The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2741: Grab business

Li Zedao looked at the wolfberry fruit as if he was looking at a white-eyed wolf. He was extremely disappointed: "I knew that, when I was in the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons, my son should use you as a shield to block the **** praying mantis. You have eyes anyway!"

The wolfberry sneered again and again, with a terrible voice: "Don't say yourself so kindly, you are a mean and shameless person with sinister intentions."

Li Zedao was reluctant to listen to these words, and retorted: "Why is this young man despicable and shameless?"

"You are despicable and shameless if you secretly use a hidden weapon! If it is a fair and fair duel, you are only a low-level cultivation base in the Lingyu realm, do you think you have any chance to shoot?"

"Who has secretly used the hidden weapon?" Li Zedao depressed: "Did you tell you honestly that you are going to use the hidden weapon before, and are you careful?"

"You don't think I can do anything about it?"

The wolfberry's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Who knew that your hidden weapon was so sinister and vicious?"

Li Zedao sneered: "You mean, the hidden weapon must be like that cotton, the softer the better?"


Li Zedao didn't bother to talk to this shameless guy, and said coldly: "You should know that if I die, you will die too."

But he probably knows the character of this guy, this guy is shameless, but he also admits death. If he finally agrees to the deal he proposed, then he shouldn't turn around and kill himself with a sword after taking the antidote.

The wolfberry's voice sounded like a ghost demanding his life, and said sternly: "As long as you become the food of which poisonous insects and beasts, then even if my soul is destroyed, it does not matter!"


The wolfberry regarded death as home, and said hardly: "You kill me!"


Li Zedao slapped it.

The strength to kill the mantis is no longer there, but the strength to slap this half-dead fellow is still there.

The wolfberry was dumbfounded, and said unbelievably, "Dare you hit me?"

He was actually slapped by a weak person with a low-level cultivation base in the realm of Lingyu. Who would believe this if he said it?


Li Zedao slapped it again.

Is this guy a fool? How could you not say such a foolish thing?

Do you dare to hit me? If you are a female, let alone a fight, my son would dare to strip your clothes naked and hang on your tree, and then he would apply some blood on you to attract all the terrifying poisonous insects and beasts around. Are you lucky, do you believe it or not?

Wolfberry's eyes were red, and his body was enveloped by a terrifying murderous intent.

Shi can be killed but not insulted!

He can accept being killed by this weak man, but he can't accept being slapped like this, which is a great insult to him.


Li Zedao slapped it again.

For some people, you have to slap his face fiercely before he can clearly recognize his situation at this time.

"It turns out that I dare to beat you."


Li Zedao's aura was exhausted, but after slapped three medlars, he could hardly lift his hands.

At the moment, he was not wasting his energy to draw this stupid face, but he spoke in a deep voice.

"First, you must have already understood that the death of the young master of the medicine prescription pavilion has nothing to do with the golden ring saint. Since there is no relationship, it means that people with ulterior motives want to provoke a relationship between the medicine prescription pavilion and the five poison sect. To reap the benefits of the fisherman’s war."

"At this time, shouldn't you rush to report this to your pavilion lord, lest you fall into the trap of people with ulterior motives?"

The wolfberry stunned, as if it should be reported to the cabinet owner quickly.

"Wait...Who knows if you told me on purpose?" Chinese wolfberry asked.

Li Zedao sneered: "Do you really have a brain? I need to deliberately say something to you to find a bait for you with Saint Jinhuan? What are you?"


The wolfberry's face was extremely ugly, but he had to admit that the other party was right.

The Saintess of the Golden Ring does not have to lie to a dying person.

Li Zedao said: "Second, you have also seen that I am a sixth-grade soul formation master. It turns out that as long as you give me time, I can even set up a defensive soul formation that even the golden ring saints don’t want to break... you I thought the Saintess of the Golden Ring didn't continue to kill her? She was blocked by my defensive soul formation!"

"It's not that I am bragging, even if the Saintess of the Golden Ring makes the strongest blow, she will not want to break the defensive soul formation I arranged!"

"Now that I have been forced to defect from the Five Poison Sect, don't you want to get a talent like me?"

The wolfberry fruit was dumbfounded again, it seems that any forces in the medicine domain want such a soul formation master, right?

"And, I'm afraid you don't know? Your young pavilion master sincerely invited me to join your prescription pavilion before, but I refused."

The wolfberry thought to himself who would believe such words.

Even if this guy is a sixth-grade soul formation master, the extremely proud Young Pavilion Master cannot personally invite him to join the Medicine Fang Pavilion, mainly because this guy's cultivation base is still too weak after all.

In the Lingyu realm, this kind of cultivation base is a gatekeeper in the Medicine Pavilion.

"Third, at this time, you have already deeply realized the power of the hidden weapon I launched? I told the Golden Ring Saint that I only have five left. I lied to her. I still have a lot. I can. Send it to the head of the Fang Pavilion to show loyalty."

The Yaofangge powerhouse narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart was already shaken.

The black poisonous fog that resembled a demon released after the hidden weapon burst, he still felt the creeps when he thought about it now.

If the pavilion master gets such hidden weapons, he will definitely be quite happy.

Even if the Medicine Fang Pavilion can replicate the secondary hidden weapon, then its strength can definitely be greatly improved, and then I am afraid that it can become the strongest power in the medicine domain except the medicine domain.

Li Zedao said quite contemptuously: "Fifth, don't talk about how I killed your senior brothers or something by some despicable means. You wanted to kill me first, and then I was killed by me. You deserve it!"


"Not to mention that a dozen of you were actually injured with hidden weapons by a weak person with a low-level cultivation base in the realm of Lingyu. It is really shameful. If I were you, I would definitely be ashamed to mention it."


"Finally, this is your only chance to survive...I know you are not afraid of death, but you should also think about those relatives and friends who care about you. If they know that your death is very tragic, how sad they should be?"

"Of course, you may not have any relatives or friends. You should also think about your enemies. If they know you died in shame, how happy they are?"


The wolfberry was so angry that he almost fainted and wondered why he kept me alive. You kill me quickly, so as not to be humiliated by your words again.

"It's up to you, it's up to you to choose."

Li Zedao gently exhaled a sullen breath and said: "Of course, powerful enemies around you, there are powerful poisonous insects and beasts coming out at any time, so I can only give you time to think about it."

Li Zedao's expression turned hideous, and he said grimly: "After Xiaobanzhuxiang Kungfu, before this son becomes a food for poisonous insects and beasts, don't mind insulting you alive!"


The wolfberry complexion was cloudy and sunny, and his heart was struggling violently.

Disagree, what the **** weak said seems to make sense.

It would be bad if people with ulterior motives successfully provoked the war between Yaofangge and the Five Poison Sects.

In addition, that kind of overbearing hidden weapon is also very useful to the medicine prescription pavilion.

Agree, no matter what, more than a dozen brothers died at the hands of this weak man, and their method of death is so shameful! Now he was going to **** the murderer away from the Thousand Poison Mountain... The upright and kind-hearted he really couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

Just as the wolfberry was at war between the heavens and the people, and for a while, I didn't know which choice to make, a gloomy voice came over.

"You give me the hidden weapon, and I **** you away."

Li Zedao was startled by the sudden sound. He looked up, only to see a figure wrapped up and down in a black robe appearing there.

And judging from the breath released from his body, he has already stepped into the ranks of the quasi-major realm.

This is a quasi-highway power!

The wolfberry is shocked, there are even rob business?

He raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at this dark shadow, his thoughts surging extremely fiercely. All the powerful quasi-dao-level forces of the medicine domain, he knows their details, but the quasi-dao-level power in front of him is a kind Feeling strange.

Therefore, he is undoubtedly a strong man sent by other forces outside the medicine domain, and his purpose is for that thing.

In addition, the young pavilion master died at his hands, right?

Goji berries stared at the uninvited guest, but his tone was still polite: "I am the Chinese wolfberry from the prescription pavilion, who are you?"

No matter what the other party said, he is also a strong person in the quasi-high-level realm, and the strong is respected, so even if he suspects that the young pavilion master died at his hands, the wolfberry does not dare to be too negligent.

Soi Ying ignored the pharmacist, but looked at Li Zedao and said straightforwardly: "I want to make a deal with you, I will **** you away, and you will give me a hidden weapon."

Li Zedao really didn't expect that he would take the initiative to come out and plan to make a deal with him, and this person was much stronger than the fellow Yaofangge.

With him, he can naturally leave this ghost place safely.

However, the most important thing in doing business is credit.

So, Li Zedao glanced at the wolfberry and cautiously said: "But I have already made a deal with the senior fellow Yaofangge."

The shadow said: "He hasn't agreed yet, has he?"

The wolfberry's mouth opened slightly, and he almost said the three words "I agree". After all, he still didn't think about it. He didn't want to make any transaction with this weak person.

As long as he recovers a little bit of cultivation, he will immediately die with the opponent.

"But I gave him time for Xiaobanzhuxiang to think about it. The time has not come yet, so he must be honest." Li Zedao said cautiously, and then became too guilty.

He had already stomped the so-called integrity under his feet.

If you want to live in such a crisis-ridden place, honesty is the last thing you should have.

If you want to live, you are sinister and cunning, and you have to be more vicious than that viper.

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