The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2778: butterfly

Immediately he glanced at the people who were crawling there, his voice was gentle, and said: "You can go now, remember, nothing happened."


Underworld poison, Zhenren Ziyun and others, if they were amnesty, they hurriedly hid their heads in their crotch, rolling far away, absolutely afraid to stay, let alone guess.

In short, they will definitely stay in the sect in the future and will never dare to go out.

In addition, I was afraid that I would have to let the disciples go out to promote the prestige of Hanfengzong and make it the first sect force in the medicine domain.

Ziyun and the others were so wronged that they almost cried. What kind of Hanfeng Sect has been established when the Sect Master of Hanfeng is already at such a height? What kind of divine ginseng are you grabbing with them? Isn't this surrendering status? Isn't this bullying?

The man looked at Hanguang’s extremely indifferent back, smiled bitterly, shook his head helplessly, and said softly, “Hanguang, you and my wedding date is near, so stop messing around outside. You should also go back to Luguang Villa to do it. Some preparations to marry me Yunmeng Villa..."

"Yun Mengxi, you shut up!"

Hanguang's shoulders were trembling slightly, and his voice was extremely suppressed. That ghost hand was more suitable for exuding a terrible suffocation, and he would slap Yunmengxi at any time.

Obviously, he was extremely angry.

Yun Mengxi smiled bitterly.

"I will definitely cancel my engagement with you, I will definitely!" Han Guang looked back at the eyes that looked like colored glaze, gritted his teeth, and wished to dig them out.

Yun Mengxi could only continue to smile.

Han Guang didn't say anything more, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The bitter smile on Yun Mengxi's extremely handsome face was gradually replaced by strong self-confidence, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted up.

If Li Zedao saw him, I was afraid that he would admire him, what an impeccable son... it would be inferior to this son.

"Really? I'll wait and see." Yunmengxi muttered to herself.

"Han Fengzong? Really headstrong, then the deputy sect master should find time to kill."

Yun Mengxi shook his head and disappeared in place.


Li Zedao was breathing heavily, really exhausted.

He looked up at the steps that still couldn't see the end, the muscles on his face twitched.

Looking at the Dipo Divine Ginseng happily jumping up the steps in front, and thinking that it is dragged away, it seems that it is not an unacceptable thing. Anyway, the face is gone, and the front teeth are also missing?


Di Po Shen Geng turned his head and rushed towards Li Ze Dao for a moment, obviously saying that he was too slow.

Li Zedao had no tears anymore when he wanted to cry, so he could only drag the two lead-filled legs and continue climbing.

He didn't know how long he had climbed up. When Li Zedao climbed the steps ahead, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there were no more steps ahead, instead it turned out to be a small road.

The path twists and turns in the chaos, with no end in sight, no knowing where to lead.

"Yaya." The Dipo Divine Ginseng asked Li Zedao to follow up, and it continued to lead the way.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, followed closely behind the **** of Dipo Shenshen, and entered the trail.

Walking forward only a few meters, Li Zedao was directly in a state of bewilderment.

Suddenly, five forks appeared in front of him. These five forks were all shrouded in absolute darkness, just like a beast opening his blood basin and big mouth, and would swallow the prey near its mouth at any time.

Vaguely, Li Zedao seemed to have heard stern voices propagating from these five holes respectively, his body trembled, and his scalp was really numb.

What the **** is this?


The Dipo Divine Ginseng bounced and turned into the second fork on the left. Li Zedao swallowed a big mouthful of water and quickly followed.

The moment he stepped into the fork, Li Zedao was already in a chaotic land that had not yet been opened up.

In the land of chaos, there is no mountain, no water, no sun and moon, but it does not mean that there is no life.

On the contrary, there are even some ancient beasts living in some chaotic places. These powerful ancient beasts already existed before the 108 domains were opened up.

They can't see the light, so they can only appear in chaos.

But even if it is the powerhouse of the Great Dao Realm, even the Guiyi Realm appeared in front of these ancient beasts, it would have to be torn to pieces.

No, there are terrifying voices from both sides from time to time, frightening Li Zedao's little heart, and he can't wait to immediately hug the divine ginseng that leads the way in his arms.

I don't know how long I walked forward, but there are five forks in front of me again.

This time, Dipaku Shenshen turned in from the second fork on the right.

After entering, it was chaos again.

Continue to move forward, and then there are five forks.

This time, the Dipo Divine Ginseng turned in from the first fork on the left.

Li Zedao's scalp became more and more numb. What the **** is this? How can it be so weird?

If you enter another fork, what horrible things will happen?

So all the way forward, there were five forks before and after, five forks each time.

Dipu Shenshen is obviously quite familiar with this road, every time he chooses a fork to turn in without hesitation.

Finally, there was no longer a fork in the front, but a stone gate, which was hidden in the darkness, and the surroundings were still chaotic.

This stone gate is very big, but compared with the stone gate that Li Zedao saw before, it is a big circle smaller.


The Dipo Divine Ginseng looked back at Li Zedao and asked Li Zedao to push the stone gate away.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed another mouthful of saliva. He walked up to him and put his hands on the stone gate. At the same time, his nerves became tense again and he was ready to deal with any emergencies.

Li Zedao would not relax his vigilance just because there hadn't been any accidents before, nor because the Dipo Divine Ginseng seemed to be familiar with this place.


Under Li Zedao's forceful push, Shimen made a sound of ancient vicissitudes, apparently it had not been opened for a long time.

Li Zedao squinted his eyes and looked inside through the opening of the door that was getting bigger little by little, and he was slightly relieved. He worried that as soon as the door opened, it would be an upward step, or five forks, or something, even appeared again. A terrifying cold pool would be quite tormenting.

In the end, the Shimen was completely opened, and Li Zedao took a deep breath and walked over cautiously, and found that it turned out to be a stone chamber.

The stone room is not big, but because there is nothing displayed, it looks empty.

There are a few luminous stones inlaid on the surrounding stone wall, making the stone room not too dim.

In the middle of the stone room is a lonely countertop, above the countertop is a box that looks simple and vicissitudes of life, that's all.

Li Zedao looked at the box, thinking that the Divine Ginseng brought himself here. The ultimate goal should be to get the contents of the box, right?

I don't know what kind of baby it is, but it will hide in such a place.

Although there was no danger aside from being nearly killed in the cold pool along the way, Li Zedao knew that there was a huge danger hidden in it.

Those who go through the fork, if you enter the wrong one, I am afraid that I will not figure it out.


Sure enough, Dipo Shenshen pointed to the box with some excitement, and asked Li Zedao to hurried over, and it took the lead to jump onto the table and stand in front of the box.

It was as if a child saw a box of candies, clapping his hands excitedly.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and when he came to the box, his body couldn't help but tremble, and his scalp was numb...It was so cold!

But seeing that the dark box was made of no material, it exuded a strange coldness. The coldness was so familiar that Li Zedao's body trembled uncontrollably.

But breathing, Li Zedao remembered, the icy cold from this box didn't seem to be much different from the icy cold of Hantan.

Di Po God Ginseng obviously also knew that Li Zedao could not bear this coldness, and its little chubby hand stretched out, seeming a little awkwardly to try to open the box.

This kind of scene is like a two-year-old child curiously rummaging through boxes and cabinets, wanting to see what's inside.

Without any accident, the box was opened easily by the Dipo God Ginseng.

Li Zedao quickly stared into the box, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

He thought that there was a precious pill in the box, the treasures of the heavens and the earth, or the weapon of the magic weapon, it was really not good, any of the top ten artifacts would do, Li Zedao was not too picky.

But Li Zedao unexpectedly saw a colorful butterfly, other than that, there was nothing else.

The butterfly seems to be real, but it is motionless, so it should be a butterfly specimen.

But the butterfly with the palm of the hand is so beautiful, even the Gu God lord that Li Zedao saw before, seems to be a little less immortal than this butterfly.

Li Zedao felt that this butterfly gave people a very fairy and mysterious feeling.


The Dipo Shenshen slapped his little hands and looked very happy, as if a three-year-old child saw candy, his saliva was almost flowing down.

Its little chubby hand stretched over, gently pinched the butterfly's wing, and took it out, then the little pink hand reached out in front of Li Zedao.


"Give it to me?" Li Ze said politely, but the smile on his face couldn't hide.

Understand that Entubao, this is really a good boy, having a child is like a ginseng.

"Yaya." Di Po Shen Geng nodded.

Li Zedao swallowed a sip, took the butterfly carefully, and asked, "What is this?"



Li Zedao once again sighed, if the language is unfamiliar, it will really cause death.


The Di Po Shen Geng pointed at the butterfly in Li Zedao's hand, and pointed at Li Zedao's mouth.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he said with difficulty: "You mean, let me swallow this butterfly?"

"Ya." The Dipo God Ginseng nodded quickly, motioning Li Zedao to put it in his mouth quickly, and even wrapped his thumb with relish, saying it was delicious.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently, his mind roared violently, and he hesitated.

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