The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2761: Amazing move

"I don't know which sect force the Dipo Divine Ginseng falls into?" Mei Shengji asked.

"Han Fengzong." Master Yaoying glanced at Li Zedao, with some pity.

If the Sanskrit Palace really wanted to seize the Dipo Divine Ginseng, let alone her, even the Palace Lord would not come forward to stop it, and would only treat it as nothing happened.

And the other sect forces absolutely didn't dare to complain at all, just as if the Divine Ginseng tree had not yet blossomed.

"I don't know which Sect Master Hanfeng is?" Mei Shengji's big beautiful eyes swept around.

Wherever they looked, those people all bowed their heads, and they didn't have the courage to look at these eyes more.

Hanguang took a step forward and said slightly: "Underneath is the sovereign of Hanfengzong, Hanguang."

Mei Shengji nodded slightly, stepped forward, looked at Hanguang and smiled: "Sect Master Hanguang, my Sanskrit Palace wants to make a deal with you."

Hanguang was extremely surprised: "Deal?"

He really thought that the Sanskrit Palace was the arrogance of the Dipo Divine Ginseng, and he planned to persuade the deputy suzerain to say that the Dipo Divine Ginseng was handed over. That is the Sanskrit Palace. Although the prestige of the Han Fengzong has been passed down. It's all over the medicine domain, but it really can't provoke it.

"My Sanskrit Palace needs the Divine Ginseng that Hanguang Sect Master received. As a reward, my Sanskrit Palace can agree to help Hanfengzong do whatever it can." Mei Shengji said.

As soon as he said this, the surrounding sect forces all took a breath, and their scalp began to numb so badly that they couldn't believe what their ears heard.

They originally thought that the Sanskrit Palace would forcibly take the Divine Ginseng as their own, but they thought it was a deal?

If Han Fengzong let the Sanskrit Palace help them...

Even strong people like Poison, Wen Baicao, and Zhenren Ziyun are pale at this time, their body is slightly trembling, and their heart is really worried.

Li Ze was stunned for a moment, and he fed the dog directly to the disappointment and nausea of ​​the Sanskrit Palace, and felt extremely guilty, and wanted to draw his handsome face.

How can a person who can play that kind of fairy sound rob others at will? I really shouldn't think of Sanskrit Palace so despicable.

Han Guang Zuo Yi pointed to Li Zedao on the side, and explained: "Master Sheng Ji doesn't know that, and the Divine Spirit Ginseng has been awarded to Deputy Sect Master Ning Feng from the bottom, so you have to ask the Deputy Sect Master about this matter."


Suddenly, all eyes fell on Li Zedao.

These sect forces, headed by Ming Po, Wen Baicao and Ziyun Zhenren, were so nervous that their breathing was almost stagnant.

Especially the Poison, he was almost certain that this Ning Feng would respectfully deliver the soul card in his hand to Mei Shengji, and then asked the Sanskrit Palace to come forward to destroy the Five Poison Sects and relieve the Poison Pill from him .

Unprecedented fear filled the entire chest of Nethertox, giving him the urge to escape far away.

Mei Shengji looked at Li Ze and said with a smile: "Vice Sect Master Ning Feng, what do you think?"

Li Zedao lowered his head, his eyes didn't dare to face this Mei Shengji.

He swallowed hard and whispered: "Next...think about it."

When these words were said, everyone's pupils were round, and they were all surprised, almost choked to death by these words.

Even if it is Poisonous Poison, he wants to knock on this guy's forehead to see what he is thinking.

What is there to consider?

Did you know that even the Palace Master of Medicine Domain Mansion is not qualified to see Fairy Sanskrit?

Did you know that if it were not for the Sanskrit Temple to prescribe the rules, the Dipo God Ginseng would have long been yours?

Did you know that the Sanskrit Palace is your only life-saving medicine now that powerful enemies are around you?

In this case, you still have to consider? Consider your sister!

Master Yaoying really wanted to hit someone. She seriously suspected that this guy was afraid that his brain was broken because of the poisonous pill just now. Why else would he make such a response?

And the Sect Master Hanfeng, his brain must have been broken too, seemingly magnanimous but actually stupid. The master of a dignified sect, let the deputy sect master be so reckless?

Remembering that I had rewarded this guy with a pill before, so as to temporarily suppress the toxicity of the Poison Pill, Master Yaoying felt that his pill was too wronged.

Han Guang couldn't help but admire, the deputy sect master was really loyal to me Hanfengzong, and never forgot to promote my name Hanfengzong.

As soon as these words came out, Han Fengzong's reputation must be louder again.

Sure enough, his hunch was right.

After this battle, Han Fengzong's prestige will spread throughout the medicine domain and even other domains.

Mei Shengji seemed to know that Li Zedao would respond in this way, or she was in a very good state of mind, even if she saw such a reaction, she didn't do anything to make her ancient well waveless heart ripple.

"Naturally, a stick of incense is enough?" Mei Shengji smiled faintly.

"Enough is enough, thank you Lord Shengji." Li Zedao swallowed, and responded in a low voice.

At the moment, Li Zedao, under the gaze of those complex, vicious, vicious, or tense eyes, lowered his head, and slowly walked towards the cage not far away that contained the Dipo Divine Ginseng. past.

Everyone couldn't figure out their heads for a while, wondering what this guy with obvious brain disease wanted to do.

Li Zedao walked to the cage, looked at the Dipo Divine Ginseng with his thumb in the cage, and showed a somewhat ugly smile.

"Why do you have to look like an extremely cute child? As long as you look like an apple, a pear, even a white radish that the root boy has always hated, he doesn't even swallow you in one bite. At this level of bones, I will definitely hurriedly trade you with the Sanskrit Palace."

Li Zedao was crying and his face was really painful.

"But it happens that you are an extremely cute kid... Eat? Eat your sister! Trade? Trade your sister!"


The Dipo God Ginseng thought that Li Zedao was teasing him, making a yucky sound, and his watery eyes were filled with innocent gloom.

Li Zedao was immediately infected by such pure and innocent voices. He thought of Concubine Shui Ling and the child in her belly.

If there were no accidents, he would definitely have a child who was tens of thousands of times more lovely than this Divine Ginseng.

"You must run away, but don't let people catch you."

Li Zedao said in a voice that he could only hear.

Immediately, he put the card in his hand on the cold cage, and in an instant, a cold glow flashed, and then the cage trapped in the Dipo Divine Ginseng disappeared instantly.

"What is he doing...what?"

Everyone's eyes widened at once, and their brains were in a state of confusion. For a while, they really didn't understand what Li Zedao meant.

He even opened the soul cage and escaped without fear of Dipo?

Di Po Shen Shen's big innocent eyes suddenly widened, looking at Li Zedao in a daze.

"What are you doing? Run, don't let anyone catch you."

Li Zedao's sound that seemed so relaxed and happy, violently rippling across the entire space, frantically stimulated the souls of those around him, leaving them in an absolutely sluggish state.

This Han Fengzong's deputy sect master is actually going to let go of the Dipo Divine Ginseng?

Does he know what he is talking about?

Even Shengji Mei's eyes were round, and the heart that had always been Gu Jing Wubo set off a huge wave. I couldn't believe it was true!


After regaining freedom, the Divine Spirit took a deep look at Li Zedao and then fled directly, disappearing without a trace.

Everyone's hearts also exploded with the instantaneous disappearance of the Dipo Divine Ginseng, and the whole person was in an absolutely sluggish state, and they felt that the heartache was too bad.

That's the Divine Ginseng, even if you don't want it, you can sell it to me? Why did you let it go? This is simply a violent thing, this is simply beast behavior!

Are you still human?

Li Zedao turned around, looked at Mei Shengji, took a deep breath and said, "Master Shengji, I have already made a decision, I don't want to trade, please atone for it."

Mei Shengji's eyes narrowed slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

An even more angry mood instantly filled the chest of these sect forces headed by Nether Poison, Wen Baicao and Ziyun Zhenren.

They tried their best. They looked forward to the stars and the moon. They lost their soldiers and paid a great price. The ginseng that they captured was then released by the **** Hanfengzong disciple, just like that. Up! This makes them so bearable?

Really, even if Ning Feng swallowed it in one bite, even if Han Fengzong made a deal with the Sanskrit Palace, they would not be so angry!

"Ning Feng..."

Nethertoxin gritted his teeth and squeezed out these two extremely **** words, and then the extremely strong murderous aura was crushed towards Li Zedao madly!

"Mingdu, you are too presumptuous!"

Master Yaoying's eyes became cold, and he let out a low voice.

In an instant, the extremely violent aura immediately intercepted the murderous aura of Ming Poison.

After the poisonous body took a meal, he suddenly woke up from that extreme anger.

He hurriedly suppressed the murderous violent aura, and directed at Master Yaoying, with a murderous aura that could not be restrained in his voice: "I will never dare to be presumptuous in Yaoyu Mountain because he is too angry and loses his mind for a while. Please also Master Yaoying for atonement."

Master Yaoying snorted coldly, and didn't give any more punishment.

After all, it was her who could not help but kill people like the poison.

Even now she couldn't help but want to destroy this Han Fengzong.

Mei Shengji took a deep look at Li Zedao and said, "In this case, the Sanskrit Palace will obey your will and will not force it."

After speaking, Shengji Mei turned back and looked at Master Yaoying, nodding and said, "Master Yaoying, if I would bother you, let me leave."

Master Yao Ying nodded slightly, not holding back.

At the moment, several pale red figures headed by Mei Shengji glided on the lavender auspicious cloud resembling a zither, and within a moment, the auspicious cloud disappeared in front of everyone.

For a while, the huge space was shrouded in weird silence, and everyone wanted to rush to the **** Hanfengzong and chop it into mud.

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