The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2697: Continued Cup

"Hey, Xiaodaozi, you are not stupid."

Tian Meng stretched out his hand, and the finger twitched Li Zedao's chin teasingly, but his smile was cruel and merciless.

"Xiao Daozi, you have to believe your sister, the only destiny of the four domains is destruction, either by Pangu personally or by the powerhouse of the heavens, and that day is not far away!"

"Xiao Daozi, no matter how hard you work, your nausea can't save the four domains!"

Li Zedao looked at those eyes full of contempt, and thought for a while and said: "So Sister Tianmeng meant I should go home and wait for death now?"

Li Zedao felt that it was too desperate for your sister to say this, so he changed his view.

"I mean, I should enjoy the rest of my life, instead of talking about disgusting rhetoric and dreaming dreams?"

Tian Meng smiled very playfully: "In fact, it is just to go back and wait for death."


"Whether Pangu personally destroyed the four domains, or the imprisonment eventually collapsed, except for my sister, all the creatures in the four domains will die." Tian Meng's smile became hot and cruel, and his tone was beyond doubt.

Li Zedao seriously thought about it again: "My hometown pays attention to the return of Ye Luo to the roots, then go back to the Mortal Realm."

"Sister Tianmeng, would you like to go back with me? I'll take you around the mortal realm. Those new things are guaranteed to make you amazed."

Li Zedao looked at Tianmeng, and suddenly there were many fragments in his mind that made his nosebleeds come out.

After all, he was not as embarrassed to say that you would like those **** toys.

"What? You want to let your sister protect the four domains with you?" Tian Meng sneered again and again.

Why the **** little Daozi still doesn't understand? Even if your sister is willing to accompany you to protect the four domains, you can never change the destiny of the four domains going to extinction?

Besides, do you really think such an idiotic approach can change your sister's mind? Let my sister have a desire to protect Fanyu?

"I admit that under your rather shameless efforts, I am indeed a little curious about Fanyu, but it is only curious."

"If you think that I will have coffee because of that **** cat feces, because of the **** so-called musical instruments you made, because of the **** songs you sing, you will have a desire to protect the world..."

"Xiao Daozi, you are an idiot even more idiot than Chilong."

Li Zedao's smile is quite sincere: "Sister Tian Meng misunderstood, I just want to invite Sister Tian Meng to visit the world."

"Of course, if my sister really doesn't want to go, I won't force it, but I still want to ask my sister to help me refine a body so that I can return to the mortal domain and wait for my death. After all, the mortal domain is my true home... …"

"Everything here is about to be destroyed, I want to go home and see before it is destroyed."

"Look at my old mother who is crying because she misses her son, and see my wives who are losing weight with lovesickness."

Li Zedao looked at Tianmeng with eyesight, as if a poor puppy was staring at the mistress who was chewing on chicken legs.

He squeezed his eyes harder, trying to drop a few tears, but failed.

Tianmeng is like a smile but not a smile, Xiaodaozi is really an idiot.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth and decided to use his assassin. He stretched out his hand and pulled Tianmeng's silk sleeves as thin as cicada wings: "Sister Tianmeng, I beg you."

Tian Meng can't stand it decisively, even more disgusting than Li Zedao forcibly pouring that cat feces coffee into his mouth before.

"Damn it, you let go."

"If you don't promise me, I won't let it go."

"Damn... Forget it, my sister will help you refine a body so that you can go home and wait for death." Tianmeng said with a cold voice.

Li Zedao was overjoyed, quickly let go of Tianmeng's arm, and said deeply, "Thank you, Tianmeng."

"In addition, I don't mind going to the mortal domain with you. I really want to see if the mortal domain is completely different as you said." Tian Meng sneered.

She really wanted to see how the mobile phones, computers, cars, etc. Xiao Daozi said about "poisoned" herself, and how she made herself so intoxicated and completely addicted to it.

Tian Meng's eyes flashed with extremely dangerous gloom, she didn't mind to destroy all those things in front of Li Zedao, and even if she had the opportunity, she didn't mind to kill in the realm!

"Really? That's great." Li Zedao excitedly said.

He clearly caught the undisguised killing in Tianmeng's eyes, but he didn't care.

This woman has no chance to do that kind of thing at all, because he disagrees.

More importantly, at this time, those hands would not agree, right?

No matter where it is, those hands will entangle her tightly, and with his strength, it is enough to completely suppress this woman, so that she can't make any waves.

Unless everything in the four domains returns to the most primitive state of chaos, this woman should not even want to escape from her palm.

"That day, sister Meng, you will start refining the body. What is needed, I am going to go." Li Zedao smiled and looked at the woman who had finally changed her mind.

Tian Meng said coldly: "I need these **** hands to let me go."

"This...actually, I can refine it." Li Zedao smiled slightly, and said with a shy face, "Please also ask Tian Meng sister for more guidance, the younger brother must be humbly taught, and will not disappoint you. "


Li Zedao grabbed Tian Meng's arm again, and said coquettishly, "Sister Tian Meng, please."


After Tian Meng's rather impatient explanation, Li Zedao suddenly realized that he finally knew why he couldn't have a body like a demon.

The astral body of the demon is born, and the innate astral body can be integrated into any body at any time, even the body of a beast.

If the soul is not the most yin thing, there is no way to be exposed to the sun, and those demons are afraid and unwilling to blend into any flesh.

Tian Meng and Li Zedao are not born with such powerful soul bodies. They borrowed some extremely powerful pill to make the soul suddenly become extremely powerful, and at the same time it was separated from the body.

Because of the thin body, it can no longer bear the attachment of the powerful soul.

So they can't just like the demon, they can have a body casually, they need to refine that body to make it stronger.

"Sister Tianmeng, what should I do?"

Li Zedao accompanied the smiling face and delivered a cup of steaming cat feces coffee to Tian Meng.

Tianmeng turned Li Zedao a glance, and his charm was abnormal.

But he didn't bother to hide his true emotions, and he couldn't afford any nausea, so he reached out and took it.

I learned Li Zedao's way to blow away the heat and took a sip, feeling the unprecedented mellow and richness in his mouth, and Tianmeng was amazed.

You want to imagine that such a wonderful taste is **** pulled from the **** of a raccoon, that's shit!

The **** is edible, and it has such an amazing taste. The creation and discovery ability of the mortal people is really amazing.

So, for the matter of going to the mortal domain, there is a little more expectation.

As for the inability to resist the temptation to linger and forget to return to the heart to protect the desire, Tianmeng sneered, thinking that Xiaodaozi is too cute, can you say such idiotic things if you are not cute?

"Xiao Daozi, do you think there is any way to make a body stronger?" Tian Meng asked.

Li Zedao thought for a while and said: "Add all kinds of metals, or even souls to refine?"

Tianmeng nodded: "The idea is right, but the problem is that even if you add a metal soul to that body, it is still not strong enough to withstand your body, because my sister has tried countless times."

"Do you think my sister likes to exist in the form of an astral body and don't want to bask in the sun?"

"In fact, whether it is spiritual energy, devilish energy or even the breath of heavenly secrets, they all originate from the sun. The breath of any creature in the heavens originates from that sun. Even if it is as powerful as the sky, it is full of awe for that sun."

There was a lot of awe in Tianmeng's voice.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. It seemed that the words that there was a sky outside the sky weren't casual. The realm that Tianmeng said was in the universe, and it was just a drop in the ocean.

"What should we do then?" Li Zedao asked.

This woman had tried countless times, and always ended in failure. Li Zedao did not feel that he could find a better plan for refining the body in a short time.

And seeing how this woman was so arduous, Li Zedao knew that she must have found a pretty good way.

Tian Meng's smile became a bit playful or mysterious.

She raised her head to look at the colorful surrounding wall that was shining with mysterious colorful light and full of oppression not far away, and said: "Maybe there is some causal relationship in the dark, or maybe Nuwa or Pangu has derived something. , The colorful fence appeared."

Li Zedao stunned slightly.

"Xiao Daozi, don't you think that the multicolored stones on which the colorful walls are built are quite perfect materials for refining flesh?"

Tian Meng took a sip of cat feces coffee and once again admired the taste of this thing called coffee is really charming.

Even if she has bigu, she doesn't need food or water at all, let alone she still exists as an astral body at this time.

But I couldn't help but want to taste it.

Li Zedao suddenly realized, yeah, why didn't he think of this?

The colorful fence possesses extremely terrifying defensive capabilities. Using it as a raw material, it can naturally produce a powerful body.

More importantly, the colorful wall leading to the Demon Realm collapsed, and the scattered colorful stones had long been collected by Li Zedao.

Li Zedao quickly took out all the colorful stones from the Xumi Ring, and said excitedly: "Sister Tianmeng, what should I do?"

Tian Meng sent the cup in his hand to Li Zedao: "Little Daozi, another cup."


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