The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2795: Piano tone

"I heard that the lord of the palace rescued you, and ordered Master Mei Shengji to take you to this Maywood for healing." Xiaodie nodded slightly and smiled.

There are four saints in the Sanskrit Palace, and each saint has its own attic.

The attic where Mei Shengji lives is called Meiwu.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, it turned out that Fairy Fanyin rescued him?

"My palace lord is kind and has compassion for all living beings. Even if he sees a wounded ant, he will help him." Fluttershy said more, eyes full of hot worship, obviously Sanskrit Fairy's brain residue.

"..." Li Zedao didn't know what to say, and felt that he shouldn't be so moved.

"Excuse me, where did Fairy Fanyin rescue me?" Li Ze asked.

"I don't know about this." Xiaodie smiled, "I only know that the palace lord and the Four Great Saints returned from a few days ago and saved you."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Thank you for the help of the Lord of the Sanskrit Palace... Can I go to visit the Lord of the Sanskrit Palace and thank him for his life-saving?"

"I don't know, the palace owner has never seen people easily. Usually, only the four great saints and the sisters who served the palace owner in the purple pavilion can see the palace owner. I can only convey your meaning to Mei first. Master Shengji." Xiaodie is helpless.

"Trouble." Li Zedao said gratefully.

I thought that the simple but elegant courtyard in the depths of the bamboo forest was originally called Zige.

Moreover, the soul cloud representing the Sanskrit Palace is also in the shape of a purple zither. It seems that this Sanskrit fairy likes purple quite a bit.

Xiaodie nodded, took out an exquisite medicine bottle and handed it over, and said, "Vice Sect Master Ning, please take this medicine and heal and rest first."

Li Zedao took the bottle and said slightly, "Thank you."

Fluttershy nodded, turned and left.

Li Zedao glanced at the exquisite medicine bottle in his hand, and checked his body again. As expected, his soul was still severely damaged, and his body was extremely weak.

Slightly mentioning the breath, the depths of the soul feel like being bitten by ten thousand ants, and it is extremely painful.

At this time, if you force a shot, it will definitely increase the degree of soul damage, and I am afraid that it will really be scattered.

He quickly opened the medicine bottle and poured out one of the pills in it. Without checking whether it was poisonous or not, he stuffed it directly into his mouth and swallowed it.

Then he sat down on the crafted railing, closed his eyes and rested his mind, digested the pill that he swallowed, and let it slowly repair and nourish the damaged soul.

Two days later, Xiaodie sent the pill again.

Li Zedao asked about seeing Fairy Fanyin to thank him for saving his life. Xiaodie said that Master Mei Shengji told Deputy Sect Master Ning to rest well, and it was not clear when the palace lord would summon him.

Li Zedao could only nod his head and continued to swallow the pill to repair the damaged soul.

In this way, after a few more days, Li Zedao's injuries were basically healed, and he couldn't help but sigh that the healing medicine given by the fairy Fanyin was really magical.

You should know that when you were in the Pangu Region, the soul damage was irreversible. If the damage was severe, you had to wait for death. For example, the Pharmacist Blue Bull could only find a place to die with dignity.

But in this celestial realm, the soul damage can be healed. At least the Sanskrit Fairy has these methods, which is really against the sky.

On this day, Xiaodie sent the pill again.

Li Zedao once again asked about seeing the Fairy Fanyin, but it was really not possible. It would also be fine to see Master Mei Shengji.

Fluttershy said that the palace lord and Master Shengji had left the Fanyin Valley a few days ago. They didn't seem to be in the valley at this time, but Master Mei Shengji seemed to be able to return today.

Li Zedao regretted: "I originally paid a visit to the Lord of the Sanskrit Palace and Master Mei Shengji, and personally thanked him for saving his life."

Xiaodie's big beautiful eyes stared at Li Zedao's face and said, "Vice Sect Master Ning wants to leave my Sanskrit Valley?"

"My injury is basically healed, so I really don't dare to bother too much. I would like to thank Miss Xiaodie for delivering medicine in the past few days." Li Zedao said deeply.

This is a good place, fragrant and safe.

Li Zedao actually didn't want to leave so early, but he didn't know what Fairy Fanyin planned to do to him, and Li Zedao felt a little uneasy after all.

In short, continuing to stay in this Sanskrit Valley for unknown reasons, Li Zedao always feels like a canary in a cage, seemingly comfortable, eating and drinking, with a bird cage to help shelter the wind and rain, but after all, he has no freedom. Words.

Li Zedao thought of the Sect Master again, and counting the time, she was afraid that she was already married to Yun Mengxi, right? Or is it not married?

Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you are married or not.

She is the eldest lady from the Glory Family, even the Palace Master of the Medicine Domain Palace must be polite to see her, she is just a weak and weak person, it is better to stay away from her.

Xiaodie smiled slightly and said, "Deputy Sect Master Ning is polite. Before Master Mei Shengji left, he said, let Deputy Sect Master Ning stay here with peace of mind. When they come back, the Palace Master should summon you."

"If that's the case, then I'll bother you." Li Zedao couldn't help but abandon the idea of ​​leaving here.

The main thing is, even if you want to break through, you can't get out.

Li Zedao sadly discovered that this Fluttershy who had helped him deliver the medicine was a top-grade peak cultivation base in the Lingyu realm.

I used to call the wind and rain in the Pangu realm with the cultivation base of the Lingyu Realm, and even in that realm, I thought I was a god. I swiped the bank card of anyone I wanted to use, and let whoever I wanted to be the spokesperson of the gods.

How can I think that in this celestial realm, there are so many powerful souls as dogs!

"Deputy Sect Master Ning is polite, Deputy Sect Master Ning has a good rest." Xiaodie nodded, turned and left floating.

Watching Xiaodie leave, Li Zedao could only sit cross-legged and continue practicing.

In the past few days in Fanyin Valley, he clearly felt that his cultivation base had gone further, and it seemed that he was not far away from breaking through and entering the middle-class cultivation base of the spiritual universe.

After comprehending the aura of heaven, Li Zedao tried hard to recall the terrifying scene of the earth pouring down madly from the terrifying black flames, but there was no memory after all.

The only thing I remember was the darkness in front of me, and the pain for a moment, as if my soul was crushed, and then I didn't know anything.

Fairy Fanyin happened to be passing by and will witness this scene and then bring him back? Or is it that Fairy Fanyin was under that place at that time?

Li Zedao thought of the guy who was chasing him again, and he really hated it.

It was not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and Li Zedao decided to include the guy who was chasing him and Yun Mengxi who was letting him kill him on the list.

In time, enter the Guiyi Realm... Forget it, wait until you can defeat the sky, and beat the two to death!

It doesn’t seem to be too safe just to enter the homeland.

In the next few days, Xiaodie didn't send the pill, obviously because he knew that Li Zedao's injury had basically healed and he didn't need the pill.

In addition to practicing every day, Li Zedao sits there and listens to the messy but beautiful notes coming from a nearby place.

But as long as you enter that room, your ears will be extremely quiet, and there will be no sound of silk and bamboo. Obviously this room is enveloped by a powerful formation, and no sound can come in.

Standing in front of the railing, watching the majestic waterfall ahead, Li Zedao suddenly felt homesick.

His thoughts were extremely complicated, and Li Zedao moved the grand piano out of the soul ring.

This piano was purchased before he left Fanyu. It is from the top piano brand in the world. It is made by hand. It takes two years to make a piano.

In those two years, Li Zedao would make this piano with those artisans from time to time, so he also had a lot of effort in this piano.

After placing the piano in front of the railing, Li Zedao sat on the railing, condensed his mind, and put his hands on the keys.

Take a deep breath, brew some emotions, and then start playing.

He played the famous piano sonata "Moonlight".

This is a piano piece that Li Zedao likes very much. When he was in the world, he often played it to Tian Meng. After Tian Meng listened to it, he was very disgusted. It was like that, far inferior to the piano performances in Werner Golden Hall The master's performance is very good.

In an instant, the beautiful notes that jumped out of Li Zedao's fingertips spread far, and soon interweaved with the sound of an unknown instrument in the space, and finally seemed to completely suppress it.

In the end, all the other notes in the entire Sanskrit Valley disappeared, leaving only the piano notes, which kept rippling throughout the Sanskrit Valley.

Li Zedao didn't know this situation, he was already intoxicated by it.

After playing "Moonlight Song" and "Autumn Whispers", after playing "Autumn Whispers" and "The Wedding in a Dream".

If the state is mad, the meaning is still unfinished.

In the end, Li Zedao played all the world famous piano songs he could play.

When the music ended in the soft and lyrical mood, Li Zedao took a heavy breath, left the piano keys with both hands, and even felt that sweat was coming from his forehead. Such a dedicated performance really consumed a lot of his energy.

But I also feel that the joy is extremely dripping, the negative emotions such as depression and anxiety have disappeared, and the whole person is like that auspicious cloud, and it is about to float. .

Li Zedao stood up at the moment, trying to stretch his waist.

Then, his body suddenly became extremely stiff, but his legs were soft, and he sat back on the railing with his butt, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Li Zedao didn't see ghosts, but he saw dozens of beautiful women.

These women are either wearing golden yellow gauze skirts, or red gauze skirts, or light green and so on.

They were all standing a few meters away, with their wide-open eyes showing shock. They looked at Li Zedao and the unseen instrument in front of Li Zedao that could make extremely beautiful notes.

This instrument is amazing! This Deputy Sect Master Ning is so shocking!

The sound of the instrument was unheard of, and the tune was extremely unique, and they had never heard it before, but they all seemed to have entered some indescribable dream.

They have been deeply infected by this unknown note, and they actually resonate.

From the beating notes, they saw a lonely figure, and also saw segments of love that seemed so beautiful.

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