The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2779: Raw swallow

It's not that Li Zedao didn't believe in the Divine Ginseng. He knew that he would not be poisoned to death by swallowing this butterfly.

Even, this butterfly is probably an incredible thing, after swallowing it, he is likely to get a great good fortune.

But the key point is that it takes more courage to live and swallow such a butterfly than to rely on Han Fengzong as the deputy sect master and be harassed by Hanguang one after another.

"Yaya." Dipous Ginseng urged again, let Li Zedao hurriedly put it into his mouth.

"Your sister, in order to prevent the Pangu Region from being destroyed, and to protect the peace of the Pangu Region, fight it!"

In Li Zedao's mind, there were countless shocking deeds that his ancestors regarded death as home, and his eyes revealed unprecedented determination.

He immediately resisted the nausea, closed his eyes, opened his mouth suddenly, and then stuffed the whole butterfly into his mouth.

Then, Li Zedao had a halt, his entire body terrified with horror.

I can't swallow it anymore. I'm afraid of choking to death. I even dare not chew it. Can I chew this stuff? The slimy internal organs... Li Zedao almost vomited.

At this moment, Li Zedao clearly felt that the butterfly fluttered in his mouth, and his little heart almost stopped beating in fright.

But breathing, Li Zedao suddenly felt that the fluttering butterfly seemed to disappear.


Li Zedao's tongue moved cautiously, and there was nothing in his mouth, and the butterfly did not know where it had gone.

"The butterfly is gone?" Li Zedao stared at the Dipo Divine Ginseng with wide eyes.


"Already integrated into my body and even my soul?"



Forget it, asking is for nothing.

Li Zedao quickly felt his body up and down. Unfortunately, he didn't feel any changes in his body.


Dipo Shenshen closed the box, jumped off the counter, pointed at the door, and motioned to Li Zedao that it was time to leave.

Obviously, although this place does not seem to hide any danger, the Divine Ginseng is unwilling to wait. It is conceivable that it is not that there is no danger, but that the danger has not yet approached.

Li Zedao hurriedly left the stone room behind the **** of Dipo Shenshen, and then continued to shuttle in the chaos.

Just like when I came here, there were a total of five forks along the way, and there were five intersections each time. Li Zedao was surprised to find that when he went back, the fork entered by the Dipaku Shenshen actually followed when he entered. The fork is completely different.

For example, when you come, you enter from the middle fork. When you go back, you should choose the middle fork to make sense.

However, the Dipo God Ginseng entered from the first fork on the far right.

This really made Li Zedao's hair terribly terrifying, and the mind of the person who designed this divergence was so meticulous, it was not based on common sense at all.

In this way, even if someone gets in here by chance, it will be difficult to get out at all.

In the end, Li Zedao stepped down tens of thousands of steps, and finally came to the huge stone gate.

Walking out of the Shimen, the Shimen automatically closed up, blocking Li Zedao and the Dipo Shenshen away.

"Yaya." The Divine Ginseng pointed to the cold pool in front of him that looked like a black hole.

Li Zedao's face changed and he almost cried.

He suddenly remembered that he had to get out of here.

This cold pool channel is also the path that makes him the most creepy, and even Li Zedao wants to say that if he doesn't leave, he can stay in this ghost place.

Anyway, he just wanted to find a safe place to practice.

As for the Deputy Sect Master of Han Fengzong, it's nothing wrong.


In the surrounding absolute darkness, there was a terrifying voice suddenly, and it was obvious that there were powerful poisonous insects and beasts living nearby.

Li Zedao's body trembled violently, and he quickly dispelled the idea of ​​being here, thinking that the world outside was wonderful, if he left like this, it would be too unjust, Han Fengzong really couldn't have no deputy sovereign.


Seeing that the Dipo Divine Ginseng plunged into the cold pool with a pretty graceful posture, Li Zedao hurriedly stiffened his scalp and jumped down. Then, the horrible coldness once again wrapped his body, cutting his soul crazily. , The pain caused his spirit to be in a trance state, almost fainting.

The Dipo Divine Ginseng knew that Li Zedao couldn't bear this kind of cold at all, and it was already very serious if he hadn't been frozen to death. He still dragged him forward at the moment, eventually dragging him out of another cold pool.

After Li Zedao recovered, he continued to shuttle through the chaos, and finally returned to the cave.

Without stopping, he continued to shuttle through the tunnel. Li Zedao also saw his two front teeth remaining in that place.

Finally, the Dipo Divine Ginseng stopped. It looked back at Li Zedao and pointed to the front: "Yah, yah."

"You mean, you can go back to the original place if you continue to move forward from here?" Li Zedao felt that he was a genius, and casually immediately followed the words of the Dipo Divine Ginseng.


The Di Po Shen Geng nodded, and showed an extremely innocent and beautiful smile at Li Zedao, then it plunged into the soil and it disappeared.

It just left without warning, just as it had dug a big hole without warning before, and dragged Li Zedao into the big hole together with the tree.

Li Zedao's heart was suddenly empty. He probably knew that the Divine Ginseng would not appear anymore, even if he encountered any danger again later, it would not appear.

Because it saved its own life, and also took it to find the butterfly that I don't know what's useful, and I don't know if it will have diarrhea after eating it, it has already paid the favor.

After the life-saving grace is paid, if the two are not owed, it is over.

After all, it has always been instinctively hostile to the human world.

"Zhien Illustrated, you are such a good boy...Thank you!"

Li Zedao couldn't help but praise the Dipo Divine Ginseng.

He didn’t know what it was, what the stone flower that glowed red like a torch was, and he didn’t know how much good fortune even a butterfly that had been integrated into the depths of his soul would bring him, but he knew that Butterflies must be extremely amazing things, otherwise it would not be possible to hide in such a place.

Li Zedao sorted out his emotions and continued to move forward along this passage, but dozens of feet ahead, he drilled out of the tunnel, already seeing the intertwined roots and the thick trunk in front of him.

Above, it was the hole dug out by the Dipo Divine Ginseng. Li Zedao raised his head slightly, and through the hole, he could see the blue sky and the white cloud.

Li Zedao's eyes became alert, and several big fools appeared in his hands.

I don't know if the guys from the major sect forces are still guarding them, waiting to kill him.

And that guy Hanguang didn't know whether he was dead or not.

Probably not dead, that guy doesn't look like a short-lived ghost.

Li Zedao did not believe that he did such seemingly reckless things without any certainty and purpose.

What Li Zedao couldn't understand was that he should not want to see himself die, but why did he have to put himself in that kind of great danger?

If not for this time, Li Zedao knew that he would die.

Could it be that Hanguang knew that the Dipo Divine Ginseng would definitely be shot?

At this moment, a face hidden in the black robe suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, looking at Li Zedao condescendingly.

Li Zedao was really taken aback, and almost smashed the big fool in his hand at that face.

After seeing it clearly, Li Zedao's heart that was about to jump out of his throat fell directly, his legs were soft, and he almost sat on the ground.

Although I had guessed that it would be such a memory, my heart was a little shocked.

At the same time, faced with more than a dozen powerful masters and dozens of quasi-high masters, this guy could be safe and sound.

That ghost hand is too bad, right?

"My Deputy Sect Master, you didn't even die?" As always, Han Guang's words gave Li Zedao a feeling that the Poison Pill had happened again.

Does this guy want to die so much? I'm dead, is Hanfengzong still Hanfengzong? He can't find another guy with "Maple" in his name to be the deputy suzerain, right?

Li Zedao said speechlessly: "Hanfeng Sect can have no suzerain, but it must not have a deputy suzerain, so how can I die?"

Han Guang nodded in agreement: "What the deputy sect master said is that Han Fengzong really can't live without the deputy sect master. If you die, how can you let this sect master find a deputy sect master who can slap a horse like this?"


"Deputy Sect Master, why did you dug such a big hole in this place?"

"Why don't you let me go out first?" Li Zedao seemed to feel a liquid drifting down. It should be a light saliva star.

Han Guang was very depressed, the deputy sect master still didn't put his sect master in his eyes.

Since Han Guang was here for good, Li Zedao didn't worry that those strong sect forces were waiting outside waiting to kill him. At the moment, his figure flashed out of the hole, and then... was shocked.

But it was the dozens of Tianjiao from various major sect forces who had surrounded him before, screaming and killing them. At this time, they were kneeling in a row, their bodies trembling.

There was a shocking slap print on those faces, and it was obvious that he had slapped himself.

Li Zedao smashed it, smashed it, and understood.

Those people at the sect leader elder level were probably killed or maimed by Hanguang. The remaining disciples with weaker cultivation bases are naturally no different from a group of ants in Hanguang’s eyes. Don't you just want to be humiliated?

It can even be said that it is light to kneel down and draw one's face.

"Deputy Sect Master, these Xiaoxiaoren will be handed over to you. It is up to you to kill or let them stay and take turns to pour the footwash for you." Hanguang waved his hand.

These people are too weak, Hanguang is too lazy to deal with it, even too lazy to threaten it.

Li Lu raised her head slightly, her eyes full of horror glanced at Li Zedao, who had come out of the big pit safely, and the horror in her eyes increased a little more.

This weak person, who was only inferior in the Lingyu Realm, was really terrifying.

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