The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2742: I can't tell

Soi Ying nodded seriously, and said: "You are right, you really should be honest."

"So I can't not promise you for the time being." Li Zedao felt that this guy with strong strength was quite reasonable.

Before the words were over, a domineering breath poured down without warning, and bombarded the wolfberry crazily.

The pupils of the wolfberry were suddenly rounded, revealing extreme panic and despair.

The experience in the past few days made him think that he could face death calmly.

No matter what vicious means this despicable and weak person uses to torture him, his brows won't be frowned.

But now that death really came, he discovered that he was actually very afraid of death.


The medlar's body suddenly exploded and turned into blood mist, but the breathing disappeared without a trace.

The powerhouse in the dignified Lingyu realm with the cultivation base was so easily killed.

Li Zedao's body suddenly became stiff, and his scalp was so numb that he almost didn't feel it.

When that breath poured down, he even smelled death.

"Now that he is dead, you don't need to wait for his reply." Sombra said.

"It's true." Li Zedao swallowed hard and spoke with difficulty.

This guy is really overbearing, he didn't want to wait for a moment.

"So, trade with me?"

"Do I have a choice?" Li Zedao's voice was trembling, frightened.

"Yes, my soul is gone."

"...It's better to trade." Li Zedao said quickly, trading the same with anyone anyway.

"You **** me out of the medicine domain, and I will give you a hidden weapon."

Black Shadow said: "I will only take you away from Thousand Poison Mountain and go to Yunyao Mountain. There are not many powerful poisonous insects and beasts on Yunyao Mountain. Besides, I want you to have all hidden weapons and antidote."

Li Zedao twitched the muscles on his face, and said with difficulty, "You don't make sense now."

Sombra seriously said: "You are still alive, it proves that I am reasonable."

Li Zedao was speechless and had to admit that this guy was indeed very reasonable. If he used cruel torture against him, such as threatening to take his virginity, he would have handed over everything obediently.

Compared with his own virginity, that big fool seemed so insignificant.

"I promise you." Li Zedao finally compromised.

As soon as the voice fell, it sounded like teeth chewing bones.

Li Zedao heard the news and saw that his pupils were suddenly rounded, and his small heart almost jumped out of his throat.

However, a large group of poisonous beasts similar to blood bats appeared in the midair, and the sound of chewing bones was exactly the sound of their neighing.

In just two short breaths, these poisonous beasts have already come to the top of Li Zedao's head, and Li Zedao can already smell the terrible **** smell released from them.

Immediately, this group of extremely terrifying poisonous beasts threw down like Li Zedao as the most delicious food.

Li Zedao anxiously shouted at the dark shadow: "Hey, I said I promised you."

"I heard."

When the black shadow responded, he raised his right hand.

Isn't it just a group of common vampire bats? There is really no need to make such a fuss.

In an instant, the dense miasma above his head instantly condensed into a very strange big hand.

In the next moment, this big hand patted the group of poisonous beasts at will as if it was waving a group of annoying flies.


There was a deafening muffled sound, it seemed that the entire space was slapped to pieces by this random slap, and it shook violently.

That powerful breath caused Li Zedao's soul to tremble violently, and he almost fainted.

As for the group of poisonous beasts, they were all bombarded into blood mist and no longer exist.

Li Zedao watched this scene dumbfounded, and his mind trembled abnormally.

This is the power of one blow from the quasi-highway realm powerhouse? It's no wonder that the real Ziyun who used to face any pressure before, almost crushed his soul, and there was no resistance at all.

"Let's go."

After solving the group of poisonous bats, Sombra immediately turned and left.

Li Zedao was like a drowning man grabbing a straw, and quickly got up to follow.

Sombra knew that Li Zedao's aura was almost exhausted and his soul was severely damaged, so he moved forward very slowly, as if he was too full to take a walk and help digestion.

He can naturally hold Li Zedao's hand or pick him up and take him away, but he is unwilling to do this, he has a cleanliness habit.

He didn't want to have any physical contact with such a weak person.

Li Zedao thought that this guy was really reasonable, and he swallowed a few pills while slowly following up, and began to slowly repair the severely damaged soul.

During this period, from time to time there were poisonous insects and beasts who did not live or die. Some of these poisonous insects and beasts even possessed the strength of the top grade of the Lingyu Realm, but they were bombarded with blood when they waved their hands at will.

"That... can I ask you a few questions?"

After recovering his breath a little, Li Zedao spoke with caution, for fear that he might upset this strong man.


The black shadow waved his hand at random, and a colorful poisonous snake that jumped out suddenly turned into a blood mist, leaving no bones.

"You killed the pharmacist?" Li Ze asked.

"Yes." Sombra admitted simply and neatly.

"To plant the Five Poison Sect?"

"I'm not that boring."

This guy obviously didn't want Li Zedao to know about his conspiracy, but Li Zedao thought that his wise eyes had seen through all this.

Li Zedao sneered, thinking that his guess was indeed correct. This guy didn't care at all about the person who was splashed with dirty water, as long as it was from God's Domain.

"Are you here for that thing?"


Li Zedao took a deep breath and asked, "What is that thing?"

The black shadow stopped and turned around, his voice was a little surprised: "Don't you know?"

"I don't know." Li Zedao shook his head blankly.

In the past few days, that thing was like a feather, gently scratching his little heart, making his heart more and more itching-itchy, really uncomfortable.

Li Zedao naturally didn't dare to ask when he followed the Saintess of the Golden Ring, he was worried that the Saintess of the Golden Ring had doubts, and then let the five poisons swallow himself.

Black Shadow asked in surprise: "Are you not a disciple of the Five Poison Sect?"

Let's not say that you are a disciple of the Five Poison Sect, if not, there is no reason not to know.

How ignorant is this to know?

"I ran into the Saint of the Golden Ring for a few days while bombarding the imprisonment, and only then joined the Five Poison Sect." Li Zedao patiently explained, "Then follow the Saint of the Golden Ring to this medicine domain."

"So, I really don't know what the upcoming thing you are talking about is."

"Even so, haven't you heard of it before?" Sombra asked.

"Since I was young, I have been cultivating in a desolate mountain in Youyu. This is the first time I have left Youyu, so let alone medicine. Even in Youyu, besides the deep mountains where I live, I I'm not familiar either." Li Ze said in an honest manner.

At this moment, Li Zedao felt that a gaze that appeared so hot was instantly fixed on him, as if he was about to see through his own heart.

"You lied," Sombra said, his voice beyond doubt.

"...I didn't lie." Li Zedao's little heart almost came out of his throat.

How could this guy be like this? Didn't he know that he would be quite frightened by undercover agents like this? Even scared to death?

Li Zedao was fortunate that he had a good quality in his heart, otherwise he was afraid that he would show some trouble now.

"Forget it, I am not interested in your true origin."

Sombra didn't bother to tell him at a glance. This is a hypocritical, lie guy arguing more.

Who he is and whether he is lying is not important to him.

Li Zedao felt that his strength was gone, and said aggrieved: "I really didn't lie."

The black shadow ignored Li Zedao's grievance, and there was a strong scorching heat in his voice: "As for that thing...that is the Divine Ginseng."

Li Zedao couldn't take care of his grievances, his eyes widened suddenly, and he asked, "Dipao Shenshen? What is that?"

Wanting to also know that what can gather the powerful of the medicine domain big and small forces here, let those forces outside the medicine domain secretly send masters to sneak into the medicine valley to try to seize things, it is no small thing.

In all likelihood, it is something that can grow cultivation after eating.

But Li Zedao naturally carried ignorance to the end, so his eyes were wide open, with a rather idiotic expression.

"There is a towering tree growing on Dihun Mountain in the center of Medicine Valley, and that tree is the Divine Ginseng Tree."

Sombra admired again and again, and said: "This is an unpredictable tree. No one knows when it blooms and when it bears fruit. There are no rules at all."

"In short, this tree may not bloom and bear fruit for thousands of years, and it may bloom and bear fruit several times within a year."

Li Zedao's eyes widened again, he couldn't believe what his ears heard, and he thought it was really strange.

You know, any tree blossoms and bears fruit, there are rules to follow, even if it is a fairy number in the myth, although it can only bloom and bear fruit for hundreds of thousands of years, there is a cycle in time.

For example, the flat peach blossoms for three thousand years, bears fruit for three thousand years, and matures for three thousand years.

However, there are no rules to follow in this sacred ginseng tree. It can be said to be quite powerful. If you want to blossom and bear fruit, you can blossom and bear fruit, do whatever you want without being restricted by natural laws.

There was a hint of scorching heat in the black shadow’s voice: “It’s okay if there are no rules to follow when the flowering results are. This Divine Ginseng tree only bears one fruit every time it blooms. This fruit is the Divine God. Ginseng is also the thing that allows the powerful people of the medicine domain to gather here, and they all want to get it."

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed and said, "What is the function of this Divine Ginseng?"

Soi Ying felt that this question was quite idiotic and didn't want to answer it, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

Li Zedao said honestly: "I can't tell."


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