This Qianqiansu hand that suddenly emerged from the snow was not as soft and gentle as a lover. Instead, it was cold and biting, like a poisonous snake, it was about to entangle Li Zedao's foot fiercely, and then took a fierce bite.

At the same time, a sharp whistling sound that almost knew the sound made by the black fox princess before suddenly broke out on this calm snowy field and spread far away.

Li Zedao's body took a halt, and his face was as pale as the snow around him, and his scalp became numb.

He knew better than anyone, what this screaming sound meant.

It means that many of the black fox clan shemales, and even the black fox patriarch, will soon surround them.

At the moment, his figure flashed, and while getting rid of the entanglement of the hand that looked like a poisonous snake, a fierce sword aura burst out suddenly, like a fierce lightning, and fiercely struck that hand.


The ice and snow under the soles of the feet exploded violently.

Among the snow flying in the sky, a black figure broke out of the ice.

The hand that resembled a poisonous snake had an extra black umbrella that exuded this cold breath, and that black umbrella directly blocked Li Zedao's sword energy.


The terrifying sword aura slammed on the black umbrella, and the strong sword aura overflowed, smashing countless wind and snow.

Under the black umbrella, the black shadow paused slightly, but his hands were numb, but the surface of the black umbrella did not leave any traces.

Li Zedao looked at the black umbrella, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a strong sense of powerlessness felt in his heart.

Although he had entered the same state, he still couldn't help this black umbrella, just like the former Donghuang Linger Donghuang Meier couldn't help the black fox princess two men holding the black umbrella.

Under the black umbrella is a woman dressed in black.

In terms of looks and temperament, this woman is naturally inferior to Princess Black Fox, but she is also extremely beautiful.

Moreover, this face Li Zedao is quite familiar.

Because she was one of the subordinates of the black fox princess that she had encountered before, at that time Li Zedao also used a **** plum to torture her to death.

So the woman looked at Li Zedao’s big eyes without the slightest warm emotions, only endless coldness, only strong viciousness and viciousness, and she also showed a trace of playfulness from time to time, just like watching one fall into a trap. Like a dying mouse.

Being stared at by such a pair of terrifying eyes, Li Zedao's scalp became even more numb.

He knew better than anyone that he couldn't go on like this. He had to get rid of this woman as soon as possible, otherwise he would really be dead when the other members of the black fox clan arrived.

Looking at the black umbrella, Li Zedao's eyes became hot, he took a deep breath and slammed the long sword in his hand.

In an instant, the countless snowflakes that were falling down suddenly stagnated, and then they began to spin quickly, but the breath turned into a small sword with icy light gleaming.

This is a rain of swords about to pour down.

The woman raised her head slightly, looking at the countless small swords above her head, a slight sneer was outlined at the corner of her mouth.

The outsider was injured and suffered a lot, and he could even escape from the princess, so the woman would not look down on each other, on the contrary, she gave the outsider the greatest attention.

That's why, as soon as she found this outsider, she immediately sent a message to her people, and didn't want to keep it by herself.

But paying attention to paying attention to it, she didn't think that such a sword rain could bring any threat to her.

This sword rain was not much different from the lightning-like sword just now.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth abruptly, pressing down the long sword in his hand.

The sword rain that was ready to go poured down with a kind of power to destroy the land.

The disdain at the corner of the woman's mouth under the black umbrella was even worse, and she shook hands with the black umbrella.

How can such a few broken swords pierce her black soul umbrella and hurt her?

As for wanting to take this opportunity to escape...your speed, am I faster?

"Bah! Bah! Bah..."

Countless snow swords kept stabbing on the black umbrella, but it broke instantly, and there was no way to pierce the black umbrella, even leaving a trace on it.

The woman under the black umbrella paused, her wrists numb, and she was not affected by the sword rain.

The pity in her ferocious eyes was even worse.

She already felt the breath of the people coming here, fearing that she could arrive after a dozen breaths.

So, why do you waste your energy?

"Bah! Bah! Bah..."

More snow swords fiercely pierced the black umbrella in the woman's hand, and also pierced the snow around the woman, swaying countless crushed ice and snow.

Then, the woman only felt a few rippling snowflakes, which slightly hindered her vision.

Then, her eyes flashed.

Then, her eyes went round, as if she had seen a ghost.

Because the outsider who seemed to her to be a waste of energy suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The woman thinks that whether he goes to the sky or the earth, with her cultivation level, she can easily see the trajectory he is moving, and she can block his way in time.

But now, the woman couldn't see any trajectory he was moving, and he just disappeared without any reason.

So this powerful black fox clan was immediately stunned for a while, and subconsciously wanted to close his eyes to see if he was dreaming.

At this moment, the woman already smelled a hint of danger.

The danger was very close to, not very close, it was right in front of her, not even close at hand.

The woman's body became tight in an instant, and the powerful aura would burst out from anywhere in her body.

At this moment, a cold black ball suddenly appeared out of thin air on the woman's arm that was holding the black umbrella.

Before the woman could react, this cold black ball suddenly exploded, making a deafening muffled noise.

In the next moment, countless thick black smoke burst out, instantly swallowing the woman in it.

This black ball that appeared suddenly is naturally a big fool.

Li Zedao first used the center of the earth to hide his breath perfectly, then quietly came to the woman, and directly detonated a big idiot in her hand holding the black umbrella.

The big fool's explosive power naturally couldn't hurt this ladyboy, and the black mist couldn't poison this ladyboy.

But this sudden explosion was enough to blow up this woman's Qianqiansu hand, enough to make this woman's heart upset.

Sure enough, the hand of this ladyboy who was not under Li Zedao's strength was directly blown to blood by the big idiot, and he couldn't hold the black umbrella even more.

At the same time, that powerful breath finally broke out from the woman.

In an instant, countless blizzards were even more avalanche gestures, crushing in all directions.

At the moment when countless blizzards broke out, the figure of the woman was already several feet away.

Her chest rose and fell abnormally, and she glanced at her own **** hands, those eyes were full of horror.

Looking up at the thick black fog in front under the bombardment of her powerful aura, it was really hard to accept all of this.

She was actually hurt by this outsider!

What's even more humiliating is that she doesn't even know where the others are! She couldn't capture any of his breath! She was injured inexplicably like this!

His hiding methods were so terrifying, it is no wonder that he could escape from Lord Princess.

But breathing, the thick black fog dissipated.

The surrounding ice and snow were already shattered, and there were countless shocking cracks in the snow.

At this moment, the woman's eyeballs widened again, and the eyeballs were about to jump out of her eye sockets, and the graceful body still paused violently.

Because, as the thick black fog dissipated, her black umbrella, which she had just let go, also disappeared.

Therefore, not only was he injured, but even the Black Soul Umbrella was snatched away by him!

The extremely humiliating emotions instantly filled the woman's entire chest, making her want to grow up to the sky and let out an angry roar.

At this moment, she clearly felt the familiar breath, and quickly closed the open mouth that was about to roar, and swallowed back the roar that was about to come out of her throat.

She lowered her head, and her whole person became so at a loss, as if she was about to face the teacher's wrongdoing elementary school student.

"Swish! Swish! Swish..."

A weird voice sounded, counting until the black figure flew out of the ice and snow.

Headed by the black fox princess!

The slightly distorted face of Princess Black Fox was filled with a strong evil spirit. Her black hole-like eyes swept around, but she didn't see the cunning and shameless person who she wanted him to regret but was still alive.

"What about people?" she yelled at the woman, her face distorted again.

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura that erupted from the princess, the woman's heart was even more disturbed, her body trembled slightly, and she cautiously said, ""

"Run?" Princess Black Fox's body stiffened suddenly.

The woman's body trembled more severely, but she did not dare to hide it, and said: "He, he also snatched the Black Soul Umbrella..."

Princess Black Fox's body was stiff again.

Afterwards, her black hole-like eyes stared at the tribe, and she uttered two words without emotion: "Trash!"

The woman's complexion became stiff, and she felt unconvinced.

Since the outsider can escape from your princess, he is naturally more capable of escaping from me. Why do you say that I am a trash?

If I am a trash, what are you princess?

Of course, this kind of remark is just thinking about it in my heart, and it is absolutely impossible to say it.

The black fox princess keenly caught the flash of resistance in the eyes of this tribe, which undoubtedly made her even more angry.

A snowflake falling on her side suddenly froze down, and immediately carried countless coldness, and rolled towards the woman.

The woman's face turned pale, but she did not dare to have the slightest resistance.

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