The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2909: Bleeding Plum

The woman's eyes became compassionate, as if she was looking at an ant struggling to die.

It seems that the blow that I have just given gave this man who is unimaginable, but only an ant after all, a serious illusion.

It was just a random blow by himself, which made him mistakenly think that he could not kill him?

Or maybe he thinks he can hurt himself, so his strength is very strong, but his strength is very weak?

Li Zedao said in an unquestionable tone: "It can't be killed."

The compassion in the woman's eyes was even worse, this extremely humble outsider must have been crazy.

She didn't want to waste a lot of words, as if the hand sculpted by the greatest craftsman was slightly raised, she would end the life of this ant.

At this moment, her eyebrows were suddenly locked into a ball, her shockingly beautiful face turned pale in an instant, and then twisted little by little.

That beautiful body trembled uncontrollably, his eyes opened wider and wider, showing panic and unbelievable.

Then, the black umbrella fell off her hand, followed the snowflake, and fell to the ground lightly, as if nothing was left.

It is hard to imagine that the weight of such an umbrella seems to be the same as that of snowflakes. Even if it falls to the ground, it does not crush the snowflakes underneath.

"What did you do?"

The woman's voice was no longer the beauty of the snow falling on the ground before, but because of anger, because she couldn't believe it, and because of pain, she became sharp and ferocious, just like the sound of a viper struggling hard.

At the same time, her black eyes had turned into a terrifying black hole, and it seemed that everything would be absorbed by these eyes.

Although Li Zedao didn't look into those eyes, his spirit was also in a trance.

I was really shocked, it was already like this, this woman's pupil technique turned out to be so terrifying.

He ignored the woman, but took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth to nourish the damaged soul, and exhaled a sulky breath, feeling the rest of his life in his heart.

Then he straightened his body, placed one hand on his back, raised his head slightly and looked at the gloomy sky, in the lonely posture of a master.

Faintly replied: "This young man didn't do anything, he just used some powerful Horcrux to hurt you, nothing more."

I admired the **** plum blossom created by the Tang family. It was really terrifying. Such a terrifying woman could not stand its attack.

Had it not been for a butterfly and a stone inhabiting my soul, my soul would have disappeared long ago.

So Li Zedao decided to forgive Butterfly Wing's rudeness.

It is said that the most powerful Horcrux created by the Tang family is called "Invisible".

This Horcrux, which was refined by countless people in the Tang family for generations, is said to be able to kill a strong man who left a name on the sky list in one fell swoop.

I don't know if it is true or not, but I really want it.

When the woman heard the words, that face was distorted again.

It is conceivable that the root is not an ordinary Horcrux, it is a powerful Horcrux with agility.

The Horcrux could not only cut the skin and flesh of her feet silently, but also entered her soul, and then under the command of the young man, began to cut her soul.

Li Zedao's thoughts moved slightly, so the **** plum in the woman's soul cut her soul even more fiercely.

"Hah! Hah..."

The woman clearly felt this terrifying cutting sound from the depths of her soul

Then her unusually distorted face showed great pain, after which her body fell to the ground in embarrassment, rolling and twisting on the snowy ground.

The violent and vicious wheezing in her throat continued to sound like that of a poisonous snake before she died.

There was no mercy in Li Zedao's eyes, no joy after defeating a powerful enemy, no pleasure after revenge, no joy of escaping from birth, only peace, only loneliness.

He really couldn't remember that he could defeat a powerhouse who had at least a high-grade peak cultivation base of the high-grade realm, and also possessed the terrifying pupil technique, with a mere Dao realm high-grade peak cultivation base. Who else but himself.


He bent down and picked up the black umbrella on the ground.

The start is extremely cold, but it seems like nothing.

Seeing that the falling snowflakes were all bounced off by the umbrella surface, only above the top were the two women using the black umbrellas in their hands to block the swords in the hands of Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er. It is conceivable that this It is a very powerful defensive Horcrux.

So Li Zedao quite rudely took it as his own.

He looked a little coquettish and raised his umbrella, turned his head and looked forward, a little sick.

But seeing the snowfield ahead, it seemed to be hell.

There were **** flesh and blood everywhere, **** bones.

The nine core children, after being hit by the pupil technique, regarded each other as brutal beasts, and some even thought that they were beasts, so they desperately killed each other or even themselves.

In less than half of the incense effort, they all turned into ugly rotten meat, and their souls were scattered.

So, why is Donghuang Taiyi holding a snow banquet in this snowy area, just to make these core children die quickly? What good is this for him and the Eastern royal family?

Li Zedao was puzzled.

The extremely violent aura came surging forward, and when he looked up, he saw that there were four powerful auras in the midair making the most fierce collision over there.

Li Zedao retracted his gaze and fell on the severely distorted body, and said coldly: "Let your two men stop, otherwise the Horcrux in your body won't be so gentle."

The woman in black was in pain, but her consciousness was quite clear.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but want to use the most vicious words to curse people. Do you think this is gentle?

Unfortunately, she really didn't know how to scold someone.

She can only silently say in her heart that you hurry up and die, please.

Li Zedao's thoughts moved slightly, so that the blood plum blossoms should not be so cruel and gentle.

As a result, the pain of the woman in black instantly eased a lot.

She raised her head with difficulty, and those eyes that had become a terrifying black hole looked at Li Zedao, full of hatred and a trace of fear.

Li Zedao said lightly: "The Horcrux is really gentle."

"Hurry up and die!"

The woman cursed in her heart, and then made a series of weird noises in her mouth.

When the two women in black who were in a fierce confrontation with Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier heard this voice, their expressions changed drastically.

At the moment, they are not continuing to kill Xiang Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er, their figure flashes, and they have appeared in front of the black-clothed woman, and then their faces have become quite ugly, and at the same time there is a strong shock. .

It's really hard for them to imagine that their powerful princess would be tortured by such weak high-grade repairers.

"What did you do to our princess?"

"Hurry up and remove the Horcrux, otherwise I will blame me for being rude to you."

The two black-clothed women are about to kill Li Zedao.

Li Zedao hurriedly said: "You must not mess around, otherwise your princess will definitely die miserably."


"You...retreat!" The black-clothed woman shouted in a weak voice.

The two subordinates stared at Li Zedao bitterly and could only step back.

Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er's auras were so exhausted, they were struggling to resist the terrifying black rain, and they were almost defeated.

Who thought that at this time, the two powerful women took the initiative to retreat, they were naturally surprised.

Then, they saw the more terrifying woman lying there in embarrassment, her body trembling constantly.

They also saw Donghuang Xiaochen standing there proudly, lonely as a master.

Then, a ridiculous guess came up spontaneously.

So Donghuang Xiaochen actually defeated the scary woman, and forced the other two women to stop?

how can that be?

Even if he is not useless anymore, but after all, he is only a high-grade cultivation base in the Great Dao Realm, how could he be able to defeat the woman in black who is stronger than them?

There is no reason for this.

But the facts are so, they can't help but believe it.

It's no wonder that your mother has repeatedly emphasized that this kind of uselessness, which is suddenly not useless, may cause you great trouble at this snow banquet, so you have to be careful.

What's more important to note is that the **** plum blossoms created by the Tang family's painstaking efforts may have fallen into this wasteful hand. You have to pay attention and don't get caught.

Look at this, the woman was attacked by the Bleeding Plum?

how can that be? How could Donghuang Xiaochen drive such powerful Horcruxes like Bleeding Plum?

Immediately, they saw the vague flesh and blood not far away, even if they never put these core children in their eyes, there was still a trace of sadness and hatred in their hearts.

Although these core children have never been put in the eyes, but after all blood is connected, grief is inevitable.

Their figures flashed, and they came to Li Zedao, staring fiercely at the woman whose face had been severely distorted because of pain.

The two black-clothed women protected their princesses behind them, shook hands with the black umbrella, and stared at Li Zedao with fierce eyes.

One of the women shouted: "Hurry up and take that **** Horcrux out of my princess's soul, we can consider forgiving you a few of them not to die, otherwise I promise you will die miserably..."

Before they finished their words, the bodies of the two black-clothed women all had a violent halt, and when they looked down subconsciously, their pupils became rounded suddenly, and they couldn't believe what their eyes were seeing.

The snow under their feet was already blackened by the black blood flowing from the soles of their feet.

Afterwards, the pain of being cut across their souls all at once.

The black umbrella slipped from their hands and landed on the snowy ground. Their delicate bodies fell to the ground in embarrassment and began to twist and roll on the snowy ground.

Their throats continued to make screams.

"Why threaten this son? This son hates being threatened." Li Zedao continued to look lonely as a master.

Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Shengjun looked at each other, and both could see the full-bodied shock in each other's eyes.

Seeing this, it really is a **** plum blossom!

Bloody Plum attacked the two women in black. They didn't think it was strange, but the Bloody Plum actually fell into Donghuang Xiaochen's hands and even used it for him, which seriously stimulated their nerves.

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