Immediately, Li Zedao began to move upward!

He actually walked on the wall, just like walking on the ground.

"Boy, now do you think I belong to this world?"

A gloomy voice came from above his head.

Ning Feng's pupils were round, and his entire head was blank, almost fainting.

He clearly saw the neurosis, and walked along the wall to the ceiling. At this moment, he stood upside down on the ceiling, as if his feet were welded to the ceiling.

Then, he started walking around on the ceiling again, leaving scary footprints one after another.

Ning Feng's head was basically in a state of downtime. He stared wide at the neurotic who was standing on the ceiling and smiling at him. Subconsciously, he slapped his face that was completely numb. .

He felt that he must be dreaming, he wanted to wake himself up.

Because regardless of the explanation, this kind of thing is impossible unless he uses some high-tech products.

It hurts, so I didn't dream!

"Boy, see you tonight." Li Zedao said.

There was a flower in front of Ning Feng's eyes, and the neurosis disappeared without a shadow, as if it had never appeared before.

But the footprints on the ceiling, on the wall, are so shocking.

Ning Feng looked at the footprints in horror, and his body shivered violently, his nose and tears burst out, and he felt so cold.

But it is so hot below.

Looking down hard, he didn't know when, his urine was scared.


In the kidnapping incident, Susu's mother was so frightened that she firmly disagreed that Susu would go to school again.

In addition, the Phoenix City has not been peaceful recently. Those rich second generations have disappeared one after another, and even the police station has an accident. It is really worrying. So Susu’s mother decided to let Susu go back to Yanjing and not allow her to continue. Phoenix is ​​here.

Su Su was no more than her mother, so she could only compromise and ended her short time in Phoenix.

Before leaving, she wanted to meet someone and say sorry to him in person, but her mother severely rejected her proposal.

She could only sit in the yard boringly, staring at the blue sky in a daze.

She had a secret in her heart. She had seen the murderer who nearly killed Zhou Shaotian in a coffee shop, at the school gate on the day of school.

He stood there, quietly looking at the school gate, watching for a long time, looking so lonely and lonely.

"No wonder he didn't even look at me too much. His girlfriend... really looks good."

The young girl who was in love at the beginning had a trace of humiliation in her heart. In front of such a woman, all the pride of Su Su was severely stepped on the ground.

She was quite apologetic and blamed herself, she felt that she was quite sorry for the senior named Ning Feng.

It was precisely because of her phone call that the senior named Ning Feng was controlled by his father and asked for a long time.

As long as Ning Feng can get to the hospital a few minutes earlier, Ning Feng's father may not jump off the roof.

"God? Who is God?" The girl knocked on her messy head.


The cat's panicked cry came from outside the yard.

Su Su looked up, but saw outside the yard, a man carrying a yellow cat in his hand was looking up and down. His expression was serious, as if a doctor in a hospital was checking the patient's body.

The cat was obviously frightened and kept breaking free.

"Hey, why are you hurting a cat? Let go of it." Su Su shouted.

The bodyguards guarding around naturally also noticed the movement, and their eyes became alert and unkind.

Once they find something wrong with this guy who didn't know where it came from, they will control it as quickly as possible, or even kill it!

Miss has already had an accident, and they will never allow any accident to happen again.

Li Zedao glanced at this girl who seemed to be destined to him, and released the little yellow cat in his hand.

This is not the yellow cat he was looking for.

Li Zedao looked at Su Su and smiled slightly: "It's not your fault, you don't need to blame yourself."

Su Su stunned: "What?"

The bodyguards around were even more vigilant, looking at Li Zedao's eyes as if they were looking at dangerous prey.

"Ning Feng's father's death has nothing to do with you. You don't need to blame yourself, and you don't have to see the kid and say sorry or something." Li Zedao said, "Your sorry is no different from sprinkling salt on his wound."

Su Su frowned: "Who are you?"

Li Zedao smiled mysteriously and turned to leave.

Su Su's brows wrinkled even more, his mouth opened, and after all, he said nothing.

"Miss, need to stop him?" one of the bodyguards asked in a low voice.

Su Su narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "Forget it."

"Are you a god?" she thought to herself.


Late at night, the room was brightly lit.

Ning Feng turned on all the lights in the house quite extravagantly, curled up there, staring at the surroundings with fear and helplessness, his body still trembling constantly.

The figure standing on the ceiling, the weird smile, the dark footprints, and the floor tiles that were randomly cut with fingers were all stimulating his nerves crazily, leaving his body in a state of trembling all the time.

He realized that what he was afraid of was not a neurosis, nor a god, but a ghost!

He remembered an article circulated on the Internet before, in which it said that ghosts are real, and they have weight, and they can even be used to refine drugs.

Under certain conditions, ghosts can still be seen!

And powerful ghosts can even live like normal people!

Ning Feng is an absolute atheist, so after seeing this article for the first time, he sneered at it, just treating it as the boring writer's blog post.

But who would have thought that he really hell!

At this moment, a strange noise came from the window.

"Bang! Bang!"

Ning Feng's eyes were terrified, and he looked up.

The eyes suddenly rounded up, the body trembled even more severely, and the numbness of the scalp disappeared at all.

That crazy person was standing outside the window, knocking on the window, that smile was so strange!

Here, but the fifth floor!

Li Zedao opened the window with his hand and jumped in...Of course, in Ning Feng's eyes, he is not jumping, he is floating! He floated in through the window.

Li Zedao handed over a chair and sat down in front of the obviously frightened teenager, a little funny.

"What? Think I'm a ghost?" Li Zedao bared a grinning tooth.

Ning Feng's uncontrollable trembling body curled up into a ball, and his eyes full of horror did not dare to look at Li Zedao more.

I thought you were not a ghost. Who is a ghost? Are you a ghost who can do such a shocking thing?

Li Zedao helplessly: "I said before, I am a god, I am not a ghost."

Li Zedao took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and said with a smile: "Of course, there is not much difference between a ghost and a god. When a man is dead, his soul is a god, and he is a ghost when he is in hell. It's that simple."

"Besides, what can I do if I am a ghost? Even if I am a ghost, I really want to choke you to death. Can you resist it? If you can't resist, what's the fear?"

"Besides, I don't look scary, and it's not an exaggeration to say that Yushu is in the wind."

Ning Feng thought about it, too. She was scared and seemed a little redundant. If he really wanted to harm him, he would have died long ago.

After taking a few deep breaths, the fear in his heart weakened a lot, his stiff neck finally straightened, and he bravely raised his head to look at the **** in front of him.

Yushu Linfeng is romantic and suave... Ning Feng thinks this **** is shameless.

"Well, I intend to train you to be my spokesperson, how are you thinking about it?" Li Zedao spit out a cigarette bubble.

Li Zedao said again: "Of course, I also said before. It is your freedom to agree or not, and I will not force you."

In Li Zedao's view, forcing this kid to be his spokesperson in the mortal domain was an insult to himself.

If this kid refuses somehow, then go to Susu, presumably that little girl will not refuse.

"I... what do I need to do?"

Ning Feng took a deep breath, tried to eliminate her nervous and fearful emotions, and said with difficulty, "I... I don't want to do things that hurt the world and reason."

Li Zedao looked at this little boy who was still a little virgin disdainfully, and said contemptuously: "What do I need you to do for me? Do you have that ability?"

"It's really not that I am bragging. If I wanted to kill people, Phoenix would already be a dead city."

"... Then... what do I need to do?"

Ning Feng was so ashamed that he felt that he had been insulted to death, and he couldn't even do things that hurt the world and reason?

Ning Feng was deeply saddened. He really couldn't do it. There is a natural kindness in his bones. What can he do? He is destined to be a good person in his life.

"What do you need to do..."

Li Zedao cleared his throat and said very cleverly: "The night before yesterday, I had nothing to do at night, and the hexagram... You didn't understand it after I told you. In short, it is very fierce, quite fierce!

Li Zedao's expression became serious.

Seeing this neuropathy pretending to be so pretentious, Ning Feng pulled the corners of his mouth uncontrollably, wanting to laugh inexplicably, but knew that he couldn't laugh, so he held back quite hard.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, and his voice was extremely solemn: "In short, the hexagram shows that one day in the future, Phoenix City is likely to be enveloped by a terrible plague, and even if one is not careful, the plague is likely to be swept. The whole world."

The corners of Ning Feng's mouth trembled more severely, and he held back harder to prevent himself from laughing.

He naturally didn't believe it, but suddenly he remembered the dark footprints on the wall and above his head, the tiles that were neatly slashed, remembered that his wrist was easily broken, and then he was connected intact again. Choose to believe quickly.

Choosing to believe, Ning Feng couldn't help but feel whether he was sick.

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