The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2898: Donghuang Dachen

In the courtyard, Li Zedao still sat cross-legged on the porch, quietly watching the heavy snow of goose feathers, but his mind was spinning quickly.

He naturally knew why the third lady knew that Mo Xue was a traitor, and knew that there was such an attack, but still nothing happened.

Although she doesn't think that her son is useless, she thinks that her son is accumulatively exploding.

But in the final analysis, she is like many people. She actually wants to know what kind of great destiny this wimpy son has encountered, and will she even play the so-called destiny idea?

Or maybe it was a test in the eyes of the third lady.

Escaped that attack, then you really have the qualifications to participate in the snow feast.

Through the words of the third lady, and knocking Mo Xue a few words sideways, Li Zedao understood what this so-called snow feast was all about.

Then, Li Zedao was directly shocked.

The reason why he disguised as Donghuang Xiaochen to enter the Donghuang Villa was naturally to obtain the glory token belonging to the Donghuang Villa.

It was only the first step to pretend to be Donghuang Xiaochen to enter the Donghuang Villa. After that, he had to see the opportunity to get close to the Donghuang Sage, and in the end he had to do everything possible to win the token of glory from her.

It is already extremely difficult to get close to the sage of the Eastern Emperor, let alone get the glory token from the hand of the sage of the Eastern Emperor.

Qinglong also knew that this matter was very difficult, so he didn't give Li Zedao a time limit to complete the task.

So when he stepped into Donghuang Villa, Li Zedao felt that he might have to stay in this villa for a few years or even decades, depending on his luck.

But he never expected to say that his luck was so bad.

Things had changed in such a huge way, and the sage of the Eastern Emperor returned the Glory token to the old village master.

The old owner decides to hold a snow feast, and those who stand out at the snow feast are qualified to take charge of the glory token.

This means that Li Zedao does not need to do everything possible to get close to the Eastern Emperor Saint King, and does not need to do everything possible to get the glory token from her.

This means that he is very close to the Glory Token at this time, and he only needs to stand out at the so-called snow feast.

Li Zedao couldn't help but wonder, is his luck too bad?

Presumably Mr. Qinglong has already got the news, right? His face must be wonderful, right?

Mr. Qinglong has indeed received the news, and the expression on his face is indeed quite wonderful.

"Such luck, there really is no reason at all." Mr. Qinglong sighed.

Mo Xue once again arranged a powerful soul formation to cover the courtyard, and then stood quietly in front of Li Zedao, his eyes still extremely complicated, and his mind still tranced severely.

I felt that from the beginning of the attack to the present, it was like a dream. At this time, she was still in a dream and hadn't woken up yet.

She looked at the figure in front of her, her mouth opened, but after all she didn't say a word.

She has a lot of doubts, but she doesn't know how to ask.

Besides, even if you ask, this silly waste will not say anything to yourself.

At this moment, an unusual muffled noise suddenly rippled in the courtyard.

The thick snow above my head shook violently.

Obviously someone was outside the courtyard, bombarding the soul formation that enveloped the courtyard in an open and honest manner.

At the same time, an indisputable voice rippled in.

Very simple two words: "Open the door!"

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the visitor dared to come to this courtyard so arrogantly and clamor, naturally it was not that the lady sent someone to kill him again.

Mo Xue's face turned pale, and she gritted her teeth and squeezed out four words: "Dong Huang Dachen!"

Li Zedao glanced at Mo Xue who was gritting his teeth, thinking that it was the disgusting animal.

When I think of the powerful people in the same realm, they often **** and humiliate their subordinates, and even regard them as the sages of the Eastern Emperor, Li Zedao is disgusting.

Are you not afraid that the Eastern Emperor Sage will slap you to death when he knows?

Li Zedao knows that the third wife must also know how abnormal her son is, and she often thinks so-sacred Donghuang Shengjun, but she should feel very pleased.

From the woman's point of view, as long as the eldest lady can be humiliated, then her son is good.

"Don't bother with disgusting idiots, as if you haven't heard anything." Li Zedao said.

"Idiot?" Mo Xuemu stopped, couldn't believe that Donghuang Xiaochen, a wimp, dared to say such a thing.

Not to mention that Donghuang Xiaochen usually fears Donghuang Dachen the most, let alone your disgusting own idiot. What qualifications do you have to say Donghuang Dachen is a disgusting idiot?

He hesitated and said, "This... okay? Young Master Dachen has a bad temper..."

Then she wanted to give a big ear photon, how could she worry about the safety of Donghuang Xiaochen, and worry that Donghuang Dachen would do something to him?

Donghuang Dachen would kill this **** useless waste.

Li Zedao smiled, and said indifferently: "There is nothing wrong with it, besides, the young master's temper is not very good either."

Mo Xue was stunned again, she wanted to say that in front of Donghuang Dachen, you are not worthy of a bad temper, okay.

Standing outside the courtyard is indeed the Eastern Emperor Dachen, who is one of the most powerful core children of this generation in addition to the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch.

Like the Donghuang Linger of Luoxuexuan and the Donghuang Meier of Hanmeixuan, he was placed high hopes by the family that he was expected to reach the height of the sage of the eastern emperor.

The current Eastern Emperor Realm is already a behemoth, and looking at the entire celestial realm, it is also an extremely powerful existence, not to mention that the Eastern Emperor Realm also has a token of glory.

If there are a few powerhouses like the Eastern Emperor Sage, then the Eastern Emperor Realm will become the most powerful sect power besides the Heavenly Domain.

In Donghuang Villa, many people know that Donghuang Dachen is a lunatic, or even a pervert.

He takes pleasure in torturing his servants.

Over the years, I don't know how many people have been tortured to death by him.

Therefore, Su Yinxuan's subordinates, especially women, can be said to be in danger. When it comes to Donghuang Dachen's name, the name changes, and seeing Donghuang Dachen is even more scared.

For Donghuang Dachen's behavior, nothing happened to the Third Lady, and the core children of Donghuang Villa didn't think there was any problem.

Isn't it just for torture?

Seeing that there was no movement in the yard, my brother didn't help him open the door, and the humble woman Mo Xue didn't get out and kneel to lick herself.

This undoubtedly made Donghuang Dachen very shameless.

But he didn't seem to be angry at all, he even laughed.

When he laughed, his motionless eyes were full of joy, and his mouth was still wide open, which seemed to be really happy, but there was no sound at all, and it gave people a very terrifying feeling.

Anyone familiar with Donghuang Dachen knows that laughter is a sign of Donghuang Dachen, a sign that he wants to kill.

The next moment, Donghuang Dachen's body floated with the wind and snow, and at the same time, an extremely powerful sword intent slashed directly in front of the courtyard surrounded by a powerful soul formation.


There was a horrible muffled sound, the entire space shook violently, and even a few courtyards not far away could no longer withstand the attack of this powerful sword intent and collapsed.

Several angry figures rushed out of the collapsed courtyard, wanting to see which grandson ate the Xiongxin Leopard and dared to make a random move here and ruin their courtyard.

When he saw the white figure that looked like a lonely wild ghost, his eyes widened suddenly, revealing a strong fear.

Immediately curled up his head, fleeing as far as possible.

The entire yard shook slightly again, and the snow clinging to the soul formation above the head disappeared cleanly.

The atmosphere of killing is surging.

Li Zedao clearly saw that a white figure appeared there like a ghost.

At the same time, a pair of smiling eyes stared at him.

Li Zedao didn't like these eyes, because he could not find any beautiful emotions in these smiling eyes.

Only cold, dark, hideous, vicious.

This is obviously a lunatic, a lunatic with extremely high talent in cultivation.

Mo Xue looked at the white figure, her face turned pale, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

In her eyes, Donghuang Xiaochen was useless, and Donghuang Dachen was not only useless, but also her nightmare.

For countless times, her body and mind have been devastated by this devil.

So let alone seeing him, just hearing the name, fear will instantly fill her whole body, torment her soul crazily, and stimulate her nerves.

"Open the door!" Dong Huang Dachen said with a smile looking at his younger brother who seemed to be really out of pocket.

As for Mo Xue, there was no such woman in his eyes.

There will be no dead people in his eyes.

Donghuang Dachen's voice was very soft and didn't use any breath, so he couldn't pass into this courtyard.

But Li Zedao knew what he was talking about.

He also smiled, he looked at Donghuang Dachen with a smile, and said a lethal word.


When Mo Xue heard the words, his body slammed, his mind roared violently, and a monstrous wolf roused in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

She thought she had never expected Donghuang Xiaochen to be a waste of money and not only dared to carry Donghuang Dachen and call him a lunatic, she even dared to let him go in front of him!

You should know that in the past, Donghuang Xiaochen saw Donghuang Dachen as if a mouse saw a cat, except for shivering or shivering.

But now he dares to do so, is he really not afraid that Donghuang Dachen will kill him?

Or does he think Donghuang Dachen dare not kill him?

Donghuang Dachen couldn't hear Donghuang Xiaochen's voice, but he knew that this wimpy brother said the word to him, but he was not angry, and even the smile on his face became even hotter. It seemed true. He was very happy, still silent.

He said: "My mother said that you are not useless. I didn't believe it. Now I believe it. You are really not useless. Brother is really happy for you."

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