The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2737: Ten Thousand Poison Valley

Above the soul cloud.

Jin Huan suddenly thought that he had overlooked an extremely important thing, and frowned slightly.

She looked back at Li Zedao, who was standing there with respect but restrained, and muttered: "We seem to have overlooked a very serious matter."

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, then bowed and said, "My Lord Saint, a little stupid, I don't know what you are referring to."

Jin Huan's face was slightly solemn: "We should completely destroy the corpses of those strong in the Medicine Fang Pavilion."

Li Zedao was at a loss: "The body...what happened?"

He sneered in his heart, he naturally understood what Jin Huan meant. I am afraid that any strong person in the medicine domain can easily see that the strong person in the medicine Fangge was poisoned by some kind of severe poison before being killed.

At that time, if the golden ring uses the big fool again, someone will inevitably notice something.

The reason why Li Zedao didn't destroy those corpses was to make this woman scrupulous and dare not use the big idiot he carefully made in the future.

Except for himself, except for the women he cared about, Li Zedao didn't want to use big fools.

Jin Huan didn't explain much to this stupid subordinate. He thought that even if it was the suzerain and the pavilion owner of the prescription pavilion who saw those corpses, he would not know what kind of overbearing poison it was. In the future, he will use this powerful one carefully The hidden weapon is.

What really worried Jin Huan was the force hiding in the dark.

First he killed Yao Shizi, and then tried to count the death of Yao Shizi on his own head.

The other party's conspiracy didn't succeed, there must be something to follow, right?

In addition, there are many poisonous insects and beasts in Yinbei Mountain, and those corpses will be eaten after a short time. Therefore, Jin Huan did not want to return to deal with those corpses.

Suddenly thinking of something, Jin Huan's eyes became cold.

She looked at Li Zedao gloomily and said, "Ning Feng, why did you say that the other party knew that we were going to the Yinbei Mountain, so that he killed Yao Shizi beforehand, and put the charges on my Five Poison Sect? Could it be? Your secret message?"

A terrible murderous aura was released from Jin Huan's body, madly enveloped Li Zedao.

Li Zedao turned pale with fright and his body trembled. He knelt down and quickly defended himself: "Master Saint, the little one is wronged, and the little one's loyalty to Master Saint is a lesson from heaven and earth!"

"Furthermore, if the little one is conveying some news in secret, how can he not notice the slightest with the wise martial arts of the saint?"

Jin Huan also thought about it, this guy is only a low-level cultivation base in the Lingyu realm, he is not qualified to make any small moves in front of him.

As long as he has unnecessary actions, it is impossible for him to not notice anything.

Right now his face was slightly slower, but his voice was still cold: "It's not your best. If you let this saint find you have a problem in the future, you don't need this saint to do it yourself, then the netherworld pill will make you worse off than death!"

Li Zedao nodded quickly: "The little ones dare not, the little ones dare not."

The little heart trembled violently, how did you forget the **** nether pill? The poison that can make this woman change her conversation must be quite overbearing.

It seems that you have to quickly find a way to get the Netherworld's antidote, if it doesn't work, you can refine it yourself, so as not to be controlled by this poison in the future, life is better than death!

Hearing this kind of conversation, Yaofangge powerhouse trembled himself and couldn't believe what his ears heard.

So, the Young Pavilion Lord was not killed by the Golden Ring Saint? But who is she?

"Get up." Jin Huan's tone also softened.

"Thank you Lord Saint for your trust."

"Master Saint, where shall we go next?" Li Ze asked.

Jin Huan glanced at Li Zedao, looked at a mountain peak far away, and said, "Naturally go to the Thousand Poison Mountain and Ten Thousand Poison Valley."

"Then what thousand-legged spider is in the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons?" Li Zedao swallowed, really nervous, and got a disease that he didn't want to go to Ten Thousand Poison Valley at all.

Just by hearing the name, you can know the horror of that place.

It must be poison everywhere, extremely dangerous.

Jin Huan did not respond. She felt that this kind of question was too stupid, so stupid that she was too lazy to respond.

It’s finally hard to have a strong man with the pinnacle of the Lingyu realm as a bait. Naturally, he must quickly catch the thousand-legged spider. You can't take this strong man in the prescription pavilion around, right?

If you let other powers see it, or even let Yaofangge know about it, it might cause great trouble.

Sect Master was afraid that he would not be able to spare himself.

Seeing this woman ignored him, Li Zedao didn't dare to ask anything more, and stayed aside cautiously.

The strong medicine Fangge fainted quickly. Listening to this, this golden ring saint wanted to use herself as a bait to catch a millipede spider?

Is she really bullying? She really thinks Yaofangge is good for bullying? She is not worried that this move will bring disaster to the Five Poison Sect?

After a short while, Li Zedao followed Jin Huan to the Thousand Poison Mountain.

The Thousand Poison Mountain is full of various poisons.

The unknown flowers and trees are full of poisonous, even the occasional water stream is full of poisonous, not to mention the extremely poisonous insects and beasts hiding around.

Any small bug may kill you.

The Golden Ring’s cultivation base is there, and the strong in the medicine domain have been dealing with various highly poisonous herbs since childhood. Therefore, the highly poisonous surroundings are naturally beyond the Golden Ring.

These are highly poisonous, no matter how strong the prescription pavilion is, even if his soul is severely damaged.

Jin Huan was worried that Li Zedao was accidentally poisoned to death by some powerful poison, so he gave him a pill in advance, and Li Zedao was flattered again.

Jin Huan was quite familiar with this place, and deliberately avoided the powerful poisonous insects and beasts along the way, and finally came to a towering mountain wall without any danger.

Li Zedao was surprised to find that there was a huge crack in the middle of the mountain wall!

At this time, a strong miasma was continuously released from the crack, and there was still an unknown liquid flowing down the mountain wall, which was extremely terrifying.

"Through this crack, it is the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons!"

Jin Huan's complexion became slightly solemn, and she even drew out the snake sword and sacrificed five poisons.

Li Zedao's small heart tightened slightly, and the woman became cautious, which meant that the crack was dangerous, so he quickly drew out the long sword.

At the moment the five poisons opened the way, Jin Huan stepped into the crack, and Li Zedao, whose little heart trembled, followed closely behind.

His chest was almost on the back of Jinhuan.

The moment he stepped into the crack, Li Zedao felt that he had stepped into hell.

However, there were countless little bugs on the ground crawling around in the rotting leaves. On the side there was a colorful viper desperately twisting its mucus-stained body, spitting out a snake letter.

There are many other beasts that are not known by their names but are quite hideous in appearance, crawling on the mountain wall constantly, making ear-piercing neighs.

If it were not for the powerful deterrence of the five poisons, these densely packed poisonous insects might be biting at them.

I don't know when, my eyes suddenly open up.

Li Zedao found that he was already in a huge valley surrounded by a terrible miasma.

Here, it is naturally the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons mentioned by Golden Ring.

However, I saw that the valley was surrounded by dangerous peaks towering into the clouds, and there was no idea how many terrifying poisonous insects and beasts lived in the dense poisonous miasma around.

The harsh roar caused Li Zedao’s eardrums to rupture, and the terrifying poison gas composed of a variety of malicious auras enveloped the entire space, making Li Zedao dizzy, and he felt that his soul was being swallowed by some terrible poisonous insect. , Almost fainted.

Not to mention Li Ze said, even Jin Huan's brows frowned, and there was a solemn color in his eyes.

Immediately took out three elixirs, put one into his mouth, and threw the other two to Li Zedao, asking him to put one into the mouth of the powerful prescription pavilion.

Such a great bait can't just be poisoned to death.

The strong man in the Yaofang Pavilion wanted to spit out the pill that the **** weak man had forced into his mouth. In his opinion, taking the five poisonous pill was a shame.

But he couldn't take out the pill of the main door and swallow it, so he could only swallow it in shame.

After swallowing the pill, Li Zedao was quite sober.

He clearly felt the same breath coming from top to bottom.

Li Zedao looked up and felt it, and found that the terrifying aura above his head actually came from the extremely powerful defensive soul formation.

The top of the entire mountaintop was shrouded by a powerful soul array.

Although the sense of oppression of this defensive soul formation is far inferior to the imprisonment set by Pangu that covers the entire Pangu Region, it is probably enough to block the path of the powerful Dao Realm.

No wonder the Golden Ring had to enter the valley through the huge crack behind him instead of directly entering from above.

As for who arranged the soul formation and why it had to cover such a valley, Li Zedao didn't bother to care about it so much.

He followed Jin Huan closely, nervously watching the movement around him.

If there is any danger coming, Li Zedao wouldn't mind using the strong man in the Medicine Pavilion in his hand as a shield.

The aura on Jin Huan's body became cold and terrifying, and the devilish energy was continuously released from the snake sword in her hand. In the midair, the five poisonous bodies became larger, and the **** coercion released became even more terrifying.

Afterwards, the Five Poisons continued to open the way ahead, deterring the poisons hiding in the dark, so that they would not dare to act rashly.

As he walked deeper into the valley, Li Zedao's scalp became more and more numb, and his small heart was about to come out of his throat.

He clearly felt that there were many pairs of vicious eyes hidden in the dense poisonous miasma around him, and a series of terrifying auras continued to envelope.

If it weren't for fear of the evil spirit of the five poisons, I was afraid that he would rush out of the poisonous miasma and bite wildly.

But as the valley went deep into the valley, the deterrent power of the five poisons seemed to weaken, and Li Zedao could already clearly feel that the terrifying poisonous insects and beasts around him were eager to try.

Jin Huan's complexion also became more solemn, took a deep breath, and burst out a more powerful breath.

The five poisons that opened the way in front also released a stronger **** evil aura, exploding the most powerful deterrent against the **** aura hiding in the surrounding shadows.

"Ning Feng, you also shot." Jin Huan shouted in a low voice.

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