The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2794: Van Yin Valley

Seeing that the old crocodile who was supposed to be in the Hanfeng Valley to protect the safety of the deputy sect leader, Hanguang Maple Leaf was here, and his brother Han Feng Rongye was seriously injured, and the crocodile dared to act on his grandfather, and immediately understood what happened.

The loyal crocodile veteran who was supposed to be loyal to Luguang Mountain Villa has turned his back!

The old crocodile had rebelled, and Hanguang Maple Leaf was so surprised that he couldn't accept such a result.

What made her panic even more was that the old Crocodile had rebelled, what about the deputy sovereign? What happened to him as the deputy master?

Hanguang is really anxious.

An inexplicable smile appeared on Old Crocodile’s wilted old face, and said: "The young lady is so anxious, do you really like the weak person who is inferior in Lingyu realm?"

"Where is he? How are you treating him?" Hanguang Fengye tried to calm herself down.

But it failed. She never expected to say that she would be so worried about the safety of the deputy sovereign.

You know, when he was asked to face those powerful sect forces alone before, she was not worried at all. At that time, she thought that the deputy sect master would die if he died, and his death proved that his luck was not so good. .

But now, she was really worried that something happened to him.

Old Crocodile's eyes were somewhat pitying: "It seems that I really like it. This is really surprising."

"Where is Ning Feng? Where is he?" The glossy complexion was ugly, and he roared in a low voice.

Old Crocodile did not hide it, saying: "Yunmengxi'please' he come to Yunmeng Villa to attend his wedding ceremony. Miss, you should be able to see him after you marry Yunmeng Villa...Of course, now the old owner It's okay, Miss, you have no reason to marry Yunmeng Villa, so you won't see it."

The lustrous complexion suddenly paled.

The Deputy Sect Master was actually taken away by Yun Mengxi? What did Yunmengxi take him for? Could it be that Yunmengxi thinks that he has that kind of unclear relationship with the deputy suzerain?

Damn Yunmengxi, dare to humiliate herself.

The inexplicable smile on Old Crocodile’s face was even worse: "Miss, even if Yun Mengxi is not embarrassed by such a weak person and let him go, Liuguang Mountain Villa will not allow such a weak person to step into the Liuguang Villa, you..."

The ghost hand appeared and patted the old Crocodile.


The old crocodile is gone.

The Hanguang Banyan who was struggling to stand up was a little dazed, thinking that his younger sister's eyesight was so high that even his eldest brother was nothing but an ant in his eyes. When did he actually like a weaker in the mere Lingyu realm?

Han Guang's worried eyes looked at his grandfather, anxiously, and said, "Grandpa, my Deputy Sect Master of Han Fengzong was captured by Yunmengxi. We must go to Yunmeng Villa to rescue him."

Hanguang Changkong looked at his beloved granddaughter with a look of interrogation, but what he said made Hanguang Maple Leaf fall into an ice cave, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Maple Leaf, Grandpa naturally doesn't allow you to marry Yun Mengxi as a concubine. Grandpa will announce to the public that your wedding with Yun Mengxi tomorrow will be cancelled!"

Hanguang Zhangkong was in a good mood, and the dark clouds that had hung over Liuguang Villa finally dispersed. From then on, Luguang Villa no longer needs to be humble and cautious.

Hanguang Changkong said domineeringly: "If Yunmeng Villa disagrees, grandpa will let Yunmeng Villa know how powerful my Luguang Villa is."

It is conceivable in Hanguang Longkong that when Luguang Villa announces the cancellation of the wedding, I am afraid that Yunmeng Villa, which is already full of friends, will definitely explode, and then Luguang Villa will become a laughing stock!

"Grandpa, my deputy suzerain..."

"Maple Leaf, you are also tired during this time, go back and take a good rest."

Hanguang Maple Leaf is extremely sluggish, so grandpa is ignoring the life and death of the deputy sovereign?

She looked at her grandfather with an extremely disappointed look, and said, "Grandpa, don't forget, the fire marble was given to me by the deputy sect master. Without the deputy sect master, your injury would never recover!"

"On this point, even if you are not a guest of Liuguang Villa, even if you are not a guest of Ning Feng, you should not die!"

"Maple Leaf, what are you doing? How can you be so rude to grandpa?"

Hanguang Banyan Ye yelled angrily, really angry.

The always obedient sister dared to question her grandfather like this, really rebellious!

Wait, what did she say?

The fire marble that made Grandpa healed was actually given by the weak one? Can the low-rank in the mere Lingyu realm get fire marble? how can that be?

But if it was really given by him, if Grandpa didn't come out to save him, it seemed a bit unreasonable... No, any decision Grandpa made was correct!

As a child of the Hanguang family, he will take any orders from his grandfather without hesitation!

Hanguang Maple Leaf glanced at his brother expressionlessly: "Hanguang Banyan Leaf, shut up!"

The ghost hand even appeared in front of Hanguang Banyan Ye, once he dared to continue to squeak, he would draw it over.

Hanguang Banyan Leaf was so angry that the muscles on her face twitched wildly, this sister is really lawless.

Hanguang Maple Leaf's eyes looked at her Hanguang Zhangkong with extreme disappointment: "Grandpa, if you are like this, don't you put Luguang Mountain Villa into injustice?"

"Presumptuous!" Hanguang Changkong's eyes were round, and the muscles on his face twitched wildly.

Had it not been for his favorite granddaughter to question him, he would have slapped her to death.

"If you don't save me, I will go by myself!"

After finishing speaking, Hanguang Maple leaves strode out.

A terrifying coercion immediately enveloped her, making her immobile.

An extremely majestic voice sounded in Hanguang Maple Leaf's ears: "From now on, you have been thinking about it. You are not allowed to come down without my order."

Hanguang Banyan Leaf flushed with anger, and roared: "Grandpa, you, are shameless..."



There was a crisp applause, and her delicate little face had a shocking palm print.


Li Zedao's first reaction when he opened his eyes was that I was not dead?

It took only a few breaths, the heavenly aura in the body was exhausted, the golden cover disappeared, and the moment that the terrifying black flames burned the earth pouring down, Li Zedao's only thought was that the deputy master of Han Fengzong, from then on Will become a legend!

Then, Li Zedao's world was completely dark, there was no light, no thoughts, even pain, nothing.

After waking up, how come you are in such an elegant room?

Standing up, his eyes scanned this elegant room with extremely alert, Li Zedao finally determined one thing.

This should be a woman's room!

Men’s rooms shouldn’t be decorated in purple, right? The man’s room doesn’t smell so good, right?

Thinking of something, Li Zedao hurriedly checked his body, and was shocked to find that what he was wearing turned out to be a purple woman's dress. His eyes became round and his body trembled uncontrollably.

It's over, I didn't protect myself outside, and I was lost!

"Who is it? How can it be possible to change clothes so casually? Generally speaking, I am a rather principled man, OK?"

"Forget it, why change women's clothes? Please, I am not the Sect Master of Han Fengzong. If you think of a man, a man is a woman, and a woman is a woman!" Li Ze said, really wanting to cry without tears.

The only good news is that the soul rings on his fingers are all there and have not been taken away. You must know that all his wealth is stored in those soul rings.

In fact, this soul ring is not very useful to others.

Li Zedao these soul rings are not ordinary soul rings, they belong to the highest level of soul rings.

If others try to forcibly erase the soul mark on the soul ring, the soul ring will be destroyed by itself.

Everything in the soul ring will also become invisible.

Li Zedao quickly took out a set of clothes from one of the soul rings and felt the surrounding movement vigilantly. After making sure that no one was peeping at him, he quickly took off the purple woman's clothes and changed into his own clothes. It's safer.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao cautiously pushed open the room, and after making sure that there seemed to be no danger, he walked out.

In an instant, an extremely fresh breath came to his face.

But seeing the promenade surrounded by auspicious clouds in front of him, the misty smoke from the pouring waterfall, and the graceful silhouettes of unknown birds passing by, shocked people, as if they were in a fairyland.

"Where is this place?"

Li Zedao didn't have the thought of appreciating the beautiful scenery, and his little heart was trembling slightly.

Generally speaking, the more beautiful things are, the more poisonous. Who knows if this place hides some great dangers?

"Wait, this voice..."

Li Zedao only heard that there were so many notes, lingering in the corridor for a long time.

It's just that he was too nervous just now, and his attention was focused on the danger hiding in the surroundings, and the sound of the waterfall not far away was really magnificent, so he ignored this wonderful note. Up.

Li Zedao looked up, but not far away, he saw the scattered pavilions and pavilions, the white walls of Daiwa surrounded by auspicious clouds.

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden, this fairyland-like scenery was so familiar, plus this familiar musical note.

It turned out to be Van Yin Valley here?

Behind him, a slight breath came.

Li Zedao turned around and looked around, but saw a woman in a red dress walking towards him with affection.

"Deputy Sect Master Ning, you are awake." The woman was slightly confused, with a smile on her face.

Li Zedao felt that this smile seemed a bit ill-intentioned, and his eyes were a little wary.

Was it this woman who helped me change clothes? Did she take the opportunity to eat her own tofu?

She must have eaten it, and her eyes are not blind. Do you want her to be responsible for yourself?

Li Zedao said: "May I ask you who?"

"My name is Xiaodie, Master Mei Shengji asked me to give you medicine to Deputy Sect Master Ning." Xiaodie smiled.

"Vice Sect Master Ning, your injury has not healed yet, so you can't use your breath at will for the time being, so as not to damage your soul again." Xiaodie said again.

Li Zedao nodded, it really is Sanskrit Valley!

Did Mei Shengji save herself? When he was chased by Yunmengxi sent someone to kill, Mei Shengji was in that tunnel? Or what happened in the middle?

"Thank you for the reminder, may I ask, Master Mei Shengji saved me?" Li Ze asked.

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