Li Hu's body trembled and his eyes were cracked. He screamed at the inner hall with hiss exhaustion: "Get out of me! Get out!"

He clearly felt that there were two auras in the inner hall.

Within a moment, Hanguang led Li Zedao out of the inner hall.

The inner hall is where the first medicine workshop collects all kinds of medicinal materials, souls, and refined medicinal pills, and Li Zedao unceremoniously packs them all away.

Sovereign said don't be polite, Li Zedao is not polite.

These things are not necessarily so precious, but for an alchemist and soulsmith, these things are indispensable.

Especially in recent times, Li Zedao has arranged a large number of soul formations, and his collection of souls is no longer much.

"Your son's death has nothing to do with me."

Hanguang looked at Li Hu who was in a state of anger, and strongly denied the incident.

This hapless guy was defeated by the deputy sect master, and the deputy sect master dragged him here, or the deputy sect master threw him here to cause him to be killed...In short, this pot Hanguang would not recite.

"who are you?"

Li Hu's extremely scarlet eyes stared at Hanguang, his hand was placed on the hilt of the sword, and the veins of the blue veins appeared.

If there was a trace of reason, he would have killed the opponent long ago.

He knew that these two guys who were in the Lingyu realm of the lower level of cultivation dared to enter his first medicine shop so openly and kill his son.

If the opponent is a sect force that even the Azure Dragon Sect does not want to provoke, then his son will die in vain.

Han phoenix is ​​broken. Anyway, your No.1 Medicine Workshop is also one of the strongest sect forces in Qinglong City. You don't even know who your Sect Master is?

Too bully!

"You are not qualified to know who this suzerain is. You just need to be clear that this suzerain is not too happy now, so you can."

Yes, you don’t know who the master is, you are not qualified to know who the master is.

With this thought, Hanguang felt a lot happy.

Li Hu couldn't stand it anymore, he drew out his long sword with a "clam!", the next moment, a fierce sword aura cut to Hanguang's head fiercely.

At this moment, a long sword gleaming with cold light suddenly appeared, abruptly blocking the sharp sword energy released by the sword in Li Hu's hand.

Sword Qi overflowed, and many things around were cut into pieces.

There were also countless shocking cut marks on the wall.

Naturally, Li Zedao made the shot.

No way, who made Hanguang hide behind him in a flash, so that sharp sword aura was about to smash his head, and Li Zedao could only make a move.

The blow of anger was so easily stopped by the rather inconspicuous Lingyu lower-grade weaker, Li Hu's eyes widened, his head roared violently, and he couldn't believe it was true.

How can he say that he is also the cultivation base of the middle-rank in the Lingyu realm, how could a weaker in this mere lower-rank of the Lingyu realm stop his sword so easily?

"Thanks to the trouble of the shopkeeper, we will go to Qinglongmen to move the soldiers. My Sect Master and I will be here to wait for the strong from Qinglongmen." Li Zedao was quite polite.

When the door of the house was demolished and the contents inside were looted, Li Zedao was still somewhat embarrassed, he was not a real robber.

The muscles on Li Hu's face twitched, and then he firmly grasped the long sword in his hand.

While breathing, a sharper sword qi slashed towards Li Ze.

Li Zedao is speechless. I kindly remind you why you want to kill people instead? Really is too much!


The sword qi blasted fiercely on an invisible wall, the sword qi overflowed in an instant, and finally dissipated.

"This is... the defensive soul formation?" Li Hu exclaimed, his eyes widened and his scalp numb.

This weak person who seems to be inferior to the Lingyu Realm is a powerful soul formation master?

At this moment, a voice that seemed so sharp rang in Li Hu's ears.

An extremely bad feeling surged in Li Hu's heart, and he subconsciously looked up.

But above his head, a blood-red sharp sword net was spinning crazily over there, exuding a terrifying bloodthirsty aura.

Immediately, the sword net poured in frantically.

Li Hu's heart trembled, it was too late to escape, so he could only bite the bullet and stabbed with his sword.


The long sword in his hand couldn't stop the oppression of the sword net at all, it was directly twisted into broken foam, and then his whole person was wrapped in the sword net.


Li Hu let out a screaming scream, and the few subordinates he brought with his eyes widened in horror, and they even seemed to lose their feet.

After a few breaths, the sword net disappeared.

Li Hu's body, which had been chopped by thousands of knives, fell to the ground, his soul was extremely damaged, and he could no longer get up.

Li Zedao pointed at those dumbfounded buddies, and said politely: "Please carry your shopkeeper and go to Qinglongmen to rescue soldiers quickly. It's hard work."


The half-dead Li Hu was carried away, as were the injured men and the terrible body.

The First Pharmacy was once again shrouded in silence.

Hanguang stood in front of the debris-covered door with his back on his back, looking so energetic.

He glanced at the Deputy Sect Master, and secretly admired.

Li Hu, who was able to beat the middle-ranking cultivation base of the Lingyu realm with the only low-grade cultivation base, had no power to fight back. He really deserves to be the deputy master of my Hanfengzong.

It stands to reason that even if the vice-sect master is a rare cultivator with the aura of heavenly secrets, it is only reasonable to be at least five to five at the top of the peak cultivation base of the Lingyu realm.

However, he is a powerhouse who can easily slay the middle-grade cultivation base of the Lingyu Realm, which is really incredible.

After thinking about it, I can only say that the deputy suzerain is afraid that his blood is extremely powerful, and he can do this.

Han Guang said: "Deputy Sect Master, I have the prestige of Fengzong. From here, it will spread quickly throughout Qinglong City. Megatron Qinglong City will become the strongest existence in Qinglong City."

Li Zedao was speechless, and said: "The sovereign is wise."

Is this guy too boring? Is it too unreasonable? This is really bullying.

Li Zedao felt like he was the dog leg around the lawless young master.

As a result, he became even more depressed.

"Let's go, this suzerain will take you to Pingtong Wenguan!" Han Guang waved his hand and said with great vigor.

Obviously, Han Guang was quite familiar with those forces in Qinglong City.

Half an hour later, the door of the Tongwen Pavilion and the plaque were smashed. The owner of the Tongwen Pavilion was seriously injured. The precious medicinal herbs and Horcruxes in the Tongwen Pavilion were all embarrassedly taken away by Li Zedao.

Before leaving, Li Zedao looked at the official document of the Tongwen Museum and expressed his sincere apologies. As a result, the owner of the Tongwen Museum directly sprayed blood and screamed at Li Zedao and killed me.

Han Guang couldn't stand it anymore, and severely criticized the vice-sect master's shameless behavior.

After another half an hour, Shennongmen followed in the footsteps of Tongwenguan.

Then Qingyun Gang, Yuyuemen...

These prestigious forces in Qinglong City were looted overnight, and the ground was full of people, a mess.

Those weak forces received news one after another, all hiding in the bed shivering, scalp numb, almost scared to pee.

They don't know what's going on, they don't know who is so courageous, with such a tough and ruthless method, that they have smoothed out those powerful forces one after another.

Aren't you afraid of Qinglongmen after the fall?

Or is it that the gate of the Blue Dragon Gate was also demolished? How is this possible?

Looking at the entire Medicine Realm, I am afraid that only the Medicine Realm Mansion and the Fanyin Palace would have the mountain gate capable of dismantling the Azure Dragon Gate, but the Medicine Realm Mansion will naturally not do such a thing, and the Sanskrit Palace is incompetent.

Or is it that forces like the Medicine Fang Pavilion and the Five Poison Sects that are as powerful as the Qinglongmen join forces to deal with the Qinglongmen?

Qinglongmen was not demolished.

In that magnificent mountain gate, there is a whole row of detached courtyards, one of which belongs to Li Lu.

As one of the few big disciples under the real seat of Ziyun, Li Lu is qualified to own her own courtyard.

In front of the fish pond in the courtyard, Li Lu sat cross-legged with her eyes closed and rested, feeling the majestic breath between heaven and earth, and improving her cultivation.

However, his brows were slightly frowned, even irritable, and he couldn't calm down anyway.

Since returning from the end of the First World War, Li Lu has a lingering figure in her heart, and that figure has seriously disturbed her mood.

Li Lu knows the inside story, so she really can’t imagine that the weak of the lower grades in the Lingyu realm, and are still poisoned by the poison of the poisonous pill, can still kill the strong of the five poisonous sect when the poisonous pill strikes. By!

How did he do it?

Even at the top of the Wanwu Peak, he actually rejected the deal proposed by the Sanskrit Palace, and he even released the Dipo Divine Ginseng in front of everyone!

What is he thinking? Is he brain disabled? Doesn't he know how precious the Dipo Divine Ginseng is?

A figure hurriedly entered the courtyard.

Li Lu frowned slightly and opened her eyes, only to see that the old butler from No.1 Pharmacy had hurried in.

When has this old guy been so unruly?

"Miss, something happened to the shopkeeper."

The old housekeeper couldn't pay the courtesy either, and said anxiously.

Li Lu's eyes widened, and she stood up suddenly: "What did you say?"


The first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on the Qinglong City.

Qinglong City did not wake up like it used to. Instead, it was shrouded in weird and deadly silence, and the needle fell audibly.

It was as if there were no more living people in this city.

Li Zedao, who had stepped down more than a dozen forces in this city, stood shoulder to shoulder with Hanguang in front of the gate of the first medicine workshop, bathing in the early morning sunshine.

They are waiting, waiting for the Azure Dragon Gate to appear, then they can settle accounts with the Azure Dragon Gate.

Then, Qinglong Mountain will be renamed to Hanfeng Mountain, and the gate of Qinglong Mountain will become the gate of Hanfengzong... This is how Han Guang described the future life to Li Zedao.

Han Guang glanced at Li Zedao, and shook his head helplessly. How many times had this been copied, why did the deputy master still leave the gate rules behind?

Still not paying attention to yourself?

Standing side by side with him...How can this show that he is the Sect Master of Han Fengzong?

So he took a step forward.

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