Li Zedao naturally understands the true meaning of this question. You are so weak, how could Qinglong choose you? Qinglong is an idiot?

Therefore, Li Zedao felt severely insulted.

Li Zedao raised his head slightly to look at the dense white fog around him, and said seriously: "Mr. Qinglong chose me after careful consideration. He thinks that only me can help steal the glory token."

It doesn't matter if others look down on yourself, but you must never look down on yourself, so Li Zedao began to shamelessly put gold on his face.

He took a deep breath and said, "Although my cultivation base is weak, my luck is good. I am very handsome. No woman can resist my charm. The Eastern Emperor is no exception!"

"Mr. Qinglong knows that I can win the favor of Donghuang Shengjun, make her want to stop, let her obey me, and there is no way to leave me. At that time, let's not say it is a token of glory, so I will let her bloodbath her. Huangshan Villa, she will do it obediently."

Li Zedao straightened his chest slightly, and at this moment an extremely powerful halo added to his body.

Yes, it is so powerful.

Of course, the various cynicism of Butterfly Wing came from the soul, and Li Zedao naturally assumed that he hadn't heard it.

It has been silent for a long time, obviously this is unknown, but there is no doubt that it is extremely powerful and choked by this shameless and extremely shameful words.

In the end, the voice continued to fall along with the snowflakes, but there were only four simple words: "You think too much."

She couldn't understand how this weak ant said such shameless words without blushing and heartbeat.

Li Zedao looked resolutely, and said: "I didn't think too much, I am quite confident in my charm, and Mr. Qinglong has more confidence in my charm."

It was silent again for a long time, and a strong murderous aura burst out all around. This murderous aura appeared violently but disappeared extremely fast. Obviously this time this time, the faceless woman was not only disgusted, but she almost couldn't resist killing someone. .

The strong is the strong, and he quickly controlled his mood, and the voice fell lightly again, there was no half-fire, only doubts.

"Since your purpose is to win the favor of the Eastern Emperor, and get the glory token from her hands, why did you enter this place? Is it possible that the Eastern Emperor also entered this snowy area?"

"Furthermore, with your cultivation base, you are not qualified to enter this primitive space at all."

Being humiliated again, Li Zedao didn't react much, after all, he was used to it.

He answered honestly: "For some unknown reason, the Eastern Emperor is no longer in charge of the Glory Tokens. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi held a snow feast to determine the ownership of the Glory Token. All core children of the Eastern Royal Family are eligible to participate in this snow feast. And the location of the snow feast is in this snowy area."

Li Zedao frowned slightly: "What I don't understand is why the Eastern Emperor Taiyi held a snow banquet here. He likes seeing his juniors go to death?"

After another long silence, the voice continued to linger in Li Zedao's ears: "You just said that Qinglong chose you because of your luck?"

Li Zedao emphasized: "What is more important is the unrivaled charm. He firmly believes that I will be able to fascinate the Eastern Emperor Sage."

Your sister, don't see you disgusting.

The other party directly ignored these words and said, "I think I understand why Donghuang Taiyi held a snow banquet in this snowy area."

Li Zedao was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Why?"

"Just want to have luck."

Li Zedao was taken aback again: "What luck?"

Silent for a long time.

This woman is showing off again.

Li Zedao was depressed and couldn't help but ask: "At least you should tell me who you are?"

If you know who it is, then you can know if this thigh can be easily hugged... Li Zedao felt that he was too **** wit, and couldn't help himself with hundreds of likes in his heart.

"You are not qualified to know."


"I saved your life. You helped me escape from this snowy area. This is the same exchange. After I get out, there will be no intersection between you and me." There was a touch of absolute nobility in the voice.

It was as if the superior king was facing a lowly and lowly servant.

Unless there is an intersection under a certain situation, the king's eyes will not have the existence of that slave.

But even if there is an intersection, the king is still a king, and a slave is still a slave. It is a great gift to be able to say a few more words to you. You should be flattered and grateful.

Li Zedao decided not to humiliate himself, and closed his mouth dullly.

After that, he closed his eyes and silently paid tribute to the thigh that he was destined to have lost before he could get it, quietly waiting for the soul cloud to take him out of this extremely dangerous Xueyuan.

I don't know how long it took, the soul cloud stagnated there.

Li Zedao opened his eyes and saw that he had left Xueyuan. In front of him, there was the endless snowfield.

Sliding down from the soul cloud and stepping on the soft snowflakes, Li Zedao felt a new life, remembering that Donghuang Meier and Donghuang Linger had been bitten by the ferocious beasts in the Xueyuan. Fragmented, I felt a little heavy. After all, I fought together and faced life and death together.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyes flickered, and a black shadow appeared there out of thin air.

It was the ladyboy of the Black Fox clan who threw him down to Xueyuan as a discarded trash before. At this moment, the eyes of this ladyboy looked so violent and brutal in the surrounding white snow.

His laughter was so hideous and weird that the snow that was falling quietly seemed to be frightened and became messy.

"Jie Jie Jie, I have already said that you must stay in the snowy abyss for three days before you can come out, otherwise I will kill you."

"And now, but a day has passed."

"Jie Jie Jie, it seems you want to die."

Li Zedao looked at this extremely cruel-looking ladyboy as if he were looking at an idiot.

Although that thigh didn't mean to let him hold it, it naturally wouldn't let the ladyboy kill him, so the ladyboy was afraid that even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

So Li Zedao looked at this ladyboy with a hint of pity in his eyes, and he felt that this ladyboy was very pitiful.

The shemale's eyes narrowed slightly, and the brutal gloom was already a bit rich.

How dare this weak person, who is indistinguishable from an ant, look at himself with such eyes? Isn't he really afraid of death?

If that's the case, then go to hell.

A blast of extremely cold wind blows, and the already messy snowflakes become messy, and then they are condensed together one by one.

But breathing, countless snowflakes condensed into a huge snow hand raised high, this hand carrying countless coldness, full of powerful aura, slammed towards Li Zedao.

Suddenly, Li Zedao smelled a smell of death that was enough to make him desperate.

And because of being enveloped by a powerful coercion, Li Zedao was deprived of his qualifications under the dying struggle, and the only thing he could do was wait for death.

But when he looked at the brutal and ferocious eyes of the ladyboy, he still didn't have any fear, only a stronger compassion.

This undoubtedly made the ladyboy of the black fox clan quite popular.

You are just a weak person in the big realm, why dare you stare at me with such eyes?

"Go to hell!" The ferocity in its eyes became a bit rich.

That huge snowman is like a snow mountain falling from the sky, directly pressing on Li Zedao's head.

Seeing that Li Zedao was about to be crushed to pieces, at this moment, a piece of snow appeared above Li Zedao's head.

The giant snowman patted the snowflake fiercely, as if a giant's hand patted an ant on the ground.

But an astonishing scene appeared. The giant snowman was in a state of stagnation abruptly, and there was no way to continue down.

It was stopped by the snowflake.


There was a deafening muffled sound, and the entire space shook violently.

Suddenly, the giant hand made of countless snowflakes exploded, and countless broken snowflakes fell to the ground.

Naturally, Li Zedao still stood there neatly, still looking at the ladyboy whose face suddenly became extremely ugly with a pitying look.

"Who on earth dared to intervene in the affairs of my black fox clan?

The shemale's scarlet eyes scanned the surroundings and let out a sharp roar.

The person who came can destroy its snow hand so easily, plus it can't feel the other party's existence, it is conceivable that the opponent's strength is far above it.

But the ladyboy has no fear at all, only anger.

Because the black fox clan is the most powerful existence on the side of the snow mountain, those ferocious beasts, when they see the black fox clan, they will basically flee immediately, and never dare to show up.

But now there are fierce beasts who dared to hinder the black fox clan. They broke the snow hand that it had condensed and saved the outsider who dared to disobey the patriarch. This made the ladyboy quite annoyed. The ant looked at it with pity and was annoyed.

At this moment, the tall body of the ladyboy gave a slight pause, and the ferocious eyes were suddenly rounded, and he couldn't believe it was true.

Its extremely stiff head at that moment lowered it little by little to look at its feet, only to see that black blood was constantly leaking from the soles of its feet and blackened the white snow.

It was hurt! Injured without warning!

The visitor not only stopped its snow hand, but even dared to hurt it? Is it really afraid of the anger from the black fox clan?

What made this ladyboy unacceptable was that this fierce beast that dared not show up could actually hurt it without knowing it? Even the ice dragon can't hurt it without knowing it, right?

At this moment, the face of the ladyboy was slightly distorted, and the ugly eyeballs almost rolled down from their eye sockets.

Because it suddenly noticed that there was a round sharp knife in its soul. The cold sharpness of the knife directly caused its soul to twist and tremble.

It raised its head and looked at Li Zedao, the expression in its eyes had already changed, and there was a strong sense of fear.

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