The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2762: Unity of Heaven

This kind of thing happened, Master Yao Ying was so messed up, she didn't know what to say for a while, so she waved her hand and signaled that the sect forces would descend the Ten Thousand Fog Peak as soon as possible and don't stay too much.

At this moment, the sound of Hanguang's birth broke this strange and extremely dead silence. He looked at Li Zedao and said lightly: "Vice Sect Master, should you give this Sect Master a reasonable explanation?"

Li Zedao cautiously returned to Hanguang and apologized: "Sect Master, you have also seen it, I have released the Divine Ginseng."

Li Zedao couldn't know from Hanguang's tone whether he was suppressing his anger or it didn't matter at all.

However, Li Zedao knew better than anyone that his move would bring disaster to Han Guang, Han Fengzong and himself.

Just now, if he chooses to make a deal with the Sanskrit Palace, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Hanfengzong will be able to disregard the entire medicine domain, and the poison of the Dark Poison Pill in his body can naturally be solved.

But it was precisely because he couldn't bear it that Li Zedao chose to risk the world's unhappiness and did something that all the sect forces could not tolerate, including the Medicine Domain and the Sanskrit Palace.

He released the Divine Ginseng!

Hanguang's voice is still flat: "Why did you put it?"

Li Zedao still couldn't guess what kind of heart these two goods were at this time.

"Because I can't bear it." He said cautiously.

"Could not bear?"

"He is still a child." Li Ze said with a pity on his face.

This moment is like a bodhisattva possessing, holy and immaculate, and extremely compassionate.

"That's not a child, it's a Dipo Divine Ginseng, with Dipo Divine Ginseng that is not inferior to the power of the Dao Realm." Han Guang felt that the Deputy Sect Master was really sick and extremely selfish.

Look at how many suns and moons these sect forces struggled for the Divine Ginseng, how many conflicts occurred in secret, and how many people died. If they didn't get it in the end, they could only grit their teeth and blame themselves for inferior skills.

However, the Divine Ginseng was eventually released, and was released in front of them, no wonder these sect forces wanted to kill.

Even he, if it weren't for the fact that Han Fengzong's talents were too withered, the deputy suzerain could use it to make up the number of people, he would have cleared the door long ago.

After all, in order to capture the Divine Ginseng, he also put a lot of effort into it.

"But, it looks like a child." Li Zedao argued for reasons, "I can't eat it myself, and I can't bear to see it being swallowed by other people, deep-fried, boiled, or something."

Li Zedao replied: "Furthermore, you have already rewarded me with Sect Master. Then I am the owner of the Divine Ginseng. How I want to deal with the Divine Ginseng, that is my freedom, right?"

Hanguang heartbroken: "The truth is like this, but my deputy sect master, don’t forget our situation! Don’t forget, the poison of the Nether Pill in your body, this is an excellent opportunity to detoxify, you can’t Expect Mingdu to offer the antidote obediently, right?"

Li Zedao weakly said: "I just forgot about this."

"..." Hanguang wanted to hit someone.

"I believe that with the strength of the Sect Master, even if those people join hands, they will not be able to keep you... As for me, Sect Master Ning can't ignore me." Li Zedao cried his face and was too pitiful.


"Han Fengzong doesn't have me, Ning Feng, surely there is no way to dominate the heaven forever."

Hanguang's eyes widened: "Wait, what did you just say?"

"I said I can't leave it alone."

"Not this sentence."

"Han Guangzong does not have me, Ning Feng, surely there is no way to dominate the heavens forever?"

Han Guang couldn't help but admire. Although the deputy sect master said that his knowledge was shorter, he had been with this sect master during this period of time. You can see that he has a good level of speaking.

For thousands of years, dominate heaven! How do you feel comfortable with this?

Hanguang stretched out his hand and patted Li Zedao on the shoulder, and praised without hesitation: "Deputy Sect Master, you have done a good job, you did not shame this Sect Master...Cough cough, in fact, this Sect Master rewarded the Dipo God. For you, it's testing you, and this suzerain wants to know if you have a benevolent heart."

Immediately, he gave Li Zedao a thumbs up and said proudly: "You have done a good job, and this suzerain is very satisfied! Don't worry, whoever dares to touch your hair, I will definitely come out with Fengzong. Fight to the death!"

Li Zedao was embarrassed to death.

Still coming out? There are only two people in how to fall into the nest, right?

Master Yaoying's charming face was so dark that she couldn't listen anymore, and she couldn't help interrupting the rather idiotic dialogue between these two idiots.

She really couldn't understand, how could such an idiot still live well until now?

"It's time for you to descend this Wanwu Peak, and then leave this Medicine Domain Mountain immediately. You must not stay for a while." Master Yaoying's voice became bad.

The successive accidents made her really annoyed, and she could no longer maintain the graceful and powerful posture before.

Only then did Li Zedao and Han Guang react. They swept around and found that only the two of them were left around. The other sect forces had obviously already descended from the Ten Thousand Fog Peak.

Hanguang hurriedly directed at Master Yaoying respectfully, and then led Li Zedao onto the soul cloud that soared down into the sky, and then the soul cloud drifted down quickly.

"Sect Master, what should we do next?"

Li Zedao was too worried, and he wanted to know that those sect forces must have been grinding their knives outside the Medicine Domain Mountain and waiting for them.

Han Guang said proudly: "The deputy sect master feels that with the strength of these sect forces in the medicine domain, can they stop my Han Fengzong's steps?"

Li Zedao can only continue to cover his face, he really can't understand, where does this guy's powerful self-confidence come from?

Could it be that he underestimated him after all?

He is actually a powerful person with a high-grade and higher cultivation base? Or even, return to one state?

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling a bit of panic in his heart.

Hanguang was silent and said, "Although the sect forces of Medicine Domain Mansion are not enough to support, the Sanskrit Palace is a big-trouble. Although on the Wanwu Peak, you choose not to trade, the deputy master, and let the Dipo God See, that is your freedom."

"The point is that the strong have always had unreasonable rights."

"If the Sanskrit Palace is unreasonable and want to do something to you, even if my Han Fengzong comes out in full force, it will never be able to stop the Sanskrit Palace."

Li Zedao was once again embarrassed to death, why does this guy like to use words like "out of the nest" that make people want to vomit blood?

He shook his head and said, "I believe that the Sanskrit Palace is reasonable."

Han Guang glanced at Li Zedao: "So sure about the deputy sovereign?"

"The sound is like the person." Li Zedao slightly raised his head and looked at the blue sky, his eyes gleaming with hotness and longing. "A person who can play the kind of heavenly sound that makes people linger, naturally will not be unreasonable."

Han Guang clearly felt the heat in Li Zedao's body, and said quietly, "Deputy Sect Master, this Sect Master thinks you are sick."


"That disease is called unrequited love."


After getting off the Wanwu Peak, a staff from the Medicine Domain Mansion came and ordered Hanguang and Li Zedao to leave the Medicine Domain Mountain immediately and not stay for a while.

"Master Yaoying is a bit too much." Hanguang muttered angrily. Of course, he didn't dare to make a loud voice, for fear of being heard by the staff of the medicine domain mansion who followed far behind his ass.

Everyone can come to Yaoyu Mountain, and even on the Qianyun Mountain where Yaoyu Mansion is located, everyone can go to the mountain to learn and practice.

But Master Yaoying did not allow them to stay in Yaoyu Mountain for a while, which was a serious violation of the relevant regulations of Yaoyu Mansion.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, thinking that he even let go of the Dipo Divine Ginseng. That would be equivalent to letting everyone work hard for many days. Master Yaoying would not allow them to stay in Yaoyu Mountain, which is understandable. of.

Hanguang lowered his voice and said, "Vice Sect Master, let’s go, let’s find your uncle, with your uncle’s support, not to mention the Five Poison Sect Medicine Fangge, even Master Yaoying, I dare not ask us to leave Yaoyu Mountain."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Uncle?"

"Just that Master Yun Jiao."

"...I'm bragging." How dare Li Zedao appear in front of that adult again?

Besides, Master Yun Jiao's position in Medicine Domain Mansion might not be as good as Master Yaoying, right? The receptionist, to put it bluntly, is the gatekeeper.

Hanguang immediately became discouraged, and looked unlovable: "Vice Sect Master, what should this Sect Master say to you? This is all right, we are afraid that as soon as the front foot leaves the Yaoyu Mountain, the back foot will be beaten to death. "

Li Zedao's eyes widened at once: "Didn't you say that the sects of the Medicine Realm are not what you can do?"

Han Guang said angrily: "The reason why this Sect Master said this is because this Sect Master thought that Master Yun Jiao is really your uncle, who would think you should deceive this Sect Master?"


"What are you whispering? Don't you leave Yaoyu Mountain quickly?" The Master Yaoyu urging that seemed so impatient came from behind.

Upon receiving the order from Master Yaoying, he had to personally "send" these two people away from Yaoyu Mountain, but these two guys were so slow, it was really irritating.

Regardless of whether Li Zedao and Han Guang were willing, afraid or not, they finally left Yaoyu Mountain.

There is a valley in front of it, the valley is extremely quiet, as if there is no living thing.

The dark clouds above the valley, the violent atmosphere enveloped the entire space, really chilling.

Even if his cultivation level is not high, Li Zedao clearly felt the incomparable murderous aura coming from all directions.

In other words, the moment they stepped out of Yaoyu Mountain, they were already making dumplings, and there was no luck at all.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, drew out the long sword, and held it firmly in his hand.

Han Guang still stood proudly, as if he didn't pay attention to the ferocious and bloodthirsty murderous aura that was shrouded in all directions.

He disdainfully sneered and said, "Aren't you trying to join forces to encircle and suppress my Hanfengzong? Come out, if I Hanguang retreat even an inch, I will personally destroy the sect token!"

Li Zedao is a very eye-catching person, knowing that he must never steal the limelight from the Sect Master at this time, so he hid behind Hanguang.

Well, a lot more sense of security.

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