The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2771: Ten breaths

Li Zedao ignored Han Guang's naive behavior. He glanced at the back which was not too tall but was undoubtedly quite wretched and willful. He really wondered what this guy was thinking, and his ultimate goal was. What is it.

From the establishment of the so-called Hanfengzong and the weakling of the lower ranks of Lingyu realm as the deputy sect master of Hanfengzong, this revealed a wayward and strange atmosphere.

A powerful person with a dignified Dao Realm cultivation base, and a ghost hand, one of the top ten artifacts of the Gods Realm, even if I really want to establish a sect force, how can he be so capricious to let a weak person of the Spirit Realm low-grade cultivation base come across? The deputy master of the sect?

This is too unreasonable.

But Hanguang did just that.

In addition, this guy has a ghost hand, and when he faces the Yaoyu Palace and the Sanskrit Palace, he seems respectful, but he is not too concerned.

The Dipo Divine Ginseng that made the forces of the medicine domain and even the Sanskrit Palace jealous, he didn't even look at it, and threw it directly to himself.

When talking about Pangu, there was some disdain between the words, as if Pangu's strength seemed to him to be the same. The only thing Pangu worth commendable was the imprisonment he set...These signs are sufficient to prove his The background is huge.

Who is he?

In fact, since this period of time, Li Zedao has been detecting the bottom line of light from time to time, such as not treating him as the sovereign at all, such as being lazy when sweeping the floor.

If the sect master of the general sect was so provoked by the sect disciple, it would be considered light to be expelled from the sect.

But this guy is just a few words of "threat", the so-called threat is just copying the rules of the door, nothing more.

What does he think of himself?

A handsome body or an interesting soul?

Li Zedao's hair was horrified.

At this moment, a huge soul cloud floated, and immediately counted until the hideous aura shrouded crazily from the top of the head, the posture, as if a storm is about to hit.

Li Zedao looked up, and the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked for an inexplicable amount.

When the people of Qinglongmen saw themselves and the Sect Master, their expressions would be quite wonderful, right?

Li Zedao is very careful sometimes, so he will never forget how Zhenren Ziyun shouted and killed him when he first stepped into this heaven.

Had it not been for his better luck, he would have been crushed into blood mist by the coercion of Real Person Ziyun.

After that, the dozens of sect forces joined forces to make dumplings between him and Hanguang. If it weren't for the Sanskrit Palace, Hanguang would be fine, but he would be more fortunate.

"Who would dare to make trouble in Qinglong City? Really think that my Qinglongmen is no one?"

An angry voice fell from the sky, and counted until the figure fell to the ground, appeared on the roof of the first medicine workshop, condescendingly examining Li Zedao and Hanguang.

Then, the disciples of the Qinglongmen, headed by Li Lu, were as if they had been chopped by Wanjun Thunder. Their pupils were suddenly rounded, their mouths widened, their minds roared violently, and they couldn't believe their eyes. What you see.

There was one with a weaker cultivation base and a weaker heart, and even almost rolled off the roof.

Li Lu and others didn't expect to say anything, that the people who wiped out more than a dozen forces in Qinglong City overnight turned out to be the Sect Master and Deputy Sect Master of Hanfeng who had nightmares in their hearts!

The scene where the vice-lord let go of the Dipo Divine Ginseng seemed to become their nightmare.

The ghost hand that the Sect Master showed, even more condensed the blood in their bodies into ice!

However, shouldn't they have been wiped out by Saint Mei Saint of the Sanskrit Palace? Why does it still appear here?

"Could it be that the Sanskrit Palace can't help these two people? How is this possible?"

Everyone felt a stronger fear in their hearts.

"Major Ziyun didn't come?"

Hanguang was a little disappointed. Originally, he wanted to violently beat Ziyun in front of those forces that were too scared to come forward in this Azure Dragon City. Achieve huge results.

Unexpectedly, the real person Ziyun didn't show up, making his thoughts frustrated.

"Deputy Sect Master, these weak people will be handed over to you."

Hanguang was boring, and shooting against such a weak person really detracted from his tall image... He was not a real Ziyun, nor a poisonous person, he didn't like to do it against the weak.

That's why, the deputy suzerain is still alive now.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he couldn't help complaining: "Sect Master, three of those people are of the peak cultivation base of the Lingyu realm, and the woman is even the highest grade cultivation of the Lingyu realm. I am really not them. Opponent."

Such an increase in the enemy's momentum will destroy one's power and prestige.

He helped cheer and cheer: "Don't be afraid of the deputy sect master. With this sect master here, do you think these Qinglongmen disciples have the courage to make a move?"

"Sect Master, how about the rabbit biting someone in a hurry, what if they fight back?" Li Zedao felt that the Sect Master was too bad, and you should be stupid. You can't treat me as a fool.

Han Guangqi was broken, and the Deputy Sect Master dared to question his deterrence in front of outsiders, and he didn't even execute his orders. It was really presumptuous.

Well, after I go back, I must let him copy the door rules a few more times.

On the roof, Li Lu and others were frightened but embarrassed, neither walking nor not.

Although the Sect Master Hanfeng said that his behavior was a little willful, he could even be said to be a brain-dead, and the deputy master of the Han Fengzong was a brain-dead, but they were really strong.

It was so strong that in that valley that day, even if a dozen sect forces joined forces, they were not sure to keep them.

Li Lu will not forget that when the ghost hand appeared, the blood in her body directly solidified into ice, completely losing the courage to move.

Hanguang raised his head and glanced at Li Lu and the others, and directly vented his qi on these people.

He said fiercely: "You guys, if you don't want to die, kneel down to this Sect Master and slap your face severely, and yell at Zhenshi Ziyun for being a scumbag."


One of the disciples' complexion flushed red and couldn't help it anymore. He bravely drew out his long sword, pointed at Hanguang, and roared: "Bold lunatic, you are not allowed to treat me Qinglongmen sect master... "


The disciple hadn't finished saying a word, a powerful pressure fell from the sky, and it instantly pressed him into a blood mist, and the blood mist dispersed with the morning breeze.

For a time, the extremely suppressed space was enveloped by a strong smell of blood, and the blood mist attached to Li Lu and the others, irritating their nerves and torturing their souls.

Strong fear filled their entire heart.

Their teeth fought uncontrollably.

They didn't even expect to say that the Sect Master of Hanfeng Sect hadn't put their Azure Dragon Sect in his eyes at all, saying that killing would kill.

Li Zedao's eyelids jumped violently, this second guy, there is such a harsh scene? Killing a strong middle-grade cultivation base in Lingyu Realm is not much different from trampling an ant to death.

"The same thing, this suzerain will not say it a second time."

Han Guang said coldly: "Ten breaths! After ten breaths, if you don't follow the instructions of the Sect Master, you know the consequences!"



Before the light voice fell, the clear applause exploded in the roof and spread far away.

However, he saw the trembling body of one of the disciples with red eyes knelt down heavily, suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself severely.

The slap in the face directly knocked half of his face into the cave!

"Zi...Zi Yun is... a despicable and nasty person..."

The disciple seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and finally roared out these words, his hoarseness spread far away, as if he was trying to split the sky of the Azure Dragon City.

Around, those shivering in the room who were afraid to go out heard this sound, and there was a stronger wave in their hearts. The scalp was so numb that there was almost no feeling at all, and they couldn't believe their ears. Heard.

They think that the dawn means that the naive is bright.

True person Ziyun will lead the Qinglongmen disciples into this Qinglong City, punish the villain, and return a bright future in Qinglong City.

But they didn't even wait for Real Ziyun to come, they actually waited for such a roar that slandered Real Ziyun!

So, the Azure Dragon Gate has been destroyed? The invincible real Ziyun soul flies away?

"Yang Yu, you..."

When Li Lu saw this, her eyes were cracked, her delicate body trembling constantly, she was really angry to the extreme.

The other Qinglongmen disciples were also extremely angry, wishing to chop up Yang Yu, a greedy and fearful fellow.

Yang Yu was ashamed and shrugged, his eyes daring not to face Li Lu and others.

Han Guang is still counting, his voice is extremely indifferent, it seems that there is not the slightest human temperature.

Li Zedao is naturally not familiar with this kind of light, his little heart is trembling violently.

He wondered on which day Hanguang would not commit a crime with him, but would directly do it. He couldn't immediately become the blood mist?

Li Zedao decided not to continue to probe his bottom line. In the future, he must unswervingly obey any command of the Sect Master, and will never talk back to him, and never dare to stand side by side with him.


The trembling body suddenly stopped, and then he knelt down heavily.

Afterwards, they raised their hands one after another, and slammed their faces that were already shivering completely.

Then, hoarse and trembling voices sounded one after another in the Azure Dragon City, rippling far away.

"Princess Ziyun is a despicable and shameless person!"

"Princess Ziyun is a despicable and shameless person!"

"Princess Ziyun is a despicable and shameless person..."


" presumptuous..."

This was mixed with Li Lu's extremely angry but helpless voice.

Her voice was loud but very soft, and was completely swallowed by the voices of these sect disciples in an instant.

When Hanguang shouted "one", only Li Lu was still standing.

Because of fear, her two straight long legs trembled like chaff, her face was extremely stiff, and her wide-open eyes almost jumped out of her eye sockets.

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