The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2899: Can't kill

Li Zedao looked at Donghuang Dachen as if he was looking at a fool.

How can you laugh so stupidly if you are not stupid?

He waved his hand, as if he was swaying a rather annoying fly, it was still that lethal word.


Mo Xue's brain buzzed, and he almost rushed over without holding back, and stubbornly covered the wretched mouth.

You useless, do you know that you will completely anger the lunatic Donghuang Dachen? When he gets crazy, he will break this soul formation desperately. Not only will you be killed, but I will also be tortured to death.

If you miss, don't let Miss Raben die with you.

Donghuang Dachen was still smiling, silently laughing, but his eyes turned scarlet, like the blood on the snow, so eye-catching.

Just as Mo Xue was horrified, Donghuang Dachen had been completely angered, and he hadn't been so angry for a long, long time.

When he gets angry, he wants to go crazy. When he gets crazy, he is really afraid of himself.

Just like now, he is really really scared of himself.

Fear that he would kill Donghuang Xiaochen completely desperately.

Kill it if you kill it. Will you get angry if you kill a wimp mother? And the mother, didn't she wish this wimpy to die quickly?

But this wimp has always been alive and well, because Luo Xuexuan and Han Meixuan both hope this wimp will live.

Donghuang Dachen's face, which was still full of smiles, began to twist slightly. The next moment, he clenched the long sword in both hands, and stabbed it down fiercely.

Below is the Intermediate Level One Soul Formation that covers the courtyard. This is an existence that is hard to break even for the lower grades of the Returning One Realm.

But it's hard to break forcibly and not to break are two different things.


The deafening muffled sound reverberated in this space, and with the courtyard where Li Zedao was located as the center, the surrounding ground covered by thick ice and snow, unexpectedly appeared one after another horrible cracks.

Under the fierce bombardment of such a terrifying sword, the soul array shook violently, and made a weird sound. Obviously, the soul array was almost unable to withstand such violent destruction.

Mo Xue's face suddenly turned pale, and there was a strong horror in her eyes.

She knew that Donghuang Dachen was very powerful, but she didn't expect Donghuang Dachen to be stronger than she had imagined.

Said: "I am setting up a soul formation."

Li Zedao had a relaxed expression on his face and stopped Mo Xue: "You don't need to waste your energy. Your soul formation can only stop this lunatic for a while, and it makes no sense to escape for a while."

Mo Xue's body trembled violently, and she knew that this wastefulness was right.

What if a soul formation is arranged again? After all, he couldn't hide in the soul formation all the time, and besides, he couldn't hide.

A middle-class soul formation can't stop this terrible lunatic.


Donghuang Dachen slammed down again with a sword without reservation, and the soul formation swayed even more severely.

Mo Xue's face became pale again, and he clearly felt that the soul formation she had arranged had begun to crack.

Donghuang Dachen is about to break this soul formation!

So, it's dead.

She looked at the wimp who didn't know why he had to completely provoke Donghuang Dachen, a smear of ashes appeared on her face, and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

Li Zedao looked at the madman above his head who had clearly fallen into a state of madness, and said: "It's nothing, I just think this is a nauseating scum, and I want to teach him a lesson."

Of course, there is a more important reason Li Zedao did not say.

If Li Zedao wants to get the Glory Token, he must stand out at the snow banquet.

And Donghuang Dachen is a terrible opponent, so if Donghuang Dachen can't participate in the snow feast, it will be great news for Li Zedao.

So Li Zedao planned to cheat Donghuang Dachen so that he could not participate in this snow banquet.

The muffled horror sounded again, and the crack in the soul formation became even bigger.

Mo Xue's ears buzzed loudly, not only because of the sound of the burst of the soul array, but also because of being stimulated by Li Zedao's words.

Afterwards, I may feel relieved that I must die, or I am amused by this useless remark.

In short, Mo Xue was suddenly not afraid, she calmed down.

"Why?" She looked at Li Ze with a pity in her eyes.

She has always looked at those ignorant wimps with this look.

Well, even if you are no longer a waste, you are a strong master of high-grade cultivation in the great realm. You even escaped the terrible Horcruxes of the Tang family, and even took the Horcruxes with intelligence as yourself. Yes, you are already very powerful, but Donghuang Dachen is a strong person in the return to the first realm.

What qualifications do you have to teach a strong man in the same realm?

The strong in Returning One can stab you to death with a single finger, right?

Besides, is this a lesson? This is simply seeking a dead end, okay?

Li Zedao took it for granted: "Just because my son is really handsome, he also has a heart full of justice and sunshine."

Mo Xue's face became extremely stiff again, and he really couldn't take it anymore.

In the impression, Master Xiaochen is very useless, shameless, and disgusting, but he is not so narcissistic, and there is no bottom line at all for this kind of narcissism.

Donghuang Dachen had an extremely hideous smile, and his pale tongue stretched out and licked the corner of his mouth, as if licking blood.

"My good brother, you are really not a waste of money, elder brother is really happy."

Then, he held up the long sword with both hands again, and pierced the soul formation below the cracked soul formation without reservation.

"Kang Dang!"

The soul formation finally couldn't withstand his last sword, and it shattered and turned into invisible.

The scattered terrifying sword aura resembled the violent storm, mixed with the wind and snow, and attacked the entire courtyard at once. For a time, the entire courtyard was cut into countless pieces, collapsed and turned into ruins.

Li Zedao stood on the ruins, his expression calm, as if nothing had happened.

As for Mo Xue, Li Zedao told her to stay away and arrange a soul formation to protect herself, indicating that you will not be able to intervene in the next battle.

Mo Xue almost couldn't resist drew his sword to kill. You are a waste of money. Are you saying that this lady is a waste of money?

Donghuang Dachen's ghost-like body fell from the sky and stood in front of Li Zedao.

His severely distorted face was still full of smiles.

The smile fell into Mo Xue's eyes, but it suddenly turned into endless coldness, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably.

She even closed her eyes subconsciously, and she couldn't bear to witness the delightful scene of Donghuang Xiaochen being cut into countless pieces.

"You are really not useless. Big brother is really happy. He is so happy that he wants to kill you." Donghuang Dachen twisted his neck slightly, and the hoarse voice was really heartfelt. Comfortable and happy.

Li Zedao said disgustingly: "Has anyone told you that you are disgusting?"

"You are disgusting, you are disgusting when you laugh, your voice is disgusting, what you say is disgusting, and what you do is even more disgusting."

"Treat those servants as rape-humiliation to the sage of the Eastern Emperor, if the sage of the Eastern Emperor knows, do you think she will kill you?"

Donghuang Dachen said: "She already knew about it."

Li Zedao couldn't believe it: "She didn't kill you?"

Donghuang Dachen said, "I don't exist in her don't know?"

"...I really deserve to be the number one power in the Eastern Royal Family, ignoring the disgusting slander of the ants." Li Zedao felt that the Eastern Emperor's temper was really good.

Thinking about it carefully, Donghuang Shengjun's temper seems to be really good.

I asked her to eat **** and drink urine, but she didn't slap herself to death. At most, she threw herself beside the fiery gluttonous mouth and let her fend for herself.

Donghuang Dachen frowned: "Are you really Donghuang Xiaochen?"

Li Zedao straightened his chest, and said fearlessly: "Yes, I'm no longer a waste."

Donghuang Dachen said: "Not only is he not useless, but he has also become shameless. You have raped-humiliated others, and you also regarded them as the sages of the Eastern Emperor, as the Linger of the Eastern Emperor and Meier of the Eastern Emperor. ."

You have done this kind of thing, and you have done a lot more than my brother, what right do you have to say that I am disgusting?

Li Zedao bowed his head in shame.

Then he lifted it up and said naturally: "I am handsomer than you, so you are disgusting when you do this kind of thing, and I am not disgusting when I do this kind of thing, but... anyway, it's not disgusting."

Li Zedao was disgusting, and Nima's words were too shameless.

Mo Xue felt that he really was a big idiot. Such a shameless person made him die quickly. Why should he worry about him being cut into countless pieces by Mr. Dust?

The smile on Donghuang Dachen's face became hot. He said, "Do you think I can't kill you?"

He said "can't", not "dare".

In this villa, he didn't dare to kill few people, and he dared to kill many people, but he rarely killed people because he couldn't.

You can rape-humiliate them, but you can't kill them.

Killing such ants is an insult to oneself.

Just as the Eastern Emperor Shengjun felt that killing Eastern Emperor Dachen was an insult to her, so even if he knew that Eastern Emperor Dachen had done such a bad habit, nothing happened.

Besides killing, who are you going to rape-humiliate? right?

Donghuang Dachen couldn't kill this younger brother either, not because his mother was sad, nor was he afraid of being punished by the family, but because the little brother's uselessness could perfectly set off his strength.

The more useless he is, the stronger he appears to be.

But now, if you don't kill, you can't do it. If you don't kill, you will seriously doubt whether you have a tendency to be abused.

So kill it.

There was no fear in Li Zedao's eyes that Donghuang Dachen wanted to see. He smiled and said, "You disgusting idiot can't kill me."

The smile on Donghuang Dachen's face diminished slightly, and he looked at this little brother seriously, who might behave as if his cultivation has soared because of his soaring cultivation level.

He is arrogant and perverted, but he is not a fool, so he naturally understands what this wimpy brother means.

It's not that I dare not, it's not that I can't, but I can't kill it.

He can't kill him!

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