The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2738: Murderous

"Yes, Master Saint."

Li Zedao's scalp was so numb that he almost didn't feel it. He quickly drew out the long sword according to the words of the golden ring saint, and condensed the sword nets that were spinning wildly.

The deterrence released by his sword net is naturally weaker than the five poisons, but combined with the deterrence of the five poisons, it still adds a lot of deterrence after all.

As a result, the terrifying poisonous insects and beasts that were about to rush out stopped one after another, and no longer dared to emerge easily, but they made bursts of low voices that seemed so unwilling to be so malicious.

In fact, it’s not just the more and more powerful poisons hiding in the dark that make Jin Huan troublesome, but also the guy who attacked the medicine master and tried to pour dirty water on her. Who knows what the other party is at this time? Hasn't it been hiding in the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons, and even dug a hole?

For this Ning Feng, Jin Huan finally had a trace of suspicion, and she increasingly felt that Real Ziyun seemed to be right.

This Ning Feng was probably sent by other forces.

I also regretted that I just heard a few words before, and now I think that it is really hypocritical, and I am so excited that I will be included in the Five Poison Sect.

"Or, kill it?"

Jin Huan's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he temporarily dispelled the idea.

As a saint, it's okay to kill a disciple of the Five Poison Sect. After killing it, just find an excuse, such as encountering a powerful poisonous insect and beast attack.

The key is that when trapping the thousand-legged spider later, you have to rely on the soul formation arranged by Ning Feng.

It is very difficult for her to stop the thousand-legged spider from going.

Murderous aura surged in Jin Huan's eyes and secretly made a decision. After the thousand-legged spider is successfully captured, this Ning Feng Yuanshen will be destroyed!

I don't know how long I walked forward, but the golden ring stopped.

Li Zedao stared at it, and was shocked to find that there was an endless swamp in front of him.

This swamp is extremely weird. Some places are silt that looks ordinary but has terrible adsorption power. It seems that even the lightest goose feather can't float on it.

Others are mud puddles, and the mud puddles pop up with bubbles from time to time.

The bubbles that emerged instantly shattered, and bursts of strong turbidity would be emitted.

There was still a strong poisonous miasma around him, and Li Zedao clearly felt that there seemed to be a completely different aura in the poisonous miasma.

That is quiet! Deathly quiet!

The **** aura that was lurking around has disappeared. It seems that those poisonous insects and beasts living in the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons are also full of fear for this swamp, and they never dare to approach.

"Nima's, this place... is too dangerous!"

Li Zedao murmured secretly, with a deep fear in his heart. If he couldn't afford to lose that person, he would want to hug the powerful prescription pavilion in his arms fiercely in order to seek a sense of security.

Even if he wasn't really afraid of death, he wanted to cling to Jin Huan's arms so as to gain more security.

"Sister Tianmeng, where are you? How can you bear to leave me alone? Don't you be lonely or lonely? You are not afraid that those **** toys will run out of power. Do you know when I return from the world? Bring a lot of power banks..."

Li Zedao did not mention anything about the power bank to Tian Meng. Tian Meng naturally did not know that there was such a magical thing that can quickly replenish the battery... This is one of Li Zedao's heart that can be said to be quite dirty.

He wanted to "coerce" that woman with these power banks.

At this moment, Li Zedao missed Tianmeng, the woman who abused him thousands of times and still treated him like first love.

"Here is the spider silk hole!"

Jin Huan's vigilant and slight voice broke the terrible silence that shrouded this space.

Not to mention the tyrannical strength of the thousand-legged spider, he was also extremely vigilant. From the perspective of Jin Huan, he was afraid that he had an IQ not lower than Ning Feng.

Moreover, there is not only one millipede spider in this spider silk cave, it is said that there are thousands of them!

If these thousands of thousand-legged spiders crawled out together, let alone her golden ring, even the master of the great realm, would have to numb his scalp and turn around to flee.

Even if the brood millipede spider comes out, then I am afraid that even the master can't escape, and it will become a delicacy for the brood millipede spider.

In addition, Jin Huan was also afraid of the person who killed the Yaoshizi. Who knows if he has also followed at this time, and what conspiracy is brewing in this Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons?

Li Zedao was taken aback. He thought that the spider silk cave must be a huge cave. There were still many spider webs in the cave, and there were many preys entangled by the spider silk like that mummy.

Who would think that the so-called spider silk cave turned out to be a terrifying swamp in front of me that was endless and invisible.

"Thousands of thousand-legged spiders are hiding under this swamp." Jin Huan took a deep breath, his eyes staring at the swamp ahead.

"And with the terrifying perception ability of the millipede spider, you must have smelled the taste of food now."

Li Zedao's small heart trembled even more severely, and from the voice of the Golden Ring Saint Maiden that appeared so solemn, he could know the terrible aspect of this kind of millipede spider.

He could die under the "destruction" of Tianmeng, but he couldn't accept that he was swallowed by that thousand-legged spider.

I don't know what this woman has to do to catch this thousand-legged spider, we dare not ask.

"Master Saint, what should we do now?" Li Ze swallowed.

"Just put the bait in your hand here, and then you immediately set out to arrange the soul formation around to prevent the millipede spider from escaping this area, and this saint is responsible for blocking its retreat and preventing it from escaping into the swamp." Jin Ring whispered.

Li Zedao nodded, and said, "Little one understands."

At the moment Li Zedao began to arrange the soul formation, while Jin Huan quietly hid in the dark, waiting for the thousand-legged spider hiding under the swamp to smell the smell released by the strong spiritual world and crawl out of it. Swamp, it's good to cut its way.

Facts have proved that millipede spiders have extremely terrible patience. Of course, they may not be hungry at all.

Even if Jinhuan material said that they had already smelled the food at this time, but three days later, the millipede spider still did not emerge from the swamp to catch the food.

Jin Huan didn't show too much patience. As time went by, the irritability in her eyes became more intense.

Although the later the thousand-legged spider appeared, it meant that Ning Feng had more time to deploy a stronger defensive soul formation, and she would also have more time to prepare.

But she still understands the truth about Ye Changmeng. Who knows if the strong man who killed the Yaoshizi is hiding here and brewing some conspiracy?

Even, will she become the second pharmacist?

Lying there, the eyes of the strong Fangge who was used as bait were filled with hatred and fear.

As long as he can, he doesn't even mind to die with the weak of the Five Poison Sect who he didn't even put him in his eyes before!

Li Zedao was nervous, but he was the calmest person among the three.

According to the request of the Saintess who made the Golden Ring, he arranged a large number of defensive soul formations, one after another, interlocking.

Each defensive soul array is a little stronger than the defensive soul array that was arranged before to block the attack of the medicine master, of course, it is only a little bit stronger.

This made Jin Huan basically certain that this Ning Feng was undoubtedly a sixth-grade soul formation master.

The sixth-grade defensive soul formation is not enough to stop the thousand-legged spider's path, but if multiple defensive soul formations are intertwined, it must be impossible for the thousand-legged spider to tear it apart for a while.

After another three days passed, the thousand-legged spider still did not appear.

Jin Huan's impatience has almost reached its extreme.

"Why didn't the millipede spider appear yet?" Jin Huan asked Li Ze, as if the millipede spider did not appear because he was a ghost in secret.

You know, in the past, whenever someone appeared around this swamp, the figure of a thousand-legged spider would definitely appear, at least one would appear, as many as four or five.

Moreover, this is the edge of the spider silk cave, and the strength of the millipede spider living here will not be too strong.

This is why, Jinhuan is confident to catch one.

But now, I didn't even see the shadow of a thousand-legged spider!

It was as if all the thousand-legged spiders in this swamp had already been served in a whole pot. How could this be possible?

"Master Saint, isn't that thousand-legged spider hungry?"

Li Zedao had to respond cautiously: "Or is it that they went out to search for food and are not at home now?"

Jin Huan glanced at Li Zedao irritably: "Go away!"

How could this guy be such an idiot? I have already told him that there is not only one millipede spider living in this spider silk hole, how could it be possible that all of them are out foraging? Or is it all full?

Jin Huan's expression turned hideous, she looked at Li Ze with gloomy eyes and said, "Why don't you go down and take a look?"

Originally planned to kill this unknown fellow after capturing the millipede spider, now he has deployed a large number of defensive soul formations to prevent the millipede spider from going, let him enter the spider silk cave as bait.

Li Zedao took a big breath when he heard the words, and his scalp instantly became numb.

He didn't think this woman was joking with him at all.

The absence of the thousand-legged spider, coupled with the sense of fear caused by the strong man who attacked and killed the medicine master, made this woman in the most irritable state at this time.

An irritable woman can do everything!

Li Zedao tried his best to squeeze an extremely humble smile on his face: "Master Saint, don't scare the little ones, the little ones are timid..."

"Ning Feng, this is the case. Go down and attract the thousand-legged spider hiding in it." Jin Huan said grimly, slowly pulling out the snake sword.

In an instant, a serpent-shaped beast condensed from a strong devilish energy appeared above Li Zedao's head, and the terrifying **** coercion poured down crazily, making Li Zedao's soul as if it were about to be torn apart in an instant, which was extremely uncomfortable.

You go down on your own, or the saint beat you half to death and then throw it down, you choose!

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