Li Zedao naturally didn't think this woman was joking with him, if he used the slightest breath, he was afraid that it would really be ruined.

He was actually curious what it was.

Especially when he learned that the ultimate goal of Qinglong and Donghuang Taiyi was actually to get that thing, he was even more curious.

So even if this woman did not give such a murderous reminder, Li Zedao would never want to destroy such a thing.

At the moment the extremely trembling body was lying on the icy snowy ground, while enduring the pain caused by the constant heavy blows of the soul, while extending the extremely trembling hand, began to dig extremely hard. That snow.

The originally soft snow turned out to be unusually hard at this time. The coldness made Li Zedao's thin body freeze instantly.

Even though the woman in the past would not be buried deep in the thing, the continuous falling snowflakes continued to fall to the ground and piled up, making the thing extremely deep.

I don’t know how long it took, Li Zedao relied on those hands that had already lost consciousness completely, and even only bones were left, and quite mechanically dug a big hole that was as high as a person there, and he was curled up in that hole. The hand was still digging subconsciously.

His chest had long been stained red by blood.

His whole person was even more tranced, and the constant pressure not only damaged his soul, but also suffered a heavy blow to his soul.

Li Zedao knew that he could not support it for too long, and he was really going to lose his soul before digging into the words that the woman said to take things.

At this moment, Li Zedao's stiff hand suddenly touched a foreign object.

It seemed to be a bit soft and warm, so that his stiff body suddenly became a little warmer.

Li Zedao actually stretched his hand back subconsciously as if he touched a poisonous snake.

His soul became a little chaotic because of the heavy damage to his soul, and he immediately became tense, and he took a closer look at the moment.

But there was a transparent round sphere that looked like an ice sculpture lying there quietly.

This sphere is about the size of a baby's fist, and it is constantly emitting a mysterious glow and a hint of warmth.

"Isn't it this ball?"

This thought just came to Li Zedao’s mind. The woman’s voice was already rippling in her ears, but she seemed so excited and hastily: “It’s this thing, hurry up, pick it up and put it in the box I gave you before. in."

Li Zedao himself wondered what this sphere was, but something that could make such a powerful person so valued was naturally not a mortal thing.

The last words took out the cold box, opened it, and then reached out and carefully picked up the ball that seemed so mysterious.

It was warm at first, and it turned out to be soft. This reminded Li Zedao instinctively of something, which seemed to have such a charming touch, soft and warm, which made people love it.

Of course, the thing Li Zedao had seen was a big circle bigger than the eyeball.

In short, his originally stiff body showed a hint of warmth again, and he was reluctant to let it go.

"Don't use any breath, quickly put it into the box carefully." The woman's voice solemnly urged.

She was really afraid that this person whose soul had been severely damaged would subconsciously use his aura to resist the terrifying coercion that enveloped this space, and this thing would be destroyed by then.

Li Zedao asked subconsciously: "I don't know what this is."

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi let these core children of the Eastern Royal family, especially because he entered this snowy territory for this thing? If you hadn't met this woman, how lucky would you be to go deep into such a deep place and dug so deep before digging out this thing?

"It doesn't matter to you what it is."

There was a hint of coldness in the woman's voice, and she was obviously quite dissatisfied that Li Zedao didn't put this thing in the box quickly at this time, and was still asking questions.

Li Zedao thought about it, no longer entangled with what it was, and now he put the ball into the box with a little care.

"Cover it." The woman's ears rang in Li Zedao's ears, with uncontrollable excitement.

Li Zedao Yiyan covered it.

The moment the cover was closed, the only trace of warmth was instantly isolated and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, a powerful breath attached to the box.


The box broke free of Li Zedao's hand in an instant, flew out of the snow pit, and lost its trace.

Li Ze said clearly, it seemed that this special box could perfectly guarantee that the thing would not be disturbed by any aura.

At this moment, the light and noble voice that had returned to the past fell: "You don't need to constrain your breath now."

Hearing this, Li Zedao was relieved, and quickly released the breath that had been suppressed for a long time.

In an instant, the coercive pressure that resembled a stormy sea was instantly resisted, and the organic aura in the body began to repair Li Zedao's stiff body and the extremely damaged soul.

Later, Li Zedao swallowed several pills.

It's just that the damage suffered by Li Zedao's soul was so severe that he still tranced extremely badly, and his expression was extremely wilting.

"I hope your luck is enough to support you until this snowy region becomes unstable again."

The fluttering voice fell, but there was a hint of coldness that made Li Zedao's heart tremble violently.

He raised his head to look at the gloomy sky the size of a well, with snowflakes falling gently, and those snowflakes seemed to be wrapped in the haze of death, and looked lifeless.

He probably knew what this woman wanted to do, but he was unwilling to ask: "What do you mean by this?"

"You are very shameless, very narcissistic, and your luck is against the sky."

"It's not unreasonable that Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Mr. Qinglong pin their hopes of finding this thing on you. After all, you still found this thing and dug it out."

Li Zedao was silent, is this luck? It seems that at least the core children of the Eastern Royal Family, including the strongest Eastern Emperor Ling'er and Eastern Emperor Mei'er, are all gone, but he is still alive, and he really found such a thing, luck is indeed good.

"Of course, you are not stupid, so you know what I mean."

This woman's voice has a touch of incomparable nobility, as if the object of her speech was nothing but an ant.

She was able to bend down and say a few words to this ant, which was already a great gift for this ant.

All that ant needs to do is to be flattered and to be grateful.

Li Zedao's complexion instantly became extremely ugly, and blood slowly flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"You said you want to take me out of this snowy area, and you promised to give me an ice dragon core." Li Zedao gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, he was helpless, aggrieved, and angry.

He thinks that few women can block his overwhelming charm, but now he has been pitted by a woman, which makes him lose face, which is simply a shame.

The voice no longer continued to fall with the snowflakes. Obviously, this woman had her own identity, and she was already disdainful to say a word to him.

The whole world was shrouded in absolute silence, and even the sound of snow falling to the ground seemed to have disappeared.

After that, the defensive soul formation that shrouded here and barely resisted the terrifying coercion that erupted from the snow mountain suddenly disappeared without a trace.

For a while, the terrifying coercion came over without warning.

Li Zedao could barely withstand this coercion, but at this time his soul was extremely damaged, his breath was consumed too much, and the coercion appeared so violently without warning.

Just like the flood that suddenly broke the dam, the horrible destructive power directly makes people desperate.

As a result, Li Zedao's soul suffered a terrifying blow again, blood spurted out uncontrollably, and his eyes became extremely dark.

A very faint figure stood quietly among the snowflakes, as if it merged with the snowflakes. If you don't look closely, you won't be able to see its existence at all.

"Let me take a closer look at how good your luck is," she said in a voice that only she could hear.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao suddenly opened his eyes, and the darkness in front of him had disappeared a bit.

He gritted his teeth vigorously, and the body that was already frozen in the ice shook slightly, and the ice that had condensed on him shattered instantly.

He swallowed a few pills again, replenished his breath a little, and suppressed a little injury, and then stood up with difficulty, crawling out of the hole he had dug out before expending a lot of energy.

Then he couldn't hold it anymore, lying on his body embarrassedly, and there were countless eye-catching red spots on the surrounding snow.

After taking a rest for a while, Li Zedao struggled to take out the soul card given by the black fox princess to guide the direction of the snowy mountain, and moved in the opposite direction, leaving extremely slowly. This would crush his soul to pieces at any time. Space of horror.

Finally, he was like a falling dog, almost exhausted all his breath, and finally climbed out of the pressure zone in the middle circle, and the pressure around him suddenly weakened several times.

While Li Zedao exhaled heavily, he lay on the snow in embarrassment, unable to move for a while.

He looked at the gloomy sky with constant snow falling, and felt the constant snow falling on his face, and felt the coolness of the snow.

Li Zedao liked this kind of coolness very much, because he felt that it meant that he could not die temporarily, but even the soul was severely damaged, which meant that he was not too far away from Soul Feipao San.

If there were no more powerful heavenly materials like the pill core of the ice dragon to nourish and repair his soul, he would not even be able to leave this dangerous snowy region.

At this time, he was extremely weak, let alone encountering a powerful beast like an ice dragon, just lying like this, his life would also be quickly lost.

But the helplessness, grievance and anger in my heart have disappeared.

At this point, those negative emotions are not only useless, but will only seriously affect his emotions.

Moreover, it was just an oral agreement, and the party in absolute strength was entitled to tear up the oral agreement at any time.

At this moment, those eyes looking at the gloomy sky were only left with a strong desire to survive.

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