A person with a low-grade cultivation level in the Guiyi Realm cannot kill a person with a high-grade cultivation level in the Dao Realm, which is undoubtedly extremely ridiculous.

But Donghuang Dachen didn't think it was ridiculous, and he didn't even doubt what the useless brother said.

Because he couldn't see any trace of fear in the eyes of this wimpy brother, only calmness, only clearness in his chest, and even a hint of strength.

So, he really can't kill him.

But why? Why can't you kill him?

Someone will help this useless brother stop the sword in his hand? who is it?

Who dares to face his sword for this uselessness? Your mother?

Isn't it the eldest lady? Has this useless brother betrayed his mother and turned to the eldest wife?

The next moment, his body was out of control, his eyes widened suddenly, and his expression became weird, as if something unimaginable had happened to him.

Then he looked down at his right foot.

He didn't wear any shoes and socks on his feet, so he stepped on the ice and snow, but it was whiter than the ice and snow.

Donghuang Dachen’s eyes grew little by little. He looked at his right foot very seriously, as if the old scholar was studying a masterpiece, and Dio Si was facing the stimulating picture of the computer screen. serious.

The ice and snow under the feet melted a little and became moist.

Gradually, there was liquid seeping out, but the liquid was not clear water, but blood red.

His right foot was standing on the blood red, and at the same time, a pungent **** smell filled the entire space.

He bleeds!

Donghuang Dachen was extremely surprised, his mind roared so hard that he couldn't believe it was true.

He actually bleeds? how can that be?

How could Donghuang Xiaochen hurt him? This is the same as the reason he can't hurt the Eastern Emperor.

After a while, Donghuang Dachen slowly lifted his right foot, but saw that a big **** hole appeared on the sole of his foot.

Then, he lowered his foot and stepped **** the **** water, his expression returning to his previous very happy smile.

He looked at the younger brother in front of him happily, and said gratifiedly: "You really don't have to be useless anymore, I am really really happy for you."

Donghuang Dachen has forgotten when the last time his skin was bleeding, but now he was bleeding from this wimpy brother. Although he did not know how he did it, emotionally speaking, he When the brother is sincerely happy, even proud.

The smile on Donghuang Dachen's face narrowed slightly, and he said, "It's just that even if you can hurt me, you still don't have the right to say the three words'cannot be killed'."

Li Zedao smiled inexplicably: "Really?"

Before the words were over, unprecedented pain suddenly erupted from the depths of Donghuang Dachen's soul.

Donghuang Dachen's body trembled violently, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes changed.

There is no more smile on his face, only extreme distortion, only a big cold sweat, and only deep pain in his bones.

His round eyes looked at this wimpy brother, as if he had seen a ghost.

Then, he couldn't stand it anymore, and his body fell to the ground with a smash, began to twist, and began to roll.

This is no ordinary pain, Dong Huang Dachen clearly felt that something extremely terrifying was cutting his soul crazily.

He has a tight tooth, not letting himself scream, because this is quite a shame.

But in the end, he couldn't help it anymore, and he began to scream, extremely grim and stern.

His stern voice spread far away, rippling across the entire Donghuang Villa.

Countless people heard this scream and felt that the hair was terrible.

It took so much pain to make such a sound.

Of course, no one would have thought that it was Donghuang Dachen, the core child whose family had high hopes, that made such a sound, and they would only be regarded as those who were punished for committing a great mistake.

Some people noticed the direction of the sound, and remembered that Donghuang Dachen went crazy there before, causing many courtyards around to collapse.

So, this is Master Dachen torturing people.

"Master Dachen... the talent for practicing together is really high."

Their little hearts trembled violently and felt unsafe, so they moved farther away, and some even left the East Palace immediately.

Even if they have to get out of the dog hole and then come back from the dog hole, they have to leave temporarily.

Looking at the ugly body on the ground that was twisting and rolling, Mo Xue was so dull, like a sculpture, she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing.

Donghuang Xiaochen's ability to escape the Tang Family's Horcruxes, and even take the Horcrux as her own, completely exceeded her expectations, and set off an unprecedented huge wave in her heart.

But now seeing Donghuang Dachen rolling in front of Donghuang Xiaochen, Mo Xue set off a huge wave that was tens of thousands of times stronger than before.

Immediately, the indescribable pleasure erupted from the depths of her soul and traveled all over her body.

She was so happy, she had never been so happy as she is now.

Then she laughed loudly, but tears were floating.

Li Zedao looked at Donghuang Dachen coldly and said with a smile: "Facts have proved that I am really qualified to say the three words'cannot be killed' to you."

As soon as the voice fell, the pain that had originally madly enveloped Donghuang Dachen disappeared without a trace.

Donghuang Dachen was panting heavily, and blood was constantly flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Even his extremely scarlet eyes slowly flowed blood.

Like a machine, his incomparably stiff head lifted up little by little, looking at the condescending brother who was looking down at him. The terrifying suffocation burst out from him all at once, and he was going to be covered with madness. On Li Zedao.

Li Zedao kindly reminded: "Don't get excited, otherwise that thing will start to cut your soul crazily."

Donghuang Dachen's body trembled violently, his mouth opened, and he spouted a mouthful of stuffy blood.

Not only because his soul was damaged, but also because of unimaginable, angry, and humiliating.

He was given one by this useless brother!

He didn't like this posture that was indistinguishable from a drowning dog, so he stood up very hard.

He looked at the younger brother who was really not useless, and even had the ability to torture a strong man with a low-grade cultivation base into a dead dog, and said with difficulty: "Horcrux?"

"Tang Family Horcrux." Li Zedao said casually, as if saying that I had a bowl of rice at noon, it was such a simple matter.

But the idiot could see that he was showing off.

Yes, yes, it is the Horcrux created by the famous Tang family. The Horcrux has already been in my pocket. Hey, isn't it handsome, isn't it?

When Donghuang Dachen pierced the imprisonment with one sword after another like crazy, Li Zedao had already prepared the big gift for Donghuang Dachen.

A **** plum flower turned into an ordinary snowflake and fell on this white expanse, directly turning into invisible.

Not to mention the great dust of the Eastern Emperor, even the sage of the Eastern Emperor, there is no way to find the **** plum that is hidden among the countless snowflakes at once.

It's just that although the **** plum blossoms are powerful, it is still extremely difficult to silently attack a strong person in the unified realm.

However, Donghuang Dachen forcibly broke the medium soul formation, and his aura was severely damaged. Besides, he didn't put Donghuang Xiaochen in his eyes at all, he didn't have any vigilance.

In addition, Li Zedao's words that seemed so arrogant also managed to attract most of his attention.

So Donghuang Dachen didn't notice a piece of snow silently drifting under his feet.

When he discovered that something was wrong, the **** plum blossom had already cut the flesh of his feet, entered his body, and reached the depths of his soul.

"The Tang family?"

Donghuang Dachen's eyes widened suddenly, his expression moved, and his heart swayed violently.

He didn't doubt this.

He knew the power of the Horcrux created by the Tang family.

Although he forcibly broke the soul formation and caused serious damage to his aura, and although he didn't have any vigilance, he was a strong person in the first stage after all, and ordinary Horcruxes would not even want to hurt him.

And this Horcrux can obviously be controlled by the owner as he pleases, and it is conceivable that he already possesses spiritual intelligence.

How could it be possible that this wasteful possessed a Horcrux created by the Tang family with sage?

"Have you returned to Madam?" Donghuang Dachen asked.

If not, why does this guy own the Horcrux built by the Tang family?

Understood, this wasteful waste has betrayed the mother and plunged into the arms of the lady.

This is a bureau set by the lady.

The snow feast is about to begin, and the lady is determined to win the glory token.

If the eldest lady wants to get the token of glory, Donghuang Linger must defeat him and Donghuang Meier.

So the eldest lady set the game, and with the help of the little brother who was no longer in vain, first helped Donghuang Linger to solve a powerful opponent first.

Li Zedao probably knew what Donghuang Dachen was thinking, so he naturally didn't answer his question directly, but said: "So, you really can't kill me, but I can kill you."

When Donghuang Dachen heard this, a very happy smile appeared on that severely distorted face.

He said: "You can kill, but you can't, let alone dare."

"is it?"

Li Zedao smiled, he really couldn't kill, let alone dared to kill.

Once Donghuang Dachen was killed, the third lady would definitely not let him go, even if Donghuang Xiaochen was her son, and she would not be in a squatter, and could even defeat Donghuang Dachen.

But in the hearts of the third lady, Donghuang Xiaochen is still far less important than Donghuang Dachen. After all, this defeat is not really defeated. She still needs Donghuang Dachen to help her defeat Luo Xuexuan and Han Meixuan to win the glory token.

Li Zedao's expression was even more serious, and said: "But I can keep that Horcrux in your soul, and let it cut your soul from time to time."

There was no smile on Donghuang Dachen's face, only cold. Those eyes looked at Li Zedao as if they were looking at a dead person.

Li Zedao added: "Of course you can also go to your mother and cry that I bullied you. Your mother loves you so much, and you can't bear to see you being bullied so much. As long as your mother speaks, I will remove the Horcrux.

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