I don't know how long I have been moving forward, the strange silence came again, not even the faint sound of the small insects, as if there were no living things around.

Such quietness is naturally extremely unusual, so Li Zedao's speed has been slower, and his nerves are tense and almost broken.

Passing through the woods ahead, a lake suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

The weird thing is that the water turned out to be gray, but it was not mud. It was pure water. The water should have been gray. It was as simple as that, without any sense of violation.

Li Zedao glanced at the lake in front of him. The next moment his pupils widened, his eyes almost jumped out of his sockets, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Without any hesitation, Li Zedao's figure resembled a ghost, without making any movement, he was hiding behind a gray boulder by the lake, and holding the long sword in his hand tightly, but the other hand was ready to make a big fool in his hand. The preparation for the egg to be smashed out was as if it were facing an enemy.

The enemy has appeared! That is a head!

Li Zedao clearly saw a head in the gray water!

To be more accurate, it is not that someone's head was chopped off and thrown on the water, but someone actually took a bath in the lake!

Li Zedao clearly saw that the dazzling white hair fluttered out on the gray water surface. At the same time, Li Zedao saw half of his face.

With only half of his face, Li Zedao's heartbeat stopped instantly, and his back became cold.

Because that half of the face has no eyebrows, no eyes, no nose, no mouth, nothing!

That half of the face was like the boiled egg with the shell removed, it looked so white and delicate.

Therefore, it is a person who is bathing in that lake! A person with long hair like snow! A person without facial features!

This is a person who didn't even make any movement when taking a bath, or even exuded any breath, so that Li Zedao could not catch any strange breath beforehand.

It doesn't matter how weird the other person's egg face is, how he eats and talks without a mouth, or how he sees things without eyes.

The matter of taking a bath in a lake is extremely weird in itself.

This is a primitive space, a primitive space full of all kinds of dangers, but there seems to be only two possibilities for this person to even dare to take a bath.

First, this is a person of extremely terrifying and extremely confident strength. He thinks that even if he is bathing here, no one can threaten him.

In addition, he may also be quite self-willed, and he has a habit of cleanliness that is almost the same as that of the Eastern Emperor.

The second possibility is that this person is not one of the strong people who participated in this ranking conference at all. He originally lived in this primitive space, and the lake was originally his bathtub.

And judging from his face, it is very possible that he is not a human at all!

You know, certain powerful beasts can be transformed into human forms.

After two short breaths, various possibilities emerged in Li Zedao's mind.

Of course, whether this guy is a human or a fierce beast, Li Zedao didn't want to have any entanglement with the other party.

Still the same sentence, he didn't want to have a conflict with anyone or any beast, he could only find the Ice Dragon Core in a low-key manner.

After taking a deep breath, Li Zedao's figure flashed, and he wanted to escape here quickly.

At this moment, Li Zedao's back became cold, and it felt like a poisonous snake behind you showed its sharp fangs and was about to bite you.

This feeling of danger came quietly, but suddenly broke out, even if Li Zedao wandered on the line of life and death countless times, he couldn't react for a while.

By the time he reacted, it was too late.

He clearly felt that a hand had been gently placed on his shoulder.

As if afraid to scare him, this hand is so soft, like a breeze, like that trickling water, and like a lover's hand.

So gentle, so delicate, people can't help but feel a sense of happiness.

But this hand was so pale and cold, as if it were a hand from a corpse that had just been pulled out of the freezer.

Li Zedao was incomparably shocked, his body was in an absolutely rigid state at once, and he dared not move at will.

Not only was it carrying the hand on his shoulder without warning, but also because of the decadent breath of death that completely enveloped him.

This breath of death was so terrifying, he couldn't resist at all.

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

"Oh, peeking at a girl taking a bath is quite rude, what do you think?"

This voice was hoarse and stern, but it seemed vague, and it was not really true. It seemed to be coming from a long distance, but it was constantly lingering in your ears. It was like a ghost calling for his life, which was really chilling.

"This is, I just passed by accidentally, not peeking, and I didn't see anything." Li Zedao explained seriously, the hand holding the big idiot was slightly sweaty.

Then he felt he was insulted to death.

Do you know how good your sister's son is? High enough to even look down on a woman like Donghuang Shengjun, this son would peek at you, a woman who is indistinguishable from a ghost, take a bath?

If it weren't for a clear realization that he really couldn't beat the opponent, Li Zedao wouldn't mind fighting this guy who dared to insult his taste for three hundred rounds.

"Oh, don't you? Didn't you see my hair? Didn't you see my face?" The voice was a bit stern again, as if the face was seen as if the chastity was taken away by force Unacceptable and extremely angry things.

The face and hair are indeed seen, so Li Zedao can't defend himself. He can't say that you think you are willing to see your face that is enough to scare people to death.

If you say that, what if you completely anger this terrifying guy?

"I really passed by accidentally. Those who don't know are not guilty, don't they?" Li Ze said weakly.

"Oh, then I'll goug your eyes out unintentionally, and unintentionally cut off your flesh piece by piece. What do you think?"


Li Zedao already understands that this guy doesn't make sense at all. If that's the case, then he won't waste his tongue.

In the next moment, Li Zedao simply squeezed the big idiot in his hands, and at the same time, a pair of beautiful butterfly wings had appeared on his back.


Several big idiots burst apart, and at the same time, those wings led Li Zedao, already turned into a colorful light, and swept forward.

At the same time, a weird sound sounded, as if something broke, and then the thick blood mist dispersed.

Li Zedao’s entire arm was torn off by the hand resting on his shoulder. It was so easy and simple, as if it was just tearing off the chicken wings from a fragrant roast chicken. Yes, it's that simple.

Of course, this arm was actually abandoned by Li Zedao.

Like the gecko, he decisively broke his tail in exchange for a glimmer of life.

In an instant, Li Zedao felt that his soul was torn off. His face was instantly as white as paper, and he gritted his teeth, but his figure was not stagnant, and he escaped faster.

It's just that although he is fast, the icy breath behind him is not slower than the butterfly wing at all.

The ferocious voice kept lingering in his ears, torturing Li Zedao's soul and stimulating Li Zedao's nerves.

"Oh, you actually have butterfly wings? The kind of hidden weapon that explodes and is highly poisonous is also very good. You are completely out of my expectation. I really can't bear to eat you."

Li Zedao clenched his teeth, guarding his mind hard, not being affected by this sound.

At the same time, he shook his long sword tightly, without telling the difference, he swung a fierce sword towards the cold and cold breath behind him.

In an instant, a spinning horror sword net appeared, and then crazily poured down towards the cold breath.

At the same time, Li Zedao had already arranged a number of defensive soul formations.


That sword net turned out to be like a thin foam board on one side, and was smashed by the cold breath, and it was not able to stop the pace of the cold breath a little bit.

"Boom! Boom!"

The several defensive soul formations arranged by Li Zedao were even more unbearable, like a piece of paper, it was smashed to pieces and turned into invisible.

Li Zedao was a little desperate. He never expected to say that the opponent's strength was so strong, and all his defenses were shattered so easily.

This is an absolute crush on the realm of cultivation!

Therefore, this woman who has no facial features and a scary egg face is at least a quasi-level cultivation base, or even stronger!

But because the primitive space has a threshold, the quasi-returning realm strong can't enter at all, so there is only one possibility left. This guy is a creature that exists in this primitive space.

"Give up, don't waste your energy."

Die Yi said quite rationally: "She didn't catch up with you at all. She might be too boring. She thinks chasing you and looking at you panicked is also very fun, so she will follow you steadily. "

Die Yi thought to himself that this weak master would be dead this time, right? Then I can get rid of him completely, right?

that's nice!

Li Zedao was so depressed that he wanted to squirt a mouthful of sullen blood. How could this **** butterfly be so excessive? How can we not take him as the master like this? Do you believe my son doesn't want you anymore?

Die Yi quickly said: "Please don't want me anymore."

Li Zedao sneered: "Since you have made such a request, it is natural that this son can't not want you."

Butterfly Wing was very depressed, and Li Zedao was even more depressed, and said: "Furthermore, is this young man panicked?"

Even if his arm was torn off abruptly, he didn't even wrinkle his brow, okay? And it's already this time, he can still arrange the soul formation so peacefully and make sword nets.

He was still calmly looking for the possibility of escaping to heaven. When did he panic?

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