The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2932: Ice Dragon Core

Li Zedao took out a few pills again, stuffed them into his mouth, and slowly replenished the few remaining breath.

After half an hour, he supported the extremely stiff body and continued to move forward in the opposite direction as shown by the soul card.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that this soul card was refined by the black fox clan, and the end point it led was naturally the snow mountain that made them extremely awe-inspiring, but the starting point was the black fox nest.

Therefore, Li Zedao's retreat route at this time has naturally deviated from the route led by the previous arrow.

Of course, even if he knew about this, Li Zedao would not go back to the Black Fox Nest stupidly. Once he withdrew from the coercive zone of the outer circle, Li Zedao would naturally not continue to follow the direction opposite to the direction pointed by the soul card. okay.

What Li Zedao didn't even know was that a snowflake was following him quietly.

Of course, this snowflake is no different from the thousands of snowflakes that are constantly falling. No one will find that there is a problem with this snowflake.

Wriggling forward slowly, Li Zedao suddenly noticed a slight movement in front of him. At the moment, his heart shrank slightly and at the same time he stopped moving forward, his eyes showed strong vigilance.

At the same time, there were a few big idiots in his left hand, and a sword shining with cold light in his right hand.

It seemed to be a slight movement from an unknown beast.

It's just that the fierce beast obviously didn't notice that someone was approaching, so Li Zedao only caught the slight movement, but didn't notice any hostility.

After hesitating, Li Zedao decided to go to find out.

It stands to reason that in his current state, it is not suitable to meet any beasts at all. The best thing to do at this time is to run away immediately, not to approach quietly.

But I don't know which muscle is wrong, or curiosity suddenly bursts, or anyway, it's almost gone, and the fear of death has faded.

In short, Li Zedao wanted to see why the fierce beast entered this outer circle of pressure that logically kept them away.

Could it be that this fierce beast, like that powerful woman, hides its treasures in such a place?

As soon as this kind of thought appeared in his mind, Li Zedao's idea of ​​wanting to find out was naturally strengthened.

About tens of meters ahead, Li Zedao clearly saw a hole on the ground in front of him that was about the same size as the one he had dug before.

It is not clear how deep the pit is, but the slight movement that I have noticed before originates from this pit.

However, I saw ice and snow constantly protruding from the pit. I can imagine that there are fierce beasts digging pits there, and I don't know what they are looking for.

Li Zedao frowned slightly and decided to watch the changes.

He condensed his mind, hiding his body quietly in the soft snow, only showing a pair of eyes.

After a few sticks of incense, no more ice and snow were pushed out of the pit, but at the same time, there was a greater movement from the pit.

It seems that the fierce beast inside has dug something and is carrying it towards the entrance of the cave.

After a few breaths, something was pushed out of the pit and fell into Li Zedao's eyes.

When he saw that thing clearly, Li Zedao's breathing was stagnant for an instant, his eyes rounded suddenly, and a wave rose in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Because that thing was a part of the human body that he was quite familiar with, it was a mutilated corpse!

From that shape, it is the part of the human thoracic cavity, and it is also male.

The corpse didn't know how long it had been frozen, it was shriveled but pale and looked a little scary.


The snowflake hidden among the countless snowflakes made a strange sound that Li Zedao could not hear at all.

Before Li Zedao could react from that kind of consternation, a furry big head came out of the pit, and a beast with an adult-sized beast appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"This is... Snow Rabbit?"

After seeing the beast clearly, Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Xuetu is not small, he is extremely mild-tempered and extremely timid. Although it is fast, he is not aggressive.

From a scientific point of view, snow rabbits are at the bottom of the food chain and are born to be eaten.

It's just that such an extremely timid snow hare will appear in the coercive area that the fierce beasts can't avoid, which makes people wonder.

But seeing the adult-sized rabbit in front of him drilled out of the pit, the ruby-like eyes looked at the corpse in front of him with great joy, as if it weren’t a piece of meat that had been frozen for a long time. It is an extremely fresh carrot.

The next moment, the rabbit's paw was pressed on the corpse.


A harsh but terrifying sound sounded, and the corpse was torn in half by it.

Thinking that it was a human corpse, Li Zedao's scalp went numb uncontrollably, a little sick.

It stands to reason that the snow hare is a vegetarian, but this snow hare not only digs out the corpse that I don’t know how long it has been buried, but also tears it apart... Isn’t the snow hare in this primitive space an ordinary snow hare?

But Xuetu didn't start chewing the corpse as Li Zedao had imagined. Instead, two paws picked up half of the corpse and looked at it, and then its bright red eyes revealed a more full-bodied look. Rejoicing, as if to find some treasure.

Just as Li Zedao wondered what the Snow Rabbit was doing, Snow Rabbit took out something from the corpse.

It seems to be a chubby hockey puck with the thickness of a thumb!

The hockey puck looks so transparent, like a crystal, and it exudes a weird and extremely cold.

"This turned out to be... the core of the ice dragon?"

Feeling the coldness from the hockey puck clearly, Li Zedao's eyeballs almost jumped out of his eye sockets, his mind roared violently, and a violent violent violent rise in his heart, seriously doubting whether his eyes were misreading.

So he closed his eyes and opened it subconsciously, and almost slapped himself in the face without holding back.

No mistake, this shape, this unique coldness, is indeed the core of the ice dragon!

In fact, Li Zedao had never seen the core of the ice dragon, but the patriarch of the clan used to take a bottle of pills made with the core of the ice dragon, so Li Zedao was also very familiar with this unique coldness.

Presumably, this rabbit at the bottom of the food chain could only escape into this terrifying and oppressive area in order to avoid being attacked by natural enemies. However, he accidentally noticed the existence of the ice dragon core, so he dug out the corpse. .

It's just that how could there be the core of the ice dragon in this corpse?

While there were many doubts in his mind, Li Zedao's eyes had already become extremely hot.

His soul was severely damaged, and he needed the Ice Dragon Core to repair it.

I thought I was going to die here, but I didn't expect that such an ice dragon core was like a pie that fell from the sky, just like that, it hit him on the head.

Li Zedao couldn't help feeling that the charm of this young man was really extraordinary. You see, even the goddess of luck was fascinated by him and always looked after him.

"Grab! Grab his mother!" Li Zedao's eyes became extremely evil.

In his eyes, the fluffy snow rabbit turned into a little kid who was holding a lollipop and was about to lick it.


That piece of snowflakes, which looked indistinguishable from the countless snowflakes, once again let out a stunned sound that seemed so strong, and obviously did not expect that there was an ice dragon core hidden in the corpse.

"In such a desperate situation, you can still get such an ice dragon core! Is his luck really so unreasonable?"


A stronger sound of astonishment sounded.

"This is... the center of the earth? He actually has the center of the earth?"

The Snow Rabbit who got the Ice Dragon Core is extremely excited.

As Li Zedao had guessed, in order to avoid the attacks of heaven and earth, it had to escape into this terrifying area.

I wanted to leave quickly, but inadvertently noticed an aura full of temptation for it, so he resisted the fear and started digging.

Unexpectedly, such an ice dragon core was successfully dug out.

Its round ruby ​​eyes stared at the ice dragon core, and the next moment, like a gluttonous child, he would stuff the ice dragon core into his mouth.

At this moment, the space in front was torn open, and a hand stretched out from the torn space without warning.

Snow Rabbit is known for its vigilance and speed, but it also knows that those powerful beasts will basically not enter this place, plus it is planning to enjoy this ice dragon core, which undoubtedly makes it less vigilant.

So before Snow Rabbit could react, that hand already grabbed the Ice Dragon Core on its paw.


The hand disappeared.

Snow Rabbit's precious red eyes were suddenly rounded, and he looked at his empty paws with a dazed expression, and he couldn't react for a long time.

At this moment, Xuetu noticed a fierce killing intent coming, and he couldn't care about it at the moment, let out a strange cry, and escaped without a trace.

Li Zedao appeared out of thin air, sat down in front of the corpse, his face pale and decadent.

He had just used the center of the earth, perfectly making himself a part of this space, and grabbed the Ice Dragon Core in Snow Rabbit's hand, but almost consumed the remaining breath.

But his eyes are very bright, full of surprise and hope.

If it wasn't for the pain, he would even want to slap himself a big slap in the face to see if he was dreaming.

Worried about the tragedy of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, Li Zedao hurriedly stuffed the ice dragon core, which appeared quite timely in his hand, into his mouth and swallowed it, closed his eyes, and began to repair his extremely damaged one. Soul.

In his soul, Die Yi was bitterly criticizing the center of the earth, as if he had done something wicked.

"Little stone, how can you be so self-willed to fall into weakness and be used by this weak and shameless guy? This shameless person is really not worthy of the strength and nobility of you and me."

"Little Rock, you should study like this son, you don’t want to be a shameless fellow like a bird..."

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