The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2964: Black bug

How could Donghuang Xiaochen be a powerhouse at the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of Guiyi Realm? Shouldn't he be in the great realm?

What made them even more horrified was that a year ago, Donghuang Xiaochen was still a useless person who couldn't even reach the threshold of the great realm!

And now he turned out to be the cultivation base of the top grade peak of Guiyi Realm!

The skyrocketing of this level of cultivation is simply unheard of before!

This is an absolute genius who has completely awakened... No, this is a monster!

If he continues to grow, in the near future, his strength will surpass the Eastern Emperor Sage without any suspense.

So, this is the most important reason why Father Father gave the Glory Token to him for safekeeping?

The feelings of the old lady and the second lady became extremely complicated, because they were the hands behind this "farce", and it was they who pushed Donghuang Xiaochen to the current situation.

Their original intention was to completely ruin Donghuang Xiaochen, disgusting the third wife, and at the same time questioned the father's hand over the glory token to Donghuang Xiaochen.

What they didn't expect was that the third lady also wanted to ruin Donghuang Xiaochen, who was her biological son.

What made them even more unexpected was that Donghuang Xiaochen unexpectedly exploded with such a powerful strength.

Now they are equivalent to completely offending Donghuang Xiaochen, and their future situation will undoubtedly be quite passive.

Compared with the older lady and the second lady, the third lady's mood is undoubtedly more complicated.

She could have become the master of the Eastern Emperor Villa like the previous lady, relying on the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch, but she was a novice pushing Eastern Emperor Xiaochen into the abyss.

It doesn't matter if you push to the abyss, the key is that Donghuang Xiaochen didn't fall to death, he is still alive, and he will live better in the future.

She was also angry because her own son had concealed his true strength from her mother!

If he hadn't concealed it, his mother would only be sincerely gratified, happy for him, and proud of him, wouldn't he?

Why are you worried that he will lose the Glory Token and have to help him keep the Glory Token?

Others also reacted, all breathing directly stopped, their brains were blank, their eyes were dull, and they looked unbelievable at the white figure on the stage that had become extremely powerful from the original weak and shameless.

It turned out to be the pinnacle of Guiyi Realm!

Just like playing Tangshan in the past, Donghuang Xiaochen has once again hidden himself! He turned out to be the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of Guiyi Realm!

Isn't he too shameless to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger like this?

"Guiyi Realm, the pinnacle of the lower grade..."

After being silent for a long time, Eastern Emperor Taiyi sighed: "I knew he was hiding, but I never thought it turned out to be the pinnacle of the Guiyi Realm. This really makes no sense at all."

Mr. Qinglong didn't have too many surprises, and said, "That ant, you can't treat him with common sense."

Donghuang Tai looked at Mr. Qinglong and asked seriously, "Who is he?"

He knows that these young people are definitely not ordinary people, and his background is probably not small.

Mr. Qinglong was silent and said, "Pangu domain."

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes, which had originally been squinted for me, suddenly widened, showing a shocked expression, and said, "It's not funny at all."

Mr. Qinglong said: "You know, I never make a joke."

"Mr. Qinglong is joking when he says he doesn't know how to joke," said Donghuang Taiyi.

Mr. Qinglong didn't know why, he felt a little bit cold.

If Li Zedao was there, he would tell him why he felt cold.

Because you heard a cold joke.

"We have already investigated clearly. Pangu has opened up the chaotic space that he has imprisoned, and even he has conceived a birth spirit. That ant is a descendant of Pangu, and Pangu asked him to come to this heaven."

Donghuang Taiyi took a breath.

Pangu actually did such a terrifying thing that only Heavenly Father could do?

Mr. Qinglong said seriously: "Pangu's mission is to prevent the sky from destroying the Pangu Region."

Dong Huang Taiyi's face was moved, and she was silent for a long time.

"You... the peak cultivation base of the lower-grade of the Guiyi Realm... You are actually a strong person at the peak cultivation of the lower-grade Guiyi Realm? This is impossible, impossible..."

The unbelievable in Donghuang Dachen's eyes was gradually replaced by strong fear, and the corners of his mouth were constantly flowing with strong blood.

He let out a screaming scream, like crazy.

"I told you before that you can't kill me. The only thing you should do is to be my dog, but you don't believe it." Li Zedao shook his head slightly, expressing quite helplessness.

What I'm telling is the truth, how come no one believes it?

Donghuang Dachen sucked in a big breath, and couldn't help but want to curse. You wouldn't believe Nima's words normally, okay?

Donghuang Dachen was extremely injured, and his trembling legs could no longer support his body. He sat on the ground with his **** and spouted a mouthful of muffled blood.

Then he laughed, and the laughter that seemed so mad but so miserable was obviously extremely irritated.

"Kill me." His eyes became vicious.

Li Zedao said with a serious face: "Kill you, your mother will be sad, so I won't kill you."

Although the feast of the mountain villa is an endless battle, after all, the people present are all powerful people attached to the towering tree of the East Emperor Mountain Villa. Therefore, the victorious party can choose whether to let the other party go or not.

In the past banquets in the mountain villas, very few people would kill them.

So it's not dying, it's just talk about it more often.

I don't know why, Dong Huang Dachen felt that this was very disgusting.

He has taken refuge in the eldest lady and has become the son of the eldest lady. Taking the third lady as a person, it is a great gift not to kill himself with his own hands. How could he be sad?

The third lady looked a little embarrassed, and she also thought these words were quite disgusting.

The second wife and the eldest wife were naturally extremely depressed, but seeing the third wife being so sick at this time, the mood suddenly improved a lot.

At this moment, Li Zedao had the iconic smile of Donghuang Dachen again. The smile was silent and his mouth opened wide, giving people an extremely gloomy and terrifying feeling.

Those around Guiyitai were filled with righteous indignation and wished to spit to death Li Zedao's strong men with their own saliva. At this time, they didn't even have the courage to take another look at the white figure on the stage.

They were terrified in their hearts, and their bodies trembled.

Donghuang Dachen was defeated, and it was their turn next.

Donghuang Xiaochen was afraid that the third wife would be sad, so he didn't want to kill Donghuang Dachen, but that didn't mean that Donghuang Xiaochen would not kill them.

Li Zedao looked at Donghuang Dachen and said with a smile, "I remember I told you just now, you will know what I'm talking about in a while."

Donghuang Dachen's body suddenly stiffened, and a terrifying chill crazily spread across his already extremely damaged soul.

"You... what do you want to do?" he said hard.

"Help you remember how you were my dog ​​before." Li Zedao said with a smile.

The fear in Donghuang Dachen's eyes was even worse. He didn't think this little brother, who was not only useless, but also quite terrifying, was joking with him.

At this moment, a small black bug that didn't know where it came from flew in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked at the black insect with a smile, as if a great craftsman was appreciating a work that made him quite satisfied.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the black bug.

They don't know what kind of poisonous insect it is, and they can't feel any horrible aura of that poisonous insect, it seems that it is a very ordinary insect.

But for some reason, when they saw Donghuang Xiaochen looking at the unknown bug with such eyes, a terrible chill appeared in their hearts, and their souls began to tremble out of control.

The elder lady and the several elders of the Tang family had extremely high attainments in Horcrux after all, so they recognized at a glance that this was probably an insect that was carefully raised with soul.

As for how overbearing this bug is, they don't know much about it.

This is naturally a black soul fly, but it is not a black soul fly carefully raised by the black fox family, but a black soul fly raised by Li Zedao himself.

Li Zedao saw a picture scroll related to raising black soul flies in the black fox nest. He had longed for black soul flies for a long time. Before leaving, he unceremoniously combined the picture scroll and a large number of unborn eggs. take away.

Later, when they were together with the thighs, these worm eggs broke out, and Li Zedao began to raise them according to the description on the picture scroll.

The thigh is obviously an expert in this way. Seeing that this servant couldn't raise even a broken fly, he really lost his face, so he gave free guidance. This really gave Li Zedao a sense of sudden enlightenment, and even more so. Strengthen the faith to hold this thigh tightly!

In just a few days, Li Zedao successfully cultivated a group of black soul flies that belonged only to him.

"Go." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Whoo!" The black soul fly instantly lost its trace.

Only the three powerhouses at the level of the lady could see clearly, the unknown but undoubtedly terrifying little bug suddenly appeared at the corner of Donghuang Dachen’s mouth at an extremely terrifying speed, and then drilled without hesitation. Enter Donghuang Dachen's mouth.

The three ladies and those strong men who could clearly see the movement of the black soul flies all had their scalp numb, and bursts of chills surged in their hearts.

Donghuang Dachen didn't know that such a fly had penetrated his mouth, but his breath had already inhabited his severely damaged soul, ready to bite his soul.

"Enjoy it." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Donghuang Dachen looked terrified, and was about to say something. At this moment, he clearly realized that his soul was bitten by something, and the pain that burst out suddenly was no less than that. The pain caused by the **** plum before being cut.

Donghuang's face suddenly stiffened, and his eyes rounded, filled with intense pain and horror, almost jumped out of his eye sockets.


He let out a terrible scream, and the whole person began to twist and roll on the return stage.

Blood kept coming out of his broken wall, his already bloodless, severely distorted face kept coming out of big beads of sweat.

Everyone watched this horrible scene, and none of their scalp numb violently, and they breathed in cold breath repeatedly.

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