would have killed this disgusting **** alive.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "This little guy is too fast and he is so small that he lost his track when he drilled in any cave. It took me a lot of effort to capture him."

While talking, Li Zedao took out a large cage made of branches prepared in advance from Xumi Ring, and put the frightened raccoon into it.

"Xiao Daozi, it seems that you have eaten the **** of a raccoon?" Tian Meng's face was even more playful.

Xiao Daozi naturally cannot catch a beast casually, he will definitely catch the beast he thinks is the least smelly and disgusting.

Does the **** of a raccoon smell?

Tian Meng said that she didn't know, and she had never eaten it.

But looking at Xiaodaozi's posture, he must have eaten it.

Li Ze said with a grin, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, which seemed endless aftertaste: "I have eaten."

"..." Even though Tian Meng had already prepared, he was almost disgusted by this answer.

"Is it delicious?" Tian Meng asked, holding back his nausea.

"It's delicious, you might want to eat it when I eat it." Li Zedao showed a pretty enjoyable smile on his face.

"Little Daozi, you are so disgusting!"

Li Zedao smiled mysteriously, and took out a bag from Xumi Ring. The bag contained an unknown fruit.

He threw the fruit into the cage, and the panicked lingon was suddenly attracted by the sweet smell of the fruit, but because of fear, he dared not approach it for a while.

After hesitating for a moment, it still couldn't resist the temptation of gourmet food, approached it cautiously, and swallowed it into its mouth.

Li Zedao smiled, grabbed a lot of fruit and threw it in.

Under the temptation of delicious food, Linghu's fear was eliminated, and he enjoyed the meal quite happily.

"this is?"

Tian Meng was a little curious, but she was so knowledgeable, but she couldn't recognize what kind of fruit it was for a while.

Li Zedao looked at these fruits, his face was full of memories, and said: "In God's Domain, this is just an inconspicuous fruit. No one has discovered what effect it has on the pill, so it didn't even appear in " In "Compendium of Plants and Trees", at best, this is an unknown wild fruit that Linghu likes very much."

"But in Fanyu, this kind of thing is grown in large quantities and is extremely popular. It also has a name, coffee fruit."

"Coffee fruit?" Tianmeng thought, what a strange name.

I have been in Fanyu for a long time, why haven’t I heard of it?

"After this civet is full, let's wait for it to poop."

The impatient eagerness on Li Zedao's face, the dim light of expectation that burst out of his eyes, gave Tian Meng a feeling of being struck by lightning, which was really disgusting.

Li Zedao took out a copper kettle from Xumi Ring, which already contained half of the water.

He looked at Tian Meng affectionately and said, "Sister Tian Meng, I will cook the **** of the spirit fox for you to drink."

Tianmeng is extremely disgusting: "Get out!"

Li Zedao laughed, and started humming the song so badly. This time he didn't deliberately sing the song.

Tianmeng, who just wanted to shut up the **** idiot, was slightly stunned, thinking that although he had never heard such a weird so-called song, it still seemed very good.

He was not making Xiao Daozi shut up.

When the spirit fox was full, it was exhausted, and its chubby body curled up and began to sleep.

"When it wakes up, it will start to shit." Li Zedao looked forward to it.


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