The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2715: Neuropathy

When he was on the flyover before, Ning Feng wanted to fight the neurosis desperately, but thought that his father was still lying in the hospital ward, waiting for him to raise money to save his life, he endured it.

But now he doesn't need to bear it anymore, of course, he really can't bear it!

He gritted his teeth and slammed his fist at the extremely ugly smiling face.

The next moment, even if he was in a state of anger, his soft fist hit Li Zedao's nose!


Li Zedao easily grabbed the hand that looked indistinguishable from a toothpick from his perspective, and did not wait for the boy who should have dealt with the gods to react to his death, and snapped at will.


Li Zedao broke Ning Feng's wrist as if breaking a toothpick.

Ning Feng's small face full of anger instantly solidified into a ball, and then, unprecedented pain swept through his body.

Li Zedao let go of the broken wrist, and Ning Feng could no longer maintain a kneeling posture. He directly curled up there, shaking and twitching constantly.

Because of the pain, his face was directly twisted into a ball, and his eyeballs almost jumped out of his eye sockets, and sweat kept coming out.

In the final analysis, he is a middle school student with no power to restrain him, he simply can't bear this kind of pain.

But dignity drove him to gritted his teeth, not letting himself scream.

Immediately afterwards, he stared at the neuropathy in front of him with an even more angry look, struggling hard to stand up, he wanted to continue to fight this neuropathy who dared to laugh!

Li Zedao was still smiling, as if he was looking at an ant struggling to die, without mercy.

"How do you say it? Well, in short, your response makes my son quite satisfied." Li Zedao smiled.

Kneeling on the bridge that day so that the relatives can temporarily stop dignity. In the desperate situation, whenever there is a straw drifting by, I will squeeze tightly and do not give up.

When he is maliciously humiliated, he is not cowardly and dared to take action, and he dares to stare at a neuropath who can easily break his wrist with such a look so not afraid of death.

Coupled with good studies, IQ is pretty good...

"It's you!"

Li Zedao looked like a magic stick and said mysteriously: "Student Ning Feng, congratulations, you have been taken by God, that is, I. You are basically qualified to officially become my spokesperson in this world."

Ning Feng clenched his teeth tightly, and looked at the neurosis with a look of deadly eyes rather stubbornly.

He gritted his teeth and said with a hoarse voice: "You're **** sick, you're a **** neuropathy! You're a **** neuropathy... I... I'm fighting with you..."

Ning Feng tried to stand up, turning around like a headless fly. He was looking for a tool to kill people.

Being scolded for being insane, Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and didn't care.

At the next moment, his hand suddenly protruded, and he clasped Ning Feng's broken wrist with a slight force.

Ning Feng couldn't help it anymore, that face twisted the city and let out a scream.


A few seconds later, Ning Feng's scream stopped abruptly as if his neck was suddenly stuck tightly.

Li Zedao let go of Ning Feng's wrist, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Ning Feng's eyes widened and stared blankly at his wrist, which had no pain at all, and twisted it subconsciously.

He moved freely, without any block, without any pain.

His wrist that was easily broken by the neurosis in front of him, after being broken by the neurosis again, turned out to be as good as before!

For a while, Ning Feng looked up at Li Zedao with difficulty, his expression was like seeing a ghost: ""

Li Zedao's expression was a little depressed, and he looked cold from a high place: "I have already said that I am a god, you must treat me as a lunatic, what can I do?"

Ning Feng's face was dull, and his mind was rippling extremely badly. Could it be that he is really a god?

No, there is no **** in this world! However, what is certain is that he is a doctor, and he still has a few brushes.

"Still don't believe it?" Li Ze said helplessly, "Boy, look at my eyes carefully, do you see a kind of light called sincerity?"

Ning Feng looked at Li Zedao stupidly. He didn't see any sincere light, but he saw a pile of eye feces. How many days has this neuropathy been without washing his face?

Li Zedao knew that if he wanted to change his image in this kid's mind, he was afraid that he could only make a big move.

So he patted the ground lightly, and in an instant bursts of smoke rose, and the floor tiles that were firmly laid there unexpectedly loosened.

Ning Feng's already staring eyes widened again, and his mouth was big enough to fit a tennis ball.

Under the gaze of Ning Feng’s horrified and shocking eyes, Li Zedao casually buckled the floor tile, which was 60 cm long and wide, and then lightly swiped one of the corners, and then broke it at will .


It's as easy as breaking a piece from a biscuit.

What's more scary is that the fractured surface is so neat, as if it were cut with a cutting machine.

Ning Feng's mind trembled, and his mind roared so hard that he was completely sluggish!

He thinks this should be a kind of magic, but the key is that magic needs props and needs support!

The floor tile that he had stepped on tens of thousands of times was obviously not a prop, and he was not a supporter.

How did he do it?

It was quite shocking to buckle it up with bare hands, and he even cut off the corner of the tile so neatly with his fingers.

Ning Feng was even more stunned. Li Zedao rubbed the broken tile at will, and suddenly it was kneaded into a powder, as if it was made of flour.

Li Zedao blew lightly, and the ceramic tile powder flew away in this space, frantically stimulating Ning Feng's little heart.

"Want to learn?" Li Zedao asked.

With a flick of a finger on the tile at random, with a soft "click!" The tile was turned into two halves, and the fractured surface was still incomparably neat, as if it had been cut with a cutter.

Ning Feng didn't respond, he looked at the tiles motionlessly, like a bronze sculpture.

After a while, his stiff neck moved and nodded mechanically.

Saying that you don't want to learn is false.

After you have accomplished your studies and perform on stage, you can also get a pretty good income, and maybe even become the top magician.

Li Zedao was very satisfied with the boy's reaction. He lit a cigarette and smiled: "I can teach you if you want to learn, but before teaching, you have to answer me a question."

Ning Feng worked hard to move his gaze away from the tile, trying to calm his mood, staring at the neuropathy in front of him with horror, and said with difficulty, "What...problem?"

Li Zedao said: "I could have saved your father's life easily, but I just stood idly by. Would you blame me?"

Ning Feng's expression stiffened and then shook his head.

"Why?" Li Zedao spit out a mouthful of smoke and spoke with interest. Those eyes were unusually bright, as if they could easily penetrate the flesh of Ning Feng's chest and reach his heart.

"It's me anyway, I've already complained and even hated the other person. You **** can save it, but you can't. Are you still human?"

"It is love to save, but it is duty not to save." Ning Feng said hoarsely.

This is his attitude!

He is not related to this neuropathy, so why must the other party be his father? Even if it's because of the relatives, it doesn't mean that you have to help.

Not to mention, this neurosis has given him another way.

In the classroom of the Phoenix Middle School, Ning Feng really saw the girl named Su Su, and the girl really gave him 500,000 yuan as a reward.

It was just that when he had just walked out of Phoenix Middle School like a dream, he put up two men in black who suddenly appeared and pushed them into a car parked on the side of the road.

In that car, Ningfen saw a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance.

The middle-aged man told Ning Feng not to be afraid. He just wanted to know who the **** in his mouth was.

Ning Feng replied honestly, it seemed that God had run out of a neuropathy from a neurological hospital. As for his true identity, he was not quite clear.

After the middle-aged man asked a few more questions that Ning Feng could not answer at all, he asked Ning Feng to get out of the car and leave by himself.

What Ning Feng didn't know was that all his belief information had already been sent to the middle-aged man.

Ning Feng didn't know that in the next few days, his every move was closely monitored by some people.

Ning Feng didn't even know that five minutes before he rushed to the hospital with excitement as if he were still dreaming, his father had already jumped off the top floor of the inpatient department and ended his life.

"Love? Duty?"

Li Zedao was fairly satisfied with this answer.

He stood up and said, "Well, you have completely passed my assessment. You can become my spokesperson in this world. Of course, I will not force you. I will give you half a day to ease your emotions and consider it carefully. , Now I have to go and continue looking for a **** yellow cat."

"Well, you... won't you really not belong to this world?" Ning Feng said with difficulty.

He felt that some of the things that this neuropathy said were too strange, what I was in this world more than a hundred years ago...It is really ridiculous and funny to hear, but it is extremely scary to think about it.

Then, Ning Feng felt that he had become neurotic too. How could he ask such a neurotic question if he wasn't a neuropath?

Ning Feng felt that this guy was just a neuropathy, a terrible neuropathy.

For example, Xidu Ouyang Feng is already crazy, but it does not prevent him from still being one of the top masters in the world.

Li Ze grinned and smiled quite mysteriously: "Boy, why do you always suspect me? Have you ever seen that mortal who can walk like me?"

Ning Feng's pupils stared round, his mind roared violently, and a huge wave tens of thousands of times stronger than before, he couldn't believe it was true.

That neuropathy, his feet lifted up and put them on the wall, and then he stood up! He actually stood on the wall with his body parallel to the ground!

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