The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2939: Black Fox Dan


The snowflake pierced into the woman's chest extremely ruthlessly, but it came out from the woman's back in an instant, and finally landed.

At this time, the originally white and flawless snowflake had already been dyed black, and black blood spurted from the woman's chest and back.

For a while, countless shocking ink dots appeared on the snow-white ground, and a strong smell of blood filled the entire space.

The woman's face turned pale, her delicate body trembled for a moment, and then she fell softly among the stars and ink dots, with thick black blood flowing from the corners of her mouth.

"What are you still doing? Don't you hurry up and look for it?"

Princess Black Fox said expressionlessly to the few chilling clansmen behind her.

Each of these ladyboys was so scared that they were sweating coldly in their hearts, and there was a trace of sympathy in the eyes of the woman, and they hurried into the ground again to search for the **** outsider.

Princess Black Fox’s eyes resembling a black hole once again fell on the clansman who was vomiting blood, and spit out a few words coldly: “You go to the bottom of the Xueyuan now.”

After speaking, Princess Black Fox also disappeared.

When the woman heard this, her body trembled violently, her heart was full of fear, and her eyes showed dead gray.

In fact, the bottom of Xueyuan is the natural execution ground designated by the black fox clan, and any clansmen who make mistakes will be sent to the bottom of that Xueyuan.

If he could stay at the bottom of Xueyuan for three full days, he would have accepted the punishment.

Of course, those creatures who dare to provoke the black fox clan will first be beaten to death, and then thrown down to the bottom of Xueyuan, letting them fend for themselves.

The bottom of Xueyuan is an extremely dangerous place, and the woman knows better than anyone else. In the case of losing the Black Soul Umbrella, she wants to stay there for three days with her cultivation base. Even if she doesn't lose her soul, she will suffer extremely serious damage.

The danger is second. The key is that the woman is extremely unconvinced and extremely angry.

Her dead gray eyes were red, and her body trembled extremely because of anger.

She didn't make a mistake at all, why should the princess punish her?

If it is wrong to say that it was not possible to stop the outsider, then the princess who was responsible for looking after the outsider but allowed him to escape into this oppressive place made a bigger mistake?

Taking a deep breath, the woman swallowed a pill, which slightly eased her injury.

She struggled to get up and walked forward, full of anger and unwillingness.

Even if she is not convinced or angry, she still has to go to the bottom of Xueyuan to stay for three days, otherwise, what awaits her will be more severe punishment, and will even be expelled from the black fox nest.

At this moment, her trembling body suddenly stiffened because of pain and anger.

After that, she turned around with difficulty, and the suddenly round eyes showed all kinds of strong emotions.

Anger, unwillingness, grievance, fear, hatred, all kinds of emotions, are very strong, making her face extremely ugly.

Then, she would once again whistle up to the sky to deliver news to her people.

"Why bother?"

Li Zedao, who appeared extremely weak, gave her a wry smile and interrupted her.

He looked at this woman, swallowed a pill, and said, "When your tribes came, this son would have run away. By that time, Princess Black Fox is afraid that it will not only hurt you seriously, but will also send you away. Getting to the bottom of Xue Yuan is as simple as she is afraid that she will kill you in public to vent your anger."

Using the center of the earth to hide his traces was about to squeeze the heavenly breath in his body, so he was indeed very weak now.

But wanting to get rid of this same badly injured ladyboy, Li Zedao can still do it.

The woman's stiff body paused slightly, her expression changed.

The whistling sound that had already rushed to the throat could not be heard anymore.

She had to admit that the person in front of her who had escaped from the black fox clan several times by her own strength has caused the black fox clan to suffer a great humiliation, and now it is the right person to force the entire black fox clan to come out of the nest. .

If this **** outsider "ran away" from her hands again, Princess Princess would really kill her.

"what do you want?"

She took a deep breath and wiped off the blood at the corner of her mouth.

Since this outsider chose to show up in front of her, it was of course not to kill her, but to have another plan, otherwise he could continue to sneak attacks rather shamelessly.

Glancing at his still **** hands, remembering that the Black Soul Umbrella had been taken away by him, the woman's face was even more distorted, and the scarlet eyes showed strong hatred.

"I want to leave this coercive zone."

Li Zedao ignored the strong resentment in the woman's eyes, and did not hide his thoughts at all.

He looked at the woman sincerely and said: "I want to escape the pursuit of the black fox clan, I need you to find a way to help me."

The woman's eyes changed when she looked at Li Zedao, and the muscles on her face twitched uncontrollably.

She looked at Li Zedao with an idiotic look, and said, "Are you serious?"

Li Zedao's expression became even more sincere. He looked at the woman very seriously and said: "I have never been so serious like I am now."

The woman turned around and left. She felt that there was a problem with the outsider's mind.

She didn't want to kill him, not because she didn't want to, but she didn't have any certainty of killing him.

She didn't send a signal, let alone didn't want to, but because she didn't want to be killed by Princess Princess.

So let this guy mistakenly think that their relationship is good? Is he an idiot?

How could she help him escape the pursuit of the black fox clan?

She feels that making such a request is simply humiliating her to death. She also comes from the black fox family, okay?

Li Zedao said: "Your princess is too much."

The woman suddenly turned around, staring at Li Zedao murderously, and whispered: "Do you want to die?"

Li Zedao said seriously: "She can't stop me, let alone you, but she vents her anger on you... You and I are enemies, so naturally I won't feel worthless for you, or even see You were seriously injured by the black fox princess, and I am quite happy."


The woman's face became a bit ugly again.

She really couldn't understand why she didn't kill him yet.

Li Zedao continued: "But there is a naturally growing and kind-hearted me in my bones. I am quite disdainful of your princess's actions. She shouldn't hurt you, let alone say that you are a waste..."

The woman couldn't help interrupting Li Zedao's words: "You outsiders, are you as shameless as you?"

Li Zedao didn't answer this question, his face was as serious as he always said, "As long as you help my son, my son can return the black umbrella to you."

Shameless your sister, when was my son shameless?

"You should know that without the Black Soul Umbrella, with your strength, you can't leave the bottom of Xueyuan alive."

"Even, my son can accompany you to the bottom of Xueyuan and spend those three days with you."

The woman's body stiffened suddenly, and she looked at the shameless person with an extremely weird look.

Li Zedao said, "What do you think?"

The woman didn't respond immediately. She lowered her head and glanced at the shocking wound on her chest, and the cold words that wanted to make quite aggrieved and quite angry were constantly lingering in her ears.


Then, her eyes became cold, and she said, "Can I believe you?"

Li Zedao is helpless, isn't such a problem redundant?

Although I think this question is quite redundant, Li Zedao still replied sincerely: "I think you can believe it."

The woman nodded slightly, and said in an extremely serious tone: "I believe you."

Li Zedao is a little confused, how can the creatures living in this primitive space trust others so easily? Too confident or too stupid?

At this moment, the woman took out a black pill that was strangely black and exuded a cold breath.

With a flick of his hand, the pill floated in front of Li Zedao.

"Eat it."

Li Zedao frowned slightly and looked at the pill: "What is this?"

Your sister thinks that this son is just as stupid as you, and believes in someone so easily.

"Black Fox Pill."

"Black Fox Pill?"

The woman said: "As the name suggests, this pill is made from the blood of my black fox clan. On this vast expanse of snow, those poisonous insects and beasts who surrender to my black fox clan must take such a pill. The pill, from then on, it will exude the **** aura that is exactly the same as that of my black fox clan."

Li Zedao opened his eyes slightly, took this black fox pill in his hand, looked at it carefully, and said, "That's it."

If it is as this woman said, then he can indeed leave this pressure zone relatively easily.

"You can think about it. Once you take it, your **** breath will completely cover up the breath of the black fox clan." The woman reminded, "In addition, your blood will turn black."

Li Zedao didn't care: "You can cover it up."

I want to cover up Pangu's blood and aura, that's also good.

Since this woman didn't doubt him at all, Li Zedao naturally had to do the same, so he swallowed this black fox pill without hesitation.

In the next moment, Li Zedao felt this black fox pill quickly shuttle in his blood, so his blood directly condensed into ice.

But breathe, "Kang Dang!" A broken voice sounded.

The blood that had condensed into ice burst out, and then disappeared into the invisible.

And as the blood disappeared, new blood rushed out of this black fox pill, quickly flooding Li Zedao's entire body, completely immersing his soul in it.

Li Zedao clearly felt that the blood was black, like ink.

At the same time, Li Zedao's pupils became darker, revealing bursts of fierce aura.

The woman frowned and looked at Li Zedao, puzzled: "Your eyes have changed. It just proves that the black fox pill has covered your original blood aura, but why is there still nothing in my black fox clan? breath?"


Li Ze was stunned, so he decisively took off the "thousand faces" on his face and said, "What about now?"

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