The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2869: Goddess of luck

Die Yi said depressed: "Your sister's entire astral space is trembling, and you still said that you are not panicked? Your sister trembles like this, how can your son sleep? In particular, why do I have to follow you and claim to be my son? Why do you have to learn from your sister?"

"Your sister's sister!"


Feeling the cold and terrifying aura that can't be shaken off at all, Li Zedao sucked in a cold breath and asked, "Is it a human or a beast?"

"It is a human being and a fierce beast. I can't tell the specific fierce beast," said Butterfly Wing.

Li Zedao's complexion became weird, he understood the meaning of butterfly wings.

This guy is the blood of a human being combined with a certain fierce beast. This blood is called a human demon in the heavens.

This is a ladyboy!

The butterfly wings disappeared from behind Li Zedao, and Li Zedao fell on a large rock.

He didn't want to escape, because he couldn't escape, and he really didn't like to be a mouse teased by cats.

At this time, the blood at the broken arm had stopped, but it looked **** and extremely miserable.

Li Zedao tried to stand up straight and turned around, but he didn't see the horrible and strange egg face, nor the long silver-white hair.

Everywhere in the eye is a lifeless gray.

This kind of gray is Li Zedao's least favorite primary color, because this kind of gray really makes people feel hopeless.

At the same time, the entire space was shrouded in a strange coldness, so Li Zedao knew that the other party was in a place that he could not see at all, staring at him quietly.

Li Zedao didn't care what the other party was going to do. He took the time to take out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth, slowly adjusting his breath, the sharp peak of the sword in his hand pointed to the front, his eyes revealed a cold and resolute breath.

Since you can't escape, let's fight!

"Oh, since you entered this primitive space to now, we have eaten everyone except you. Among them, I have eaten thirty or forty people. The cultivation bases of these thirty-four people are all at the top of the Dao realm. There are even two, only one step away, you can enter the quasi-return state."

The cold laugh of the ladyboy remembered, but it didn't seem to be showing off. Instead, he was talking about a very common thing, just as simple as that.

Li Zedao's pupil shrank violently when he heard the words, his mind roared violently, and a monstrous wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

Therefore, the reason why this primitive space is so quiet, and that he didn’t even see the figure of a strong man who participated in this ranking conference when he came along the way, it turned out that they were the ones who entered this primitive space. At that time, they were all killed by this ladyboy in front of him and other ladyboys living in this primitive space?

No, it was not killed, this ladyboy said it was eaten!

Hundreds of high-level Dao-level high-ranking and high-level high-level cultivation bases were all eaten in such a short period of time?

how can that be?

In addition to panic, Li Zedao also thought of an extremely important question.

Does Tianyu know how dangerous this primitive space is?

If you don't know, then this is naturally an accident, one that can be said to be quite serious.

If you know, why let them come in and die?

Li Zedao also thought that before he came in, Yun Yu was surprised that Mr. Qinglong would appear, that is to say, although the entry meeting was highly valued, he was not qualified to let Qinglong come to host in person.

But Mr. Qinglong appeared, what does this mean?

In addition, Mr. Yiqinglong has repeatedly reminded that this primitive space is full of dangers, and those who want to give up can leave now.

Li Zedao is not clear about Mr. Qinglong's personality, but presumably that kind of superior power will not take the lives of their ants into their hearts, right?

That being the case, why did he remind him again and again?

Therefore, Tianyu obviously knows the situation in this primitive space, knowing that they will be eaten by the monsters who exist in this primitive space as soon as they enter?

So, this entry conference is basically a conspiracy of Tianyu?

But why is this? Why does Tianyu want so many powerhouses to die?

Because of excessive shock, Li Zedao's body trembled slightly.

"But among these people, even if five of them are facing me at the highest level of the Great Dao Stage, none of them are like you. They have the courage to draw their swords and face me. They have been frightened. I just want to run away, giggle, what a stupid escape."

"So, you are very interesting."

There was a hint of appreciation in the ladyboy's voice, and then that hint of appreciation turned into extremely cold laughter.

"Oh, it's just that courage is commendable, but if you know the end result, your body will be eaten by me bite by bite."

"Your soul will be imprisoned in a soul lock bottle, and then will be refined into a powerful Horcrux, giggle..."

Li Zedao clenched the long sword in his hand firmly. Although the palm of his hand was sweating and there was still an incredible light in his eyes, he calmed down after all.

As soon as he heard the soul lock bottle, he knew the purpose of this ladyboy.

The soul lock bottle is a kind of soul bottle, specially used to imprison those powerful souls.

The souls of the weak are not conscious, and they can be collected with ordinary soul bottles.

But like the strong at the spiritual level, like those with extremely powerful souls, even if their bodies are turned into ashes, their souls can still exist perfectly in the darkness. They only need to find a body. That's it.

But thinking of Yunyu's natural spirit body, there is no need for a physical body at all.

The soul lock bottle is used to confine these powerful souls. It can destroy all the consciousness of the powerful soul, making it an unconscious but still powerful soul.

If the general soul is the ordinary food, then the powerful soul is the high-level food, and the high-level food can naturally make more delicious high-level food.

So, does this matter have the shadow of Tianyu?

Tianyu needs a large number of strong souls, so the ranking conference will be held in this primitive space. The purpose is to plant them with powerful souls into leeks, and then cut them all at once.

In this way, no one knew that the souls of these strong men were imprisoned in the soul lock bottle by the heavens, and they would only think that these strong men had encountered powerful enemies and their souls were scattered.

Mr. Qinglong knew the inside story, so he didn't let Yunyu enter this primitive space.

Looking at the desperate gray in front of him, Li Zedao's expression became calm and indifferent, and his whole person was like that sheathed sword, exuding a sharp and cold light that was hard to ignore.

This ladyboy is naturally his invincible enemy, but he can't lie down and wait to be eaten, right? So you have to resist, right?

Or maybe you can be saved by urging death and struggling, struggling, maybe you can be saved, who knows this kind of thing?

As soon as his eyes flickered, a pale figure appeared, and Li Zedao's pupils shrank sharply, revealing unprecedented dignity.

Li Zedao had repeatedly complained about the paleness of the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch before, but now that he saw this ladyboy, he realized that the whiteness of the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch was not too unacceptable compared to this kind of whiteness.

This ladyboy is really white.

The clothes on her body are very white, her hair is very white, her hands are very white, and her fingers have long white nails.

His shoulder was just torn off by such a hand.

Its face was also very white and smooth, and it looked like a boiled egg with a shell on the neck. It looked so weird and so scary.

"You don't have any chance, but for your courage, I can eat you slowly." The ladyboy giggled.

Li Zedao looked at the scary egg face and almost wanted to ask how you spoke and where your mouth grew.

He said seriously: "I don't like being eaten."

The ladyboy said with pity: "Hey, no one likes to be eaten, but you have no choice, don't you?"

Li Zedao responded seriously: "There are still choices. I can choose to turn myself into ashes before being eaten by you."

Want to imprison this son's soul in a soul-locking bottle? You want to be beautiful!

The ladyboy giggled, as if he had heard one of the funniest jokes in the world, and said: "This can indeed be regarded as a way to prevent me from eating it. In that case, you hurry up and turn yourself into ashes. "

Li Zedao felt that this ladyboy was too vicious, how could anyone hurry to die?

He was silent and said, "It's not anxious to turn to ashes. I can wait."

"Wait? What are you waiting for?"

Li Zedao said: "Wait for my goddess of luck to appear."

Li Zedao thinks that his luck is pretty good, so at this time, shouldn't the thigh appear soon?

Even if Miss Luo Hua appeared, Li Zedao found that he was acceptable.

Then Li Zedao felt that he was very cheap and really dying, so he felt that even taking a bath in Miss Luohua's saliva was acceptable.

But if there is any trace of vitality, I feel that even if it is death, I would never want to see the indistinguishable face of Miss Luo Hua.

Butterfly Wing felt that this weak fellow was somewhat self-aware and knew that he was very cheap.

The ladyboy became wary and asked, "Who is the goddess of luck?"

Li Zedao didn't know how to answer the other party's question. The next moment, he realized that he didn't need to answer it, because there was a figure that looked like a ghost and appeared between him and the ladyboy without warning.

Li Zedao is not sure whether this figure is his goddess of luck, but he clearly feels that the powerful aura emanating from this figure has begun to confront the icy aura shrouded in this space the most intensely. .

This is a gray figure, if you don't look carefully, this gray figure is afraid that it will completely blend with the gray surrounding it.

Of course, because his back was facing Li Zedao, Li Zedao couldn't see that face.

The ladyboy's voice became extremely sharp, like a steel thorn shining with cold light, and said: "What do you mean? This is my prey!"

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