The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2734: Five poisons

Li Zedao couldn't help but complain, thinking you thought you were Di Renjie, what do you think?

But he responded with a dazed expression: "Little stupid, I don't know what the Lord Saint is right with."

Isn't it obvious to sneer in your heart? This is afraid that someone is going to pour water on your sage, and put the account of killing Yaoshizi on the head of Wudu Sect, so as to provoke the war between Wudu Sect and Yaofang Pavilion, so as to take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Li Zedao had reason to believe that this matter might have been done by the real Ziyun.

Jin Huan said with a solemn expression: "I'm afraid someone wants to plant our Five Poison Sect, provoke the relationship between our Five Poison Sect and the prescription pavilion, or even explode to death, so that we can take advantage of the fisherman's profit."

Li Zedao was shocked: "There is such a thing? How is this possible?"

Jin Huan knew that Ning Feng’s cultivation base was weak, his knowledge was short, and his brain was not bright, so he continued: "Think about it, the other party has the ability to kill Yao Shizi, and naturally has the ability to kill you and me, but the other party did not act on us. Instead, he threw the body of Pharmacist in front of us and fled, which is enough to explain this problem."

Li Zedao first flattered: "My Lord Saint is wise."

Then he was a little anxious, and said, "This...we don't have the ability to kill Master Yao."


Jin Huan squinted his eyes and looked at Li Ze and said: "You can stop the medicine master with a full blow without dying, and give you enough time, you can arrange a powerful soul formation that can trap the medicine master, and add me. After the battle of life and death, there is a complete opportunity to kill Master Yao."

"Furthermore, although this saint believes in you, your origin will eventually make people doubt."

"Moreover, I think Real Person Ziyun has already spread your news. Now all the forces in the Medicine Domain and the sects know that the Five Poison Sect has accepted a spy who is likely to be sent by other forces as a disciple."

"If I were them, I would definitely unite to question the Five Poison Sect, what do you Five Poison Sect want to do."

Jin Huan smiled bitterly: "Therefore, the explanation is not clear. Even if I am the Sect Master of the Five Poisons, I must think that the saint is also the spy of other forces lurking in the Five Poisons Sect, so I will kill them directly. Medicine Fangge, all sect forces in the medicine domain will give an explanation."

Li Zedao was shocked when he heard this, his face extremely pale.

Anxiously said: "Master Saint, the youngest thinks, we should leave this Silverback Mountain, this pot, we can't carry it back."

"I'm afraid it's too late."

Jin Huanxin felt a little bit, and squinted at the dense poisonous miasma above her head.

As soon as the voice fell, Li Zedao also clearly felt a powerful breath above his head.

Li Zedao secretly smiled bitterly, the other party carefully set up such a trap, how could it be so easy to let them retreat?

What Li Zedao couldn't understand was how the person who set up the game predicted that the golden ring saint would come to this silverback mountain, and even go deep into the dense forest to this black lake?

Or, it doesn't matter who the other party is to blame for killing Yao Shizi, as long as which sect force in the medicine domain is helping to bear the crime?

After only two short breaths, a dozen or so strong men dressed in the same costumes as Yao Shizi appeared and surrounded him and Jin Huan.

Those eyes alternated back and forth on the faces of the medicine master and Jin Huan on the ground, instantly turning red, full of grief and anger, and each body released a strong murderous intent.

They received a distress signal from the young pavilion master, and hurried over, who thought it would be a step late.

What they never expected was that the murderer who attacked the Young Pavilion Master turned out to be the saint Golden Ring of the Five Poison Sect! This is really beyond their expectations.

What is Wuduzong doing? Want to go to war with Yaofangge?

And although the strength of the Golden Ring Saintess is good, it is not enough to kill the Young Pavilion Master, so it must be a conspiracy!

Yes, it must be so!

Li Zedao's little heart trembled even more severely, and his scalp was so numb that he almost didn't feel it.

There are so many powerful people in the spiritual universe in the heavens. These more than a dozen people are all powerful in the spiritual universe, and any strength is above him. How can this make people live!

"Young Pavilion Master..."

"Sage of the Golden Ring, you dare to use despicable means to kill the young pavilion master of my prescription pavilion, and take your life!"

"Sage of the Golden Ring, your Five Poison Sect is trying to fight my prescription pavilion?"

"War will fight! My prescription pavilion is bound to crush your five poisonous sects, smash your golden ring into ten thousand pieces, and avenge the young pavilion master..."

"Holy Maiden of the Golden Ring, I advise you to obediently catch it, follow me and wait until I see the pavilion master of my prescription, and wait for it to happen!"

Jin Huan glanced at the disciples of the prescription pavilion indifferently, without explaining, because it was useless to explain to these idiots.

To them, any explanation is a meaningless cover-up and a sophistry.

Li Zedao's nervous eyes looked at the strong man in the prescription pavilion, and the weak and weak defended: "Everyone, please listen to me. The death of the drug master has nothing to do with our Five Poison Sect. We just happened to pass by..."

Li Zedao's confidence is getting weaker and weaker, and his voice is getting lower and lower. In the end, his mouth is squirming and no sound can be made.

No way, every time he jumped out a word, the murderous aura on these people became strong.

Jin Huan sighed softly, and there was pain in his heart, and said to Li Zedao who was obviously scared behind him to continue to argue: "Ning Feng, this saint is here to stop these people, you are waiting for the opportunity to escape."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and the hard heart was knocked down and became a little soft.

Although this woman is vicious and domineering, she seems to be the enemy of Tian Meng sister, but at this time she reveals her true feelings and really wants to protect him.

Li Zedao secretly sighed that men shouldn't be too attractive, even if they are attractive, they shouldn't be too obvious.

Just like me, just because I am so attractive, I just let the saints of the Five Poison Sect treat me differently, willing to protect me with death.

She won't like herself anymore? I have a headache, my son has already secretly vowed to never touch the flowers anymore, but if she is forced to give her body to this son, what should she do... Li Zedao feels that she is thinking too much. .

The disciples of the ten or so medicine prescription pavilions heard the words, their eyes became redder, and the murderous aura on their bodies became stronger.

This golden ring saint is also too arrogant, so she looks down on them so much? Even if you are a strong person with a high-grade cultivation base in the Lingyu realm, your snake sword is even a top-grade soul sword, but these few of us are not vegetarian.

Just because you want to stop us? dream!

Jin Huan didn't say anything, she slowly raised the snake sword, and her body was instantly enveloped by a strong devilish energy.

"Get away!" Jin Huan's eyes became extremely sharp.

The voice that seemed to be stern and inwardly sounded immediately: "Want to touch my saint of the Five Poison Sect? Then step over my corpse first!"

Li Zedao did not continue to hide behind Jin Huan to seek a sense of security, but took a step forward, in a posture of fighting alongside Jin Huan.

Although his eyes were fierce, they couldn't conceal his strong fear.

Although his body was straight and his hand was firmly holding the long sword in his hand, the naked eye could see that his legs were trembling slightly.

Li Zedao had to do this. There was no way. There were strong people in the prescription pavilion in all directions, and he couldn't retreat at all.

After all, he didn't feel that the Golden Ring Saint had the ability to stop these powerful men.

Therefore, instead of running away, it is better to fight side by side with this woman and carry on faithfully to the end!

Besides, who knows what danger is hidden in this silverback mountain? Li Zedao didn't want to face those unknown dangers alone.

Although there is not much sense of security from this woman, there are still some not?

Therefore, after a short period of careful consideration, Li Zedao made the most correct move in his opinion.

The countenances of the dozen or so masters in Yaofang Pavilion became strange.

They were originally angry and sad, but they were almost amused by this weak person who didn't know where it came from, but it was obvious that the Saintess of the Golden Ring seemed to value him quite seriously.

It makes their current expression very strange.

However, in the mere Lingyu Realm, the Lower Grade Cultivation Base dared to say such big words, since you want to die so much, let him fulfill him.

In the next moment, these powerful men from the Medicine Fang Pavilion showed their weapons one after another, and in an instant, the horrors had condensed into a powerful encirclement, trapping Li Zedao and Jin Huan in it.

Jin Huan looked dull, his heart was already occupied by an inexplicable emotion.

Before this Ning Feng took the initiative to act on the pharmacist, she naturally suspected that this Ning Feng had acting elements, and he did this to please himself so as to become a disciple of the Five Poison Sect.

But now, Jinhuan doesn't think that way anymore.

She felt that Mrs. Ning Feng was so simple, and the simple people were quite loyal. He could really die for himself.

The Saintess of the Golden Ring is very moved!

"You step back." She whispered.

"The little one wants to fight side by side with the Lord Saint." Li Zedao did not retreat, his expression turned firm.

"This saint is afraid of hurting you by mistake."


Li Zedao quickly retreated behind the Golden Ring Saintess, and suddenly felt a lot more secure.

Li Zedao is ashamed, why does he always hide behind a woman to find a sense of security?

In the Pangu domain, I used to hide behind Tianmeng sister many times to gain a sense of security.

Feeling the aura of the powerful being crushed one after another, Jin Huan's face was terribly cold, and he shook the snake sword.

Suddenly, the strong magic energy was released, and this time it was not just condensed into a snake-shaped beast!

In addition to the snake-shaped beasts, four other poisonous beasts of various shapes were condensed!

Serpentine beasts! Centipede beasts! Scorpion beast! Toad beast! Gecko beasts!

This is the five poisons of the Five Poison Sect.

The **** breath released by these condensed poisonous insects and beasts was even worse than that of snake-shaped beasts.

Especially the toads and beasts, with a faint **** color all over the body, it seems to be the first of the five poisons.

"This is the so-called five poisons?" Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly, it seems that this woman is going to make a big move.

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