The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2910: Ostentatious

You know, this is a powerful Horcrux produced by the Tang family with great painstaking effort, and even integrated into the soul of the Tang family, so it can be said that the **** plum blossoms are flowing with the blood of the Tang family.

Therefore, it can be said that only the strong people of the Tang family are able to control these powerful Horcruxes, and even the eldest lady cannot drive these Horcruxes.

But this is not the Tang family at all, or even a useless guy. It can be subdued and can drive the **** plum blossoms. This is simply an impossible thing to happen.

However, the impossible happened in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it.

How did he do it?

The black-clothed woman saw that her two subordinates were also recruited, her distorted face was distorted again, and her black hole-like eyes revealed a strong murderous aura.

"You, **** it! Damn it!" She resembled a dying viper, constantly making a screaming and vicious voice.

Li Zedao said helplessly: "It's not right for you to do this. You see, you killed nine core children of my Eastern Royal family as soon as you appeared, why don't you say you deserve to die?"

The woman retorted angrily: "This princess kills you humble outsiders, why is it wrong?"

Li Zedao is even more helpless, so how can he be so unreasonable?

Oh, forget, you are not a human at all, you are a ladyboy.

"What are you talking about with her? They are all killed!"

Donghuang Meier was full of suffocation, raising the long sword in her hand to cut it with a sword.

Li Zedao hurriedly stopped her and said, "Sister Mei'er, absolutely must not, we still have to know more information about this snowy area from this woman."

"He is right." said Donghuang Linger on the side.

"Why does this lady listen to you?"

Donghuang Mei'er said so, but she also thought that this wimp was right with this **** woman.

The more they understand this **** snowy area, the more likely they are to leave alive.

Besides, this woman knew at a glance that she had an extraordinary background, and maybe she could be used as a hostage.

As soon as Jianfeng turned, he wanted to kill another woman.

Since this woman is still useful, let the two damned men who killed her first let out a sigh of foul.

Li Zedao stopped her again: "Sister Meier, don't do it, you kill these two women and you are going to forge feuds with each other."


Donghuang Meier's eyes looked at Li Zedao as if she was looking at an idiot.

The nine core children of the Eastern Royal family all died tragically. This deep hatred has already been forged, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they will never die.

Are you worried about forging a feud with the other party?

Donghuang Xiaochen, don't worry if you are useless, are you still brain-dead?

"Get out of the way, otherwise this lady will kill you with you!"

Dong Huang Ling'er stepped forward and stopped the murderous Dong Huang Mei'er with a long sword, and said blankly: "You calm down, Xiao Chen is right."

In such a dangerous place as the Snow Territory, facing such a terrifying enemy, their core children of the Eastern Royal family are weak. Since they are weak, their right to bear hatred is also deprived.

Donghuang Meier was extremely annoyed, and said murderously: "Are you an idiot just like this wasteful?"

Donghuang Meier glanced at Li Zedao and responded indifferently: "If Xiaochen is a waste and an idiot, then what are you and me?"

"If there was no Xiaochen, you and I would have been seriously injured, and even lost their souls."

Donghuang Meier looked extremely embarrassed, but she was speechless, and bitterly put down the sword in her hand.

Li Zedao said modestly: "Sister Ling'er is absurd. If it weren't for the two elder sisters, the younger brother, who is weak at the top level of the road, would never have the courage to stand here."

He said that, but it is true that this young man is such an awesome posture. Without this young man, you two women would have been dissipated long ago.

Donghuang Meier raised the sword again, and a fierce murderous aura directly enveloped Li Zedao.

Li Zedao quickly reduced the arrogant emotions on his face, humble as dust.

The black-clothed woman stared at Li Zedao, "I promise, you will die...ah..."

Before she finished her words, the **** plum blossoms in her soul were cut frantically.

So the vicious words were directly replaced by the screams and spread far away.

When Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Meier saw this, her scalp became severely numb.

Once again marveled at the horror of the Horcrux refined by the Tang family, even such a powerful person could not bear it.

Otherwise, even if there is a eldest lady standing behind, the Tang family will definitely not dare to walk sideways in the East Emperor Villa.

It is even harder to imagine that even if this person is no longer a waste but is only a high-grade cultivation base in the Dao Realm, not only can he escape the attack of the **** plum blossom, but he can also take it as his own and drive it.

How did he do it?

Thinking, Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier both looked at Li Zedao, with deep shock in their eyes.

Li Zedao pointed to the two black umbrellas on the ground and said, "Sister Ling'er, Sister Meier, this black umbrella is a good thing."

Dong Huang Mei'er and Dong Huang Ling'er naturally knew that this was a good thing. Not only did their swords fail to leave any marks on the umbrella, but they were so embarrassed by the rebounding sword energy.

The next person picked up a handful and looked at it carefully.

Start with lightness, as if nothing.

Judging from the eerie cold and cold aura, it is an extremely powerful defensive Horcrux.

Although it was said that he had obtained such a powerful defensive Horcrux, Donghuang Linger didn't have much joy.

As soon as she entered the snowy region, all nine core children died tragically, which made her wonder if Grandpa's move was wrong.

You know, under the mountain of Donghuang Villa, no one dared to question any words or actions of Donghuang Taiyi, but now, Donghuang Linger couldn't help thinking that grandpa was wrong.

She put away the black umbrella, looked at Li Ze, and asked, "Xiao Chen, what should I do next?"

There must be an extremely powerful force behind these three black-clothed women, and only with these three of them, there is naturally no way to withstand these behemoths.

If you don't prepare early, I'm afraid that you will be like the nine core children, and the unclear souls will be scattered here.

As soon as the voice fell, he realized that he was asking Donghuang Xiaochen's meaning, and he subconsciously regarded him as the mainstay, and his heart was somewhat weird.

Dong Huang Mei'er sneered, this **** woman actually regarded Dong Huang Xiaochen's uselessness as the mainstay, really idiot.

What can be a good way to use such a mere waste of money?

It's not bad that your legs feel weak without being scared.

Li Zedao is now setting up a soul formation.

This soul formation was far not enough to withstand the unknown and dangerous attacks hiding in the surroundings, but it was enough to envelop the screams of these three women.

Although the fierce fighting just now did not attract the dangerous creatures, it can be seen that there should be no powerful creatures around, but it is better to be careful.

Hearing Yan turned around and looked at Donghuang Ling'er, he slightly nodded and said, "From my younger brother's point of view, let these three women'enjoy' and talk, otherwise they are afraid they won't be able to tell the truth."

Donghuang Ling'er nodded, and said nothing more.

Donghuang Meier looked at Li Zedao coldly, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaochen, sister has a question, please ask Brother Xiaochen to explain."

Donghuang Linger's eyes fell on Li Zedao once again. She knew what this woman wanted to ask, and she was also very curious about the answer to this question.

Li Zedao obediently nodded and said: "Sister Meier, please, the younger brother must know that everything is endless, and he absolutely dare not conceal anything from sister Meier."

Donghuang Meier's eyes became hot, and she smiled and said, "Brother Xiaochen, how did the **** plum blossoms of the Tang family fall into your hands?"

Li Zedao smiled obediently: "'s like this. That day, the little brother was sitting quietly in the courtyard and suddenly saw that five blood-red plum blossoms appeared in the snow."

Donghuang Meier's smile became even hotter: "What then?"

Li Zedao had a confused expression that I didn’t know what had happened: “Then these five snowflake plum blossoms nodded and bowed to the younger brother, expressing surrender. Later, the younger brother realized that this was actually a powerful Horcrux that was refined by the Tang family. ."


The smile on Donghuang Meier's face completely solidified, and the stiff muscles twitched uncontrollably, and she really had an urge to draw a sword and kill someone.

This wimpy brother is thinking that his beautiful and powerful sister is an idiot? Damn it!

Donghuang Linger's mouth twitched slightly, her figure looked like a ghost, and she stood between Li Zedao and Donghuangmeier. She was really worried that Donghuangmeier's temperament had never been so good. The dust is killed.

Donghuang Ling'er didn't have much contact with Donghuang Xiaochen, only knowing that this was a useless cultivator who had no talent.

It was so useless that even the mother felt that Donghuang Dachen was like that. It was not only that bitch's face that was lost, but Su Yinxuan's face was not seen, but the Donghuang clan's face was lost.

The Donghuang clan was embarrassed. As the eldest lady of Donghuang Villa, she also felt that she had no face, so she couldn't help but help him improve his cultivation level, so that he could barely step into the great realm.

I also heard that he was very timid and fearful. It was not once that Tang Shan humiliated him in front of everyone, and all the core children looked down on him.

But he didn't expect him to be so smooth, he didn't frown even when he lied.

Li Zedao continued with a confused expression: "The little brother guessed that maybe the eldest lady thinks Tangshan is too much, and even the core children of the Eastern Royal family dare to humiliate publicly, and they really don't know whether they live or die."

"So the Tang family hurriedly sent **** plum blossoms to express their apologies."

As a result, the muscles on Donghuang Linger's face began to twitch, and a large group of Cao Nima rushed past in her heart, incomparably chaotic, and then she also wanted to smash towards this uselessness with a sword.

Who on earth humiliated whom that day?

Even that day you not only humiliated Tangshan, you also humiliated your mother, and humiliated the whole Luo Xuexuan!

Your mother really regrets helping you improve your cultivation, and even can't wait to let your soul fly away. How could it be possible to scold the Tang family and ask the Tang family to send a big gift to apologize?

If you are so slanderous, you are not afraid that I can't help but kill you with a sword?

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