The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2696: Frog at the bottom of the well

"In the final analysis, this area opened up and imprisoned by Pangu is just a small corner of the heavens. The creatures living in this corner are like the toads in the well, and they don’t even know what’s beyond the imprisonment. How old was that day."

Tian Meng looked at Li Zedao's eyes with contempt, as if he was the toad.

Li Zedao is quite dissatisfied with this woman's attitude, dare to love me as a toad in your eyes? Fortunately, I leave you a sip of precious cat feces coffee every day, and I don’t even mind that your saliva feeds you.

Sister Tianmeng, cherish me, no man can treat you like me.


Suddenly there was a deafening muffled thunder outside. It was clear that the sky was only ten thousand miles away, and now it was rolling thunder, as if someone had offended the wrath of the sky and caused thunder.

Li Zedao was taken aback, and quickly choked this rather shameless idea in the cradle.

Decisively felt that I must cherish sister Tianmeng, looking at the entire heaven except Pangu domain, I am afraid that no woman can be like sister Tianmeng, and she did not completely regard herself as an enemy.

And seeing her like that, she doesn't seem to dislike her saliva.

Li Zedao was too moved.

"Sister Tianmeng, what is the realm of the Dao Realm? The day you talked about Pangu, it was the Dao Realm?" Li Zedao's eyes showed a burning desire and yearning.

He once thought that he was already very strong when he entered the Lingyu Realm, and he could cross the four major domains, even facing Chilong.

But who would have thought that every time he climbed a peak, he was surprised to find that there was still a mountain farther away.

Even more frightening is that with his current height, he can't see the top of the mountain in the distance.

The great realm has become a drug, and Li Zedao is a drug addict. He is eager to enter that realm and successfully get rid of the control of Pangu's soul.

Tianmeng giggled, with a deep contempt in that charming look: "Xiao Daozi, you are too idiot."


Li Zedao wanted to plug this woman's mouth with his lips again.

"If the sky is the Dao Realm, it is not the sky, and if Pangu is the Dao Realm, it will not be Pangu." Tian Meng said grimly.

This unseen idiot, does this think that the powerhouse of the Great Realm is very strong?

"Looking at the entire celestial realm, the Lingyu realm is equivalent to the spiritual fairy realm of these four realms. The power of the whole celestial spiritual realm is like a dog, and the Dao realm can be regarded as the quasi-spiritual realm of the four realms. Those who occupy the celestial realm The strong in a small area are the strong at the avenue level."

Li Zedao's pupils were wide, his body was numb, and he breathed in cold breath repeatedly, feeling a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart, and felt that it was really difficult to guard these four domains.

It turned out that I was indeed a frog in a well, and I didn't even know how big the sky was and how thick the ground was.

Outside of that confinement, there are so many powerful spirit world realm like dogs? Even if it is a great road, there are many?

"That day with Pangu, what kind of power was it?" Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing, only feeling that his throat was thirsty.

Tianmeng’s pupils showed a hot light, and said, “Pangu and the sky are both powerful in the same state!”

"Reunion?" Li Zedao's eyes were also hot, showing endless desire.

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao disdainfully: "So, Xiaodaozi, you said you want to protect the four domains. My sister's first feeling after hearing this is...chuckle, so funny."


"The second feeling is that it's still funny."


"With your current strength, if it weren't for being protected by the imprisonment, you wouldn't have to take a shot at all. Any celestial powerhouse would be enough to beat you to death!"

Tianmeng doesn't give Li Zedao any beautiful or fluke fantasy at all, and nakedly tells the most cruel reality.

Li Zedao was silent for a moment, and nodded in agreement: "Sister Tianmeng, you are right. With my current strength, it is really funny to say that I want to protect the four domains."

Li Zedao sometimes finds the rhetoric of those weak people quite funny, but it is funny, but he does not dare to despise the determination that they burst out, let alone the kind of luck that exists in the future.

Sometimes unwavering determination and conviction can make people burst out stronger than ever before, and also get the so-called luck.

Li Zedao knew that Tian Meng didn't understand this truth because she had never experienced it.

But along the way, Li Zedao has experienced too much.

His character is seriously flawed, he is bothered, and he is afraid of death.

But in certain things, he was quite persistent, for example, in order to protect the mortal domain before, he resolutely left the mortal domain.

In fact, he doesn't need to leave the mortal realm, he can choose to become the richest and most powerful person in the mortal realm, and he is fully qualified to stand at the top of the mortal pyramid.

But he did not enjoy that kind of life, just because some things always need someone to do, he is the most suitable person, so he resolutely risked almost death and ran into the unknown world of God's Domain. Up.

And now, not only does he want to protect the mortal domain, he also wants to protect everything in the four domains.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to deceive his master to destroy the ancestor... He wanted to completely wipe out the soul of Pangu and completely eliminate the threat that could easily destroy everything here.

Li Zedao did not agree with Pangu's view at all.

The four domains were created by me, and all the creatures in the four domains were bred by me. If I want to destroy them, let them be destroyed.

Li Zedao feels that parents giving birth to children does not mean that parents have the right to deprive their children of their lives at any time.


Li Zedao took a deep breath, his face was fearless, his eyes revealed unprecedented strength and determination: "Even so, I still want to protect as much as I can!"

"In this way, even if I was slapped easily in the end, I won't feel the slightest regret."

Li Zedao said word by word: "Because I have tried my best."

"Xiao Daozi, you are so hypocritical." Tian Meng was not moved, but had a feeling of eating shit, extremely nauseous.

"You feel more disgusting than the **** you pulled by a raccoon."

Tian Meng feels that Xiao Daozi is not good at anything. The worst part is that he always likes to say this kind of nonsense that seems very moving but makes people feel disgusting.

Courage and determination, in the face of real strength, seem to be the clown who is not funny at all. It is useless except to make fun of himself.

In the same state, Pangu had no backhand in front of the sky at all. In the end, he could only rely on this method to get sick to the sky, and even at the cost of his soul flying away, he temporarily escaped from the rule of the sky.

You are a weak person with the cultivation base of Lingyu Realm. What qualifications do you have to say that you can protect the four domains?

"Sister Tianmeng, you also eat shit, and I also know that you are quite looking forward to continuing to eat shit." Li Ze said to play with the taste.

"Little Daozi..."

Tianmeng's extremely angry roar madly swept through this nameless hole, and the poor lingker was stunned again.

After venting his anger, Tian Meng continued to beat Li Zedao to death, trying to destroy his disgusting will and belief.

"In short, even if you enter the Daozi Realm, you are only qualified to walk in the heaven and get rid of Pangu's control."

"As for protecting the four domains, hehe, don't be foolish."

Tian Meng sneered again and again, and the tone was beyond doubt: "Not to mention, you can't enter the Dao Realm at all! The Lingyu Realm is already the highest height you can reach."

Li Zedao didn't want to listen to these words. He wanted Tian Meng to know how much time it took him to change from a crane tail student who was bullied in the toilet every day to one of the strongest in the four domains today.

Forget it, be a low-key person.

"Sister Tianmeng is insulting my talent? Even if you really look down on my talent, you can't ignore my luck."

Li Zedao disagrees, is the avenue great? Sorry, my goal is actually to return to one state.

Tian Meng gloated and said, "Little Daozi, your talent and unreasonable luck are like a display in front of Pangu. Pangu will not allow his blood to escape his control, so he will not let you grow into a great realm. The powerhouse, before you are about to become a powerhouse in the great realm, that soul ray will definitely kill you."

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to admit that Tian Meng's words were not at all provocative.

With Pangu's cold blood, he did not allow any creatures he conceived to escape his control.

Tianmeng sneered again and again: "Moreover, do you think these **** four domains have the conditions for you to grow into a strong man in the great realm?"

"If so, the four lives that Pangu conceived and my sister, I, would have long been the powerhouse of the Dao Realm! Instead of staying in the Lingyu Realm all the time!"

"Under the shroud of that **** imprisonment, this place has become an absolutely enclosed space. Although sunlight can still shine in, whether it is spiritual energy, devil energy or heavenly aura, it has become extremely thin."

"That's why, except for the four major beings conceived by Pangu, other creatures and even the quasi-spiritual universe are already at their limit!"

"So Xiao Daozi, if you can enter the Lingyu Realm, you are really grateful to your sister's Lingyu Dan, otherwise, even if your talent is terrifying, you can only touch the door at most, there is no way. Go inside!"

Li Zedao's smile became bitter.

"So Tianmeng's sister meant that I didn't have the slightest chance at all. No matter how hard I tried, I would be a bubble in front of cruel facts? My hard work and persistence are a joke?"

To protect the four domains, the cultivation base of the Lingyu Realm is not enough to see, and even the cultivation base of the Dao Realm is not enough!

What's more tragic is that Pangu's soul wisp didn't seem to want him to grow into a powerhouse in the great realm, not to mention that these four domains didn't have the conditions to break through.

Li Zedao really felt that he was too difficult.

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