The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2763: Demon hand

As soon as Han Guang's words that seemed rather disdainful came out, a powerful aura swept in madly from all directions.

The sky was black, and the fishy wind swept across the valley, making the sound of ghosts, as if the end was about to come.

However, more than a dozen sect forces, headed by the five poison sects, Yaofang Pavilion, and Qinglongmen, were all appearing. There were hundreds of people.

The heads of these sect forces are basically powerful people in the Dao realm cultivation base, in other words, there are more than a dozen powerful people in the Dao realm cultivation base.

The cultivation bases of the disciples of all sects are also above the Lingyu realm, and those disciples below the Lingyu realm are not qualified to follow to this medicine field mountain.

Faced with such a posture, Li Zedao's scalp was numb and he almost didn't feel it.

Perhaps Han Guang is a high-grade cultivation level or above in the Dao realm, but facing so many Dao realm experts at the same time, even if he does not lose, he will definitely not care about himself.

And when he faced hundreds of strong men with a lower level of cultivation in the Lingyu realm, what was the difference with the golden ring saint facing hundreds of thousand-legged spiders at the same time?

Even if all the big fools in the inventory are thrown out, it is absolutely impossible to stop the offensive of these strong men.


Li Zedao was so desperate that he felt that today next year would be his death day.

"Deputy Sect Master, fighting for the sect and dying for the sect is an extremely glorious thing, what do you think?" In the face of those pairs of such hideous eyes, Han Guang stood proudly and radiated from his body. A strong smell of iron and blood.

After that, Han Guang felt very embarrassed. Facing the enemy, he should have been fearless, but the deputy suzerain shrank and was about to frighten his pants, which really degraded my reputation as Han Fengzong.

Li Zedao wanted to scold someone, even though your sister said so, but when is Nima's, are you still in the mood to talk such bullshit?

Wouldn't it be better if you could not die?

Mingdu and others did not know how to talk nonsense like Hanguang.

They are here to kill, not to talk nonsense.

Mingdu exudes a heart-palpiting murderous aura, and the next moment a strong demon aura is released from him, directly condensing into five poisons.

Compared with the five poisons sacrificed by the saint of the golden ring, the aura emitted by these five poisons is much stronger.

Li Zedao was only affected by the **** scent emitted by the five poisons, and he felt that the sky was spinning, and he was about to sit on the ground.

This level of battle really wasn't his rookie who could participate in it.

Wen Baicao showed a **** that was almost the same as the **** held by the medicine master.

The weapon of the real Ziyun is a long sword with a transparent blade.

The heads of other sect forces also showed off their weapons one after another.

Obviously, they all felt that the Sect Master of Hanfeng Sect was simply hiding his clumsiness. He gave people the impression that he was a quasi-dao realm cultivation base, but in that medicine tower, he could easily stop the coercion of the poison, so He is a strong man in the great realm, and his cultivation is by no means under the poison!

As for how high his cultivation level is... Judging from how calmly he can be at this time, this must be an extremely terrifying opponent.

So Ming Du and others dare not ignore this opponent.

"Vice Sect Master, protect yourself, don't die." Han Guang took a deep breath and said.

Even if the Deputy Sect Master fell into the prestige of Han Fengzong, Han Guang still didn't want to see him die like this.

Han Guang felt that he cared too much about the sect disciple, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was the most heartwarming sect master in the heavens.

Li Zedao had long realized that this guy would definitely not care about himself, so there was no surprise. He also took a deep breath and said: "Sect Master, don’t die, don’t forget, you have to lead Han Fengzong to become The strongest sect in the heavens."

Han Guang said angrily: "Vice Sect Master, how do you look down on this Sect Master? Do you think that a dozen or so low-grade guys in Dadao Realm can kill this Sect Master?"


Li Zedao felt that before he was hacked to death by the hundreds of strong men around him, he would be stimulated to death by this **** second person.

Hanguang didn't say anything, and slowly raised his hand.

At this moment, the originally black sky suddenly seemed to be torn apart, and a little weird light spilled in.

Immediately, several huge pillars came in through the torn gap.

No, it's not a pillar, it's a finger!

The fingers looked so slender, white and delicate, just like cutting the onion roots, the nails were still smeared with attractive red.

"this is?"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the huge fingers that suddenly appeared.

Seeing that those few fingers actually tore the tiny gap open at once, then, the whole intact hand slowly penetrated through the gap.

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Sister Tianmeng's hand was very soft and beautiful, and the hand that appeared suddenly was comparable to that of Sister Tianmeng.

Immediately, this hand moved in all directions, releasing a terrifying coercion.

This coercion shook the mind, making the disciples of the more than a dozen sect forces around them with weaker cultivation levels directly tranced, their bodies shaky, and blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, obviously unable to bear it.

"What the **** is this?" Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing.

These two goods seemed a bit more terrifying than he had imagined.

Once Hanguang used his own breath to condense a giant hand, smashing those poisonous insects and beasts to pieces.

But compared with the giant hand in front of him, that giant hand is not at all comparable.

Because the feeling that this hand gives to people is a real existence, not a condensed breath.

This is like the five poisons of the underworld is condensed by his own devil qi, but the sword in the hands of the real person Ziyun is not condensed by the aura, but a weapon of real existence.

This hand is really real.

"This turned out to be the legendary ghost hand?" Mingdu exclaimed, hard to believe that this is true.

Hearing the words, the people around each took a cold breath, their expressions changed drastically, and their hearts swayed violently.

"The ghost hand, one of the ten greatest artifacts in the heavens, was actually obtained by him?"

One of the ten artifacts of the heavens?

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and it was impossible to imagine that such a beautiful hand would be the so-called ten great artifacts in the heavens.

He thought that this hand was taken off from which giant beauty.

"As soon as the ghost hand comes out, the soul is destroyed and the soul is scattered..."

"This breath is too strong, this Sect Master can't resist it at all."

Many people have already retired.

Even the powerhouses at the pinnacle of the Great Dao Realm, faced with such artifacts as ghost hands, had to be extremely dignified and careful to deal with them, let alone those of the lower-ranking cultivation base of the Dao Realm.

They suddenly remembered that they didn't seem to have a life or death rival with this Hanfengzong. Even if Hanfengzong weren't there, they would definitely not get the Divine Ginseng. In that case, why did they take this trip into the muddy water?

"Don't be afraid, everyone, even if he has a ghost hand, he can hardly scream with his palm alone. He is absolutely no match for my team." Wen Baicao said coldly, his eyes were extremely red, and he was really jealous.

That is one of the top ten artifacts of the ghost hand, that is the ghost hand that even the strong of Returning One realm can dream of. How can this guy have it?

How good is he?

Hanguang's voice became gloomy: "It's hard to sing a lone palm? Hehe, is it? Then try!"

Seeing that many sect forces were retreating, Zhenren Ziyun let out a low growl: "Think about it, you guys, Liangzi has been completely knotted, if you don't kill this person now, you will completely annihilate Hanfeng Sect. Be destroyed by it!"

As soon as these words came out, those sect forces that had a heart of retreat suddenly became sober.

Yes, instead of being retaliated tragically in the future, it is better to join forces to wipe out it and eliminate its future troubles forever.

A strong murderous aura was condensed in each eye now.

For a time, the atmosphere of the huge valley was suppressed to the extreme, condensed into ice.

The war is about to start!

Li Zedao shook his long sword tightly, feeling cold sweat coming from his palms.

Until now, I can only... run away!

Yes, run!

All of the Saintess of the Golden Ring could not escape the attack of the Thousand-legged Spider because the defensive soul array shrouded in the Valley of Ten Thousand Poison and the dozens of defensive soul arrays she had arranged completely cut her path.

But he is different, there is no soul around here that will break his life.

Even, he can rely on the soul formation to make a living!

Just as Li Zedao was about to set up the soul formation, he suddenly heard a series of extremely beautiful notes floating.


The frozen atmosphere was suddenly broken by the wonderful notes played by this unknown instrument.

Although this beautiful note is not as good as the fairy sound that makes Li Zedao linger, but it is also extremely beautiful.

What is even more frightening is that this extremely beautiful sound of notes also contains a powerful and incomparable coercion, which suddenly broke this flaming atmosphere.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, then looked up at the gloomy sky, listening to the extremely beautiful notes.

"This is the Qingpingle of the Sanskrit Palace! Which of the four great saints might have played such terrifying power."

"The Sanskrit Palace is planning to intervene in this battle?"

"Hanfengzong rejected the Sanskrit Palace's deal, and even let go of the Dipo Divine Ginseng in front of Mei Shengji. The Sanskrit Palace would naturally not give up."

"I'm afraid so, I didn't do anything on the Wanwu Peak just now, but the medicine Yufu was just a bit of a face."


Ming Du and others all believed that the Sanskrit Palace was in trouble with Han Fengzong.

When the Sanskrit Palace wanted to make a move, they naturally had no need to make a move, of course, they did not dare to do it.

At the moment, everyone converged their murderous intent, put away their weapons, and waited for an adult from the Sanskrit Palace to appear.

At the same time, the ghost hand that had just caused a huge sensation and deterrence in the midair gradually faded, and finally disappeared invisible.

Hanguang raised his head to look at the gloomy sky, and his voice became more solemn: "Vice Sect Master, the Sanskrit Palace really took action. I am afraid it will be a big trouble now."

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