Li Zedao shook his head and said with pity: "I really let that plague erupt, and then the whole world will fall into a huge panic. My Buddha is merciful, Amen."


"My son really can't bear it, so my son, I choose you to be my spokesperson in this world. I will leave you a medicine and the prescription for that medicine."

"With your hand, let this medicine be passed on in this world and save the people."


The muscles on Ning Feng's face twitched, thinking that he would never meet a fake Chinese doctor who sells dog skin plasters, right?

Li Zedao took out a medicine bottle and a thin piece of paper, and said quite proudly: "This pill is made from pure Chinese medicine. It is gentle and non-irritating. It is really the best medicine for detoxification."

"This is a prescription. It contains some common Chinese medicine ingredients. Any small pharmaceutical factory can produce a lot of medicine through this prescription."

Li Zedao cautiously told: "But remember, people who are not infected with the virus must never take this medicine, otherwise there will be no benefits, and even one who is not careful, I am afraid that it will be fatal."


The muscles on Ning Feng's face were twitching even more severely, and for a while, he didn't know whether he should reach out to pick up the medicine bottle and the so-called prescription.

"Why? Don't you believe it?" Li Zedao was quite depressed, and he wanted to change his spokesperson.

Does this silly boy know how big an opportunity is before him now?

"I... believe, believe."

Ning Feng was afraid that this neurosis would be angry, so he quickly reached out to take the so-called so-called prescription that the small medicine bottle was still thin, and even grasped the medicine bottle tightly, as if he had obtained a treasure.

Li Zedao knew that this kid didn't believe it at all, and he was too lazy to say something.

Anyway, waiting for him to learn something in the future, and there is an epidemic, this kid will know how awesome this **** once appeared before him.

And he would definitely regret saying that he didn't act like a baby and beg God to leave him something more.

As if conjure, Li Zedao dragged out a suitcase from behind.

Looking at the suitcase, Ning Feng subconsciously rubbed his eyes, truly shocked.

Because, he clearly remembered that when the neurosis drifted in, he didn't carry such a large suitcase at all.

So where did he hide this suitcase before?

Li Zedao opened the suitcase, and it turned out to be a box full of books. Some books were severely yellowed, bitten by moths, and exuded bursts of decay.

Ning Feng was slightly shocked: "This is..."

"Various classics on Chinese medicine."

Ning Feng was stunned: "Chinese medicine?"

Is it right to guess that this neurosis is a Chinese medicine doctor who sells dog skin plasters?

"Why? Look down on what the ancestors left behind?" Li Zedao sneered, "Boy, if you can learn the essence, get rid of the disease, or even treat the bones of the living dead, it is not unimaginable at all."

"Furthermore, many of these are solitary copies. They were dug out by my son who dug a few ancient tombs. If you run out of money, just take a copy and buy it, and you can live your life quite well."


Ning Feng didn't look down on Chinese medicine, he just felt that it was a lie.

When his father was first ill, he was introduced to an old Chinese doctor. The money was not spent less, and the dark herbs were not spent less. As a result, his condition continued to worsen and his body deteriorated every day.

At the end, you can only pay for the sky-high surgery costs to perform surgery.

Therefore, Ning Feng is actually quite repulsive of Chinese medicine.

Li Zedao doesn’t care how much this kid rejects Chinese medicine, and he said pretty arrogantly: “If you knew how to do medical techniques before, your father’s illness would not need to go to the hospital for treatment at all. You only need acupuncture plus some medicine to be alive and well. ...Yes, it's so awesome."


Ning Feng felt that this neuropathy was best at not standing on the ceiling, not appearing out of nowhere, let alone cutting tiles with his fingers, but acting as force.

When he pretended to be forceful, he really wanted to smash his face with a punch.

"Next, I will teach you seven nights before and after. In the first four nights, I will teach you a set of acupuncture methods and some of the most basic pill methods. To what extent you can learn, that is your business. As for Look at these classics. It’s up to you how much you can comprehend. Don’t ask me if you don’t understand. I won’t say if you ask.”

"I... will work hard." Ning Feng took a deep breath and said.

In any case, this madness was insane, and it could even be said to be magical, and Ning Feng couldn't explain the actions he had made with the scientific knowledge he had learned now.

Like standing on the ceiling completely insulting Newton to death, how did he do it?

What's the matter with fingers cutting tiles?

This is the fifth floor. How did he get in through the window?

So, maybe you can learn something from him that you can perform on stage. Maybe you can get an invitation from the Spring Festival Gala after you become famous.

Therefore, Ning Feng wanted to study hard.

Li Zedao grinned and said, "If you don't work hard, that's your business, it has nothing to do with me."


"For the remaining three nights, I will teach you some basic self-defense techniques, so that you won't be able to beat a few gangsters."

Ning Feng was overjoyed and nodded.

Rather than learning the so-called medical skills that seem to be unreliable or even deceptive, Ning Feng is more willing to learn some self-defense techniques. Judging from the fact that this neuropathy easily grabs his angry fist and breaks easily, this neuropathy is afraid Is extraordinary skill.

"Okay, I'm looking for a **** yellow cat. You have a good rest and have enough energy. I will come to see you tomorrow night."

Ning Feng couldn't help but asked, "What kind of cat is that?"

Ning Feng was really curious, what kind of cat it was, and what would he do if he was looking for a cat.

Li Zedao said meaningfully: "That is a yellow cat that may bring great death and pain to humans."

Ning Feng couldn't understand.

Li Zedao didn't bother to explain, turned around and walked to the window, then... floated out and continued to search for the yellow cat.

Ning Feng suddenly thought of something, his eyes went round and his scalp became extremely numb.

His eyes, filled with intense fear, stared at the window, breathing in a cold breath.

Suddenly he remembered that the windows were guarded against theft!

The guardrail, even the head of a child, can't get out, let alone an adult!

However, that neuropathy passed through the barrier without hindrance...


One night passed, and still nothing, Li Zedao was also a little discouraged.

He looked up at the gloomy sky, and his heart was very heavy, wondering if it was God's will? Should such a disaster occur in Fanyu?

What makes Li Zedao extremely guilty is that such a potentially huge disaster was caused by him who wanted to protect this place!

This has to be said to be a huge irony.

Even if Li Zedao was a god, he didn't even know that after the yellow cat escaped from the villa after stealing the fish, he was caught by a thief who specialized in stealing cats and sent to a cat meat restaurant overnight.

The poor cat was skinned before he could digest the goldfish in his stomach.

The cat's internal organs were thrown into the trash can in the backyard of the cat meat shop, ready to be cleaned out the next day.

Who thought, a group of bats came in the middle of the night. The bats smelled fishy and ate the cat's internal organs as delicious.

But the yellow cat had not had time to digest it, and the poisonous fish entered the belly of one of the bats.

The bat itself has extremely powerful anti-toxicity, so even if the toxicity begins to occur, it still lives well.

A few years later, at that time, Li Zedao had already left the mortal domain with Tian Meng.

That day, in a restaurant in the United States, a cup of bat soup was delivered to a white American who likes to eat all kinds of game.

Thus, this white man with blond hair and blue eyes became patient zero.

After enjoying the game, the American man successfully transmitted the poison to many people and started a small-scale outbreak in some parts of the country.

This kind of thing is naturally not taken seriously, they just treat it as just ordinary flu, even if they go to the hospital, they will at most treat it as ordinary flu.

After that, the zero patient started his own global travel plan, and the first stop was Phoenix!

He successfully brought the poison that had left Phoenix City back to Phoenix City, and then a large-scale infection broke out.

The global epidemic has also kicked off.

In the end, as people died and more and more people showed symptoms of infection, the virus experts realized that a terrible epidemic had arrived. It was a new virus that had never appeared in human history. .

Of course, these are all things to do.

In the next three nights, Li Zedao began to teach Ning Feng some medical techniques, focusing on the knowledge of acupuncture points on the human body and the "God's Needle" acupuncture method. In addition, he also taught some introductory elixir techniques.

The name of this acupuncture method was taken casually by Li Zedao. As for the acupuncture method, it was created by the masters of Li Zedao. After learning a little bit of fur, it was used to heal some simple ailments of these mortals. That's enough.

If you learn the essence of it and the person applying the needle still has aura, then you can pass the aura through the needle into the patient's body, then it is not too difficult to treat some intractable diseases.

During the teaching process, Li Zedao was quite dissatisfied.

He felt that the spokesperson he was looking for was really stupid, and he didn't understand the simple question.

Li Zedao had reason to suspect that this stupid kid could still go to Phoenix Middle School. Did he sell his soul to a senior executive in the school and still keep his body?

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning poured in from the icy window frame, Li Zedao stood up and said: "I have said everything I should say, how much I can understand next, and what achievements I can achieve in the future, then It depends on you."

Ning Feng's scarlet eyes looked at this **** seriously and nodded heavily.

Although in the past three nights, he heard in the clouds, he was afraid that even one-thousandth of the neuropathy had not been absorbed, but he had a hunch that once he absorbed them all, he seemed to be able to become A very good doctor.

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