The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2740: transaction


The five big idiots blasted away, and the smoke released instantly seemed like an evil ghost claiming their lives, frantically entwining several thousand-legged spiders, instantly making them immobile.

"Ning Feng..."

Jin Huan's face was savage, his voice roared out the name viciously, and he slammed the snake sword in his hand, sacrificed five poisons, and killed the thousand-legged spider.

It was as if those thousand-legged spiders were Ning Feng who had cut her way.

Li Zedao naturally didn't know that the millipede spider really came out of the hole as soon as his front foot left his hind foot, and there were still hundreds of them quite rare.

Li Zedao didn't know that the defensive soul formation he had arranged turned out to be the retreat of the Golden Ring Saintess, making her a delicacy for a thousand-legged spider.

If he knows, he must have laughed up to the sky a few times, gloating and expressing that he wanted to kill this handsome guy. Are these sad reminders? Deserve it!

At this moment, besides fleeing for his life, he was thinking of fleeing for his life.

He urged the celestial aura in his body to the extreme and fled forward in a panic. He just wanted to escape from this terrifying Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons.

"This golden ring saint is too cruel, the son at a loss has put so much emotion in you."

Li Zedao was so wronged, tears were almost falling.

He really didn't expect that woman would want to kill him. He thought that woman had been conquered by her own charm... at least half of the conquest, no less.

If she didn't conquer half, why did she show that slightly charming smile before, and her voice is gentle?

But she said kill and kill, and she won't give you any chance to breathe.

As he rushed all the way, Li Zedao's little heart was trembling violently, his scalp was so numb that he almost didn't feel it.

He knew better than anyone that without the deterrence of the five poisons offered by the Saintess of the Golden Ring, the poisonous insects and beasts hiding around would show the most terrifying fangs to him.


A terrifying neigh suddenly came from the side, and then a tiny figure resembled a lightning that could penetrate the space, bursting into Li Zedao's eyes.

Li Zedao's stature suddenly stagnated, his eyes condensed, and the long sword in his hand pierced the figure.


The pinnacle surrounded by the powerful aura of heaven could not move forward, as if a sword pierced the hardest shield.

That is naturally not a shield, that is the leg of a praying mantis!

Yes, it was the mantis's leg that blocked the sword's edge!

This is a green praying mantis that is not as thick as Li Zedao's fingers... At least how does Li Zedao think this is a mantis he is familiar with.

But just such a small praying mantis, it used its sickle-like legs to easily block the extremely sharp edge of the long sword in Li Zedao's hand.

The aura that burst out was actually a little stronger than the aura released by the long sword in Li Zedao's hand.

Therefore, this is a praying mantis with at least the strength of the lower rank of Lingyu Realm!

At the same time, its sesame-big eyes also released such a vicious gloom, looking at Li Zedao as if looking at a dead person.

Li Zedao was stunned! I think this scene is so absurd, so unimaginable.

He remembered a word: Mangyi arm as a car, overpowering!

Li Zedao's eyes were red, and he wanted to hit someone, Nima, who said this?

If such a praying mantis appears in the mortal domain, let alone blocking a car, it is afraid that even an airplane can be easily stopped.

It will become a monster that even Ultraman can't kill!


The praying mantis made a sharp neighing sound, and the next moment its mantis's legs flicked slightly, and it bounced the long sword away.

Li Ze numb his hands and almost failed to hold the sword.

The praying mantis once again turned into a flash of lightning, taking Li Zedao's eyes directly, as if this praying mantis likes to eat human eyes.

Li Ze was angry!

As soon as he stepped into the heavens, Master Medicine wanted to kill him, real person Ziyun wanted to kill him, and the Saintess of the Golden Ring, who was later regarded as a gold medal guide by him, also wanted to kill him. Forget it, who made them all terrifying powerhouses?

People stronger than you want to kill you. Apart from running away and seeing death as home, besides begging for your life and hoping for a miracle, what else can you do?

Now, a little praying mantis dared to challenge him, and even dared to try to treat his eyeballs as delicacies, which caused Li Zedao's little sensitive heart to be seriously hit.

In the heavens, he was worse than the smelly mouse, and any mantis dared to bully him!

Li Zedao's pupils were round, and the next moment, a mysterious light was released from his eyes.

That is the golden pupil!

Li Zedao used the golden pupil technique that he had rarely used before.

The small vicious eyes of the mantis stared at the delicious food from beginning to end, that is, Li Zedao's eyes, so it was naturally caught.

Its figure stagnated suddenly, and suddenly it was in a state of absolute bewilderment.

"Go to hell!" Li Zedao looked grim and squeezed the long sword in his hand.

In an instant, a terrifying blood web poured down frantically, covering the praying mantis, directly strangling it into pieces.

After extinguishing this praying mantis, Li Zedao's nerves did not relax in the slightest, but tightened a little bit again, and his heart was helpless to the extreme.

Because he was horrified to find that there were still many eyes staring at him viciously around him.

There are flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice...

When he was in the mortal realm, Li Zedao wanted to kill him with any breath...Of course, it was not because of Li Zedao's bad breath, but because of Li Zedao's cultivation skills, a casual breath was no less than an adult slap.

In short, these things that are as many as idiots in the mortal domain have become the most terrifying and vicious things here.

Those eyes, which were not even as big as sesame seeds, exuded a terrifying gloomy light, made a fascinating neighing sound, and rushed towards Li Zedao one after another.

"Sister Tianmeng, I miss you so much..."

"Pangu, I don't play anymore, I want to go home!"

Li Zedao let out a sorrow while urging the aura of heaven in his body to the extreme, holding the long sword in his hand to fight.

A few hours later, when Li Zedao finally managed to escape the huge crack, he had already experienced hundreds of fierce battles, and he didn't know how many poisonous insects and beasts that wanted to swallow him were killed.

At this time, the heavenly aura in his body was almost exhausted, his body was extremely weak, and his soul was extremely damaged.

The strong medicine Fangge that he was holding seemed to weigh a thousand dollars, and he couldn't catch it anymore.

Dao Li Ze loosened his hands, and the strong man in the prescription pavilion that he had protected on his way out of the Valley of Poisonous Poison landed heavily.

Wolfberry, a strong man in the prescription pavilion, looked at Li Zedao, who looked extremely stubborn, and there was a trace of unimaginable in those eyes full of monstrous anger.

Goji berry never expected to say that this weak person who can't fall into his eyes at all can actually kill the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons. He even thought that when he chose to deceive the golden ring saint and flee with him, this prescription The powerhouse of the Pavilion thinks that if they don't need two breaths, the five poisons will cause them to lose their souls.

But this weak man not only escaped from the snake sword of the Golden Ring Saintess, and then fought against various poisonous insects and beasts. Every time he thought he was about to be swallowed by poisonous insects and beasts, he could always explode with a strong breath. Tear the poisonous beast into pieces.

In the end, he successfully walked out of the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons!

Is he really just a low-level cultivation base in Lingyu?

Out of fear of the poisonous insects and beasts of the Ten Thousand Poison Valley, the poisonous beasts living in this Thousand Poisonous Mountain are afraid to come here, but not too dare does not mean absolutely not.

Therefore, although he finally escaped from the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons, the surrounding area is still perilous.

Li Zedao's body was almost exhausted, and his expression was extremely wilted. Even if he swallowed a few pills in one breath, he couldn't add too much breath for a while.

At this time, whenever a praying mantis like that appeared, Li Zedao knew that he could not protect his eyes that were as deep as stars in the sky.

Li Zedao sat down in front of the strong man in the prescription pavilion, took out a pill, weakly said: "This is the antidote to your poison. You only need to take it, but just a few breaths, you can Recoverable."

The pupils of Lycium chinense suddenly widened, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

Then his face became gloomy: "What do you mean?"

Li Zedao glanced at this guy and said, "I just want to make a deal with you."


"You don't want to die, and I don't want to die." Li Zedao said, "I will give you the antidote, and you will protect me from this Thousand Poison Mountain."

It is precisely because of this plan that when he escaped from the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons all the way, Li Zedao was really not willing to regard this powerhouse of the middle-grade peak cultivation level of the Lingyu Realm from the Medicine Fang Pavilion as a shield, as an attraction to those poisonous insects and beasts. Food is good for getting a little respite, but it protects it very well.

Of course, Li Zedao's move is naturally a bet.

Gamble on the character of the strong man in this medicine prescription pavilion, bet that after taking the big fool's antidote, he will not kill him but take him away from this mountain of poisons according to the agreement.

This approach is undoubtedly stupid, and it can even be said that there is no chance of winning at all.

But apart from gambling, Li Zedao has nothing to do.

The wolfberry fruit didn't expect to say that the transaction mentioned by the other party was like this, and he was shocked for a moment. Then his eyes turned red and his voice was extremely vicious.

"I want you to die!"

Lycium barbarum understands why this guy is so kind. After hundreds of fierce battles, he has always protected his life well and has not let himself be swallowed by those poisonous insects and beasts.

It wasn't because he was kind, it turned out he was playing such a disgusting idea.

Fortunately, he was inadvertently moved when he saw him fighting those terrifying poisonous insects. He felt that this guy was weak and weak, shameless and shameless, after all, he still had a little conscience.

Even if this guy is a fool himself, he still thinks others are also fools.

This damned weak man actually used conspiracy and tricks to brutally murder a dozen of his brothers in the Medicine Fang Pavilion. For the past few days, he wanted to say that he would die with him all the time.

Under such circumstances, how could he still reach a deal with him to protect him from this Thousand Poison Mountain?

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