The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2927: Thousands of people

You should know that the ancestors of the Eastern Royal family used powerful methods to force the primitive space of the Snow Territory to remain in a static state, instead of drifting in the chaos irregularly when it was unstable.

And the only entrance to the snowy area is in the Donghuang Villa, right in the snow pavilion.

Even Mr. Qinglong, there is no way to sneak into Donghuang Villa without knowing it, enter the snow pavilion guarded by Donghuang Taier, and enter the snowy area, right?

Therefore, in Li Zedao's view, this person can only be someone in Donghuang Mountain Villa. After all, Donghuang Mountain Villa should not allow outsiders to enter this primitive space that is full of dangers but may also be full of various opportunities. ?

But it seems wrong. How could anyone in Donghuang Villa not save Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier?

Or is this person the ancestor of the Eastern Royal Clan, and he doesn't care about the lives of the descendants of the Eastern Royal Clan at all, just wanting to say that he wants to escape from this place?

There was a bit of sharpness that Li Zedao had clearly noticed in this voice: "Natural knowledge."

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Listening to this tone, it seemed that there was such a deep gap with Donghuang Qiankun. Wouldn't it be Donghuang Taiyi's daughter?

Failed to compete with Donghuang Qiankun for control of Donghuang Villa, trapped here?

Li Zedao patted his extremely confused mind and asked, "So Donghuang Universe is in this snowy area?"

"That's it."

Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.

An expert is an expert, he likes to show off, and he likes to say things that even the most intelligent people can't understand for a while.

Li Zedao asked, "What does it mean to be...?"

"He is so soulless here and has become a part of this snowy area, so in a sense, he exists in this snowy area."

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, his breathing became rapid, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

So all my previous guesses were basically wrong.

Before entering, he accidentally saw the old face of the Eastern Emperor Tai Er with a very strange smile, so Li Zedao always tended to say that the Eastern Emperor Qiankun was afraid that for some reason, he died at the hands of the Eastern Emperor Tai Er after leaving the snowy area.

Unexpectedly, Eastern Emperor Qiankun was indeed scattered in this snowy area.

"I don't know how he died?" Li Zedao swallowed.

"I killed it."

The three extremely light and fluttering words made the surrounding snowflakes freeze suddenly, and the atmosphere of killing instantly enveloped the entire space.

Li Zedao's body suddenly became stiff, and his mouth was so huge that it could fit a tennis ball.

She actually killed Donghuang Qiankun? She actually has a way to kill Donghuang Qiankun? Isn't she the ancestor of the Eastern Royal Family or the daughter of Eastern Emperor Taiyi?

Who is she?

This woman probably knew what she was thinking in her heart, and said coldly: "I am not a member of the Eastern Royal Family."

It's like being regarded as a member of the Eastern Royal Family is quite insulting.

Li Zedao was stunned again, and said with difficulty: "Then how did you enter this snowy region?"

"Are you an idiot? Naturally you entered here from the entrance of the snowy area."

Li Zedao's mouth twitched: "However, the entrance of the snowy area is in the snow pavilion of Donghuang Mountain Villa. Listening to your tone, naturally you have a deep hatred with Donghuang Mountain Villa..."

"It was Eastern Emperor Qiankun who invited me to enter this snowy area together."


Li Zedao's mind is even more confused, Donghuang Qiankun actually invited her in?

What are you doing in this snowy area? Fight to the death?

The woman did not continue to explain her grievances with the Eastern Royal Family, but said: "If I am not mistaken, the two women, one is the Donghuang Linger born by the Madam of Donghuangshanzhuang, and the other is the second wife. The Eastern Emperor Meier born is the daughter of the Eastern Emperor Universe, and the core child who is placed high hopes by the Eastern Royal Family."

"As for you, I haven't seen you before, but judging from the aura of your blood and the attitude of those two daughters towards you, you are naturally the core children of the Eastern Royal Family."

"Since the eldest lady's daughter and the second lady's daughter are there, there is no reason why the third lady's children are not there."

Obviously, this woman is quite familiar with some conditions in the East Emperor's Villa, and knows that the three powerful ladies in the East Emperor's Villa have always been competitive.

"So you are the son of the third wife and Donghuang Qiankun, right?"

Li Zedao's little heart was trembling, and for a moment he didn't know if he wanted to reveal his true identity, indicating that he was not a core child of the Eastern Royal family.

Since even Donghuang Qiankun was killed by her, she had no reason not to kill herself.

But I heard the other party continue to say: "I have seen the son of the third lady, Donghuang Dachen. I heard that the third lady also has a son named Donghuang Xiaochen... I remembered that a woman did call you'Xiaochen'. So you are undoubtedly Donghuang Xiaochen."

"But... what I don't quite understand is, as the son of Donghuang Qiankun and the third wife, why did you call Donghuang Qiankun's name without any respect?"

Li Zedao's heart that was rippling extremely sharply tightened.

"I don't even understand. You are also the child of Eastern Emperor Qiankun. You clearly have the weakest cultivation base, but why is it the calmest and most calmly facing life and death?"

"What makes me even more amazed is that the fairy who is proficient in Sanskrit can play the "Meditation Mantra" that only Sanskrit fairy can play so perfectly. When did the children of the Eastern royal family have such accomplishments in the rhythm? "

"Even in Donghuang Villa, because of some of the early experiences of Donghuang Taiyi, the sound of silk and bamboo is not allowed in Donghuang Villa. Naturally, the core children of Donghuang Villa will not learn the rhythm. The way, but you are as good as a Sanskrit fairy, which is very strange."

Li Zedao's scalp was numb and he almost didn't feel it.

He only felt like the extremely cunning criminal being interrogated. He was clearly guilty of heart, but he showed the strongest mental quality, and said: "Naturally, I know that the sound of silk and bamboo is not allowed in Donghuang Villa... "

That voice interrupted Li Zedao’s "sophistry", adding a hint of thoughtfulness: "From this perspective, you are not the core child of the Eastern Royal Family, you are not the son of Eastern Emperor Qiankun, but what you have The taste of blood is undoubtedly the taste of the blood of the Eastern Royal family, so... Is it a thousand people and a thousand faces?

"You wore a mask called'Thousands of People and Thousand Faces,' right?"

Not in doubt, but in affirmation.

"I wipe it!"

Li Zedao suffered a heavy blow to his heart, his breathing immediately stopped, his brain roared almost unconsciously, and he almost burst out such a foul language without holding back.

He never expected that this powerful man who never showed up would pull out his old bottom all at once, which gave him the feeling of running in a crowd with only a pair of underwear.

Naturally, he was so guilty that he died alive, but Li Zedao's face was quite thick and his heart quality was quite strong, so his complexion became dazed, and he said, "Thousands of people and thousands of faces? What is that?"

A very cold wind blew across Li Zedao's face, it was obviously cold, but very light, just like a lover's touch.

Li Zedao's heart that was rippling extremely severely contracted again, and then stopped beating.

I felt that the only pair of underpants left on my body had been stripped off extremely cruelly.

He is now in a completely naked-running state.

"Sure enough, it is'Thousands of People and Thousand Faces", but why is the'Thousands of People and Thousand Faces" in your hands?"

Li Zedao is like the drowning man, trying to grab a straw in a very pitiful way, and said stiffly: "I don't know what you are talking about. I don't even know what you are talking about. It's delicious. ?"

The other party ignored Li Zedao's excuses and talked about the hard facts.

It was like peeling off the cocoon, not only stripped Li Zedao's clothes, but also seemed to want to continue to peel his skin, so that his deceptive flesh and blood was thoroughly exposed to the sun.

"Naturally you don’t know,'Thousands of People and Thousands of Faces' are actually something I accidentally obtained in a chaotic place, but I know it very well. Then I gave it to Qinglong. Qinglong has no reason to be such a powerful one. A Horcrux is given to someone as weak as you, and it is even less likely to be lost and then picked up by you, so the reasonable explanation is that you are from Qinglong."

Even if Li Zedao's mental quality was strong, he couldn't stand the final blow. His face was pale, and the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably. His eyes became dark, and he almost fainted.

A lot of enlarged and bold question marks appeared in his mind, and those questions almost burst his mind.

Who is this woman? What does it have to do with Mr. Qinglong? How can you be trapped here?

And when she mentioned Qinglong, her tone was not only casual, she even had a hint of mockery, obviously she didn't put Qinglong, one of the four ambassadors around this day, in her eyes at all.

"I want to know, what did Qinglong make you lurking in Donghuang Villa?" There was a hint of doubt in that voice.

This woman had just said something like a strong person in the Guiyi Realm. Li Zedao was not dead, and her soul was severely damaged.

He swallowed a pill and took a deep breath for a while, only then barely stabilized his emotions.

He knows that in the face of such a powerful man, who is extremely terrifying regardless of his origin or his own strength, there is no point in continuing to conceal it. He also knows that this may become his thick and strong thigh. If it is held tightly, it may be possible. Get rid of Mr. Qinglong, and even rescued sister Tian Meng.

So there was no concealment, and he said, "Steal the glory token."

There was a trace of doubt in the voice, as if it were impossible: "It was actually stealing the Glory Token? Why did Qinglong steal the Glory Token?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "It's all like this, what else can I hide?"

"As for why he steals the Glory Token, I don't know much."

The woman was silent for a long time, seeming to be thinking about a problem that bothered her.

Finally asked: "Even so, but why are you?"

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