Without hesitation, Li Zedao stuffed the lotus seed into his mouth and swallowed it in.

In an instant, an icy cold and extremely comfortable aura began to wander freely in his body, quickly nurturing his flesh and nourishing his soul, and finally this aura merged into his dantian.

After just a few breaths, the aura of the dantian was full, and then it burst silently.


Li Zedao's body paused slightly, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Because this kind of explosion is not the kind of explosion that is forcibly broken by the strong, but because the aura is full, the self-explosion of the dantian is rebuilt.

With each breakthrough in the cultivation base, the dantian place will explode on its own and quickly rebuild to ensure that it can accommodate a more majestic aura.

This is why, when the cultivation base breaks through, people are often weak and in the most dangerous state. Especially when breaking through in a battle, it is often an extremely dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you will die without a place to be buried.

At this time, the safest way is to have a strong guard on the side.

The bursting dantian in Li Zedao's body quickly rebuilt itself, and the ice-cooling and extremely comfortable aura continued to wander freely in his body, continuing to merge into the rebuilt dantian.

The pubic area is overflowing again!


The pubic area exploded again, and then quickly rebuilt.

There was a sound of praise that was even lighter than the sound of snowflakes falling to the ground.

"Although this lotus seed contains a horrible aura, but it broke through into the low-grade cultivation base of the Guiyi Realm in one fell swoop. I have to admit that you are better than I thought, and Qinglong will place the hope of getting that thing on you. It's not without any reason."

"It's a pity that Qinglong and Donghuang Taiyi would never think that they have already paid such a price, but I was just trapped in this snowy area and couldn't get out, let alone the young man I was about to borrow from him. People go out."

"Hehe, I really want to see how wonderful Qinglong's face is."

"I really want to razed the entire Eastern Emperor Realm to the ground."

In the extremely slight voice, there was a chilling killing intent.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao suddenly opened his eyes.

Compared with the past, his eyes have a different charm than before, and the expressions in his eyes have become brighter and sharper.

He looked at the falling snow, and he could see the trajectory dragged by the snow when it fell, and he could hear the wonderful sound of two snows colliding together.

Even, he found that he could control these snowflakes, and he could easily make them condensed into one hand.

Being able to use the water, fire, ice and snow in that space at will for their own use, and can seriously affect the climate of that space, this is naturally a means that can only be obtained by returning to the same state.

"Guided it down!"

He looked down at his hands, and there was a touch of excitement that could not be concealed on his face.

He thought that it would take him a long, long time to reach this level, but he didn't expect that in such a place, he would meet such a woman, who in order to achieve a certain purpose gave him such a day. Great luck directly helped him break through and enter this completely different realm.

Although this thigh didn't mean to let him hold, after all, thanks to her lotus seed, his cultivation was able to advance by leaps and bounds, and he officially stepped into the ranks of the real powerhouse, so even if the other party’s move made him feel uncomfortable. I don't doubt whether there is any conspiracy here, but Li Zedao is grateful after all.

He stood up, bowed his hand respectfully, and said, "Thank you very much."

The voice followed the snowflakes and fell lightly, but it did not have any human touch: "I need you to enter the pressure zone in the middle circle to help me take out something, so this is just a fair deal. You don't need to thank me."

As soon as the voice fell, the arrow that had been stagnant there continued to move forward. While feeling that this woman was too impersonal, Li Zedao followed the arrow and continued forward.

Because of the breakthrough of the cultivation base, it was already possible to easily block the pressure that was difficult to resist before.

However, as the pressure became stronger and stronger, Li Zedao's breathing became more and more rapid again, and his body became heavier and heavier.

I don't know how long it took, the arrow leading the way in front suddenly stagnated, and the speed became slow.

Li Zedao's body has also become extremely heavy, and he feels that his shoulders are firmly pressed by an invisible mountain. If he does not move an inch forward, he has to consume a lot of breath.

He knew that he had entered the middle circle of pressure that the woman said.

Just as the woman said, the pressure zone in the middle circle burst out with a sense of oppression that was several times stronger, even if he had already stepped into the same state, he had to spend a lot of effort if he didn't take a step forward.

"Take a rest, add your breath." That voice rang in Li Zedao's ears.

Li Zedao's head, which had become extremely heavy, nodded slightly, took out a pill, swallowed it, and closed his eyes to refresh himself.

About an hour after a break, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the guiding arrow.

But seeing that the arrow had begun to slowly move forward, he took a deep breath and stood up, dragging his extremely heavy body, and continuing to follow.

Rest, continue to deepen, rest, continue to deepen, and rest a total of five times before and after this.

After taking a break for the fifth time, walking forward with difficulty for less than an hour, the arrow was in a stagnant state again, and it was no longer moving forward.

Li Zedao thought that the woman was giving him a break, but at this moment, the arrow moved again.

But instead of continuing to move forward, it directly changed the direction.

It stood upright and pointed at the snowfield below that was no different from the surrounding area.

At the same time, the fluttering voice sounded.

"That's it, you can start digging."

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment: "Dig?"

"Yes it is."

There was a hint of seriousness and solemnity in that voice, obviously this was an extremely important thing.

"Remember, you should be gentle when digging, and don't use any breath, otherwise it will destroy that thing."

Li Zedao looked at that piece of snow, frowned slightly, with a trace of alert in his eyes, and asked, "Actually, you can dig by yourself, can't you?"

The woman said, "I can't dig by myself."

Li Zedao is reluctant to listen to these words. The thing is clearly left here by yourself. Since you could bury it here before, why can't you dig it out now?

Don't try to lie to my son, he is the top student in the college entrance examination, and he is very clever.

The woman continued: "Because I am just a soul trapped in the snow now, I can burst out with powerful pressure, can stun the powerful beast of the ice dragon, and can easily kill the black fox clan. The ladyboy, there is no way to dig out that thing without using any breath like you."

Li Zedao frowned slightly, if she really did what she said, there was indeed no way to gently dig out the thing without using any breath.

But what is it? Why did this woman hide this thing here?

What happened between her and Donghuang Qiankun?

Knowing that this woman would not answer any of his own questions, Li Zedao didn't ask much. He said, "It's difficult..."

The voice did not change: "No, I can't do it."

According to this woman, he can't use any breath, which means that he has to completely restrain the breath of his body without making any resistance, so that he can become a person without any cultivation.

In normal times, it is natural that the breath has completely converged, but the key is the existence of terrifying coercion.

In such a place, if the body's breath is reduced, his soul will be hit hard in an instant, and even his soul will be scattered.

"I know."

"So I will arrange a defensive soul formation to protect you, but even so, the pressure from the original soul formation will still penetrate in. Although it is weak, it is because you completely converge your breath without making any resistance, so Your soul will still be damaged."

"But don't worry, that kind of damage won't let your soul fly away. After that, I will give you an Ice Dragon Core, which will protect you."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, only then did he understand that this woman's soul would be damaged before.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, without hesitation, and said, "Since this is the case, let's start."

"You have a good rest first, I will set up a defensive soul formation."

Li Zedao nodded.

A few sticks of incense time passed, Li Zedao clearly discovered that the powerful pressure that had always been shrouded around him suddenly became extremely weak.

If the previous coercion is like the huge waves set off by violent storms, they continue to invade the coast that will be washed away at any time.

Then the current pressure is like the calm sea, sparkling in the sunshine, extremely quiet and beautiful.

It is conceivable that the woman has already arranged the defensive soul formation.

Moreover, this defensive soul formation was able to withstand such a terrifying coercion, one can imagine how powerful this defensive soul formation is.

A box that looked quaint and exuded a terrifying coldness appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"After finding that thing, put it in this box."

Li Zedao looked at the box and nodded slightly, indicating that he was clear.

"Even if it's me, there is no way to support this defensive soul formation for too long, so you can start."

Li Zedao took a deep breath, no longer hesitating, his mind moved slightly, and he did his best to completely converge his breath.

In an instant, the originally sparkling calm sea suddenly became irritable again, and the huge wave that was set off suddenly hit Li Zedao’s small boat, almost not smashing the small boat. .

Li Zedao's face turned pale all of a sudden, his body trembled uncontrollably, and blood flowed out of the corners of his mouth uncontrollably.

"Remember, don't use any breath, otherwise that thing will be destroyed. At that time, I won't let you die easily."

In this originally soft and beautiful voice, there was a chilling murderous aura.

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