Looking at the five poisons that released the monstrous evil aura, the strong man in the medicine prescription pavilion also looked a little dignified, but did not think it was too tricky.

The strong in the medicine domain have long been unaware of any poison, not to mention that their medicine prescription pavilion is at the leading level in the medicine domain in terms of pill refining.

Yaofangge dared to say that he was the second, but no sect force would dare to say that he was the first.

Therefore, even if you are injured by these five poisons, you will not lose your life.

"Be careful of this woman's conspiracy and tricks." A strong man in the prescription pavilion said solemnly.

After all, they didn't believe that Jin Huan was capable of killing their young pavilion master, and the five poisons alone could not help the young pavilion master said the medicine hoe, so this woman must have used some conspiracy.

Therefore, they don't need to pay so much attention to the five poisons condensed by the devilish energy, but they must beware of the conspiracy and tricks that are enough to kill their young pavilion master.

As soon as he said this, the vigilant color in the eyes of the other powerful prescription pavilions became even more intense, and a more terrifying aura burst out of each body.

Suddenly, the five poisonous poisons and the powerful aura that shrouded the sky formed a state of confrontation, and the entire space became extremely suppressed, like the terror and tranquility when the storm came, and the needle fell.

Li Zedao was a little anxious. Judging from the current situation, even if this woman uses the strength of breastfeeding, it is impossible for this woman to be the opponent of these dozens of powerhouses.

In the same Lingyu Realm, the gap cannot be too big.

Even if it is the pinnacle of Lingyu Realm's top grade against the lower grade of Lingyu Realm, it is impossible to achieve a spike.

Even relying on some powerful Horcruxes and soul formations can form a short-term confrontation.

This is why Li Zedao can block the **** of Master Yao.

Therefore, at the same time facing so many spiritual universe powerhouses, this woman will undoubtedly lose.

Li Zedao knew better than anyone that if this woman was defeated or even killed, it would definitely be his turn next.

"No! This son can't die here, let alone being splashed with dirty water on his head! Let alone such an excellent ‘guide’ being killed like this."

After finally gaining Jin Huan's trust, Li Zedao naturally couldn't bear her death because he had not been able to obtain more information from her.

Li Zedao's eyes turned scarlet, and now, the only way to get rid of the suspicion is to kill someone!

"It seems that you can only use the big trick at the bottom of the box!"

Li Zedao's eyes showed determination, and there were already ten more black objects in his hands.

That's a fool!

When traveling with Tianmeng in Fanyu, and living peacefully but happily with those women in the small courtyard of Wucheng for the past two years, Li Zedao didn't idle and began to concentrate on transforming the big fool.

The poison of the big idiot before was not enough to destroy a strong person with a spiritual fairyland cultivation base.

Through Li Zedao, the poison and explosive power were meticulously reconstituted, and the seven ambassadors, eight spirit gods, and the eleven monsters around Chilong were found to be mice.

The effort paid off, and under the testimony of those little white mice's eyes full of collapse, Li Zedao finally succeeded in the transformation!

He also helped to rename it: Super Invincible Big Fool!

When such a super invincible idiot exploded, the power released by it was no less powerful than a quasi-spiritual powerhouse fighting hard!

Of course, the terrible thing about the big fool lies not in its explosive power, but in its toxicity.

Now the poison of this big fool could easily cause the soul of the Eleven Demon with a powerful soul body to be extremely severely damaged, and it was almost astonishing.

As for those who have cultivated in the fairyland, once they are infected with the poison of the big idiot, they will instantly disappear.

Li Zedao didn't know if these super idiots could pose a threat to these spiritual world powerhouses, but at this critical moment of life and death, it is still worth trying.

"Look at my Five Poison Sect's hidden weapons!"

Li Zedao pretended that he couldn't bear to be bullied any more, and he roared as he decided to fight hard, breaking the weird atmosphere that was already condensed into ice in the space.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen black glows resembling the black lightning that broke through the air, directly smashing the space, and blasting toward the strong from the Medicine Pavilion.

Jin Huan, who was offering the five poisons and confronting these powerful men, saw that Ning Feng had thrown out the so-called hidden weapon so ridiculously, his whole body was stunned.

Is there anything wrong with you here? Wouldn't it be okay for you to run away and bring in the rescue?

Okay, I know you can't run if you want to, but can you stop shouting when you throw out the hidden weapon, isn't it more like a joke if you call your so-called ridiculously weak hidden weapon like this?

"Five Poison Sect's hidden weapon?" Jin Huan felt insulted to death.

If the hidden weapons of the Five Poison Sect were so weak, they would have been destroyed.

Jin Huan almost let the five poisons crush Ning Feng and clear the door!

The powerhouses of the Medicine Fang Pavilion were also dumbfounded, and couldn't believe it was true.

Anyway, is there anything about a weak person like you here? Can't you wait for death obediently?

They looked at the so-called hidden weapons that made air bursts in front of them, and couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, just by relying on this powerful hidden weapon, I want to hurt the strong man in my prescription pavilion, which really makes people laugh."

"Five Poison Sect's hidden weapon? I'm so scared..."

"Haha, even reminded me? Is this guy here to be funny?"

"This hidden weapon is too slow. Hey, can you make it faster? I'm impatient."


Hearing these cynicisms, Jin Huan's face couldn't hold back, and it was so hot. He thought it was better to clean up the door, so as not to wait for the **** Ning Feng to be **** off before he was injured by the **** prescription pavilion.

In the next moment, these powerful people from the Medicine Fang Pavilion slapped each other casually, and a majestic aura burst out, all of a sudden making the hidden weapon that had already come to a standstill.

There was a trace of heat in Li Zedao's eyes that were originally full of tension and fear, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Bang!"


The hidden weapons that were stuck in the air suddenly exploded without warning, releasing a terrifying aura.

These concealed weapons exploded too suddenly, and the powerhouses of these prescription pavilions only regarded this hidden weapon as a joke, and did not take it to heart.

More importantly, their attention is focused on the five poisons.

So when the terrifying explosive power swept over them, they didn't even react.

Suddenly, these people were all injured by the terrifying power of the explosion, embarrassed.

And just when they first reacted, a scene that made them fearful appeared.

They were horrified to discover that with the explosion, a black mist that resembled life was produced, and the black mist swallowed them all at once, depriving them of their ability to move!

Even, they are devouring their soul bit by bit!

The sound of horror resounded throughout the dense forest.

"How is this going?"

"Ah...my eyes..."

"What kind of poison is this? Why is my soul so damaged..."

"Quickly, swallow Bing Qing Dan..."

The Saintess of the Golden Ring stared at the thick and weird smoke, listened to the screams of the powerful people in the medicine prescription pavilion, and saw those powerful people falling and rolling one by one, obviously suffering extremely serious injuries. Time was dumbfounded, and a mad wolf arose in his heart, his scalp was extremely numb, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

What is it that can hit so many powerful people at the same time?

Even the powerhouses of these prescription pavilions have already put out their unique detoxification pills and put them in their mouths, but they are still suffering.

Subconsciously, the golden ring saint wanted to retreat, away from the weird black mist.

"My Lord Saint, although the poisonous smoke is terrible, it is enough to severely damage the soul of a strong spiritual world, but on the premise that it is not injured by hidden weapons, those poisonous smoke diseases will not work."

Li Zedao heaved a sigh of relief and explained aloud.

Li Zedao was fairly satisfied with the power of the big fool.

The powerhouse who can so severely injure the Lingyu Realm is already quite powerful.

The saint Jinhuan reacted, she looked at Li Zedao's face with weird eyes, and said with difficulty: "Ning Feng, this saint asks you, what kind of hidden weapon is that?"

You know, people in the medicine domain are dealing with all kinds of herbs and poisons every day, so they are least afraid of all kinds of poisons, but the toxicity of this hidden weapon has severely damaged the powerful people in these prescription pavilions, even at the same time. More than a dozen!

You know, at the same time, to inflict more than a dozen low-level Lingyu realm peak cultivation level and above powerhouses, it must be the power of the Dao realm level of the master to do it!

However, the hidden weapon did it!

Even more terrifying is that the medicine in the Medicine Fang Pavilion can't suppress the poison!

Also, what happened to the explosion that was not too powerful but not too weak? How did he do it?

"It's not clear to the little one. This is the little one accidentally obtained in a cave. He accidentally tried its power and knew that this hidden weapon was extremely terrible, so he regarded it as a life saver."

Naturally, Li Zedao would not foolishly leak his own bottom and say that it was a hidden weapon he had refined with great concentration, if this woman fell in love with herself because she was too good, that would be bad.

Jin Huan's eyes flickered inexplicably light, and his voice became a little gloomy: "What kind of hidden weapon is that?"

This Ning Feng happened to get something in some cave all day long. Isn't his luck better?

Li Zedao knew that this woman was suspicious, and was even more moved by the big idiot. If there was no blood, she would be killed on the spot.

Quickly took out a bag, and sent the five big fools in it to the golden ring Saintess: "Master Saint, this is the hidden weapon."

Immediately pretending to be painful, he said, "There are only the last five pieces left. Please also the Lord Sainte to laugh."

Jin Huan's complexion softened, and she felt that this Ning Feng was really too loyal, not in vain to put her into the Five Poison Sect under tremendous pressure, but also for him to fight against Real Ziyun.

He stretched out his hand to take it, and asked casually: "Really there are only five left?"

Li Zedao hurriedly responded: "The little one dare not deceive the Lord Saint."

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